Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1928, p. 7

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Ladies' Ald Sion, . 1.~The ey the church on Wednes- August Sth, when Ked- lodies vigit us, Al the ladies and any visitors are fnvited as well as our ews adults, whether members or Iva Thompson and four --- a . Jaw, Sask. motor- here to visit his cousin, Mr. Tuer Wilbur, When he returns Be has 500 acres of wheat and 1vy acres of oats ready to cut, and he fas just purchased a 10 foot bind- or before he left the Weat. Next Sunday the Rev, Mr. Bick will » away on holidays, so the Rev. B. A, Tonkin, of Bowman- ville, will take charge of the ser- at 10.30 o'clock. uy byt morning before the man by the name of w. J Cp dy of Winnipeg, Man,, visited our church and cemetery. Wis former home was the farm ere Mr. Reford Cameron now lives, he has been gone for a good Many years. While the service was on, another visitor arrived, after being away 78 years, in the of J. F, Lonsdale, 71 W. Tth St, Bayonne City, New Jer- sey, just aut of New York, a small gid and his home was with gps Mitel] « on the farm where J. W, Balson now lives. His sister was the late Mrs. John Flintoff, and he is the uncle of Messrs, Howard and Walter and Miss Ettle Flintoff of this neigh- borhood. He spoke a few encour- aging words to the congregation at the close of the lesson, and said he was nearly 90 years old, and he could remember of going to sleep in a church service here when very small, and wasn't missed, and he was locked in until evening, when his parents had to pull him out of the window. Mr. Harris, of Toronto, a won. derful baritone singer, wha is visite ing at Mr. McMaster's, sang & solo at the church service last Sunday. We are always pleased to have visitors help in our services. Mim Annie McMaster accompanied him on the piane. Congratulations te Miss Annie McMaster on her recent musical exams in Oshawa, when she obtain. ed honors. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Sulley, of Oshawa, motored down aud toek Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Sulley to Lude mus on Sunday to visit My, George Ginn, who is very ill, Mr, Russel Sulley had the mis- fortune to lose his driver when in Oshawa on Saturday. In turning A clear cold soup... a club sandwich... a slender glass of "Canada Dry" LuNcHEON in summer is always 2 problem. A per tites lag, The weather is uncomfortable, * y,"" ou wonder, "did I ever invite anyone on a day ike this!" It isn't really as bad as that, Serve cold foods. Cold boiled ham, for instance. Or a club sand- wich. Start off with a clear soup--cold, And ac- company your luncheon with a slender glass of "Canada Dry." This is 2 a delicious ginger ale, especially in hot weather. It has a thirst-quenching dryness to it. It has a mild and mellow flavor which gives zest to the simplest meal. It is made from finest quality Jamaica ginger and other absolutely pure ingre- dients. By a secret method of carbonation Canada Dry" retains its delightful sparkle long after the bottle is opened. And it mixes well with other beverages, Order Canada Dry" today, Made is Canada by J. J. McLaughlin Limited, Toronto and Edmonton Caledonia Springs Corporation Limited, Montreal Js U. 5. 4, Canade Dry Gisgsr Als, Incorporated, New York THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSL A. «cw wwss = 1248 has .been spending her holidays at her uncle's, Mr. Delbert Flintos. Mr. Wm. Stainton and daughter, Virginia, of Buffalo, have been in Montreal, where Miss Stainton has been taking a special course. They returned to Mr, Jas. Stain. ton's on Tuesday for a visit. Mrs. Newton Lander, of Toron- to, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jas. Stainton for a week. After church Sunday morning, J. W, Balson and family took their dinner and went to Cream of Bar- ley camp, at Bowmanville. It fis & pretty place for a pienie. In tna afternoon, on their way to New- castle to visit, W. N. Buekley, they stopped at the flying field and saw the Oshawa barber who owns the aeroplane, make several trips with single passengers, after which they visited Mr. John Buckley, at Mu, Harvey Curtis', Oreno. Mr. Buck- ley is mearly 93 years old, and hears well and is real jolly and good company, in spite of his sight being gone. He is very tenderly cared for by his daughter, Mrs. Harvey Curtis, and has heen a very dear friend of Mrs. Balson, who used to spend all of her school holidays at his home when on the farm, where his son, Lew Buck- ley now reesides. Mr, Percy Cushing and Mr. Geo. Pantry went to Oshawa Monday night with Mr, Art Langmald's horse and buggy. Mr, Cushing had a felon on his hand and while Dr, Trick, corner of Simeoe and Brock streets, was attending to it, the other fellow held the horse on Brock street, and a car coming from the east struck the buggy and smashed it up generally. The young lad was thrown out but not seriously hurt, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, Aug, 1--Mr, al Mrs, Calhoun and daughter, M ol) Mary Calhoun, and sons, Garfield and Phillip, of Toronto, visited at Chas, Calhoun's recently, Mrs, Oliver Reedman, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Cal- houn, has returned to her home at Orillia, Mr, and Mrs, A, Gerry and Lyle and Marjory returned Sunday from a motor trip to Montreal, Malone, Buffalo and other American points, Mr, and Mrs. W, J, Barrett at- tended the Barrett-Troup nuptials in Toronto on Tuesday last, Nr. Allin Barrett, the groom, is a butcher here, and our hest wishes are extended to him and his bride, Mr, and Mry, Allin Barrett will re- side in Oshawa. Mr. Addison Beott visited his grandfather, Mr, Huggins, at Cour. tice Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. H, Taylor and son, Stanley, visited Mr, and Mrs, Thos, Scott Sunday. Geraldine Tattresall is spending this week in Kendall with her grandmother, Mrs, Henry Hoy, Rey, E, C, Hall, a former pas- tor of the Christian Church in Osh- awa, and his daughter, Miss Chris- ting, both well known hy many of us, visited at the Dearborn home here Sunday, and attended the ser- vices at North Oshawa Church and Sunday School. Mr, Hall and daughter reside at Millford, New Jersey. Miss Laura Morton, of To- ronto, was also a guest of the Dear- born family over the week-end. Mr, A. L. Gerry is attending the Radio Convention In Toronto, Miss Emma Simpson, Detroit, Mr. Henry Simpson, Oshawa, vis- ited W. J. Barrett on Sunday. Mr. Gorden Lagier spent Bun- day in Orono, Mr. and Mrs. James Roberts, Winchendon, Mass., have been vis- iting Mr. and Mrs, E, L. Dixon, Ritson Rd., north, Mrs. Stewart Richardson and two sons, Stewart and Bobbie, of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Vie. Ireland and son, of Oshawa, were Saturday visitors of Mr, and Mrs. Will Powell. Master Leo Moffatt is holiday- ing with his uncle and aunt, Mr, apd Mrs. Avery at Burketon, SEAGRAVE Seagrave, July 31.--Bethel school held their annual pcos at Mussel- man's Lake, on Tuesday of this week. About sixty of the grown-ups accompanied the children nd all had 3 very enjoyable time. A full pro- young bloods humbled the old timers na game of softball to the tune of ool Sunday Missionary in mr Ws y School a iven, Mrs, James am Netley favor- ed ring 3 8 ) AL duet. Mrs. r Butt as accompanist. seagrave ball team added phother game to the right side of the game they defeated Sonya on Fri night brs a score of 9-7 in ten id wil od was the hero two wo down and two on bases, with a scorching Soule bos bringing in two runs and winning the game, Quite 2 a of our people at- tended the Garden party at Sonya on Friday pight and fully enjoyed the concert given by Miss Nellie Mec- Ghee and Jimmie Reid and Mrs. Westlick as pianist. A person needn't be Scotch to enjoy hearing Jimmie. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawkins and daughter Betty, of Toromto, were sts of x. and Mrs. Cephas ou Fi" Middleton, of Markham, os a, at the home of his cousin, Mrs. ard Leask. Mr. William Keen and Mr. Fred of Toronto, visited re- latives and friends during the past mek nd - Sod Myo. Ruse! Pollock and gram of sports were carried out, Hhe ; (\ wi], (7 2h Rn oni YP o COFFEE wari occas sung vrgs | WHOLESALE -- ---- pe daughter Doris, of Uxbridge, visited at the home of Mrs, James Shunk, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bennett and daughter, of Oshawa, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, 8. J. Wool- dridge, on Sunday. Mrs. George Johnston, of Lind- say, visited {riends here during the past week. Miss Davidson has recently re- turned from a very enjoyable trip to England and the continents, Mrs. Robert Blakely, of Toronto, is moving shortly into the house re- cently vacated by Mr, Milton Stone and owned by Mrs. Miller, Mr, and Mrs. Aubrey Moon and daughter Gwendolyne, of Toronto, visited friends and relati es here on Sunday. Mrs. Fred Skerra't and son Char- lie, of Toronto, haye been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Clarke during il.e past week, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison, son Gordon and Miss Olive Harrison, of Myrtle Station, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Roy Scott on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cooper, of Hamilton, are spending their two weeks' vacation at the home, of Mr, and Mrs, Orval Stone, Mrs. Fred Bellingham and family, of Toronto, are visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Edgar Butt, KEDRON Kedron, July 31,--The Columbus Ladies' Aid Society visited the Ked- ron Ladies' Aid at the church on Wednesday afternoon, July 25. The program was given by the visitors, It consisted of the {following num- bers; A vocal duet by Mrs, Wallace Scot: and Miss Margaret Dearborn, a reading by Miss Emily Lawrence, a violin solo by Miss Florence Hep- burn, vocal trio by Mrs, H, L, Pas- || coe, Mrs, Thomas Scott and Mrs. Wallace Scott, reading by Mrs. J, Nesbitt and a piano duet by Mrs, T. Scott and Mrs, W. Scott, The Kedron ladies served lunch. Miss Middleton from Toronto, and Miss Wood, of Peterboro, visited at Mrs. A. D, Vandyke's, recently, Mr. L. Hancock had an operation on his tonsils at the Port Perry hos- pital on Thursday of last week, We hope for a speedy recovery, he Kedron Sunday School picnic will be held in Mr. W, N, Hoskin's grove on Saturday afternoon, August 4. Everybody come and help every- body else to have a good time. Rev. A. E. Tonkin, Bowmanville, spent tie week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hoskin, He visited us at Sunday School and church and preached a very interesting sermon, Mr. A, R. Scott has returned from Toronto where he has been marking Departmental examination papers, The Mountjoy family picnic was held in Hampton Memorial Park last Saturday afternoon. Those who at- tended from Kedron cwere: Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Crossman, Mr, and Mrs. H. Pascoe and lorraine, Mrs. John Mountjoy, and Miss Beatrice Mount- After ZUTO0 T Says th For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S.--~We Deliver joy, Mx. and Mes Po - Mountjoy and Elda, edie Mr. 3M and of Ah eutiey snd sami, 3 Mar. vt Joilliam Fins and Mrs. Hi ucan, Toronto, an iss Annie, 18S Margaret, Miss Anna, and Teddie, visited at S. Conlin's, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gimblett and baby. and her sister, Miss Elsie Brock, were at Hampton on Sunday at her aunt's, Mrs. Arthur Allin. Mr. W, M. Lawrence, of Toronto, visited with his sister, Mrs. John Mountjoy, lost week. Miss Marguerite Conlin is visiting her sister, Mrs. F, Love, Oshawa. .. Miss Olive Luke has returned home to spend two weeks' holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mis. R, J. Luke. Mr. and Mrs, Love and James Love, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Mr, S. Conlin's. The Golden Links Class entertained the Junior Boys and the Primary Class of the Sunday School at a picnic last Friday afternoon. Owing to the wet weather, the picnic was held in Mr, H. F. Werry's barn and not even the ardour of those present were dampened. Do not forget the picnic at W, N. Hoskin's J. oly Saturday after- noon, Bring your baskets, balls and bats. Mrs. S. Conlin, Miss Marguerite and Fabian Conlin were at Bowman. ville Beach on Saturday afternoon, HAMPTON sr Hampton, Aug. 1.--Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilbur and four chil. dren, of Detroit, visited at Mr. §, Kersey's, and with other relatives on Sunday. Miss Lizzie Reeves, has returned after spending a few weeks with relatives and friends in Toronto, and Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, and Mrs. Bond, of Toronto, visitad at J. Burns' on Monday. Mrs. W, Greenaway, : Elias, spent the week-end friends near Orono, Mrs. Arthur Stevens and sons, Arthur and Beverley, of 'faronto, are holidaying at Mr. Enoch Ste- vens', Mrs. C. W, Souch entertained a number of ladies to afternoon tea recently, Music was furnished throughout the afternoon by her two daughters, Mrs. J. A, Cele, of Bowmanville, and Mrs, K. Caver- ley, of Windsor. Berry and cherry picking is the order of the day, each heing quite plentiful in this district, Mr, and Mrs. PT, Tennant, and gon, Bruce, and Mrs. John Trewin, visited relatives during the weeks erd. Mrs, Tennant, and Ms, Tres win remained for a few days' visit, Miss Doris and Margaret Doidge, of Oshawa, are visiting at Mr. G. Adcock's, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Horn, Mr, Clifford Horn, and Mr, W, G. Hau, of Peterhoro', visited at Mrs, C, Horn's, recently. Mrs. Earl Stephens, Rockford, 1, and son, Earl, formerly Miss Effie Robbins, of this village, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R, Avery. Mr. Chas. Hastings has return. and son, with feo riisaal ed from a pleasant trip througa the southern States, visiting rela. tives at Friendship and Philadel: phia en route, .Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Horn and son, Wallace, and Miss Norah Horn enjoyed a motor trip through the western cities and towns, visiting relatives at Kitchener and Water loo en route. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Adcock, of Toronto, spent Sunday with the lat- ter's father, Mr. Irvin Trull. Mast er Everett Horn returned to Tor- onto with them for a few days. | Mr, and Mrs. Nelson, and daugh- ter, of Toronto, are visiting at Mr. 8. Willlams'. Mr. E. Horn made a business trip to Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Roy McGill, of Enniskillen, spent a few days with her mother, Mrs. M. Langmaid. Miss Ruby Clatworthy friends in Toronto recently, Much sympathy is extended Mrs. 8. Mountjoy in the sad news re- ceived recently of her mother's misfortune of breaking her hip. Mrs. Brimacombe resides with her daughter in Hamilton, The Hampton Wemen's Institute intend holding their annual picnie in the park on Thursday, August 2. N.Y.LOS ANGELES FLIGHT FAILURE Omaha, Neb, July 31.--"Jack" Knight, air mail pilot, failed in an attempted New York-Los Angeles non-stop flight when his plane blew out a sparkplug somewhere in Kan- sas carly Sunday. Knight returned to Grand Island, Neb, and took off at 1.30 p.m, for Omaha, his home town, arriving here at 215 pm. With Knight was Ettiene Dornay, designer of the plane. visited Mayor Jimmy Walker received an admiring delegation of visitors the ather day while clad in pajame as, We trust the day will never come when our statesmen will take the oath of office wearing one4 piece bathing suits, =" \ They hr fViNemLE means "the Abe ask for McLaren's INVINCIBLE : Eo EE DOGTOR MAY SEE DRUNK AUTOISTS Quebec Recorder Advises Step; Will Impose Severe Penalty Quebec, July 81.--It is possible that in future any person arrested in Quebec on a charge of driving an automobile, while under the in. fluence of liquor, may be examined by a physician before a charge is laid against him, Recorder Desri- vieres having made a suggestion to that effect in dismissing a charge laid against a local driver, "I suggest that in future, in justice to the accused, and to the officers making the arrests, and al- Iso in view of the growing number (aut ol Who Know" pronounce O'Keefe's Dry the most delicious of quality ginger ales, Sparkling... mellow,, like a rare old wine,,.O'Keefe's Dry is wholesome, stimulating and refreshing. available wherever fine beverages are served, At your grocer's, too, in the handy 6 and 12 bottle cartons Toronto E racts, Cake bryce Ghee, of these cases and the consequent decision on my part to deal very severely with thenr in future, all persons arrested on the charge of driving an automobile, while under the influence of liquor, should be examined by a doctor before the} charge is laid against them," stat ed the Recorder in dismissing the charge. He added that in cases where the accused was found to be 'dead drunk" the precaution of taking him to a doctor to secure the lat ter's statement on his condition could be dispensed with. Guaranteed ea did ul Pink Capsules for Indigestion : Ni Diy ALE It is O'KEEFE'S BEVERAGES LIMITED 52 SIMCOE ST. NORTH Service That Grows On Merit Its the Groceteria Way, and More and More People Every, Day Are Proving That It Is the Way of Thrift, Better Values at Lower Prices. Quality Guaranteed, Goods Sat- isfactory or Money Refunded. 27¢ Peck Full 15 Pound Wear-Ever Aamiown French Frying Set with 8 1 Ib, tins Cricco, Special offer All For $1.39 Et ---- oi a ------ Fruits and Vegetables Don't forget Weston well assorted SEEDLESS RAISINS 2 Pounds 19¢ Eat Raisins For Health Snap Hand Cleaner 2 Tins 25¢ EXTRA SPECIAL Pearl Laundry Soap 10 Bars 29¢ Limit of 20 Bars to Each Customer Aylmer Pure Big 40 Oz, Jar, 39¢ FOR YOUR PICNIC full 1 pound pkg. ,,»- A 0 sll ready to mix and serve, jar, 42¢, small jar, 25c and 2 tins 25¢ HONEY DEW SWEET WHITE CORN b 2 Tins 25¢ Pork Chops Meaty a Ribs, 2 Ibs, ,.,,...., EATON GROCETERIA These Extra Specials Are All Good Till Thurs., Aug. 9th == ¢ Meats for Your Monday Picnic Special Value Pork Tongue ,..ssss0000 Jellied Veal , Peal Meal Back Bacon, very choice, 2 to 8 pound piece ,...s00:1,,,,.88¢ 25¢c 1 Loin Roast of Pork, 8 to 4 Ibs, hu 85c Ib, 25c, Fruit pkg * EATON GROCETERIA OPERATED BY #7, EATON Cum Picnic Pac, 2 sizes, handy Lobster Paste, 2 tins me-------- GRIMSBY SOUR MIXED PICKLES Real Crispy, 12 oz. Jar 2 Bottles 35¢ Handy For Your Picnic Sliced to please, sweet cured cooked 48c. Ib, Shop Early : , to 6 p.m. dail Pier Bin" Wednesday § am. 8» 12.0 pat. y morning ray Mam

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