120 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES -- Greater Oshawa Edition -- SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 192 Anderson's Store Ranks as One of ta Best in Province C. 'M. Anderson, owner and man- of the Anderson Men's Fura- store on Simcoe Street South Yaar Street has been in this of business for the past 18 years luring which time he has been lo- in three different buildings. er, ing his brief relays at these three establishments, Mr. And- erson has continued to cater to the eus demands of an appreciative 'Anderson's Clothing store is con- sidered one of the finest and most modern in the Province. The new- styles are displayed by this shop adh a Bod the same time they their appearance in the larger a fact iy which Mr. Ander- in s aid A) much eredit. It is be on of-iis kind in Oshawa selling s furnishings exclusively. - Extensive: ations 'will be start- ed immedi on the interior of the store, ing it up-to-date in every sense of the 'word. Remodelling op- erations and a general re-arrange- gent of the departments are listed 'among the changes about to be made. LZAD CAPTAIN'S SECRET L'Orient, France,' Aug. 9--A "sunk- ®n treasure of millions in diamonds" ught by divers in the hulk of the Belgian steamer Elizabethyille, sunk during the war, thus far has yielded 50 in Bélgian paper francs and our English 'geld sovereigns, The company seeking the jewels had fear ed that the diamonds might not be found in the 'safe, and already have begun a search Br registered mail- C. M. ANDERSON Popular Men's Wear Dealer. bags. THe Captain of the boat is diad, and -no one knows where he| | hid the stones. HAND OF RED RUSSIA ,* SEEN IN CROAT TROUBLE .Zagrab, Aug. 9. -- Moscow was dliscovered to have had a hand ia the . troubled Jugoslav affairs, when police yesterday raided a house suspected of being a Com- munist "cell." In the house, ae- cording to an official communiqu?, issued later the palica found ana seized a number of hand grea ades ammunition and Communist propagada pamphlets. seTen ar- restd were made. In other raids, 13, who it is claimed were prepar- ing a putsch, the nature of which is not revealed, also were taken into custody. There must be stress and pressure and fire at the heart of earth to fash- ion a diamond; the crystal of char- acter arises in no other way. PLAN OBSERVATION BUREAU AT QUEBEC Station to Disseminate Weather Conditions For Guide to Aviators Quebec, Aug. 9.--""Fog is the most bothersome problem for avia- tors to combat, and while the Cana- dian Government can establish hy- drographical stations in each of the eastern provinces, and throughout the country, indicating the veloc- ity of the wind, there is nothing yet diseovered which will estimate the speed and height of fog, which instantly wipes out everything, as far as the aviator is concerned," de- clared Pr G. Patterson, of Toronto. Dr. Patterson is in Quebec for the purpose of forming an obser- vation station from which to ob- tain data as to the velocity and direction of the winds, and an- nounced that beginning next Tuvs- and sent to Toromto, while begin- ning with September observations will be taken twice a day. The information obtained from these observations is expected to be of great benefit to aviators who are plying the upper trade lanes of the Dominion. During the course of the past 3 or four weeks observation stations have been established at Saint John, N.B.; Halifax, N8.; Yar: mouth, N.S.; Sable Island; Cape Race, and Belle Isle, while in addi- tion there are four malin bureaux in the Province of Quebec, at the St. Hubert airdromye, Montreal; Fame Point, Father Point, and Quebec. CALL 2462 { | ¥ ahd 4 OY 5 CELINA ST. WIL ALL.WEATHER TIRE SHOP (In the Disney Block) When You Have Tire Trouble Or hetter yet call us before you have it, and find what a Goodyear Tire in your size will cost, 1 MOT OSHAWA HOMPSON'S DRUG STO R 10 Simcoe St. South - We Deliver PRESCRIPTIONS Accurately Dispensed IRISH DELEGATES TO ENPIRE MEETING Saorstat Names Representa tives to Parliamentary Association Convention Publin, Aug. 9.--The Saorstat delegates to the Empire Parlia- mentary Association going to Canm- ada are M. Roddy, parliamentary secretary to the Ministry of Lands, T. J. O'Connell, leader of the La- bor Party in the Dail, G. O'Sulli- van, B.L,, and Senator Barrington. They will leave on the Empress of France on August 18. Mr. Roddy is the man who will be largely concerned with the fu- ture of the Gaeltacht and the pro- viding of means for keeping Irish speakers at home from emigrat- ing. Mr. O'Connell succeeded Tom Johnson of the Labor Party. He is a teacher by profession and hus the reputation of being the hand- somest man in the Dail and a very good speaker. Mr. O'Sullivan was the right hand man of Michael Collins. One of the most prominent fighting men in Ireland against the British, he was subsequently concerned in the famous Army "mutiny." He withdpew from polities but re-en- tered public life on the murder of Keven OHiggins, wham he sycceed- ed as semior representative of Ca. Dublin. He has founded a special Kevin O'Higgins branch 'of the Government organigation in Rath- mines, He is a dapper little man looking as little as possible like the formidable gunman that he really was, Senater Barrington is one of the good old Unionist type. He has been a member of the Free State Senate singe the Treaty and takes an intense interest in eco- nomie questions, The Senator is at present prominent here in com- neetlon with the scheme which the Senate has unanimously asked the Govergment to Adapt, for extrae- Hon of power alcohol from Irish ogs, Fortune in Idea The Senator believes there is a fortune in the idea and it is esti mated that the late Professor Ram- gay had attained during experl- ment 38 gallons eof alcohol from ope ton of airpried Irish peat. Sweden and France are now | arrying on. experiments and the | 'rench seclentists are willing to {ome to Ireland to make a trial of the Irish peat, which they say is much superior in yielding power to the French, if the Government will subsidize the small prelimin- ary cost. This is the Meunier pro- cess now being tried out in the Government Explosives Factory in the South of France. Bir John Griffith, the well known engineer, has offered to supply a free site and free peat in Ireland for ex- periment. It is = calculated that apart from the value of the side products that the aleohol can he sold at 17 cents a gallon, after 20 per cent. interest on the capital in. volved has been paid. The Free State would he ahle to supply her own petrol, as well as to export it, if the idea is taken up. The Senator may try to in- terest Canadian financiers on his forthcoming visit to Canada. About $3,760,000 is at present spent by the Free State on the importation of foreign petrol. The laying of the foundation stone of the new Dairy Science In- stitute at University College, Cork, was an unique event, The faculty etashlished now for training and experiment and co-operation in the very latest developments of dairy science, will, according to Presi- dent Cosgraye, hecome one of the outstanding institutions of the world. Mr. Goulding, Canada, re- plied to the President's speech on hehalt of the World Dairy Con- gress at the public lunch follow- ing the ceremony and wished Ire- land good luck in her efforts, DREDGE EN ROUTE T0 PORT CHURCHILL Craft Built in Montreal Be- ing Towed to Hudson Bay Ottaws, Aug. 9.--Churchill num- ber 1 "the first of the Government dredges built at Montreal for the purpose of helping to make Port Churchill, the terminus of the Hudson Bay Railway has just start- ed to its far off destination. After stopping at Wakehams Bay it is scheduled to reach Churchill about the first of September, Off Gaspe, the dredge, being towed by the big sea-going tug "Ocean Eagle" will be met by the steamer Canadian Voyaguer of the Canadian Government merchant marine and convoyed to its destina- tion, additional coal being supplied en-route to the towboat. A big dredging job comprises the main factor in the transformation of Churchill infe sn ocean port. Over a milliop and a half yards are to be takeen out. and two dredges are to do the work. The second one is pot yet repdy. Although the railway to Churchill will be finished before that, it is caleylat- requirement of docks and dredging. it will take mearly four years to complete the port. Meanwhile tne railway will serve the needs of northern Manitoba's colonization and 1a' the mining 'development in 'S'progress there. 4 ed by engineers here that, with the | Paris, Aug. 10.--Dr. Francis Marre, now one of France's great- est chemists, admitted that as a youth he faked the experiment which served as the basis of num- erous arguments against the use of alcoholic liguors. As a young medical student, Dr. Marre says, he and his comrades drank the choice lquers, rich old wines, and sweet tasting charire- use, instead of feeding them to quinea pigs, rabbits, and fish as directed by one of his medical pro- fessors. Portions of the campaign of the prohibitionists in America, and in fact all over the world, have been based on the findings of the mea: cal faculty of Lyons from 1892 to 1896 and Marre, who was then a student at the university, entered into the spirit of the experiments with the two professors to earn some pocket momey. The results of the experiments including many photographs, were published in all parts of the world. "We had the keys to one of the finest wine cellars I have ever stepped into," Marre said, "row upon row of the finest cham- pagnes, old cognacs, venerable ver- mouths, bitters, and choice wines. We were supposed to .inject them into the ears of animals which were being experimented with to prove the effects of alcohol on human beings. But my comrades and myself were unable to bring ourselves to do anything like that with wines so agreeable to our palates. We did put a little de- natured alcohol in the amimaw' ears, however. : "The photograph had to be taken so that we might submit proof te Professor Cadeac and Albin-Meu- nier, whe were later to startle the world with the results of our ex- periments. "To secure theeproper contor- tions from the animals, we lighted QUEBEC ROAD TRAFFIC SHOWS BIG INCREASE Quebec, Aug. 9.--Though nothing official will be given out hefore a few days regarding the traffic census, which closed on Tuesday, it was learned reliably that an increase of more than 25 per cent. over last year had been recorded on the main high- ways of the Province. * At certain points of the Quebec-Montreal High- way and the Levis-Rintouski High- way, the increase is said to haye been over 40 per cent. The figures col- lected show, it is claimed, that the rural centres have henefited more than large centres from the tourist traffic this season. This is said tn be due to the improvement of the standard of hetels in the country, fol- lowing the energetic campaign con- ducted by the Minister of Roads. The official figures will be given out in a few days. | NOTED FRENCH CHEMIST ADMITS FAKING EXPERIMENTS AS YOUTH a fire under the galvanized iron floor of the cage. It was a great success. "Cadeac was delighted. Alvan. Meunier shook his head and kept muttering, 'Ah, that alcohol' over and over again. "Then came the next problem-- how to get the fish drunk. "We had seme excellent Loire carp for the experiments, but in a moment of thoughtlessness--or something seemed to cause it-- we applied the alcohol externally and someone dropped a match in it. We had some excellently coax ed Loire earp for dinner that night. No photographs of the fish were ever taken." STRATON ACCEPTS SMITH CHALLENGE Baptist Minister to Substan- tiate Charges Against Governor's Record New York, Aug. 9.--Alfred E. Smith, Democratic candidate for President, has challenged Dr. John Doach Straton, Baptist minister, to public debate on Smith's record, There 18 a possibility the debate may be in Madison Square Garden, re-broadeast to millions through America and then resumed om a speaking tour ef the southerm States. It the meeting materializes, ob. servers here regarded it as likely to become the most noted poli debate since the Lincoln-Douglas exchanges. Straton is pastor of Calw tist Church and ene of ales best known ministers. In a ser mon Sunday he attacked Smith's legislative record in a manner similar to the charges b t by William Allen White, Kansas edi- tor, and called Smith the "deadli- est foe in America of moral pre- gress." Smith challenged the statement In a letter sent to the Churchman he asked an opportunity to appea: at Calvary Baptist Church, and have the charges repeated im his presence 80 he might answer fo: his entire legislative acts. WOOD'S LAVEN COMPLETES FASHIONED HOSE PERRIN'S KID GLOVES AND HOSIERY Our Baby Department is very complete, from the dainty wool bootees to the complete layette for the GOSSARD CORSETS, GIRDLES, STEP.INS AND KAYSER HOSE AND UNDERWEAR DER LINE SILK LINGERIE AND FULL HANDBAGS, NECKWEAR, BLOUSES, ETC. JAEGER PURE WOOL SWEATERS, GLOVES 4 King St. East Phone 528 Beatop's Dairy Proe ducts Limited, Located at PASTEURIZED MILK Butter Milk - Butter - "Country Club" Ice Cream "STILLICIOUS" CHOCOLATE DRINK BEATON' PRODUCTS LIMITED