THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 10 FOLLOW PROJECT Scientists Find Red Sea is Higher Than Mediter- Paris, Aug. 22--After twenty-seven centuries of study, scientists have de- finitely concluded that any effort to convert the Suez Canal into a water- level river between the Mediterran- ean and the Red Sea would result in the disastrous Tndatioh 9 3 large rt of Egypt, Greece, Italy, France a Spain, upset the level of all the oceans and have a consequent inter ference with tides and weather con- ditions. M. Jean Brunhes, professor at the College of France and a member ot the Institute of France, has an- nounced that long study has now de- finitely established the fact that the Red Sea is nine and a inches higher than the level of the Medi- terranean. Any attempt to link the two directly would cause the empty- ing of a vast amount of the Indian Ocean into the Mediterranean, send- ing those waters over its banks, Seven centuries before Christ, Herodotus wrote in his book, Necos or Nechao started to dig a canal across the desert to link the Red Sea and the Mediterrancan," Profes- said. i con d the proj doned his work when he discovered that if he pierced the Isthmus, all of would be swamped for the Red Sea was at a Higher level than much of the land of Egypt. "Nore r ly, Napol intrijued by the subject and when he led his army into t he as- signed his best engineers to study the They reported back that the Red Sea was thirty feet higher than the Mediterranean and Napo- leon believed them." BRITAIN DRINKING LESS © London, Aug. 21.--Britain is drinking less, according to 1927 li- censing statistics for Engfand and Wales, issued today. There were 527 fewer licenses at the end of the year tham at the beginaing and therp is now only ons license for every 495 of population, though the number of clubs in- creased, Convictions for drunkenness de- clined 1,960, or 2.9 per cent., and reached a lower level than in any year since 1919. Saturday was the most fruitful day of the week for such arrests, Friday and Monday coming second and third, 3% "How's your wife coming along with her driving?" "She took a turn for the worse last week." Cool'this Summer Kee VISITORS WELCOME : other out of the kitchen Fills up hungry children, Pleases everyone- Good for all, "IRISCUIT The between meal wheat wafer TO ALL FACTORIES, WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Fast, Through Comfortable Service ALL-STEEL TRAIN Iv, Toronto dail ar, Winnipeg * ar, Brandon " 1,00 ar, " 6.40 ar, Sas " 11.40 ar, ig " 1040 ar, » ar, Calgary "6.30 ar, Vancouver " 3,00 9.00 8.45 EQUIPMENT: Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Dining and Compartment, Observation Library Car--Radio Equipped, Valet H. W, Sheridan, Agt,, 890 Simcoe st, §,, Travel .m, 1st day om, 3nd pm, 3rd " pm, 3rd * pm, 3rd " a.m, 4th * p.m, 4th * p.m, 4th * pm, 5th * East, Time "" Mt. yoo. "" Ll # (except Sunday) Pac, Time " " " Telephone B15 NATIONAL [ANADIAN CHEVROLET OWNERS Reduce the Hazard of Mechanical Upkeep Have a skilled craftsman Chevrolet regularly, It's a simple operation that takes only a few minutes, And it will keep your :ar young forever, Enjoy the Certainty of Guaranteed Repair Work imployees as Eonr Service Factory Trained Phone Osbaws | service and check your Write Phone or Call Today 900 Whithy FURTHER RELIGIOUS UNREST IN BRITAI tion of Malines Conver sations Causes Worry London, Aug, 22--A fresh outburst of religious controversy im Britain has been excited since the announce ment, which already has been denied, that the full minutes of the Malines conversations would shortly be pub- lished. The situation has been rendered the more uncomfortable by the announce ment that the Pope was prepared to accord special favors to any Arch bishop eof Canterbury who joined the Roman Catholic Church, \ British United Press undérstands that no minutes of any conversations exist, but that a document giving the main heads of the debate was drawn up apart from the official summary already published. This document is understood to give indications of the general drift of all the subjects de- bated, with an outline of the views of the participants, yatery to Many If it is published there is no doubt that much light will be thrown en the negotiations, which still constl- tute a mystery agitafMg Anglicans of all shades of belief, \ The English Roman Catholics also want cc 1 discl es b they resent the suggestion that the Catholic Church representatives at Malines advanced more acceptable in« terpretations of the position of pa- pa , respecting an Anglican re-union than Catholic theologians in England were prepared to agree to, Meanwhile the unrest has been in- creased by a petition to the King ob- jecting to the appointment of Most Reverend Cosmo Gordon Lang as Archbishop of Canterbury and ac- cusing him of promoting a revival of Catholicism in England. The peti- tion was despatched on behalf of two evangelical bodies, LORD WILLINGDO VISITS HULL, QUE. Says Both Races Working to Build Up National Life Hull, Que., Aug. 21.--""To whatever race we belong we are equal citizens in this great country working to- gether for the common purpose of building up its national life and of strengthening the influence of the British Empire among the nations of the world," declared His Excellency, the Governor General, in reply to an address by Mayor Theo, Lambert be- fore 5000 residents at Hull on the occasion of the official visit of Lord and Lady , Willingdon to this city city Saturday afternoon, Hull was gaily bedecked fn patriotic colors for the first visit of the Goy- ernor General and his consort, who persqnally greeted a large number of the official life of Ottawa's sister city at the Hull City Hall, The Regiment De Hull was drawn up on the square and gave the salute to Lord and Lady Willingdon on their arrival. Following an inspection of the regiment the address of welcome was read by Mayor Lambert, The Mayor expressed the pleasure of Hull residents at the honor which redounded to the city by the visit of the Governor General and Lady Wil- lingdon whose sojourn in Canada, he said, had already warmly endeared them to Canadians, Reviewing briefly the history of the city, Mayor Lam- bert pointed out that French Cana- dians formed the majority of resi- dents but race and Janguage formed no barrier to an amicable daily busi- ness and home life, His Excellency replied jn. both French and English, SPECIAL TRAIN AND BOAT SER- VICE TO 80,000 ISLANDS OF GEORGIAN BAY The 30,000 Islands of Georgian Bay, always popular for summer holidayg, are now provided with a special Canadian National train service tht offers excellent oppor- tunities for week-end holidays. The Canadian National Railways operate special trains to the main gateway of the 30,000 Islands through Midland and Parry Sound. Now there is a new direct boat service provided between Parry Sound and Point au Baril. Full information and literature from Canadian National Ticket Agents, Very unwise, we think of the beauty specialist who advertised that she would be delighted to give ladies some useful wrinkles, -- Gasgow Herald, "WANTED For Canadian West 44,000 HARVESTERS $15.00, To WINNIPEG BESHESERE CT | osonts sad ust to Kiogtton, Smiths Palle, and Renew Jume- From stations in tion; Toronto to 21. Ontario; Sudbury, Aug. River, Lake Erie - From stations in Ontario, Toronto and south, west and north to Bolton, all stations 23 "in Ontario on the Central; Pere Winder. Bort so Laks Bore Grand 31 From. 53 wation in Ovtaio west of Smiths Pals 40d south of Sudbury and Renfrew and ; and Toronto, Buffalo 3 Train Trains leave at 5.45 a.m, 6.20a.m., 8.40 a.m, and 4.35 p.m. M, B., JOHNSON, City Passenger Agent Service King Street East, Phone 40 CA Special ted" NADIAN PACIFIC Announcement of Publica.| OVER. THE SEA AND_FAR_AWAY - See your local ot ] ar. A CFR. Molding, Noted Stage Drima Is Rayart's ! atest Vincent's "Boy of Streets' Be- comes Film Play The latest Rayart feature, "A Boy of the Streets," adapted from the famous success by Charles. J. Hunt, is promised for the New Martin Theatre's screen, beginning Thurs- ay. This production features such well known screen talent as Johnny Walk- er, Mickey Bennett, Betty Francisco, and a number of others of equal calibre, The story, as we remember it from the play, is filled with gripping situa- tions and "heart action" moments, It gives stirring glimpses of children who are destined to play upon con- gested streets and who in many ways are deprived of their God-given right to play. ; The menace is in the guise of an unscrupulous politician who stops at nothing in order to accomplish his aim, His gangsters, to repay him for extra-legal aids, faithfully serve him. In order to aid his kid brother, one of this politician's followers offers to open the safe of a political rival. From then on troubles follow each other with unbelievable rapidity, in- volving, in one instance, every mem- ber of a family. PLOT IN EQUADOR IS DISCOVERED Conspirators Attempt Prevent Meeting of Congress to Guayaquil, Aug. 21.--Advices reach- ing here Sunday from Quito declare that the Government has discovered a revolutionary plot, allegedly spon- sored by certain Liberal leaders, The urpose of the plot is said to have i to prevent the meeting of Con- gress which will take place shortly by Governmental decree, A number of leaders of the plot have been arrested and imprisoned. Those arrested include Dr, Jose Maria Ayora, brother of President Ayora, Colonel Pedro Concha, Col- onel Nicolas Lopez, Colonel Barto- lonte Vinelli, Dr. Roberto Posso, Dr. Enrique Amador Baquerizo, and Commandant Hector Cedro and a number of other less prominent per- sons, President Ayora, who has been summering at a watering place, is returning immediately to the Capital. The Government has announced that tranquility prevails throughout the country, MONTREAL MAN KILLED IN GRASH Auto Goes Through Bridge at Trois Pistoles--Two Injured Quebec, Aug. 22.--Donat Lemelin, of Montreal, was instantly killed, 2 companion, named Desrosiers, of Quebec, was seriously injured, and a physician, Dr, Rioux, sustained a fractured leg and a severed artery when the auto in which the first two were 1'ding crashed through a bridge into a ravine, after failing to heed the signs made by Dr, Rioux to slow up. The accident occurred at Trois Pis- toles, 24 hours after an autobus had gone through the same bridge, with ! injuries to six of nine passengers, Science, when she has accomplish- ed all her triumphs in her order, will still have to go back, when the time comes, to assist in building up 8 new creed by which man can live. ; _ =Johp Morley. GOVERNMENT LETS DREDGE CONTRACTS Public Works Department Places Several Large Awards Ottawa, Aug. 21.--Many contracts, large and small, for dredging, are be- ing awarded by the Public Works rtment. Recently a large contract was Placed with John E. Russel, for har- work at Sorel. By a private ar- rangement, concurred in by the Government, this contract has been transferred at the same figure to Les Chantiers Manseau. . The Chicoutimi Harbor Board has been given an advance of $150,000 in connection with the Parliamentary apprapHiation for harbor works there. t St. Nicholas, Levis County, Lud- ger Lemieux is to build a wharf for 19, : The National Dry Dock gnd Dredg- ing Company has been "awarded dredging contracts at St. Antoine de Tilley for $31,000 and at Trinity Bay for $40,755. For a breakwater at Cobourg, cost- ing $35,530, the tender of Farley and Grant, of Ottawa, has been accepted. uite a large undertaking, costing 000, is to be carried through at Steveston, B.C, where a jetty is to be, built by the Coast Quarries, Limi- ted, ENGLISH WOMAN ~ SWIMS CHANNEL Miss Ivy Hawke Successful in Reaching Dover from France Dover, England, Aug. 22--Miss Ivy Hawke, 25-year-old English wo- man, is the 14th person to swim the English Channel. On her second at- tempt she was successful Sunday, but fail:d by four hours and 45 min- utes to equal the woman's record set by Miss Gertrude Ederle, of New York, on Aug. 6, 1926, Miss Hawke, whose home is at Brighton, a beach resort swam from Cape Gris-Nez, France, to Dover, in #19 hours and 16 minutes. Miss Ederle's time was 14 hours and 31 minutes. The recognized record time for swimming the channel was set by Ernest Vierkoetter, a German, who, on August 20, 1926, made the cross- ing in 12 hours and 43 minutes, Use the dependable Yellow-box Film Kodak Film in the yellow box makes the hest pictures for you every time, Let us have your exposed films for the highest grade finishing. Service prompt. Prices moderate, Kodaks $5 up ~ Brownies $2.25 up Karn's Drug Store PHONE 870 NEXT P.0, HI IT at (LCE ERECT Week End Specials Ladies' late Summer Dresses. Our usual selection at this season. Reg. up to $8.95 36 in. Art Silk Drapery. Week End Special. $4.95 for DRAPERY $1.00. Week end special... Final clearance of Women's Pure Wool Bathing Suits. Reg. to $6.50. Reg. 69c Pure Wool Blazers in all leading colors. Mostly all sizes. Reg. to $6.50, Week End Special $4.95 10 Doz, Solid Leather Pouch and Underarm Bags. $1.95. Week end Special Each ........ Reg. $1.50 to $1.00 Stripe and Plain $2.95 Finely, Pleated Silk Crepe Skirts, All colors. All sizes. Reg. $2.95 DAIRYING AN IMPORTANT IN. DUSTRY, Dairying is one of the oldest and one of the most important of the industries of Canada, It owes its modern development to the intro- duetion of the factory system for the making of cheese and butter, \ to the invention of the centrifugal cream separator, and to the facili« ties afforded by improved methods of cold storage. ole Batteryless Radios 1929 MODELS 15 Church Street Open Evenings D They Are Here! See'and hear them and register your coupon on the 1929 model to be given absolutely FREE enerator & Starter Company, Limited Road NOT destroy ¢ bexinre of VGP" Pure Gum pay mo more for , You » ond rl shifcion EARS AHEAD! "The name "Gutta Percha" has 45 years back of it, ' And now ; this name is linked with a new product--the "GP" Gum Cushioned Tire--a tire years abead in Gum Cushioned Tires are protected within: carcass where ordinary tires suffer "' and quality, down in the injuries" -- , that's where we have placed stubborn barriers of pure gum ! between the cord layers to cushion the bruising blows of the | road, These great new. tires should be on YO car, Your, interests are sincerely served when you visit 8 "GP" dealer and purchase Gum Cushioned Tires, the logical Tires for: ' economy and dependability. -- "Gutta Percha" Tires GM GUGLHWNLD A Wonderful Cushion Feature Exclusive to "GP" Tires Vulcanizing sccawis Williams Service Station gE -- 3 ye von m-- ce Sold Cor. Prince and Bond Streets Phone 1426