PERSONAL and Mrs. H. White are vis- Mr. friends near Bomarlaw. ss 8 visiting 'Mr. and Mrs. 8, Hunter of Lake- Fy . visiting friends in the elty. « oo Mrs. (Rev.) Felton of Irving- ton, N.J., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Samells, 218 Church street Mrs. W. J. Harper of Wark- worth is visiting her sister, Mrs. 0. M, Alger; Simeoe street north. Miss Marjorie McCullough of Harwood is spending her vacation with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Lean. Te Mrs Swartz, Oak street, leaves this afternoon for Milwaukee, Wis. consin, to attend the Supreme Lodge of the Knights of Pythias, which will be in session in that eity next week. Mrs, Metcalfe of Kitchener will accompany Mrs, Swartz, PREMIER KING MEETS MACDONALD ON SUNDAY Prince Albert, Sask, Aug. 10--Ar- rangements which have been made for changing the routing of Premier Mackensie Ringe car, will allow for a meeting between him and Ramsay MacDonald at Fort William on Sun- day evening. The Prime Minister and the leader of the British Labor Party will have about 20 minutes together according to present plans. S---- For washing potatoes, beets, tur- nips, celery, ete., use a emall brush. time and fingers. To peel apples easily, pour beil- ing water over apples to be cooked; they peel much easier and it saves much timve. Grated cheese does not keep well, The least damp affects it. Keep a tightly corked bottle in a cool, dry cupboard. To prevent soggy fruit ples, beat the white of an egg and be- fore filling, brush the sides and bottom crust with it, then sprinkle with grated bread crumbs (do not use crusts,) add filling and put at once in oven. Putting in the sugar when the pie is half filled alse helps to keep fruit pies from being heavy, Fine orange or lemon: flavoring for cakes, puddings, etc. When us- ing fresh oranges or lemons, pare rind very thin (do not get any of the thick white inner skin), and put in a glass jar or granulated sugar; when sugar has absorbed enough oil to become moist, it is ready for use and will keep indefin. itely, A ---------- It's the dressing that makes the salad Take 4 table- spoonfuls of ve oil, 4 table- spoonfuls of fresh cream, 2 tablespoonfuls of vinegar, 1 teaspoonfu een"s Mus- t salt and pepper to suit taste, Mix and beat Send for FREE Book We ha: ray rif Arid OSTESSES who are famed for It does the work better and saves THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY: AUGUST. 11, 1928 Fashion Notes Printed chiffon for dresses have ver been lovlier, while the new designs and 'colors for fall would send an artist into ecstacies, for flowers sprawling over a sheer fab- ric, autumn leaves in every conceiv- able form and color, sprays of ber- ries, tropical fruits, all the latest inspirations of l'art moderne-- these are only a hint of what to expect. Long mitts of silk lace which reach almost to the shoulder and look like long tight sleeves are of- fered by several Paris dressmakers as a suggestion for the formal cos- tumes worn at the race course on sunny gala day, and the mitts come several inches short of the shoulder and permit women who have acquired sunburn at southern beaches to display their brown arms without wearing sport cos- tumes, which are taboo at smart afternoon events this summer, "Magpie" tollettes in various black and white materials are very fashionable this summer, and there is a certain type of woman who never looks better than when she adopts this scheme, A particular- ly effective hat, designed to accom- modate an ensemble of black and white satin and white fox fur, has a crown of black summer-weight felt, with a wide brim of dead white organdie muslin arranged in layers to give a drooping, un- even effect, This model, while or- iginal and striking, is not becom. ing to everyone, and the woman who wears it must be able to curry off the slightly bizarre effect, A New York authority says: "The newest hair cut is a bit long- er than earlier in the season ana while there is a slight tendency to wear the hair straight, the smart. est cuts show the large finger-like waves, while to be absolutely cor- rect, nature should have given you tiny, shell-like ears, back of which the hair should be tucked, away from the face." STRATFORD PLANS HUGE CELEBRATION Stratford, Aug, 10,--The stage is all set for a monster Derry Day celebration here tomorrow,when Stratford will welcome upward of 10,000 members of the Black Knights and their families from all over this part of Ontario, Contin gents are expected from as far west as Windsor and as far north us Owen Sound - and every arrange- ment has been made for their en- tertainment, The parade to Queen's Park will commence in the early afternoon, Mayor J, A, Andrew will tender an address of welcome and the princi- pal addresses of the day will be given by Sir Knight George Spot ten of Wingham, and Grand Mas- ter Rev, Mr, Spencer of Toronto, F, Wellington Hay, M.P.,, Senator J. P. Rainkin, and Dr, J. D, Mon- teith, Provincial Treasurer, are also expected to speak. A splendid program of sporfs has been arrang- ed. PROVINCIAL DAILIES EDITORS SOON WILL VISIT SAULT Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.,, Aug. 10, --Great preparations are being made here for the reception of the 'editors of the Provincial dailies on Follow the lead set by representa- y tive housewives and hostesses every- : A a Aug. 23, and the Rotary and Ki- wanis Clubs are the latest organ- izations to put thelr shoulders to the wheel, It is realized that the event will be an important one for the Soo and the citizens generally are determined that the visitors shall have a good time, Those of the editors who wish to try for some of the big speckled trout here will be taken out the A.C.R, to try their skill, ! BY GUARD'S SHOT Niagara Falls, N.Y., Aug. 10.-- crippled jury, will be followed by the ap- pointment by the Supreme Court of a Commissioner to act for him Hanson has little or no mental power left, it was stated at the hearin by the physician whe has attended him ever since the shoot. ing, May 6 last. "He is not im sane--that is, he is not maniacal-- bue he has the mentality of a small child; I believe him incompetent." The hearing, a formality only, was short and quiet, in marked contrast to the uproar and anger which followed the shooting, It was ascertained that Hanson's es- tate is valued 'at about $8,000, in addition to a large cheque from an insurance company, Hanson fis gradually sinking. His condition since he was shot has varied but little, and the nurse attending him states that he is growing weaker daily. The bullet which crippled him and which lodged at the base of his brain, has moved about three-quarters of an inch, but any operation to remove it would be fatal, doctors state, Glen Jennings, United States Coast Guardsman, who shot Hanson, has been in- dicted for second degree assautl, and released on $10,000 bail. He will be tried at the September ter of the Grand Jury here, . ASHBURN Ashurn, Aug. 11,--Miss M. tk ine of Keyes, Man, visited Bld friends here last week, Miss Sak- ine is the daughter of Mr. Har- ry Sakine, who before his removal to the West lived on the town line, : Rev. W. B, and Mrs, Mitchell are spending their vacation at their summer home, Oak Lake, Douglas, the two year old son of Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Ashton, was taken to the Port Perry Hospital on Wednesday where he was oper- ated on for appendicitis, Al- though the appendix had bro¥en and the case was very serious, he is doing as well as can be expect- ed at time of writing. Mr, Will Burgess visited To- ronto friends during the week. The temporary bridge mid-way between here and Myrtle is being torn away and the road at each side is being graded up and the new cement bridge is now inuse, which with the widening of the road here is quite an improve- ment, It is reported that this road is to be paved in the near fu- ture from the intersection of the Toronto-Lindsay Highway at Myr- tle to Stouffville, The scythes swung by skilled arms are busy cutting the weeds along the roadsides, Mr, John Miller is having num- ergus callers these days to see his bunch of imported horses and dogs which he had arrive at his farm here last week, Mrs, Doubt of Oak Ridges, Ont., has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Heron, Mr, Gordon Fisher took several loads of calves, sheep and hogs to Toronto during the week, He pad twelve-fifty a hundred for the atter, They've found the gland that limits growth, Now all that re- mains is to find where the gland is located in lawn grass,--Brooklyn Times, Robert F. McGowan, veteran director of Hal R N's sascals, "Our Gang." has put his youngsters at work on another M-G-M comedy. This ight be, alled 4 juvenile domestic farce, and will feature Mary Ana J " 1," and "Pete," the "Gang" bow-wow, McGowan is personally directing, Kate Price is the third for "The Collens and the K in Atlantic City," which William J. Craft is preparing for early at Universal' City. George Sidney, of course, will play athan 'Cohen and Vera Gordon will play Mrs. Cohen. Kelly has not yet been designated, ---- "Miss Angeles" and "Miss Atlanta," otherwise Adrienne Dore .and Estelle Bradley, are reminiscing this week at the Educational Stu- dios. where they are working in Jack White Comedies. Both girls are nationally beauties. Miss Dore was Tynher-up for the crown of "Miss America" gli while Miss Bradley in 1924 was named as the most beautiful girl in the Southern Division at the gational beauty contest at Atlantic . . Earl Montgomery has completed production of "Mickey's Babies" .the last of the current series ales on the cartoons by hers F hich Laty Darmour is making for Standard Cinema Corporation an release. Mickey (himself) McGuire, Junior Johnson, Delia Bogard and Ham- Drink It often! "SALADA™ stimulating beneficial the Four 'blends-- TEA Tea bs ---------- portant. Pictures that have this feel- ing of vim and eagerness, characized in youth, have proved to be the most popular with audiences this Poland. O. Hoyt wrote the (antinuity, under, the supervision of Joseph Franklid \ "Stop That Man" it ds said, is arou- sing the greatest enthusiasm with the public. In the supporting cast are Eddie Gribbon, Warnér Richmond, Walter McGrail, George Siegmann, and Joe Girard. The picture is taken from Disney-Cott bone Joh George Crone. new Maring , P mayor of a little issued the shave order, Betty ne in his first starrin picture, titled "Pirates pirate chief, on the Peter :B, Kyne stor be put into production by T sequences, This Kellys in Atlantic City." Dane and Geo ; "Bi leased by in'a real ring battle with first Greek actress, contract, nson continue in the cast. Sally O'Neill and Buster Collier, announce Tiffany-Stahl, will play the leading roles in "The Floating College" now being directed by For the first time since his arrival in Hollywood, Nils Asther will be seen minus his famous moustache in his role for Norma Shearer's ture, "The Little Angel." Asther plays the role of the Southern town and it was decided tache was far too aaghistieated for the role. Boyd, the pretty, slender brunette beauty who proved so Jopular in Mermaid Comedies last season, comedy of the new season, which is a pirate eware." Miss Boyd is cast in the role of the John Francis Natteford fs buail "The iffany-Stahl Productions, Fred Mackaye and Gustave Partos are the most recent players added to the cast of "The Play Goes On" at Universal City, Dr, Paul Fejos is developing this Conrad Veidt-Mary Philbin picture in talking Mack Swain has been chosen as the Kelly of "The Cohens and Sydney, Vera Gordon, Mack Swain and Kate Price who will arrive in ew York next week under the leadership of William J. Craft. They will then go to Atlantic City for the exteriors, The movies seem to be originating in the barber shops, First Karl e K. Arthur starte "Brotherly Love" in an up-fo-date barber sho, Haines chooses the same locale for the opening shots of his new star- ring. picture, "Alias Jimmy Valentine," Boy's" starring comedy, "Kid Hayseed," which is to be re- ncational in August, shows the four-year-old star engaging h ackie Levine, another youngster about his age, all because of their rivalry over pretty little Lorraine Rivero, In spite of the centuries-old re hone has ever been featured on t Her name is Elenn Aristi, . Universal until Carl Laemmle saw her in the "rushes" and put her Putation of Greek women for beauty, written by George V, Hobart, the stage play of the same name, Smith adapted the play and Harry 87 Celina St, Phone 1088 | that his trim mous~ Hence Director Sam Wood will be seen opposite Lupino engaged in writing the continuity an in Hobbles™ which is soon to completes the quartette of George their present starring picture, and now William e screen; Universal has signed the She was an extra at CORINNE GRIFFITH IN "THE GARDEN OF EDEN" UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE, COMES TO REGENT THEATRE Corine Griffith makes her United Artists debut in "The Garden of Eden," a comedy romance film based on the stage play of the same name, her picture coming to the Regent Theatre on Monday. Louise Dress- er,. Lowell Sherman and Charles Ray head a distinguished supporting cast, Lewis Milestone, who made "Two Arabian. Knights," directed "The Gar- den of Eden, Apples, serpents, fig leaves and Paradise _are only symbolically pres- ent in this "Garden of ,'--for it is a modern clothes. version of 'the oldest story in the world, It is at the Hotel Eden, outside Monte Car- lo, that many humorous and romans tic adventures befall Toni LeBrun, French shop-girl off on a lark with her friend, the Baroness Rosa de Garcer, The startling climax to those adventures is a wedding which ends in a riot, Rudolph Bernauer and Rudolph Oesterreicher, two Austrians, wrote the ngs play, "The Garden of Ed- en," which has been continuously on the boards in Germany for three years, In nd Tallulah Bank. "STOP THAT MAN" YOUTHFUL FARCE NEXT AT NEW MARTIN "Stop That Man," the Universal icture that has been secured by the ew Martin Theatre will open Mon- day, It is a comedy of young loye, Its cast, story, and director all con- tribute to: the sparkling something that audiences call "youth." Arthur Lake and Barbara Kent, who enact the chief roles, are two of the youngest leading players in Hollywood. Although in pictures on- ly a short time they have become among the most sought after per- sons in the film colony, Nat Ross, who directed the pic- ture, is also a portrayer of youth, He directed the famous series of "Collegians" that made such a suc- cess with. young amd old people wherever they were shown. He is still in. his twenties and has risen from virtual obscurity to fame al- most over night, The theme of the story, too, is one of youth, The boy who wanted to be a policeman because his two older brothers were, expresses the ideal of youth--to be big and im- A cabaret chorine goes from Paris to Monte Carlo looking for life ~and loses her heart! her Adam! laughs and love! Mother Eve had nothing on this Modern Eve! She had many more men to choose from--but she got Fig leaves, snakes, applesauce, Regent Theatre| Monday, Tuesday Wednesday COMING to OSHAWA NEW MARTIN Starting Monday ting littl booklet catled Pi * wy « 1 RUS You will not only give added zest to every meal but and improve your family's health, KEEN { AUTHORS & COX There fs a hardly s household Aids Digestion : CI AR Ee 1 Io ReoN | that hasn't heard of Castoris! At di least five million homes are never without it, If there are children in The your family, there's simost daily enue need of its comfort. And any 'might may find you very thenkful there's a bottle in the house. Just a few drops, and that colic or comstips- tion is relieved; or diarrhes check- SES STARRING Barbara Kent Arthur Lake George Siegmann : Col Eddie Gribbon From the Famous Play By George V. Hobart He Hired a Man to shoot Him, yy 'but then decided Life was a too Sweet . - A : 3 ER : : ¢ aT | | Added Attraction Trains leave ot: 545 a.m., 6.20a.m., 8.40 a.m. and 4.35 p.m. ol 3 s : Comedy-Fox i ] i 44,000 HARVESTERS $15.00, To WINNIPEG EESEEE w= Ei Ep re Aug. zn TEam EE Ie a and Buffalo 31 From all stations in Ontario west south WANTED For Canadian West SORES thifl «B® ie f 1 it tH 0 and Train News CANADIAN PACIFIC