: High Standard of 'Campbell Photos A Successful Combination of Fine Art and Business Enterprise * The story of Campbell's studio is well worthy of special minence in this future-visioning" "Greater Oshawa" edition. For the man who looks a little into the inward- mess of a community's life, will see in its interesting paradox one of the keys to this city's reasoned ex- pectations of future greatness. The paradox is this: In a city where business develops almost ov- ernight through all the stages of founding, struggling, development and outstanding success, Oshawa has only one photographic studio. It had only eme studio in 1907. And then, as now, that studio was Campbell's. As almost everywhere else, suc- cess in Oshawa changes the sex of the famous French slogan for de- tectives. Here it is '"Cherchez 1'homme"--Find the man and you have: found the reason for this business success or for that fine civic achievement. And the man behind Campbell is none other than D, Campbell himself--artist. The waiting room of the studio on Simcoe street south speaks of the artist. It is to be seen in that profile photograph of the beloved Rev. Dr. Dougall, pastor emeritus of the Simcoe street United Church. If that photograph were a portrait with Whistler's name at the bottom the gallery which treasures that ar- tist"s "Mother," would plead for its spiritual comrade. It is, simp- ly and therefore truly, a picture of a pastor, the father-shepherd of a people. ' Which means that D. Campbell, artist, knows character, He knows beauty, too. But mere beauty, as such, without character, is a void and often an aching one, Character, however, is independent of prettiness, Another Campbell photograph to be seen in the studio reception room is of Dr. McKay, Oshawa's medical officer of health. This picture reveals something about the doctor that we who see him every day miss, It explains him, Dr, McKay, as rendered by Campbell, is Rooseveltian. His eyes tell you of 'square deals," clear-seeing enthusiasms, intoler- ance of lazy ignorance, yet kindly to a degree that he tries to hide-- the only evadion of his type, These are but two examples, One, unknown to the writer, Is of a lady wearing what the mere male will term a sports hat, Per- Record Building Year ONTEMPLATED ew work for which plans are being prepared has been reported in excep- tionally large volume since the beginning of the year. e total for the whole Dominion stood at $478,868,000 at the end of July. That there is more work in pect now than last year is shown by the follo table, compiled by bv fd Building Reports, Ltd.-- ESTIMATED VALUE OF CONTEMPLATED WORK 7 Months, 1928 7 Months, 1927 LB Lh rsesarsnaansd 687,100 . $ 302,400 Rs . 21,611,800 5,582,600 N.B, sceeecceanennns 8,280,200 21,995,200 UEDEC ceeernecnane 129,340,900 90,840,100 tari0 +eesensennes 192,096,600 155,161,600 Manitoba ceeeeeeees 34,939,300 24,503,400 22,244,800 20,085,000 % 19,986,500 14,837,100 49,680,800 89,074,800 'Whole Dominion ... $478,868,000 $422,382,200 Of the above work, $294,616,900 worth has al- ready been contracted for, the provincial totals be- ingi-- 7 Months, 1928 7 Months, 1927 PEL rrrenassveresd 270,100 $ 271,200 NS. crraceersecrreey. 25394400 3,137,600 NB. cennerenanernes 2,530,300 2,438,600 Quebec 4. " 2,828,700 77,338,400 T Ontario 112,416,800 108,705,900 ' Manitoba 16,781,500 20,798,000 Sask, «vee 12,520,400 7,485,400 Alta. . 12,461,500 5,214,100 B.C. ircvavesrvnstans 21,813,200 16,815,800 Whole Dominion ... $294,616,900 $242,205,000 This year has all the ear-marks of being the great- est ever known in Canada. The work seems to be well spread around and most of those in the industry are receiving their share. haps this will identify it and, [difficult man to interview. His again, it may not. memory must be a treasure-house This picture could be labelled |of incidents, but he refuses to be "Canadian Womanhood" or "War [drawn. Nurse in Mufti." And, without Reluctantly he told the inter- elaboration, we would know that viewer that he had photographed she was a superintendent of | King Alphonso and Queen Victoria nurses, The executive talent so | of Spain during their honeymoon in beautiful in women who dedicate |Scotland, For all the detail he it to something higher than being (gave, he might have just as well merely the chief nurse or the club said, "I photographed Stirling president, is the living grace of |Castle on Michaelmas Day." What this photograph. did they look like? Were they His studies of children are also a {much in love, What did the queen, delight, They are -- and this is {who had lately been an English mastery -- so entirely childhood, [princess, say? All these questions and for that reason not a little | must stand for a better occasion, wistful with that earnest innocence However, Mr. Campbell did tell and air of being greatly beloved |about what he considered his most which marks them in every place |difficult bit of photographic work, and every setting. No doubt the Exposed Plate for 72 Hours kiddies are his specialty. It was taking a photograph of a Mr, Campbell, however, is a very [church carving in Scotland when - his camera remained exposed for three days! It was a very ancient and notable church (no, no names). Up in the dimmess of its roof was a carving, a beautiful one and arche- alogically priceless. A picture was wanted, but the church could not risk or would not risk having a flash light taken, The only light was very dim and, doubtless, religious. So, a scaffold was built to bring the camera's eye close to the carving. On Saturday morning the lens was opened, and it was kept open until Monday afternoon. He got the picture, The premises where Campbell's Studio is located has been used as such for the past 50 years. It was taken over by Mr. Campbell 21 years ago. It has just recently beer enlarg- ed again, This time accommodation has been provided for the taking of large groups. It is mow possible to photograph at one time and within the enlarged studio a group of 100 people. Few studios in Canada can even approach this service, Campbell's Studio, in addition, 1s equipped for both night and day work. Batteries of high powered mercury vapour lamps flood groups with day-like illumination. Mr. Campbell also specialized in commercial work. He maintains two cars for outside work, and his services are in demand all the way from: Toronto to Belleville. In fact, farther than that, but he is only one man, A new feature of the studio fis equipment for all kinds of color work, using color screens and pan- chromatie films. This also puts Oshawa {n the very vanguard of photographic progressivism. Assisting Mr. Campbell are E, Allman, in the studio's picture framing department--really a se- assistant. technicians who work out the me- ment and mounting. fession in Scotland. He had wide experience in England and the United States Oshawa. " When you get into a tight place and everything goes against you, till it seems as though you could not hold on a minute longer never give up then, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn. --Harriet Beecher Stowe. It is a glorious privilege to live, to know, to act, to listen, to behold, to love, To look up at the blue sum- mer sky; to see the sun sink slow- ly bey ~d the line of the horizon; to wach the worlds come twinkling into view, first one by one, and the myriads that no man can count, and and you and I are here; --Marco Morrow. parate business in itself--and Ed- | ward Pankhurst, his photographic | The staff includes a number of | chanical work of picture develop- | Mr. Campbell learned his pro- | hefore coming to | OSHAWA"S LEADING PLASTERERS Below is a list of some of the fine homes recently finished by the above MH, SUTCLIFFE OSHAWA WHOLESALE GROCERS NEW BUILDING NOwW USIER CONSTRUCT! ON GEO. HEZZLEWOOD EWART McLAUGHLIN R. S. McCLAUGHLIN'S ERNIE MARKS A. G. STORIE ARENA N. H. MILLMAN J. H. BEATON MERCURY SERVICE FRANK TAIT STATION OSHAWA WHOLESALE GROCERS SUTCLIFFE & SAGE PLASTERERS OSHAWA ONTARIO You Will Eventually Come to Oshawa , --You Will Want a Home! --You Will Want a Lot! ~ --You May Desire a Business Location or Perhaps Purchase an + Established Business ! ---You May Desire Loans to Complete Your Building Program! --You May Require Life or Fire Insurance! It Any of These Suggestions Apply to Your Needs---See . V. DISNE® "The Man Who Knows Real Estate' the man who can solve your problems---Don't delay---The office is located in the Disney Block. A Opposite P. O. Phone 1550