- a EY i a) wed 3 a E) THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1928 PAGE NINt . 1] i ) 1] a THE C SSNS SAN where, SSEEIED SECTION eller "SS0S\a\W\se ~~.meets . Se =x Y ga Music Watch Repairing {f CONANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, y icitors. Notaries Public, Ete. Con- 5 ces Simcoe St. south, hawa. Phone 4, G. D. Conant, B.A LL.B.; "AF. 'Annis, B.A. Us FRANK S. EBBS, BARRISTER, Rage Notary Public Convey- T. Money to loan. Third Moor -- Alger. --Building.- Oppozite ost Office. Phone 2996. (at) ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TRBACAH- er (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for exams. Oshawa, Mondays, 92 Sim- coe St. North, Phone 3714, . (12301) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, wa. The oldest Rive cy in Oshawa. 30 Re- putable Companies. (118-tf) WCE N..SINCLAIR, KC. BANK .. of Commerce Building. i Josern 2) MANGAN, B.A. ~BAR- ' *Pitér, 'Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- « 'veyanéer. ' Money to loan. Office "14% King St. East, Oshawa. Phone (116-1 yr.) i: $48." Residénce' phone 837, " CRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR- - ca ~ a ---- JP Sa row wind Sr ters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pyb- "He ete-- Office "over Standard Bank. ce" Simeoe St. Phoug. 13, 5 4 rierson, BA, T. K. Creighton, ee ---- $ a 3 SWANSON, GERMAN, McKENZIBR and Douglas, barristers, soliéitors, copveyancers, notaries publie, Money. to loan. 2 King St. E, Phone 940, 2454. D. A. J. Swanson, F, G. McKenzie, S. B. Douglas. ; : t(130tn) i \ {ODIS §. HYMAN AND COM. pany, ;Brristers. Money "to :loan. Over Dewland"s Store, 16 Simcoe stieet morth, Phone 67, residence JLB6OF, 1 hE PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR: isters, etc. Money to didi od Bldg, onpppite post 8. OR Paasil, A WoL Greey.. .. ais CLAY EER DR, BAROLD 'W. TRICK; P " n,, Obstetrician, Spe. clan, . Db cial reference to maternity an 2 EPL. 1 Wig! diseases of 'women. post" graduate experience. ° Ottiee and residence '167 Sluice at, Ni, ,- Brock) phone y watt i ? 9 . (119-0) DR MAY. "PRYSICIAN, SUR- 'S = her, fice 'atid resi- pA te Bho Vigtoria St. Ofhawa. oO (i P § GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, DA RAN tan diseases of infints and children, Office ani relies "97 "Bdnd ' East, Phone 1188.' * ' Sf IRE OL BRR SR DR B. J, .HAZLEWQOD, PHYSI- ciap and Surgeon, special attention given" to" X-ray' work 'and ' Electro- theopy, Office, Disney. Block, Phone 208 -Offige open 9 -8.m. to 9. D =m: Residence -161 King . East, wo Dhohe- M16, (tr) DR. 'C. "7. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgéon, Obstetrician, office and residence 556 Simcoe St. N. Phone 2415, (Aug, 8-Nov. 8) Ear, Nose, , Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovell's Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till p.m., for consultation and treatment of diseases' of ear, pose and throat intments maye Ate Phone 97. (49-tf) only. at drug store. Dental 7. PHILLIPS, DENTIST, OF DR. 5, J. PHILLIES Phone 9593 Residence 306. 4-1 yr; DR!'D. R, DAVIES, DENTIST, OF- fice fn' Alger BIldg., opposite Post office. Nitrous oxide oxygen gas for extractions, * Evenings' by ap- pointment, Phone 231. (12tf) H: M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST, he Be Mitchell's Drug' Store. odor extraction, Phone 54. x ELL, | DENTIST, BEE for exiree- inl, ) ence, ae ' a | DRL. Nikigps tong, OF Pb Ed DR; 7. ¥. BROCK, DENTIST, 13 BS St. N., over Dewland's. Phéne 1957. Evenings by appolnt- mebt. A ty (July 9tf) 4 . W, H. GIFFORD, OFFICE on Theatre Bldg. - Phone ie, Residence. 669, . DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTJST, 37 King street, éast. Alger Bulld- ingi Phone 2860. Evenings by apppintment. '(July 25-Aug. 25) Engineering and Surveying EVAN .AND SMITH, ONTARIO pos Surveyors "and Civil 'Engin- eers," sub-divisions, town plapning municipal - engineers. 365 or 411 t. E. Phones 2532) or 2544, King St. x Sass WA WINDOW CLEANERS Oe 'Heanipg, woodwork and floors polished, screen and storm windows put ' on and removed. Phone 2129F. C. H. MILLABS, REAR 442 KING st. B. Phone Ng We specialize in storm eds eens, cupboards, abe and frames... .. (90) Fa ; » NG. BEPAIRING. WE RECHARGI i also stoek.d¥Fy and wet batteries, radio tubes" andiparts. We deliver and call for : e& O.-Dahiels, 240 Division stroet, Phone 1892W, (July 20-Aug. 20) \ work: WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr) C. E. HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO ST,, District kepresentative for the Great West Life Assurance Com- pany. Phone 1365J. (Feb. 1-1yr) INSURANCE ----- OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. (Office 38 Simcoe St, N. (86-tf) Money to Loan LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city 'and farm property, either completed or under construction. Conant and Annis, phone 4, (76-tf) PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of their motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and dcKeasle, 3 King St. B. 14411) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST mort, s, Building loans arranged. Bradley Bros. Phone 169, 420, (96-tf) CITY. AND FARM LOANS. PRO- gress loans 'arranged. Parkhill & Greér, Barristers, etc, Alger Bldg. Phone 1614 (49tr) : 'Building Supplies FOR SALE--CEMENT BLOCKS. sand apd gravel, Qnalily guaran- teed. Good loam for lawns. W. Bor- rowdale. Phone 1618. (89tr) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, F, L., Beecroft. Whitby, lumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-tf) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND {finished completely with sanding machine, Satisfaction guaranteed. Give us a trial, Sylvian and Ste- vens, 164 Alice street, Phone 2019W. (July 14-Aug 14) GRAVEL, DIRT AND CINDERS ON dump truck to rent by hour, Phones 274J--1666J, (May 13 tf) HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID BY expert mechanics. Old floors fin- ished like new, Screen windows, combination doors, General con- tracting, B. W. Haynes, 161 King St, W, Phone 481, Residence 180 re. (133tf) CHAMBERLAIN METAL WEATH- er- strip for "doors and windows, Guaranteed to stop all draughts, cheapest and hest on market, Estimates given free. Phone 15871, A. Morgan, 311 Division St. or write J, H. Vance, 773 Aylmer St, Peterhoro. (Jly, 31-Aug. 21) HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND sanded, filled, waxed and polished. Verandahs and garages built, Phone: 2177W. (July 28-Aug. 28) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- 'hanging, gaining, ete. Twenty years' experience. Prices right. Work Sharanteed. 151 Huron street. Phone A (45 tf) P, C. HILL, DECORATING, paperhanging, painting, Work 'guaranteed, Estimates given, Phone 942W, 135 Brock east, (148tf) Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST, st. Ambulance, Residence, 19 Division St. 69 King street east. Phone 210], DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOMJ 87, Celina street, Oshawa, Corner "Bruce street. Ambulance, Phone 1082 (96-1) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE - GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res phone 900). 1541) Auctioneer FA VON GUNTEN, EXPERT watchmaker, ir shop at "4 King Street West. Your pat is (29-4 Transportation COWLE'S CARTAGE & TRUCK- ing Service, 65 Park road south. Prompt service. Furniture moving a specialty. Phone 215. ¢ (July 21-Aug. 31) COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR. H 8 Bond St. West. e 6 trucks for prompt service, Moving van and storage warehouse equipment. transferred to and from all trains. (64-t) PERRY'S TRANSPORT AND Cartage, local and long distance moving, 91 Ritson Rd. N. Phone 2 (%0tr) Beauty Parlors PERMANENT WAVE (DOES NOT need finger waving)--$7.50. Fin- ger waving a specialty, Evalyne Branch, 111 Colborne St. E, Phone 608J. (8tf) BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop. Permanént wave, lal Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--13 conte || per word. Minimum charge--30e. Each subsequent imsertion lc per word. Box asumber 10c additional Pade 3250 5 per mon for 20 words or leds; 10 cents a word per month for each additions! word TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC- COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 3 Ask for Classified Ad Depart- meat. $7.60. Marecelling, finger waving. 86 Simcoe street north, Phone 2968, (97-t1) CINDERELLA DRESS' SHOPPE, 153 Simcoe St, 8, Marcelling and manicuring from 9 till 6; evenings by appointment, Phone 2879. MARCEL AND CURL, 50 CENTS. 45 Albany street, or phone Irene Robertson, 1444J. (Jly 31-Aug. 31) Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west, Phone 629. (66-t2) C. S. DICKENSON, V.S, DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion Government Veterinary. 34 Brock St, E. Phone 105], (131-tf) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER. tields made to order, We save you money, Ectimates free. G. A. Constable. 74 Mechanic street, Phone 1695), (66-t1) CONCRETE WORK OF ALL kinds promptly done. Satisfaction guaranteed, Phone 139. (29-1) Books NOBERTSHAW'S NEW LENDING library. Books always coming in. Come in and look them over. (July 27-Aug. 27) Dressmaking DRESSMAKING DONE, PLAIN sewing No. 4 Buena Vista Park, off Park Rd, N, (Aug. 10-Sept. 10) Machinery Repairing STEPHENSON BROS, GARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work done on all makes cars. Acetylene weld- ing. Body bumping a specialty, (Mar tf) Wanted to Rent Articles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry. body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited. Phone 1288. (Apr. 26-tf) FOR SALE--STRICTLY NEw laid eggs, delivered anywhere in city. Phone 896, (23-tr) FOR SALE--BABY CARRIAGE. Lloyd Stroller. good as new. Ap- ply at 91 Burk St., Oshawa. (30tf) SECOND Phone (33-¢) FOR SALE -- TWO BRUSSEL rugs, 3 yds. by 3%; 312 by 4 yds. In good condition. Cheap. 85 Yonge St, (33c) FOR SALE--ONE BABY CARRI- age $7. Apply 587 Ritson Rd. S., or phone 2178M, (35a) Help Wanted---Female WANTED--COOK GENERAL. AP- ply Mrs, F. T, Henry, 231 King St, east, (33-¢) WANTED--A WOMAN FOR light: housekeeping, willing to go to Toronto, Apply Mrs. Doyon, Dunbarton Post Office, (33-¢) WANTED, CAPABLE WOMAN TO take charge of housework and needle work, excellent pay for the right person, Apply Box 'C" Oshawa Daily Times, (33-c) WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- A competent stenographer and book- keeper, Apply W. J. Trick, Co. Ltd. (340) FOR SALE--$1,700, mortgage, good security, 12447, "Room and Board 2 2 BOARDERS WANTED, ladies or gentlemen in ate home, Phone 1930F EITHER new priv- (33c) ROOM AND BOARD--SINGLE beds, Free parking space. Best of table board. 23 William St. East. (33c) WANTED TO RENT WITH OP- tion of buying, House with some land, must be near school. Apply Box 143, Oshawa. (33-c) WANTED TWO OR THREE COM- fortably furnished rooms for light housekeeping. No children, South of King preferred, Box "8", (31d) WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE with infant baby, two or three furnished rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, ground floor, close to Motors prefered. Apply Box "D" Oshawa Daily Times. (36b) Wanted to Buy SECOND HAND FURNITURE dealer, buying an' selling, 136 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M, (July 13- Aug. 12) HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR ANY quantity large broiler chickens. 44 Simcoe St. N. The Food Shop. (27tf) WANTED TO BUY--6 ROOMED brick, $4,200. $300 down, balance as rent. Phone 1518W. (33-¢) PHONE 1716J, W. J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St. 8, We can seil your odd pleces of furni- ture and other articles at our yards 41 King St. W., Oshawa, Ontario. ' (20tf) IF YOU WANT SATISFACTION and highest prices, call on E, J. Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King St. E. Phone 1013M, + rr Acer Wanted MEN WITHOUT PREVIOUS sales experience make good with us. You can too. We will help you make good. Excellent oppor- tunity, exclusive territory. Write giving age and occupation to the J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. N, 27 'John street, Hamilton, Ont. (M. W. F.-Aug. 15) AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Kozak Auto Dry Wash Cloth. Big 'sellers. Good profit. Kozak Co. Welland Ave, Niagara Falls, Ont. i (34c) Lost and Found LOST--A BROWN PURSE BE- tween Loblaw's and Arcade, con- taining money, ete. Liberal re- ward. Phone 1001F. Apply 233 Dearbourne Ave. (33¢c) LOST--BUNCH OF KEYS 'AT Lakeview Park, Saturday, August 11. Finder please phone 1218. Re- ward. (35¢) LOST VARIED COLORED leather purse containing money and trinkets, at Lakeview Park or whip or waiting for street car. Fin- der please return to 89 Louisa St Liberal reward. (35b) LOST--A GOLD WRIST WATCH with gold band on Saturday after- noon at General Motors picnic. Fin- der please return to 267 Mary street. Reward. (35¢) LOST--GOLD WATCH WITH bracelet boarding street car at lake Saturday might. Reward. Phone 2022W. (35b) ROOMS AND EXCELLENT board, Terms moderate. Apply 234 Division St. (33c) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale, Jamieson Bros Phone 438. (tf) Real Estate for Sale For Rent TO RENT---FURNISHED APART- ment. All convenences, also gar- age. No children desired. 172 Mary street. (13-t1) TO RENT -- TWO FURNISHED rooms, electric plate. All comveni- ences lor light housekeeping. Phone 774W. 140 Tylor Crescent. (25tf) FOR RENT--BED SITTING ROOM and kitchenette, Apply 282 Golf St. (301) STORE TO RENT--NO. 9 SIMCOE St. South, Oshawa, now being ern- larged and improved. Apply to G. D. Conant, 7% Simcoe St. S., Osh- awa. (33t1) FOR RENT---BRIGHT FURNISH- 24 bedroom, suit one or two gentle- men, Apply 69 Division street. (33-¢) FOR RENT -- AN EXCELLENT furnished room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Rent moderate, 234 Division St. Railroad Has Monopoly Norman Goth Buildings "The number of cathedrals, ruined abbeys, castles, famous churches and walled Roman towns included in the area of one Eng- lish railroad is astonishing," says Gordon Home, writing of the Lon- don & North Eastern Railway. "It could almost be said that this rail- way has o monopoly in famous Norman and Gothic buildings sna in those places where have occur- red the great happenings in the pageant of British industry." The list of historic monuments begins only a few miles north of Londen with Hatfield House, fam- ous Jacobean mansion of the Ce- cils, built by the first Earl of Salis- bury who pulled down the earlier mansion, once the palace of the Bishops of Ely, where, during the last three years of Mary's reivn, the Princess Elizabeth was kept (33c) FOR RENT--NEW §5 ROOMED house. All conveniences. Apply at once 356 French St. (331) COMFORTABLE ROOM TO RENT suit one or two gentlemen. Break- fast if desired, Phone 1986W. TO RENT ----- UNFURNISHED apartment 3 rooms, New house. Hardwood floors, All conveniences, Apply 317 Glidden Ave, (34c) NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, suit one or two gentlemen. permanently residing in Oshawa. Central, 263% Simcoe St. South, (34c) ROOMS OR FLAT TO RENT. ALL conveniences, Good location, Or- chard couth side of house. Low rent for good tenants. No children, Apply 165 Verdun Rd. (34b) FOR RENT--FRONT BEDROOM breakfast if desired, Phone 1234M. (351) FOR RENT--ROOM AND BREAK- fast for two gentlemen, Apply 205 Drew St. (35¢) TO LET--3 NEW UNFURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. Hardwood floors, white enamelled trim. Apply Box "P"" Oshawa Daily Times, (36¢c) TO LET--FIRST CLASS age. Apply 315 Jarvis St. 1116M. (35h) FOR RENT-- COMFORTABLY furnished bedroom suitable for one or two, Home privileges, Near Motors, Phone 2078W. {85¢) TO RENT---ONE LARGE BRIGHT furnished front room, Apply 263 Albert St, (35¢) FOR RENT--TWO FURNISHED rooms. + Suitable for light house- keeping. All conveniences, Call 2644W, (36a) GAR- Phone TO RENT--LARGE FRONT BED- room, Close to General Motors. Phone 2458W, (35¢) FOR RENT--LARGE FURNISHED rooms, also basement apartment, self contained, Separate entrance. 51 Nassau St, (36¢) FOR RENT--BY AUG, 27TH, 6 roomed house. All conveniences. Central. For full particulars paply Box ""G"" Oshawa Daily Times. (35c) TO RENT--GOOD BRICK HOUSE Hot water heated, Four rooms, kit- chen, All conveniences, 131 Al- bert St. (36¢c) ROOM TO RENT -- LOVELY room with breakfast, Private fam- ly. One minute from car line. Ap- ply 50 Buckingham Ave. Phone 2818W, after six, (35¢) LEAL ESTATE--~USHAWA HOUSE and Land Co, Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park, Terms to suit you, Office 38 Simcoe St. N, (86-11) FOR SALE--#$6,600 FINE BRICK house with seven large rooms, ulso two unfinished rooms in attic sit- uated on paved street near G.M.C. $700 cash takes this, balance as rent. Electric range. Also electric water heater inclusive, Phone 1618W. (33c) FOR SALE -- $6,000, WHITE Brick house on corner Jot, six rooms, large sleeping porch, two verandahs, all conveniences, stucco garage, paved driveway. Thrice minute walk from General Motors. Good for private family or rooming house. Apply to Arthur Peacock, corner Athol St. and Ritson Rd. one block south of King St. Phone 588. (19tf) PAY NO RENT $35 PER MONTH for 24 months pays for home on Dearbourne Ridge the best sub- divison of Oshawa. % of a mile west of water tower. Ask for Tear the builder. (33t1) Notice WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT we are prepared to do all kinds of automobile repair work, special- izing in break setting and relining. Six years' experience in. G.M.C. Sugden and Bowen, corner King street east and Wilson road. (33-¢) Taxis SOUTH END TAXI SERVICE. 738 Simcoe street south. Prompt day and night service. Local and -long distance. Phone 1581W. Lorne E. Dervent, (Aug. 4-Sept, 4) Motor Cars FOR SALE--BIG SIX STUDE- baker touring car, 7 passenger, 6 wire wheels, new top, renewed me- chanically and mew paint job this spring. $300. 27 Warren Ave, Small car taken in exchange, 1928 DURANT COUPE FOR SALE. Payments arranged. Apply 33 Al- bany street, (32-¢) FOR SALE--1927 CHEVROLET Coach. Mileage 12,000. Terms or cash. Phone 2693W. Apply 16 Rit- son Road North. (34c) Wanted WANTED--FIRST MORTGAGE loan of $3,200 on new square plan brick, well located near Simcoe. Phone Mr. Dyment 2968, Tuesday or Wednesday evening. A. ' BLACKBURN, CONCRETE contractor. Specialist in concrete floor work. Gravel, sand and 'cip- ders, etc. Hauling terms moderate. Address, 547 Mary St. Phone 2376W. Oshawa or 25670 Egling- ton Avenue, Toronto. (Aug. 3-Sept. 3) MR. H. PALMATIER CONCRETE work of all descriptions, also plas- tering promptly ne. Satisfaction guaranteed. Apply 154 Alma it. Phone 139. (30f) Help Wanted--Male WANTED--A HIGH SCHOOL boy. Apply F. W. Woolworth Co. - (35a) prisoner. Belonging to the very dawn of English history is St. Albans, wesr of Hatfield, a picturesque little town with charming old streets ra- diating frome the spot on the steep hillside where stands the abbey church, built mainly of Roman red bricks taken from the ruins of the important city of Verula- mium just below.. This was the only place in Roman Britain having the rank of '"municipium," and was no doubt, after London, tne most important and wealthy town on the island. The only vestige of the Roman city remaining today are the ruins of the ring wall of flint, banded with tiles. The site has never been excavated. Sr, Albans' Abbey has the second longest nave of the English cathe- drals, and much of the early Nor- man structure still remains, al- though built of the broken-down walls of Roman houses, Colchester's Roman Wall Colchester retains in its name the fact that it was an important Roman colony. The town stands within its fairly complete wall, the castle and at least two of its churches being built largely of | Jew who ever attempted to enter Quite. recently | the city of Aberdeen. the vaulted galleries under the cas- | got to the outskirts. Roman materials. tle were excavated, and the Roman tors. It is the only roofed Roman building existing in Britain. the Norman castle occupying site of the temple is a nimportant museum including notable Roman discoveries, among them a perfect helmet and the toys of a Roman child found in a grave. At Bury St. Edmund's remain portions of a notable abbey of Nor- man times which grew famous ow- ing to belief in the miracle-work- ing powers of the mund, sub-King glain by the Danes in 870 and buried there, Later the Danes, expressing their admiration of the martyred King, named the place for him, St. Eadmund"s Burh. In the Church of St. Mary is tne tomb of Mary Tudor, of East Anglia, for a few months, Cambridge is the next historie centre. In elose association with Cambridge and standing out con- spicuously on its marsh-girt isle is Ely Cathedral, the great attraction of a small village holding nothing of interest, *'except the glorious pile which erowns the hill, one of the finest achievements of Norman and Gothic architects." The iso- lation of the hill, with its protec- tion from the surrounding fern- lands, eaused the English to make their last stand here against Wil- liam the Conqueror. The existing cathedral, begun about 1081 and completed at the end of the Four- teenth Century, is a worthy sue- cesgor of the original monastery built o nthe Isle of Ely and sack- ed by the Danes in 870. It has what has been described as the only Gothic dome in existence, Norwich Cathedral e Norwich, at one time the second city in England, is still of import- ance and possesses one of the nob- lest cathedrals in England. A oeautiful spire rising above the tower gives Norwich a silhoucite making it comparable only to Salis- bury, One of its three gateways was built by Sir Thomas Erping- ham, marshal of the English army at Agincourt in 1415. The huge Norman keep of the castle contains a museum and art gallery. Peterborough next beckons the traveler. Its cathedral, described as possessing the noblest western facade of any in the world, is the burial place of Catherine of Ara- gon, first wife of Henry VIII, and for a time sheltered the remrins of Mary Queen of Scots, removed later to Westminster Abbey. Another of the magnificent east- ern cathedrals is that of Lincoln, standing on a prominent ridge and raising its enormous bulk high above the town. Its three spireless towers give somewhat the same outline as those of York, but its western towers have finer and more dignified lines than those of its more northern rival, while the western front has a unique findi- viduality. Like Peterborough, it was a creatio nof the great build- ers of the early English period. Early in the Roman occupation of Britain, Lindum, the Roman name for the place, became the head- quarters of the unfortunate Ninn Legion, soon after annihilated at York. Part of the Roman walls remain, and them ost perfect gale- way surviving in England sull spans the road leading northward toward the Humber. Standing above the waters of the Trent at Newark is the great Nor- man castle begun by Alexauuer, Bishop of Lincoln. Here Xing John died in 1216, soon after los- ing his baggage and narrowly es- caping with his life while crossing the Wash. He was carried off, it is said, by a fever brougat on Ly eating green peaches and diinking new ale at Swinesh2ad Abbey. Fragmiceets of Ancitnt Wan Leicestcr wer the Roman towa of Ratae and still retains frag- ments of its ancient walls. It was to the Abbey just outside the town that Cardinal Woolsley came "so sick that he was divers times like- ly to have fallen from his mule," and where, soon afterward, in 1534 he died, after saying that !f he hed served God as diligently az ne had served the King, "ho would not have given me over in my gray hairs," At Selby stands a noble church founded in Roman times and near ly destroyed in 1906 by a disastr- ous fire. Its, nave, reminiscent of Durham Cathedral, was not dam- aged. The rest of the structure has been skillfully restored. Pontefract Castle has an inter- esting histosy from the time of its Norman founders until its siege during the Parliamentary War. Richard II. was taken prisones there, and tradition has it that he was murdered there. York, with its great cathedral and its Roman ruins, is perhaps better known to many Americans than any other of the English cities northeast of Londod. "Possessing still its gleaming girdle of white stone walls, rising to their crenellated parapets from the steep slope of emerald turf, one finds the place more convinc- ingly medieval in its atmosphere than any other English town, ex- cepting, perhaps, Canterbury, also the seat of an archbishropic," says | | Roman | substructure of the platform of a |dee for several years, hut thought gredt temple is now shown to visi- | that he would try the keen, strong, In | north. the | stories of no Jew having ever been | | | bones of Ead- | neck. ' | | eister of 'horse's head. Henry VIII. and Queen of France |started to pick up the grains fall- | Mr. Home. A WARNING This is the true story of the first And he only Moses had been working in Dun- commercial air of the city farther He had heard all about the able to pick up a living in Aber- deen, but he was determined to have a cut at it. So off he set on foot for the famous city. At MOTOR HOBOES (Manitoba Free Press) For a born hobo there is pers haps nothing that can be done. He is gifted with the ability to Tost and let others worry. But with the vast majority forced unem« ployment is a sad and dangerous commentary upon our civilization, It the added mobility of labor ine cident upon the motor can be madd a factor in meeting the problemy of seasonal employment the autos mobile will have one more mark--s and a big one--on its credit side, am -. Policeman: "How many times i§ this I've arrested you?" : | ey-Cott | 87 Celina St. Phone 1089 --- "ROOF LEAKING?" Well Just Call HAYTON, THE ROOFER He'll fix it i Get an Estimate : 185 Arthur St. Phone 1643W / Kingston Rd. West 4 Phone 882 r 4 felt ld xe MARCONI SHOP The Best in Radios 2 Men's Stripped Overalls Special ,.... ttt sencans 98d 1.Collis & Sons 50-24 King St. W. Phone 733W Anniversary Special re $10.00 Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St. W, Phone 2141 We Deliver the end of three days he found himself approaching it | At a wayside house, perhaps two | miles to the southward, Moses saw a grocer's van draw up. The driver got down, took off his horse's nose- ! bag from a hook in front of the van and hung it over the animal's Then, without the loss of an instant more than he could help, he opened a little box at the back | of the van, lifted out a hen, placed it directly underneath the The hen promptly ing from the nosebag. Moses shook his head sorrow- fully, turned round, and headed er. COOL AND ECONOMICAL (The New Yorker) After seeing a half dozen pairs of nude feminine legs about the town in the hot weather, we must report that the practice, within strict limits' as to age and contour, has several things to commend it, Principally it serves to erase those lines of convention that designate what may and what may not he correct for street wear and for this and that function, introducing the notion that one might as well go forth garbed as best suits one's taste in comfort and aesthetics. This tendency first gained accept- ance less than a decade ago with the universal adoption of the col- lar-attached shirt and we now see its full flowering in the abondon- ment of stockings. To our notion, the town will be a pleaSanter sum- mering place when those who wish to go the whole day and sell th&ir bonds or inspect excavations in beach pajamas. We understand also, to revert to our text, that the stockingless mode is both cool and economical, the cost of sheer hose being what it is. All evolution has to do, to keep with the procession, is to produce a pedestrian who ean jump two and | 8 for the south again!--Harry Laua- |] HIRCOCK BROS. Manufacturers of Good Red Stock Brick Prices on Request Phone 28-2, Bowmanville Cement Bloc For Sale 8 in, x 8 in, x 16 in,, ,16¢ 9in. x 8 in. x 18 in, ,,17e 12 in. x 8 in. x 18 in,. .25¢ Three different kinds of faces. Delivered any place in Oshawa, North Oshawa Cement Works Phone 2003W "™ . LOANS ; ON MOTOR CARS We will loan you monies on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present pay= ments we will pay off the claims and renew your pay= ments for any tem up to twelve months and insure # man & McKenzie, 2 King street cast. Phone 940, ways at once--Toronto Telegram. 1 | | your car. See Swanson, Ger~ | | | | of All "Supplies Kinds