Er -. = -..s S Wilson Hardware Going Ahead Harry D. manager of the Store, King street west, is a com- harative newcomer to the ranks of He citys mast Stern + hh no time f ig] the order it is finally oT to the customer, Born in Whitby, Mr, Wilson first became associated with the hardware business there, serving his apprentice. hip hy the old firm, now unexist« Pringle, Previous to iy ng. to "this city eight years a s Joined wi with the John Baile Sons, ilson was a pon fe the H, S, Howland Sons & Com. ny, Toronto, wholesale hardware dealers, Fate then turnee Mr. Wilson's footsteps towards Oshawa, and on June 1, eight years Meo | he became associated with he Bailes' Hardware here, July 1, 1928, he bought out his colleagues part of the business, start- ing i under his own name, the busi» ness which is showing Oshawa that a real live firm has now come into our midst, Do your work--not fot your work and no more, but a little more for the lavishing's sake; that little more which is worth all the rest. And if vou suffer as you must, and if you oult as you must, do your work, Put your heart ito it and the sky will clear, Then out of r very doubt and suffering will be born the supreme joy of li 8 Die Briggs. He who freely magnifies what hath been nobly done, and fears not to declare as freely what might he done better, gives ye the hest covenant of his fidelitv.--Yohn Milton, 9 Prince St. % THE OSHAWA DAILY 1IMES -- Greater Oshawa Edition -- SATURDAY, AUGUST iI, HOGG & LYTLE GRAIN ELEVAT OR OPPOSITE CO. N. DEPOT BYRD DISCUSSES SOUTH POLE TRIP Explorer Gives Talk Over Radio on Antarctic Expedition New York, Aug, 10.--Age-old mysteries and ever-existing adven- ture were described as the attrac- tion which had drawn Commander Richard E. Byrd toward the "bot- tom of the world." Commander Bryd, speaking from radio station WEAF, explained how his Antarctic expedition will establish an {isolated town, from which airplane exploration will be made over a great unknown ice area which now exists over a con- tinent once rich in luxuriant vege- tation, "I geem to have failed in my effort to bring home the point that our expedition is purely for the advancement of science and the prestige of our country," said Com- mander Byrd. 'It will not be one spectacular airplane dash, but, if all goes well, there will be a series of flights over the Antarctic re- gion, "That unknown area holds mys- teries and riddles such as Colum- bus had before him, but which are more difficult of solution, The area 1s as large as the United States and Mexico combined and the sinister clutches of an ice age have killed the life which once ex- isted there and made it by far the coldest and most forbidding region on the face of the earth. "It is by unfolding the past, by studying the descent of ice on this onces beautiful land, by uncovering fossil remains, that we can learn of the future, Enrich Biology "Biology can be enriched by un- usual specimens of life we might find in the sea borders of the Ant- arctic. The fierce storms which arise there and affect the entire southern hemisphere, can he studied, "When we reach our base, we will be on the edge of a region never looked upon before, so far as we know, by human eye unless it was the ancestors of the human rac who journeyed across it when it was still part of the mainland," he continued, HWIDSON Patents F-Head Motos "We will be learning of un- known land and adding to history as the planes with automatic map- ping cameras cross the ice barriers at the rate of a mile and a half a minute, When we reach our base, we will be 23,000 miles from the nearest human dwelling, which fis in New Zealand. Our base--the Bay of Whales--1s a bay in a great hunk of ice, one solid piece, 400 miles wide, 400 miles deep, and ranging from a few feet to 250 feet in height." There will be 70 men, 75 select- ed Eskimo dogs, three airplanes, and two ships in the expedition, which hopes to plant the American flag at the South Pole as part of its work. "And the spirit of Floyd Ben- nett, that. gallant gentleman of the air, will go with us," Commander Byrd said of his friend who died several months ago in Canada. "We will not forget him and we will try to be worthy and follow his example." Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations. I may not reach them, but I can look up and see, their beauty, believe in them, and try to follow where they lead. . M. Alcott. The U, « remome oon AOR Car Company on the "F-Head" high-compression motor, The ay 1,656,051, relating to internal combustion engines-- covers the entire arrangement of h valves, spark plugs and com- bustion chamber, ¥ With the new patented design Hudson. motors sow aie vith BOmpINION ratio of nearly 6 to 1~--or 20 per cent above the ayerage--with correspondingly high standards of acceleration, fuel economy and power. It is practically im- pessible to make the motor knock under even the most adverse operating con- ditions. Toe motor is te Siem, most powerful and economical has ever built. " ha] . of aay ahve the sont Soliaps prtormnss on Hdaon Niort, f A indursy bes kowwn, #1600 0 and up bk kd ar in advance ilabl EX Snares, handus omit Inwanes CHADBURN MOTOR CO. OSHAWA Phone 1160 pe od » STANDARD BRICK CO, Ltd. Supplies Brick to Oshawa Contractors THE NEW AND ENLARGED ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH The Brick for This Structure Was Supplied By THE STANDARD BRICK COMPANY, LIMITED manufacturers of --- GOOD RED STOCK BRICK Telephone Grover 7247 At Our Expense 500 Greenwood Ave. Toronto, Ont, JOHNSTON'S OUTF ITTERS for Men, Boys and Children Phone 676 Oshawa SIMCOE ST. N.