4 v ALAA ALALL SSL Ihe WSHAWA DAI 1uue> -- Greater Oshawa Edition -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1928 ER dol City's Manufactured Products Rank Third in Province of Ontario (OFFICE STAFF AND EMPLOYEES OF THE ORIENTAL TEXTILES COMPANY Oshawa Sure of Its Daily Bread Tod's Bread, Limited, Can Fill the Bill, Whatever the Demand (That Oshawa people are recog- nizing that local bakeries supply even better bread than some of the outside firms ure doing is amply evidenced by the fact that, during the last six months, Tod's Bread, Limited, has experienced. a full twenty per cent increase in their business, D. M; Tod, the genial president of the company, gives the business his 'personal supervision, and with the capable seconding of R. L. D, M, TOD President Tod's Bread, Ltd, Gray, secretary-treasurer of the company, sees that the element of quality is not at any time allowed to wane, Mr. Tod's specialty, the "Big Dandy" loaf, is finding a rapidly increasing sale, and is cer- tainly one of the hest loaves made fn Canada, he says, During the year two wagons and a truck have heen added to the former fleet of ten wagons ana two trucks, "An addition to the stable that will accommodate three extra horses has been made to keep pace with the growing peeds of delivery service, After thingy-eight years of steady pro- gress, the firm now has a most modern plant capable of turning out 800 loaves every 45 minutes. It gives year-rqund employment to over 20 men whose combined payroll totals $30,000, Splendid relations exist between the firm and its staff, Tod's Bread Company was the second Oshawa industry to introduce group in- surance for its employees, The stafl's outstanfing efficiency, bowever,, is ascribed {in a large measure to Mr, Harry Andrews, bakeshop foreman, who has been with the company for 14 years. For the work, Mr. Gray states, the horse is still king of bakery transportation. They learn their routes as perfectly as the men who drive them, and seem to co- rate with their driver in get- g the work done on schedule time. . The latest word in merchanical bake shop equipment is used by the Tod Bread Company, but with- out abandoning some of the tested machinery without which re- Suits suitable to the public's vary- tastes cannot be obtained. Brick loaf bread, for instance has to be baked on a brick oven floor to get that inimitable crusty flav- our 'which lovers of that class of bread demand. But for the general standard bread, a huge oven, which is heat- ed by an oil furnace which burns jn hat steam instead of ordinary pir, turns out 500 perfect loaves 8s a baking. Oil burner heat gives uniformity fn baking, was the manager's statement, and additional guaran- tee of that benefit is given by thermostatic control which eoper- ates automatically. For example: fresh batches of unbaked loaves coming into the oven lowers the temperature below the required \gegree. This sets a sensitive mech- anism to work. The motor starts, the oil burners biaze up, and in a few moments 'he maximum tem- perature required is again reached. At that mglat the thermostatic | calls "halt" and the flame returns to the waiting position. In this matter of baking by ail heated ovens, the Tod Bread Company, Limited, is one of the industry's pioneers. 4 Near the main oven is a steam hoiler which is also heated by oil burners, By a special device work- ed out for the Tod Company, the steam generated by the boiler is used, in part, to mix in the tire box with the ofl-fuel flame. This glves a much higher quality of heat than would be the case from burning atmospheric air. The process of bread baking is an intricate one, and in the Tod Bakery is one of exacting stand- ards as to materials, measurement and sanitation, An "outstanding feature of the Tod Bread Company, Limited, out- put is that it is--in whatever form of bread---doubly rich is essential vitamines which modern medical science declares the human body must ingest or perish, Supple- menting the yeast which goes into Tod Bread is "Arcady," a yeast food manufactured by the Fleisch- mann Company. In this substance, supplementing the yeast, goes those imperative things which make the healthy diet, Tod's Bakery has never em- phasized this fine feature of its work, as it could have done with- out violating any ethics, The com- pany rests content with making a product which its eustomors de- mand, Flour for bread is first sifted In a very fine sifter and is con- veyed, automatically to a tank where water of a specified tem- perature is introduced, In the meantime mixing cans pass before a row of bins from which ralt, sugar, shortening, malt and milk-- all of the finest--quality are col- lected, These are then mixed by machinery, and poured, with the flour and water mixtures, into troughs, The dough then goes through mixers, and is finally conveyed to a dividing machine which pours out the first stage of the finishd loaf on to a conveyer. This divider weighs the batches, and ahout every fifth loaf is also weighed in separate scales as a precautionary measure hoth against over and underweight, Light weight is rare, but when it occurs the faults are usually found to be a thin mixture or a hopper {insufficiently supplied. These events, however, are ex- tremely rare, and are caught hy the checker before the matter de- velops beyond immediate remedy. From the divider, the loaf-that- is-to-be goes to a revolving table called a "rounder up" where the dough assumes its first semblance to loaf form, These balls are then run through a glass enclosed first proofer where the rising quality of the yeast--which seems to halt through the earlier processes--is restored. The next stage Is to the steam heated proofing reom where the yeast, now fully awake, develops the dough. into loat form. From there, on rack trucks which can be unloaded in one minute, 500 loaf batches go to the main oven. Steam inside the sealed oven keeps the loaves from developing a thick crust, and gives them that shiny surface which fis the mark of well baked bread. Tod Bread Compapy, Limited, does a small amount of cake and confectionary baking; but these are mostly special orders. Its main lines include the Big Dandy Loaf, Milk Maid Bread, Butter-Nut loaf, a full line of rolls and buns, Coffee Rolls, Parker House rolls, Vienna and French breads, brick loaves, and others. Their new specialty is the Cheese Bread Loaf which is developing in a surprising manner. It is sald, by an increasing number of users, to be the best bread for tosst pos- sible, and its popularity in gen- eral is witnessed by the fact that a few weeks ago Cheese Bread was baked only once a week, while this week it was baked three times to meet increased demand. Elaborate machinery takes care of the bread wrapping. One mach- ine has a capacity of 1,500 loaves every hour. Shower baths and lockers pro- vide for the comfort of the bak staff and insure the spotless sani- tary standard of the bakeroom. We are made for cooperation, like fect, like hands, like eyelids, like the rows of upper and lower teeth, To act against one another then is con- trary to nature, and it is acting against one another to be vexed and J turn away.--~Magcus 1 A Use of Concrete in High Buildings 'The increasing use of reinforced concrete for high buildings is re. vealed in a survey of this type throughout North America recently! completed by the Portland Cement! Association. South America is the most sensa- tional adapter of the concrete build- ing idea, the Hotel Palacio Salvo at Montevideo, Uraguay, being the high- est building of its type inithe world. It rises to a height of storeys, with its peak 338 feet above the side- walk level. The Palacio was finished in 1926. The tallest concrete building in the United States is the recently com- leted Master Printers' Building, ew York City, which has 20 storeys and an over-all height of 310 feet, While the first concrete building above ten storeys in. America, the Ingalls Office Building at Cincinnati, Ohio, finished in 1903, stands 16 storeys high, the average number of storeys for the 647 reinforced con- crete buildings in the United States, ten or more storeys high, is 11.9, the survey shows. Illinois is the leader among Stated in construction of tall concrete build- ings with a total af 110; California is second with 67; Texas is third with 57 and New York fourth with 47. The remainder of 366 buildings included in the survey is scattered over J3 States. In Canada there are a substantial number of concrete buildings from six to ten storeys. The Northern Ontario Building in Toronto is a 16-storey building of concrete frame- work, and the office building in course of erection at the corner of Bay and Richmond Streets will be 21 storeys high, of similar design. I do not value fortune. The love of labor is my sheet-anchor. I work that I may forget, and forgetting, I am happy.--Stephen Girard. CALENDAR YEAR REPORT On the instruction of the Hon. Jas. Malcolm, Minister of Trade and Commerce, the Bureau of Statistics is issuing a detailed report on the trade statistics of Canada for the | calendar year, all annual trade state- ments previously having been on the basis of the fiscal year. The old basis will be maintained, but the new and additional statement will permit the trade statistics to be co-ordinated and directly compared with a wide range of other statistics, most of which are on a calendar vear basis, The new publication takes the same form as one of the quarterly reports. It gives statistics of the imports for consumption and of the exports of Canada for all articles included in the trade classification for all principal countries for the twelve months end- ed December 31, 1927, to which com- parative figures for the year 1926 are added. [ERE CP NVENIENTLY situated for giving prompt service to constructional enterprise in Greater Oshawa, the W, Williamson Lumber Company, Limited, have an extensive yard and shipping facilities which are illustrated clearly in the accompanying photograph. The Williamson Lumber Company have been identified with many import- ant building undertakings in Oshawa and their reputation is what one would ex- pect of a firm which has carried on a successful business for nearly half a cen- LE WERT LY 5 Biv UM 48 E a aaa tury, Unexcelled Facilities For Prompt Shipments Are a Feature of W. WilliamsonLumber Company's Service to Their Oshawa Customers In this connection it is interesting to note that the founder of the business, Mr, W, Williamson, is still the President and acting head of the organization, W, T. Williamson is the Secretary -Treasur- "er and F, S, Williamson the Manager, The firm's products are handled dir- ect from the planing mill and yard to cars at the siding, Excellent facilities for shipment by truck are also provided, A large business is carried on in frames. sash, moulding - TORONTO and doors, W. WILLIAMSON LUMBER COMPANY Woodbine Avenue and C.N.R. Tracks LIMITED