"PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 1928 GERMAN QUARTERS DEPLORE BUILDING OF NEW WARSHIP Socialists Particularly Angry Over Decision of the Cabinet ACTION CONDEMNED Peace Society in Germany Scores Construction of Vessel Berlin, Aug. 19--During the elec- tion campaign last spring vans par- aded through the streets of Berlin bearing huge placards proclaiming "Whoever is against the armored cruiser will vote the Socialist ticket. he Socialists won thousands of votes in the May election by ridicul- ing the bush | to spend a million marks on a ten thousand ton armored cruiser--the first projected in Ger- many since the World War--which could be spent to much better purpose in the construction of new homes or the proper feeding of children of the r. Foyer on the very morning of the an- niversary of the birth o the Wei- mer Constitution, good Republicans read with amazement and indignation at their breakfast tables that the new German cabinet, composed _predomin- antly of Socialists and Democrats, who fought the proposal to build the new ih A tooth and nail, in the Reichstag last winter, had surrend- ered ungonditionally to their more Conservative colleagues and agree ta proceed with the laying down of the ship's keel. Wave of Anger Si Instantly a storm of popular indig- nation broke loose that in its fer- vor and intensity recalled a similar wave of anger that swept the United States when its big navy program was first announced last autumn. The German Peace Society recently passed a resolution condemning the propo- sal to construct a cruiser as the worst conceivable prelude to the ending Geneva discussions wherein e's task will demand other na- tions to disarm and to support its plea by its own example, The Hamburg Society, called "Young Democrats, ut a chorus into the Constitution ay torchlight parade whose raucous cries against the cruiser, according to witnesses, drowned out all the many bands massed in the Hamburg Town all Square. Hal oth Vongerlach, one of the warmest press champions of the So- cialist Party, in his "Welt Am Mon- TIME TABLES C.P.R, TIME TABLE, New Schedule, taking effect 1201 am, Te OP Sing West sm, Daily, in am, Baily 8.40 a.m, Daily except Sunday, $ pm, Baty, ' pm, aly except Sunday, 10.05 a.m, Daily, 2.04 p.m, Daily except Sunday, 8. Daily except Sunday. 0 aily. 12.09 a.m. Daily. 'All times shown shove are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. CNR, TIME TABLE lective June 24, 1928 . Al a are Standard not Daylight ving, Biving thound 8.23 a.m, Daily except Sunday, o 8.58 a.m. Sunday only, J .59 a.m, Daily. p.m, Daily except Sunday, p.m. D p.m. ha 83 Bsss Pa IWR: bolo of BRRE any. , Daily. "m. Daily except Sunday. ly Daily Sheep Sunday. Pp vee BEE TEagk v B § BE HIE 3 bed § 1 $1118 11111] seilein PRERERERR k fi Ll! iL SesEcee hi SEbses 1113111311111 " 433s 1111 sift 444 oh} 5 ceses 1111: Seis 111 | H i i | tag," called the Cabinet's decision "a scornful disregard of the rights of the few Reichstag. It is not merely anti- pacifist, but it is also anti-Democra- tic." Equally furious was the indig- nation among the rank and file of the Socialists over the weakness of their leaders. The Breslau Volkswacht, which has very close connections with Paul Loebe, Socialist President of the Reichstag, declared that the consent of the party cabinet members to cruiser construction had put the party in an "impossible position," and was in flagrant contradiction to the reso- lution of the Socialist Congress at Brussels, against the armaments which were supported by German So- cialists. Amendment Asked The Breslau organ demanded that the parliamentary party seck an an- nulment of the Cabinets' resolution. Ten thousand Socialists at a mass meeting at Plauen, Saxony--Saxon Socialists correspond in their radical- ism. to the Clydesiders of the British Ministry -- denounced the Cabinet's decisions as "a shameful insult to the German labor movement," and called on its Socialist members to resign their portfolios immediately. Two So- cialist deputies, Siegiried Aufhaeuser and Frautony Sender, asked for a speedy summoning of the parliament- ary party to consider the situation. So formidable grew the revolt in the Socialist party that the cabinet mem- bers were obliged to make a semi- official statement explaining their ac- tion. According to the explanation, which is universally regarded as lame, the cabinet didn't have the possibility of deciding whether the cruiser should be built, which was determined by the previous Reichstag, but merely as- certaining if the funds were available, for its construction, As soon as the Reihswehr Minis. try showed that it could produce the money by departmental economies, the cabinet had no alternative but to sanction beginning work on the war- ship. The semi-official 'statement gave assurances that the building of this first cruiser didn't commit the cabinet to approving three other cruisers of the same tonnage, which are being projected by the Reichs- wehr, This commnnique is a trans- parent veil for the real explanation why Chancellor Hermann Mueller and three other Socialist ministers yielded on this issue. Admits Mistake Afraid that if they assumed a firm stand, the Reichswehr Minister, Gen- eral Wilhelm Groener, would resign, resulting in a cabinet crisis at a time when important questions of foreign policy were coming up for settlement, even the "Vorwaerts," which repre- sents the currents * of semi-official opinion within the Socialist party, admitted a "mistake" had been com- mitted. "Vorwaerts" attempted a half-hearted justification of the So- cialist ministers hy pointing out that a cruiser would be builtsin any case and then added warningly that they "would have to justify their remain- ing in the cabinet by their future performances." Naturally the Com- munists--great rivals of the Social- ists for the allegiance of the working classes--were delighted with the gift of the Socialist cabinet ministers pre- sented them, They make great capital of the "betrayal" by the "armoured cruiser cabinet." But the affair has international as well as party consequences. Germany would have been in a much stronger strategic position at Geneva to demand that the allies should fulfil their pledges to disarm themselves if she would renounce the building of the battleship, which, though permitted: her by the Treaty of Versailles, would he perfectly usge- less in conflict with even so mediocre a navy as that of Soviet Russia. Star '6' Coach, Ford 1.Ton Truck, Very Cheap. Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 0 Prince 8+, Oshawa Phome 1160 ats 18 Simcoe Strest South V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans ¥1% Simcoe St. S. Phones 1198W Office 1858J --Residence W. A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultlecs Lenses For Better Values DIAMONDS Burns' Jew Store 28% Simcoe b, 889 Cash or Terms EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of Zhe Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain 1516 PHONE 1516 DISNEY BLOCK Opposite Post Office ITALIANS REVEL IN TIP-GETTING FEAST Ferragosta is Celebrated With Old-Time Splendor and Tradition Rome, Aug. 19. -- Of all the popu- lar national holidays celebrated in Ttaly during the course of the year, that of the "Ferragosta," which falls on August 15--is perhaps the most universally observed, and is the most thoroggzhly appreciated by the work- ing masses of the population. More- over, it serves better than perhaps any other to draw the line of demar- cation between the two main classes of the population: tip-givers and Higtakers. his comes naturally from the very origin of that holiday, which has its roots even in Roman times, although it has been somewhat changed throughout the centuries. The very word "Ferragosta" comes directly from the Roman "Feriae Augusti," when an unusual amount of licence was given to the slaves. Although it no longer has that significance, the holiday still preserves the tradition that it is intended particularly for the servant and working classes, and they certainly make the most of that tradition. Ferragosta is one of the three days in the year when every person who serves in any way expects some sort of extra gratuity from those served. To make these gratuities as fruitful as possible seems to be the main ob- ject of life on the part of the tip- takers, and to avoid going completely broke is the object of the tip-givers. Tip-Getting Game The whole thing resolves: into a subtle little game. At least ten days before the holiday arrives one notices the extraordinary politencss on the part of the letter-carriers, door-keep- ers, bell-hops, milkmen, icemen, and all others who have had a more or less intermittent habit of performing any services during the past year. Your letter-carriers, for instance, several days before Ferragosta brings all the mail personally to your door, bows obsequiously, and asks solicit- ously to know if all your mail is coming regularly. f you go to get a haircut you find the barber-shop plastered with signs reading "Buon Ferragosta," just as you find "Merry Christmas" signs. Ii you have your shoes shined the boot- black does his utmost to turn your shoes into hand mirrors, and when he has finished he invariably bows, and says,. "Buon Ferragosta." During the first few days, the av- erage foreigner living in Italy doesn't tumble to the subtle meaning of this sudden universal politeness, but by the time the holiday actually arrives, any foreigner would have to be dense not to realize that it is all a scheme to get extra tips. A couple of years ago, the Fascist Government undertook to abolish this feature of Ferragosa in conformity with the anti-tipping law. Later it was realized that this would be al- most tantamount to abolishing the holiday altogether, since this was its principle feature, and Ferragosta was too much rooted in tradition for that. The working people this year con- sidered themselves lucky because Fer- ragosta fell on Wednesday. That meant that virtually the whole week was given over to rest and merry- making--which was doubly welcome this year becausg of the unusually in- tense heat that has kept Rome in the oven for nearly two months un- interruptedly. Shops Closed All Week Most of the shops were closed all week because the shopkeepers ar- gued that since Ferragosta came on Wednesday, it was scarcely any use to keep open on Monday and Tues- day and then since Saturday is a bad day in summer anyway, it wasn't worth while to re-open business just for the two days, Thursday and Fri- day. Consequently the general exo- dus from the city began as early as last Saturday. It was estimated by the State Rail- roads that at least 100,000 people bought tickets to the various scaside and mountain resorts, to say nothitg of the thousands who went by their own automobiles. It is probably no exaggeration to say that the census this week would have shown Ronje to have not more than half its nor- mal population. The half which re- mained amused themselves as best they could. There was one big fes- tival for the popular quarter of Rome, and they made the most of it, cele- brating day and night from Tuesday evening on. Decorated Streets The whole section of the city was decorated in fifteenth century style, with electrically lighted olive gar- lands strung across the streets, Japa- nese lanterns hung promiscuously about, and flags of all colors and ages and degrees of cleanliness floating lazily in the sultry air. Every night, until well after mid- night, the streets were choked with jostling multitudes, including throngs of children and even babies in arms, who seemed to sleep peacefully de- spite their being passed from one tired parent to the other. We Will Build and Finance Your Home For You. Ask For Particulars. JONES' REAL ESTATE Cor, Bond & Simcoe Sts, OPEN EVENINGS Do You Own Your Own CHOICE LOTS $3 down, Water and sewers. HORTON & FRENCH 87 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa Blvd. Dis- trict, easy terms, $35 balance $5 monthly. Mg PHONE 716J | W. J. SULLEY, Auctioneer takes this one, $12,00 9 room brick house on Simcoe St. N., hot water heating, gumwood trim, oak floors throughout, open mantel, French doors, verandah, double garage. Terms if desired, Lycett REAL ESTATE 25 King E. Phone 2035 Loans, Insurance Collection and Auctioneer 846 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa | REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones 572, 223 Night Calls 510, 1560, 2468F Apartments and Offices 3 and 4 roomed apartments, heated, hot water, electric refrigeration, stoves, wash- ers and dryers, Use of laundry. Immediate posses- Siok Rents from $45 to Heated office in Disney Block--opposite Post Office. Immediate possession, . DISNEY | -' A PHONE 16350 A ~ REISS --_. hs REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purchuers, R. M, KELLY 610 Simcoe St. N. Phone 1068W ELLA CINDERS--Little Lily-Blossom aavVisership of us auvny--or an ly good a Deri Ful wornare 7as Suaaerniy aprearea~--. 7 (4 A , TAKING ONE CONSIDERATION WITH ER, | REMAINED AS FINANCIAL ADVISER ALTHOUGH T MADE ME AN ENEMY TO BE HIS BLOSSOM, A YOUNG MANCH BY SING Lo IN A BALE. | U PRIN- 1 LEFT, LL-BLOSSOM © FOLLOW COOLLY PROPOSED THAT IF I WOULD HELP HER BETRAY SING LO TO HIS ENEMIES, WOULD DIVIDE WIS WITH M HATED Ho SHE SAID, AND WANTED TO RETURN HER OWN PEOPLE TO ME. THERE SHE SHE E GOLD €. SH . \. Ne [| REFUSED INDIGNANTLY, NOT ONLY SING © HAD BAER XX TO RUIN MY CAREER -- VELL, WELL, "WELL! | Poo =F, like 6lia, ts like a Ze Sernmen-he gets Pun ore am qf awwobrer! ) Pres vr?) BRINGING UP FATHER I CAN'T SLEEP AN' HAVE PEOPLE LOOK AT ME! By Geo. McManus WILL HALLEYS. COMET EVER 4 COME BACK, DADDY 9 YES, HALLEYS COMET WILL RETURN. ABOUT 1985, TOMMY Sh fit h = A COMET = Foon AFTER NEWTON FORMULATED THE LAW OF GRAVITATION HIS FRIEND, TL EDMUND HALLEY, WHO WAS DESTINED \CRIES 10 BE ONE OF THE GREATEST ASTRONOMERS THAT EVER LIVED,AS MINDED 10 APPLY THE NEW LA TO COMETS. NALLEY'S COMET 13 BELIEVED TO BE IME SWORD OF FIRE" THAT JOSEANUS, THE JEWISH HISTORIAN, SAYS WAS SUSPENDED OVER JERUSALEM IN THE YEAR 66 A.D. THE RECORDS OF 24 COMETS HICH HE EXAMINED,HE WAS STRUCK BY THE SIMILARITY IN THE PATHS OF THREE, THE COMETS OF 153), 1607, AND 1682. HE AT ONCE GUESSED THEM 70 BE ONE, AND PREDICTED ITS RETURN IN 4758. IT RETURNED IN 1758 AND HAS SINCE Y' . BORNE HIS NAME. ITS MOST RECENT APPEAR- gioti: | ANCE ViAS IN 1910, © 1928, by King Features Syndicate. Inc: Great Britain rights reserved MOTHERS A BETTER ASTRONOMER THAN I THOUGHT SHE WAS! I TOLD HER THAT 1 WANTED TO STAY UP * ATE TO WATCH FOR HALLEY'S COMET BUT MY SCHEME DIDN'T WORK, TILLIE THE TOILER--A Contest in Originality iiGosk, + vow Mcnow Him SUITED ME ,80 | T THIS HAT IN 4 MAYBE THIS WILL DO TH ENTIRELY ORIGINAL | » Jd C1