Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Aug 1928, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA DAILY AILY. TIMES THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 1928 PAGE AGE THRER Results of Upper School Examinations Are Annouuced Today BUILDING PERMITS ISSUED THIS WEEK AMOUNT T0 $5,500 Two of the Permits Are for Houses, One on Division Street ! -- Nine building permits; for con struction totalling an estimate of $5,500, have been issued this week at the office -of the city engineer, Two of these permits are for new dwellings. \ A. Milley, 25 Division .street, is bulding a $2,500 brick veneer house on Ritson road, The dwell: ing will contain five rooms and will be a single storey building, with oak floors and fir interor trimming, The other dwelling will be built at 534 Drew atreet by Joseph Recalla, 481 Drew St. It will be one storey high, with concrete block walls, and will cost about $1,200, T, H, Cory, 181 Monk street, has been granted a permit to con- struct a foundation under his frame house at a cost of about $300. Garages are being built by D, Lewis, 407 King Stpaet east, at a cost of $250, W, Jenkins, 223 Bloor street, at a La of $160, and by A, Lapine, 211 Roxborough avenue, at a cost of $150. Led ger's men's wear have been grant. ed permission to erect a $275 elec- tric sign in front of their store at 26 King street east, and M, H, Langmaid, 346 Simcoe street S., 18 building a $50 chicken house, John Pizarchuk 145 Conant street, is building a $600 frame house at 243 Conant street, HOLD FIRST RACE FOR YOUNG BIRDS Oshawa Homing Society Start Second Event--Wot- ten and Merritt Win The Oshawa Homing Society held their first young bird race of the seazon on Saturday last from Brechin, Ont, a distance of 50 miles, Considering the weather condle tions the birds should have made better time but as this was the first race that these birds have been in anything was Hable to happen and with two or three more races over their heads the birds will settle down to their task, The following is the result of the race, Wotten and Merritt he- ing the winners: Wotten and Merritt ,,953.46 ¢, Gudgeon ,, ,, ,.,905.68 Smith Bros.,, ., +...880,85 , @, Gudgeon ,, ,, ...878,66,, W. Roberts ., vs. 878.11 R. Arkwright ,, .,..,.876.88 W. Roberts ,, ,, +..,876,19 R, Arkwright ,, .., ..874,51 ' J. Askew ,, ,, ,.878.28 J, Askew ,, .. ,. ..R68.48 Wotten and Merritt, ,.866.78 Cowle and Rowe ,, ..855.61 C, Sparrow ,, ,+ ..,.855,88 Cowle and Rowe ,, ,.8065.62 C, Sparrow ,, ., +.,.858.49 Dr, Trewin ,., , 85289 V. Whiteley ,, »., +.,.851.00 V. Whiteley ,, n+ +,.848.08 Dr. Trewin ., +», +.,.846.18 E, Burns ,, 841,27 E, Burns ,, ., ., ..8384.32 The next race will be held on Baturday next from Washago, On tario, a distance of 65 miles. A Rotarians Untiring In Efforts to Reach Objective of $8,000 AR Booths Well Taken Care of and All Are Well Patronized -- Trade Brisk from Early Evening Until Midnight -- Officials Elat- ed Over Generous Sup- port of Oshawa People "R-r-rright this way, ladies and gen-n-tlemen. Get the biggest hot dog in town. Only a dime, Ten cents--"", Or perhaps it was a blanket booth, or an ice cream stand, or a horse race, but it was all part of the Rotary Fair last night, as the vicinity of King and Simcoe streets was filled with the bally- hoo of ordinarily quiet, staid busi- ness men, shouting their wares for the benefit of the crippled kid. dies, "You can't lose, folks. (Not more than two-bits)" Lou Hub- bell, dentist, swas responsible for this one, in Art, Whattam's booth, number 16.* Art, had alarm clocks and thermos bottles as his pieces de resistance, and from the way that pile of clocks melted, all Osh awa must have risen on time this morning. "Three balls in black squares give you a big prize, two balls give you a good prize, and one a nice prize" was a caption over Dr, Lang- I booth, number 15. The "doc." had everything from ladies' handkerchiefs to cigarettes, and was pulling in the dimes by the dozen. Another booth that had "ladies' wear" was that headed by Art, Germond, and numbered 6, Art, featured lingerie, and there was no lack of merriment in his immediate vicinity. Large, wheel, large booth, large erowd, large evening, about de- scribes booth 17 where Morley Ja- cobi and his clan purveyed sweat- ers to a waiting public, Morley had about the largest booth of the fair, and he was certainly roping in the shekels, Charlie Anderson's sweater booth, right at the King and Simcoe corner, wasn't lagging in 'business either, and in fact it was pretty hard to get close enough to it to see just what Charlie and his assistants really did have, And, of course, the ice cream stands were husy. "Help the kid- dies--eat till it hurts" implored a sign over John Burns' booth, num- ber 20, and a good many of Osh- awa's citizens did just that, Jonn's signs also proclaimed a Bargain day--cones with real ice cream, regular 26c for 6 cents each, as well as "rejuvenating. juice" at be per glass. John says he sold gal- lons of both commedities, - Russell Weir and George Hart also purvey- ed ice cream and refreshments to a thirsty, hungry crowd, and both ,| claim that their booth did the big- gest business of the evening, C. R. Bailes had the distinction of holding down booth number 1, This booth and number 12, manag- ed by Mayor Preston, carried on horse racing, and a whole new flock of followers of the Sport of Kings was discovered last might, Some of them made money, but the Rotary kiddies benefited most, There won't be any cold nights this winter for winners at Ernie Marks' booth, No, he wasn't sell- ing coal--he was giving away blan- kets (providing, of course, you got the right number), His booth, number 10, and D. F, Johnston's, number 4, where blankets were alsp obtainable, were perhaps the most popular of the whole Fair. Embryo baseball artists whiled away the evening--and much cash --at booths 13 and 14 operated by Ewart Alger and Murray Miller, re- spectively, At' the former, merely (?) knocking the penny off the barrel won you 25¢, and at the lat- ter you only (?) had to break a balloon suspended by a string. It looked easy! Try to get near it--just try! The beckoning "Johnny Hotpoints" and the flashing lights attracted such a crowd to the electrical booth, number 26, that it was about as much as your feet were worth to try to spend your money here. Stan, Everson and his able assistants in charge of handing out the electrical appliances, certainly did a rushing business last night. "Ding, ding. Toot, toot. Right here, folks, and get the original Coney Island' red hots, A loaf of bread, a pound of meat, and all the mustard you can eat.--'" That was C, E, McTavish er, pardon us, one of C, E's assistants, up on King street west, in booth 2, Business? No, they weren't doing business, they were serving a mob! J, C, Fowlds, in booth 5, and Martin Lib- by, in booth 23, were also purvey- ing the popular puppies, and found trade everything it should be-- and then some! It took real skill to wring any prizes out of Ross McKinnon, at booth 18, or Bill Karn, at stand 22, The G.M.C, man managed a ring throwing contest, while the druggist allowed you to manipu- late the darts--for a consideration, Everything went fine until the oe- casional boy with a good eye came along and absorbed the chocolates, ete. Bingo, Page E, A, Lovell and Leo Gray, There is no doubt about it, this ancient and honor- able game is still popular, as wit- nessed by the crowds around ly by these Rotarians, Then, there was the pony raffle booth, of which President Gordon Conant had charge, It is no wonder there was such a large number of guesses on the pony, when you saw the at- tractive half-dozen girls in G.D.'s booth, number 24, Energetic Joe Ward knows his handbags, and he evidently knows how to gell kimonas, for the piles of merchandise In his bdoth, num- ber 25, were sinking as if hy wage, George Hezzlewood has no cause for: complain for the husiness done by his novelty booth, number 9, was astounding, And J. Lew- ington, who handled the flower gelling in booth 11, found that Osh- awa citizens were certainly lovers of beauty, Last in number, but not least by any means, was George Ed- munds' booth, number 27, And what was he selling? Well, if you had heen down town this morning, your first guess would probably. have been that a dozen weddings had taken place on the four: cop- ners, What was that? Yes, you're right the first time--confetti! "Barbers are as healthy as any men," states a doctor, Stropping Jetlows,London Sunday Pictori- al, booths 3 and'8 managed respective- d ROTARY FAIR WAS A GREAT SUCCESS (Continued From Page 1) Best decorated bicycle, youngster with tree on vehicle. Fancy dressed clown, lad with the turk on his hat. Ld band, one entrant ag ins, clown, E. Snowden, R. Prit. chard, : Boy, a ged 7 to 70, fancy dress, Michael Kupnicki. Girl, aged 7 to 70, fancy dress, Jean ackay, Boy, aged 7 to 70, comic costume, are, Girl, aged 7 to 70, comic costume, Nita Irwin. Party with longest hair, no entry. Featuring the parade was the pony and cart, given away at the raffle later in the evening. It occupied a prominent position on the truck pre- pared for its reception, and was gaily decorated in streamers and bunting as. befits a pony on such an occasion. Min Betty enley, daughter of org, Henley, general manager of Se air, was seated in the place of honor in the cart, Two Boy Scouts held the pony by the bridle during the procession. Many Floats There were more floats than ex- pected in the parade this year. arge number of cars were decorated for the event, and were the cause of much favorable comment from those witnessing the pageant. Many clowns, both boys and men, literally "let loose" and performed their queer antics to the delight of everyone, The clown band caused a ripple of laugh- ter to overcome the crowd. But they were real players in that band, and they showed the populace gathered on the road sides that they were not only there for pleasure, but that they could hold their own when it came to bringing melody out of their instry- ments. A 1904 Oldsmobile, hitting on all two cyclinders, made the rounds of the parade in good style, and was the cause of many guffaws when it appeared in the procession with a clown tied to a rope in the act of pulling the thing. He couldn't put it over on anybody there, however, be- cause the "putt-putt" of the engine could be distinctly heard. Ancient A carriage of ancient lineage, con- taining a number of kiddies who were "just Way, from church" escorted the "bride and Nig on their tour of the city. he carriage was further decorated with streamers which en- hanced the sight in a- remarkable egree. he General Motors float was an- other feature of the parade, Like last year's parade it showed up brilliantly against the background, and a num- ber of young ladies picturesquely situated on the large truck greatly added to the presentation, Among other entrants in the par- ade were the Fire Department, who had, three trucks on deck for the grand procession, Other bands par- ticipating in this event were the On- tario Regiment, the Salvation Army and the Oshawa Citizens' Band, Those who were in line at the start were: Bowra Electric, Oshawa Dairy, D, M, Tod, British American Oil Com- pany, Ww, C. Cowle Company, Genera- tor and Starter Company, Oshawa Lumber Company, Beaton's Dairy, Regal Bakeries, Larke Transport Company, Fox Hardware, Cities Ser- vice Oils, General Motors Trucks, Smith and Company Cartage, Cole- man's Cartage, Middleton's Taxi, Ser- vice Cleaners and Dyers, and a num- ber of private cars, Above the din of clanging bells, clashing cymbals and beating pans could be heard the shouts of the booth tenders who were calling for custom- ers or advertising their wares in dis- tinetly circus men style, Ball throw- ing games, quoit pitching games, dart throwing games, Bingo games, wheel twirling games, many other types of games, all went to complete the array of booths at the Rotary Fair, Every booth received merited patronage, and the "something." in the voices of the T AUTO WORKERS Open Meeting Are You Prepared to Leave the Fixing of the Rates on the New Models in the hands of the Company or do You Want a Voice in Them? ELECTION OF OFFICERS , Election of Thirty-cight Delegates to the Convention of Trades and Labor Congress of Canada. ~ MR. JAMES SIMPSON WILL ADDRESS THE MEETING At the UNION HALL 17% Simcoe St. N. THURSDAY, AUGUST 23rd. 220 Sar INTERNATIONAL AUTO WORKERS' UNION, FEDERAL LABOR UNION NO. 18011 t s attracted many to their counters who otherwise would have passed by without as much as a notice. The games were particularly attractive, hey provided innocent fun for little money, and every one who took the chance possessed the Spportanity of wining a blanket, a awl, an alarm clock, box of candy, cigarettes, or some other worth-while article, People from every corner of the county came to the Fair last night, They came with the desire of having a good time and they had it. Many, many gallons of ice eream, bottles upon bottles of "pop" were consumed by the visitors, and hot dogs, .al- ways a favorite with young and old, maintained their high stand and sold steadily throughout the whole even- in fi was a sight indeed, Rotarians all alike stood behind their counters, of- ficials of the city Mingled with the crowds to make 1928 Rotary Street Fair the ke he it was, They are oll glad that Jt was 4 sucents, for now the realization that Park be completed tells them that their labors have borne fruit. up on a wooden box, TORONTO STOCKS igh Low 2p.m. Asbestos «iiaiaanae g W 5% 84 28% Abitibi iiiiqeeaee 83 5213 5215 Bell Telephone 1... 160 160 160 Brazilian ..... S454 ous 8 Stock AEELL) Br, Amer. Oil Brompton .. F. N. Burt . Christie Brow " City Dairy ....ee0 Cons. Smelters ... Imperial Tobacco Int. Pete ev vanee Massey Harris .. Hiram Walker ... Imperial Oil ..... Mines Amulet . weeranenee 397 388 = 325 yr 47% a4 39 11 384 43% 5315 68% Barry Hollinger 1. Bedford 67 Chaupt Hughes bi Coast Copper ue Dom Hollinger «.oveeeee Hudson Bay ..... 17% 1778 Jackson Manion Ww 9515 95 Kirkland Lake .... 13 Kootenay Florence Laval Quebec ,... Lebel Ore cveaeee Macassa ieee McDougall seeseee McIntyre «eeeeess.2050 Bid Malartic ..eveeeess 157 150 Millcrest ..oveenense Min, Corpn, Nipissing .. Noranda . Pioneer ,... Pend Oreille ...,.1150 Potter Doal sive 0 Premier Ribago «.vvtrvsnere Robb Montbray +. San Antonio ..eee Sudbury Basin ... 775 Sherritt Gordon ,, 640 Teck Hughes ..... " Towagamac ,.eees Wright Hargreaves 4] NEW YORK STOCKS Stock High Low 2pm. Amer, Can, ...0v00 10534 10454 105% Amer, Tel & Tel ,, 17934 179 179 Briggs Mfg. «v0 0 36: 36%: 36/4 Can, Pac, 211Y; 2114 Can: Dry sreeveere 78% 78% Chrysler 944 9754 Congoleum 24% 244 Dodge "A" 193 193% Famous Players ... 13874 13874 Graham Paige ,..¢ Gen, Motors sees Gold Dust ,eereeee Hudson +,» Hupp +iv000 Int, Comb .. ' Int, Nickel , 101% Curtiss Aero ...... 107% Montgomery Ward 202% Marland Oil 3674 Mack Truck 920% Man, Elec, 37% Phillips Pete so0000 39; Packard 84% Pan, Amer, "B' 41% Radio 191% Sears Roebuck . 145% Sinclair Oil , 56 25%3 Standard Oil "of N. J. 453% 454 Studebaker U.S, Rubber i000 U.S. Steel 1rrrrsern } Willys Overland .. Woolworth Victor Talking ++s» Yellow Cab .. Money--7%. REET EERE) srerens 957% 8134 6334 60% 1064 10774 1974 2024 365% 36% 920% 90% 36v4 37% 39; 39% 8274 84 4154 4154 189 189% 14536 145% 2554 45% IEEE) sree seen serene srarree 99%; 102 2 32% RR -------- There seems to be nothing new to cross the Atlantic in now but incog--Sgult Dally Star, Too Late to Classify' STALTER--to Mr, and Mrs. Oliver R. Stalter (nee Phyllis Kennedy), of Omemee, at 97 Alexandra St., Oshawa, on August 19th, a dapgh- ter, (44-3) FOR SALE--NAVY REED PARK stroller, Good condition, 346 Eulalie Ave. Phone 1180M, (44-b) The last to be received from the Department, the Upper School De- partmental examination results are herewith published. Considering that these are upper school subjects of a first year university grade, the results on the whole this year are very good while a few students have attained standings which may bring scholarship prizes. Probably the most promising marks were those taken by Miss Evelyn Pearce who secured thirteen first class honours and one second class honour out of a total of fourteen subjects tried. Her application for a scholarship being already entered it may be hoped, with some reason to back it up, that she will carry off one or more of the much coveted prizes offered by either Queens or Toronto Universities. A total of 93 students tried upper % | school papers in Oshawa Collegiate this year, about thirty-three of which however represent the number who tried from the actual fifth form, about fifty students in fourth form, taking either English or French or perhaps both in the upper school and middle school at the same time, wrote on these papers in the upper school section. If these secured a pass or more than 40 marks in the upper school section, they automatic- ally secure a pass standing on the middle school paper they attempted, A number also wrote this year who studied the work themselves or se- cured some extra help in Night School. The results are as follows: -- Margaret Anderson -- History C, Algebra C, Geometry C, French Au- thors 2nd, French Composition C. Harold Armstrong--English Com- position 36R, English Literature 41R. Winona Armstrong--English Com- position C, English Literature 39, French Authors 2nd, French Com- position 2nd, Oscar Baird--English Literature C, Algebra C, Geometry 3rd, Trigono- metry 2nd, Chemistry 41, Latin Au- thors 30, Latin Composition 27, George Barnum--English Composi- tion 42R, English Literature 41, French Authors 3rd, French Composi- tion C, Aura Brooks--History 2nd, Alge- bra 3rd, Geometry 2nd, German Au- thors 2nd, German Composition C. George Campbell--English Com- position C, English Literature C. Percy Cate--Trigonometry 33R. Charles Capitofsky -- English Lit- erature 48, History 31R, Algebra C, Geometry 37R, Trigonometry C, Chemistry 21, Latin Authors 40, La- tin Composition 36, French Authors 2nd, French Composition C, Louis Capitofsky--English Com- position 2nd, Algebra 1st, Geometry 1st, Trigonometry 3rd, Physics 3rd, French Authors 1st, Stuart Carver--English Composi- tion 1st, English Literature 32. Carmelita Commerford -- English Composition 2nd, English Literature 47R. John Comrie--English Composition 44R, English Literature 25, Alge- bra 27, Geometry 32R, Trigonometry 10R, Chemistry 42R, Latin Authors 24, Latin "Composition 39, French Authors 39, French Composition C, Hugh Cornwall--English Composi- tion 3rd, English Literature C, French Authors C, French Composi- tion C. Merlyn Corrin--English Composi- 42| tion 2nd, English Literature 38, Gerhard Coulter--English Composi- tion C, English Literature 35, Edward Crothers--English Com- position 3rd, English Literature 38. Donald Culter--English Composi- tion C, English Literature 41, Lloyd Daniels--English Composi- tion 1st, English Literature 30, Alge- bra C, Latin Authors 34, Latin Com- position 38, French Authors C, French Composition C. Donald Davidson--English Compos- ition 27R, English Literature 27, Elizabeth Davidson--English C6m- position C, English Literature 40, Hazel DeGuerre--English Litera- ture 37, History C, Algebra 41, Trig- onometry 22R, Latin Authors 28, Latin Composition 07, French Au- thors 34, French Composition 42. Douglas Demill--English Composi- tion 3rd, English Literature 46R, French Authors C, French Composi- tion 3rd, Harry Deyman--English Composi- Si 3 Results Give Standing Of Candidates in oe Various Subjects Tried tion 2nd, Literature 41R, French Authors 1st, French Composition 2nd. William Engel--English Composi- tion 37R, English Literature 33. George Fletcher--English Composi- tion 2nd, English Literature 34, Chemistry 32R, Latin Authors 25, Latin Composition 40, French Auth- ors 2nd, French Composition C. Oliver Flint--English Composition C, Latin Authors C, Latin Composi- tion 34. Ivah Fox -- English Composition 3rd, English fasion 3rd, French Authors 1st, French Composition 1st. Norman Garrard--English Compos- ition C, English Literature 42R. Sam Gay -- English Composition 42R, English Literature 20. Hugh Gilchrist--Algebra 1st, Geo- Buy 1st, Trigonometry C, Physics Albert Glass--English Composition 2nd, English Literature 2nd, French Authors 1st, French Composition 3rd, Frank Grose--English Composition 43R, English Literature 2nd. John Guiltinan--English Composi- tion 41R, English Literature 36. Marion Gummow -- English' Com- position C, English Literature 42R, French Authors 1st, French Compo- sition 1st, William Gummow--Algebra 47R, Geometry C, Trigonometry 42R. Rae Halleran -- English Composi- tion 31R, English Literature 17. Margaret Hart--English Composi- tion C, English Literature C, French Authers 2nd, French Composition C. Kenneth Heddon--English Compo- sition 2nd, English Literature C, French Authors 2nd, French Com- position 1st. Thomas Hele -- English Composi- tion 3rd, Geometry 35R. Harry Hennick--English Compesi- tion C, English Literature C, Alge- bra C, Geometry 1st, Trigonometry 3rd, Chemistry, C, Latin Authors C, Latin Composition 3rd. Helen Howlett--Algebra 1st, Geo- metry 8rd, Trigonometry C, Physics C, Latin Authors 16, Latin Composi- tion 25, Scott Hubbell--Algebra C, Geome- try C, Trigonometry 44R, Chemistry 39R Maurice Hutchison--English Com- position C, English Literature 3rd, Algebra 2nd, Geometry 1st, Latin Authors C, Latin Composition C, French Authors 1st, French Com- position 1st, German Authors 2nd, German Composition 1st, Roy Irwin--English Composition C, English Literature 19, Marjorie Jarrett--Latin Composi- 43R. Mildred Johnston--History C, Al- gebra 1st, Geometry 2nd, Trigono- metry C, Chemistry 25R, Latin Au- thors C, Latin Composition 38. Elsie Kenny--English Composition 40R, English Literature 34, Louis Kohen -- English Composi- tion 1st, English Literature 46R, French Authors 3rd, French Com- positioff 3rd. Murray Kohen--English Composi- tion 2nd, English Literature C, Blanche Lesniak--English Compo- sition 2nd, English Literature 32, French Authors C, French Composi+ tion 1st, Victoria Lesniak -- English Com~ position C, English Literature 39. Lorraine Love--English Composi- tion 1st, English Literature C. Louise Luke--English Literature 88, History 42R, Algebra 3rd, Trig- onometry 41R, Botany C, Zoology C. Ronald Mackinnon--English Com- position 1st, English Literature 2nd. Christina MacLennan--Latin Au- thors 14, Latin Composition 19. Flora McRoberts -- English Com- position 1st, English Literature 1st, French Authors 1st, French Com- position 1st, Lorraine Mason--English Com- position 2nd, English Literature 3rd, French Authors 3rd, Frenoh Com- position 2nd, Helen Mathews--English Composi- tion 3rd, English Literature 36. Gordon Maxwell--History C, Alge- bra 3rd, Geometry C, Latin Authors 32, Latin Composition, 44R, French Authcrs C, French Composition 3rd. Frank Maxwell--Algetra C, Geom- etry 36, Trimonometry C, Latin Au- thors 36, Latin Composition 27. Emily Mcek--English Composition Ist, English Literature C, History 2nd, Algebra 3rd, Geometry C, Trig- onometry C, Botany 1st, Zoology 2nd. Y te Meek--English 3rd, English Literature Cito C, Geometry 2nd, Trigonometry 2nd Chemistry 2nd, French Authors - French Composition 34. Jean Merritt--Histoty 3rd, Latin Authors C, ition C, French Authors Gnd, French Comp-! osition 2nd, German Authors 2nd,' German Composition 2nd. Alex HA bey 2nd, Geom etry 2nd, Trigonometry 2nd, Latin Authors C, Latin Composition C, Arthur Morison--English Compo« sition C, English Literature C, Glenn Mundy--English Composi« tion C, English Literature C, Lois Mundy=English Composition 3rd, English Literature C, History C, Ruth Mutton--English Composition C, English Literature 40. Russell Nesbitt--English Composi« tion C, English Literature C, Lucy Northcott--English Composi« tion 45R, English Literature 38. John Northcott--English Composi« tion 43R, English Literature 40R. Helen Pascoe--English Composi« tion C, English Literature C, French Authors 3rd, French Composition 3rd, Evelyn Pearce--English Composi= tion 2nd, English Literature 1st, His« tory Ist, Algebra 1st, Geometry Ist, Trigonometry 1st, Botany 1st, Zoo= logy 1st, Physics 1st, Chemistry 1st, Latin Authors 1st, Latin Composition 1st, French Authors 1st, French Com- position 1st, Lillian Pirie--English Compositiont 1st, English Literature 3rd, Charles Russell--English Composi« tion C, English Literature C, French Authors C, French Composition C, Dorothy Scott--English Composi= tion 1st, English Literature C. Margaret Scrimgeour--Algebra 1st, Geometry 2nd, Trigonometry 3rd, Physics 34, Latin Authors 44R, Latin Composition 47R, French Authors C, French Composition C, Henry E. Smith--Algebra 1st, Geo- metry lst, Trigonometry 1st, Physics 1st, Chemistry 1st, Latin Authors C, Latin Composition 45R. Anne Storie--History C, Algebra 3rd, Geometry 2nd, Trigonometry C, Botany 1st, Zoology 1st, Latin Auth. ors 2nd, Latin Composition C, James Stott -- English Literature 42, Algebra C, Geometry 1st, Trig- onometry 38rd, French Authors 45R, French Composition 41, Margaret H, Swail--English Com- position 1st, English Literature C. Hazel Sweet--English Composition 1st, English Literature C, Gordon Thompson--English Come position 35R, James Toppings -- English Coms position C, English Literature C, French Authors C, French Composi- tion 2nd. Richard Toppings--English Com- position C, English Literature C, Al- gebra C, Geometry 3rd, Trigonometry 34R, Latin Authors 42, Latin Com- position 80, French Authors 2nd, French Composition 3rd, Francis Waram--English Composi- tion 43R, English Literature 34, . Mildred Webber--English Com- position 1st, English Literature 3rd, History 41. Neville Williams--English Com- position C, English Literature 40, French Authors 3rd, French Com- position C. George Wilson--Englijsh Composi- tion 2nd, English Literature 2nd, French Authors 1st, French Comper sition 1st, Gordon Wijson--English Composi- tion C, English Literature 32, Irene Winter--History C, Geo» metry 1st, Physics C, Chemistry 3rd, Claribel Wray--English Composi- tion C, English Literature C, History C, Latin Authors C, Latin Composi- tion 40R, French Authors C, French Compesition C, TENNIS TOURNEY TO BE STAGED IN * WHITBY NEXT MONTH 'Whitby, Aug, 23.--To take place some time early in September, 8 lawn fennis tournament and a ten- nis exhibition by two of Toronto's foremost players is being planned by the local Lawn Tennis Club, The details of the tournament will soon. he made known and it is expected that Oshawa and Bow- manville clubs may be permitted to enter, The tennis exhibition is being arranged in order to fost. er interest in the game and alse to show beginners some of the finer points. It is expected, es- pecially if the exhibition match is arranged, that the tennis courts will be a popular spot next month, YOUNG MAN WANTED TO WORK in store and deliver, Must have . ly 17 King St. W. wheel. Apply ih) ONE TWO BURNER ACME GAS range, $4, One blue baby strol- ler, $4. Apply 75 Hogarth St. Phone 2 (44-2) Coming Lvents RATES ® Cents ine MADAME ROSE, PALMIST, AT 21 Mave St. Phone 2372F. Bows 2to9 MADAME NEVADA, Ross' Corpers. Phone 2894. Will be away on four weeks' en- gagements after Thursday. (414) CHOSEN FRIEND LODGE IN- vites you Thursday evening, Aug, 23, 8 p.m. Open night. ROYAL TEMPLARS MEETING, Aug. 28, light refreshments and | prosmsm, 8 edock. + (438) The territory, who so large erously contributed to Club is particularly grateful to City, Officials and Employees and all others who actively as- sisted in the booths and in the work of and in- cidental to the Fair generally, proceeds of the Fair, which if is ex- pected will reach the objective, will be ex- pended in civic welfare to the end that Oshawa may be a better City in which to live, espe- cially, for the "Kiddies," THANKS! HE ROTARY CLUB of Oshawa desires to extend its sincere and hearty thanks to the citizens of Oshawa and surrounding oly apienided and so **Street Fair." G. D. Oshawa, Piguet 23rd, 1928, CONANT,

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