THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES -- Greater Oshawa Edition -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1928 deofedrdeodialededodraeadididoded ¥ City of Oshawa Leads Whole Province of Ontario in Ratio of Growth | ! rodredsafoafadredeale dealer daafeafecdneeadrdoadealeodrednaieadrdadralicfradeafredradeadadrdraioadrdraoadidraloaddrdoodradrdroodded dreleadreloadoadrdeadiadideadraddeaduatdeadead 5 THE BUSINESS MAN... for os Ediza '! 7 ; AT, : ; . : . on . - i ative plans are already being wn : : z '{miade for the extension of the plant . Meets the Needs of All . ob wh a . pag. 'l tto the requirements of a Greater . : | ) 3 i ; 'Oshawa--in which connection it Concentration of the Mental and Physical Resources of -- r------ Motorists . A 1 | : Phiten go ich _eqmnestion § is Business Interests - Would Overcome All Ob. 7 jo : S-- i pi mands made upon the factory have ps . . stacles--The Work and Aims of the Oshawa Soir asa sana Gradual expansion is recognized as J ] A add : 7 ; made it necessary to double the capa~ Chamber of Commerce. the keynote of successful business, city "during the last six months. By GEORGE McLAUGHLIN S an assertion of fact and a challenge to the business and professional men of that country, the President of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce charged them with the re- sponsibility of municipal problems of today and exhorted them to devote at least a small portion of their astuteness in busi- ness to the solution of those problems. but the expansion that Fred J. Mc- Donnell has made in his garage and service station during the last twelve months is certainly anything but gradual. During the year, Mr. Mc- Donnell has added a large service truck, opened a refreshment stand, accepted the agency for Seciberling tires and inaugurated a taxi service, Each one of these new departments, as well as the repair division and the tourists' gasoline and oil service, is in a flourishing condition. The Millard plant specializes in in- terion woodwork and frames and sash and is branching out into trip, Altealy this season it has furnished thé"frame and sash needs of half huifdired homes and several stores. \iiong the work just completed is a coptvact for the frames and sash of the large new warchouse which is being erected by Oshawa Wholesale t[1Grecers, Limited. Another is for the {frames, sash, cupboards and doors fori'the McLeese apartment on Sin- | It is not difficult to agsume that the above is substantially correct } : foithe McLees Rg 4 : Phi 4 ri . 2 rth. ib ) $0 vot unreasonable i Semen. wali setvice stition, on Ring Siiee} The Generator and Starter Service, Church street, just north of King, is another of Oshawa' - emterpri "The indi Sebivg C. H. Millard, is i . y ad © Lis ; ) . itd Abbe . ! 3 using industries in the broad sense an ideal location for tourist service, firms, keeping pace with the development of the Motor City. George C. Alchin is the pr and a ° fhe Jounger jeneration and sub- of the world, which are the resuit and it is a location which is also 4 Sgribes ol e policy Fd he ost pro- of a desire to secure a sound and patronized by Oshawa people for : : i: ; 3 ay : Lf RECssive e ement of Oshawa business inves e r d Fs | venience of motorists | inaugurated which the Buick sedans | \ men. His practical experience in tle safe return for an investment, we work of all kinds. Five men are em n 3 Se wl aa] Frames an as I rr. ractieal fence in 0 would not have the communities ployed by Mr. McDonnell on his re-| The roadway lead inte the sta- | used have made nite Dopu ar. vi r : bui ding fe 3 in the Jerio of 0s . Be have then toa a nes pi oa and ern rom chr on oie oF he ss on ae Metal he onbana seed) 6 MT lope] Plant |S is Sr vie the consequent community require: City of Oshawa's Klovated Water (I"€ 2 battery to the West involved - Station § Pug Py Lid 3) It J oo Da Fioanbats: ois Ho turn | his own business. He attributes the | ments for the health, happiness and Reservoir Tenair Job is handled. With the new Ti Fore il yi Sarat ror i jo Selperling tires; of which he -- ) [cee ig eo lr A comfort of its citizens, i fe AON MoD RE 1 an ye for a number of automob to be | has the sole agency here. The re- One of the best equipped establish- | workmanship and prompt service, Is there any wonder therefore The man who starts out with the iin 4 . if more efficiently, as | driven into and out of the station. |freshment booth opened in connection | ments of its kind in the city is the | believing that a satisfied customer is that interested citizens in the vari-| ., ° : tat . Aan e roa a's Mo * - inal In this end of the busin i- | with the station is becoming a fea: | planing mill and woodworking fac-|the best form of advertising in the ied idea of getting rich won't succeed;|well as the emergency road service . i a C2 the b ! Jn the ous communities should desire to you must have a larger ambition.|of Ontario Motor League members, | American "Peerless™ and super-power ture department of the business. or (. H. Millard, 443 Richmond | building field and that the work itself take some part, using thelr PAT" There is no mystery in business suc-|he boy the League service repre- | gasoline and motor oils are handled. | ren meme { Street East ; proclaims the worker. ticular abilities, to foster and pro- cess. If you do each day's task suc-|sentative in the Oshawa district.| A compressed air high pressure Ale- Fear not that thy life shall con The Millard plant is favorably | : 4 " mote the best interests of the cessfully, stay faithfully within the | Acetelyne welding is also an impor- | mite lubricating muse. giv. 1 ¢ n end, but rather fear that it| situated in a section of the city which Whatever strengthens and purifies community which has contributed natural operations of commercial law, |tant branch of McDonnell service. |ing the most efficient lubricatin - | shall never have a be inning : promises rapid _ development in the | the dfisctions, cnlarges Jie ln 8 to their success. and keep your lead clear, vou will| The station is open all night, with vice. lo miver s white with them: uture I'he ecquipment com | trion,. ane fuds spir ) sense If for a moment onc could eon come out all right.--Rockefeller. telephone lines to central for the con- | About a year ago a taxi service 3 --Cardinal Newman | prises the latest and best machinery, | useful.--Shelley. ceive of a concentration of the : ! : 4 ee = minds and thoughts of successful |= a. business interests on our munici- pal, provincial and dominion prob- lems, is there any obstacle that could not be surmounted in mak- G. W. McLAUGHLIN ing Canada bos of 1h reas countries 1' the world? ichly en- President Qehawa Cliamber of dowed with natural resources, a northern climate conducive to the development of a virile race, Canada's successful future is assured, pro- vided we of today have in us the spirit of the pioneer who has been largely responsible for our present development, ; Canada will always be known by its agricultural productivity, but cach | succeeding year proves its potentialities to become one of the greatest manufacturing nations of the world, Communities together make any na- | tion; and the city of Oshawa having produced in manufactured articles in 1927 an amount only exceeded by two other municipalities in the Province lof Ontario, is taking its place in. the Dominion, The development of industry in this city within recent years has nec- cessitated the development of home building, requiring increased and im- | proved public utilities of all kinds, and these have been introduced by | many who have devoted their time and thoughts to the needs of all, exem- | plifying the necessary attributes of good citizens proud to do their share in community building, It is obvious that all business men cannot serve in the offices of au- thority such as governments, special boards or commissions and until com- paratively recent years Canadians have been dependent upon the few who have unselfishly given of their time and brains to the community prob- lems, An Opportunity for All With the advent of Chambers of Commerce an opportunity is afford- vd to all citizens to round out their citizenship by assuming some share in the development of their particular community, The remarkable development in Canadian business in recent years has been responsible for the statement that "Canada is now where the United | States was fifty years ago." If such be the case the combined business sense of' all communities should from time to time be devoted to all mat ters of a public character, The city has within the past few vears taken its place in Canada as one of the leading industrial centres and its further development is con- | fidently expected, | With this development comes increasing demand for the solution of | the problems to take care of the health, happiness and comfort of our citizens, The greatest mistake made in the past, and it is regretted that it still continues, is the lack of foresight in planning for future develop | ment, resulting in a waste of thousands and sometimes millions of the tax- payers" money, It is unnecessary to give examples of this fault, but a thought about any of the largest cities and even the smaller ones will give evidence of the fact. There is a matter of importance during the development stages in any community to which reference should be made. Development is followed by the easier circulation of money and very often our optimism results in a mortgage on the future which in some cases, due to a dull trend of busi- ness beyond our own control, is found hard to meet in addition to the ne- | cessary demands for added comfort and pleasure, The government statutes place a limit on the indebtedness which a community should incur, in the case of Oshawa 25% of its total assessment. That is no reason, however, why the limit should be reached, It is sound business to keep community indebtedness to a point where its bonds require interest payments as loi as any others and are yet sufficiently attractive to the investing public, : With the above thoughts we again arrive at the need for studied plan ning of capital expenditures to take care of all required municipal develop ments for at least fifteen ycars hence, To this. end, therefore, in addition to the direct service to its meg- hers and the general industrial development of the city, the Oshawa Chah- ber of Commerce with its five hundred members, ali progressive citizens, is devoting its attention not with the object of dictating the policy to he pursued but to offer suggestions as required and to be of general service to the city as a whole and to its authoritative representatives, It is confidently believed that with the offer of service, and the ac- ceptance of the same in the spirit with which it is proffered, the Chamber of Commerce cannot help but be of considerable assistance in arriving at the solutions of problems encountered at all times by ing city as Oshawa, of which we are all proud such a fast grow- Fraser's Hobby... M f Lakeview Park Y any 0 One of Greater Oshawa's most : : ' : Jussule Sewisiions io Bh. Oshawa Ss | Moffat TT Coffield SERVICE An up-to-date service is beauty, its health-giving qualities and in this issuc we illustrate and describe . 4 & the Pavilion erected in Lakeview well known Ranges i Washer building was opencd on July Ist, 1927, . : : be | maintained by Bowra with kobert Fraser as lessee. i | ; ; Ld i Ld its charming environment. Elsewhere ; | i Electric : es 7 : Electric Park by the Parks Commission. This Electric Shop for the con- Mr. Fraser is widely known as the i | 1 1) i 4 bh Gl haiety bans i structures | Electric dy Fa Electric there is a wonderful dancing pro- ; » | Fixtures % gramme In the pavilion every even- ng, music being rendered by the Blue Marines Orchestra under the able dare direction of Stan Williams: For the ' i children there ae the gid 5 Floor Lamps round, the ferris wheel, and unlimit- : : : ed space for all kinds of Shores. The Ld Table Lamps Vacuum your difficulties on im- dining-room and the grill-room are _. wire y i i d in connection with the ROBT. FRASER 4 ers mediate notice. Mr. Fraser caters to ban-| A Busy Man at Lakeview Park Boudoir Lamps Clean re provided without charge : gn i fs grounds ue p bah oe rented at a| Twelve Things to Remember-- | SIMPLY PHONE moderate rate. The booths provide . The value of time. guets and lodge dinners. The picnic ail kinds of refreshments. The man- . The success of perseverance. venience of the Oshawa Appliances | public. Make use of this Service Truck -- we are able to help you out of agement of the various activities is| J. The pleasure of working. undertaken by competent persons . The dignity of simplicity. / 2 | working under Mr. Fraser's direction. 5 The worth of character, The giest Conservative picnic held | © The power of kindness. [ eC ricians recently was a tribute to Lakeside | The influence of example. | f | Pai" Af he momen, vrylody | 5 The chon of Gy SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA PHONE 1075 looking forward to the General ; The wisdom of economy. Mcrors' picaic, which 1 bring to- | 1 he virtue of patience. ther thousands of families and their | . The improvement of talent. oe on the cleventh of August. | . The joy of originating.