Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Aug 1928, p. 6

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A TE TN AF AB Ey Allen Shephard, returned home after spending s vacation in Detroit, * 8% : iss Teena Jackson, of King- ston, 1s spending her vacation the of Mrs, James Wilson, 22 street wh " Chiéf of Police Owen D. Friend, Mrs, Friend and family, Ritson voad south, are vacationing at Harwood, Rice Lake. 5 9 Mrs. J. B. Sharp and two child- yen of Toronto, visited the form- er's mother, Mrs. R. Armitage, 302 Jarvis street, yesterday. * % % Mrs. D, L. Jackson and son, ~ Keith, are the guests of the form- er's sister, Mrs, W. J. Barrow- eclough, 38 Brock street east. Tv Mr. and Mrs. Dowdell of Perth, were guests at the Conboy-Foshay nuptials which took place in St. George's church yesterday after- noon, * 0 Mrs, John Ball of Baltimore, Mrs. Warne and Miss Alma Warne, Burk street, have left for the West- ern Provinces to visit Rev, George ¥., McCullagh and friends in Win- nipeg, They will also visit Edmon- ton, Prince Rupert and Seattle before returning home, THERE'S an easier, * more modern \ Tones a han by hard 'su n ust y Tine. in Rinso RoR \ No beili 5 v0 little or no of hard work avoided. Your own strength spared, Yet \, clothes are like snow for whiteness, Millions of women know the el ing value of on wash day, For tub or Made by the makers of LUX Loves Brothers Limited RinsO Soaks Clothes Whiter 0. Mr, and Mm. C, son, of Rochester, iene In he city. asd Mrs. Seibert Hall are $8 week's vacation at tie Spamow Lake. Lacombe ead are visiting sa t and Mrs. Burling- ham of Wi [ the marriage of Miss Alleen ay and Mr. Earl Conboy yesterday afternoon. LER BE) Miss Millie Pask and Miss Jean Boaprey, Athol street east, accom- panied by Miss Flora Pask of New York, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pask, Brockville, LEE I Mr. and Mrs, Charles Foshay of Trenton, were guests at the mar- riage of the former's niece, Miss Aileen Monna Foshay, to Mr. Earl Conby, yesterday afternoon, so Mrs. W. J. Barrowclough and daughter, Doris, Brock street east, have returned from visiting the former's sister, Mrs. D. L, Jackson, at her summer home, Alexandria Bay. * % % Mrs. James Bensam announces the engagement of her daughter, Renie Marie, to Mr, John Wilfred Lefoley, Perce Gaspe, Quebec, the marriage to take place early in September, 88 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Young and sons left today for a two weeks' motor trip through the Eastern States. They will also visit Ottawa, Pembroke and Algonquin Park before returning, * % % Mrs, 0, Smith, 76 Pine avenue, entertained Tuesday evening on the occasion of her husband's birthday and the christening of their baby daughter, A musical program by Mr. and Mrs. Lang and Mr, Frank Humphries was given. Mr, Smith was made the recipient of many fine gifts. er Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Guy of Toronto are leaving the end of this week for a trip through Western Canada to the Coast, They will stop en route at Banff to attend the Western Newspapers' Adver- tising Managers' Convention, They will probably he away until the end of August, F ashion | Notes weed or llama cloth with long. haired furs, such as lynx or badger, are being featured hy Fifth avenue shops for travelling wraps. A recent poom done in modern- istic fashion by a famous London artist had silver walls with cur- tains of vivid green and silver and red lacquered furniture. New York's smartest women are wearing not only one kerchief at the neck, but also another at the hip as a gipsy-like girdle. That New York notes that more and more lace is being used in In- sertion and medallion form, and today many of the flounces on frocks are either of lace or they are applied with a heading of lace. That long mitts of silk lace which reach almost to the shoul- der and look like long tight sleeves are offered by several Paris dress- makers as a suggestion for the formal costumes worn at the race courses on sunny gala days, and the mitts come several inches short of the shoulder and permit wo- men who have acquired sunburn at southern beaches to display their brown arms without wearing sport costumes, which are taboo at smart afternoon events this summer, THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1928 boy, pr the late B. Conboy and Mrs, Conboy of Whitby. In the ab- sence of Canon dePemcier, Rev. Langford of St John's Chureh, Port Whitby, performed the cere- mony. Miss Frankish played the wedding music, The bride who was given in mar- riage by her father, was lovely in a period gown of white taffeta and tulle, with a fitted bodice and a full skirt with flounces of white tulle over a straight taffeta skirt. Her veil was of lace, worn cap fashion, and caught with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of yellow tea roses, lily of the valley and maiden hair fera. Miss Geraldine Foshay, sister of the bride, acted as bridemaild and was becomingly gowned in a mauve flat crepe gown, with a fitted bodice and a long full skirt border- ed with heavy ecru silk lace. She wore a picture hat of silk mohair of the same shade with a long rib bon velvet streamer of a darker shade. Her bouquet was a shower of sweetheart roses, lily of the val- ley and maiden hair. Mr. Ronald Agg of Whitby sup- ported the groom, After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents to about 100 guests after which Mr, and Mrs. Conboy left on a motor trip to Niagara and Roch- ester, the bride travelling in a yel- low crepe frock, yellow flannel coat and a small yellow felt hat. On their return they will reside in Whitby, (Kingston papers please copy) BRITISH MINISTERS SOUNDLY REBUKED AT CABINET MEETING Londen, Aug. 1--Determined efforts by Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin to whip his Cabinet ranks into a sort of order which will at least present the appearance of cohesion and revive the Government's waning prestige resulted in the longest Cabinet meet- ing in months when the Ministers were closeted for two and one-half hours today, Although the Tory newspapers ridicule reports of dissensions, and the Cabinet emerged with a "united front," it is known that Home Sec- retary Sir William Joynsen-Hicks, Chancellor of the Exchequer Right Hon, Winston Churchill, and Secre- tary for the Colonies Lieut-Col, L, S. Amery were bluntly informed they are expected to held their tongues hereafter when their views fail to coincide with the Government's, or take the consequences. The trouble caused by rebellious utterances regarding industrial pro- tection is now declared officially closed, but it is admitted that Joyn- son-Hicks and Mr. Churchill are still at swords' points, which is likely to nip the prospects of either becoming the next Prime Minister, A bigamist is 8 man who doesn't know when he has got enough-- Everybody's Weekly. HOSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE, AGENTS FOR CANADIAN, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SEAM AND SEAMLESS ELASTIC HOSIERY Abdominal AUTHORS 4 COX 135 CHURCH, ST. _JORONTO 1589 A Modish Separate Blouse and rt Exceedingly smart is the blouse shown of unusual design, having tucks at ua and a 234 yards 39-inch S4-inch material; yard or short sleeves; yard 39-inch contrasting material. Price 20 cents th The skirt, having an inverted plait at Our Fashion Book, illustrating the sewest and most practical styles, will be of interest to every home Price of the book 10 cents the copy. PATTERN PURUHASH o0v PON To The Oshawa Daily Times Patteruy Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find .,...... conts, Please send Datterns listed be- low: servenresvvrnen BBD wevens eessenssenvenee DIBW wreere revvesnnveneves DIBY sovave Name .ovvvevvernnrsernnrs AdATOBS 0 cove er emir reed POWR sor srnvesnnmernsrnnre Provines , .sovvvovrpmrrrsnnn Price, 20 cents each, Send stamps or coin, Wrap ecolp arefully, JAA AA Our Daily Recipe CARROT PIE To 2 carrots boiled and mash- ed add two tablespoons each of cracker crumbs and butter, one- half cup of milk and the yolks of three eggs, well beaten; sweeten to taste, season with nutmeg and bake in an open crust. Make a meringue of the whites of the eggs and three tablespoons of sugar, fla- vor with orange, spread on the ple and set in a cool oven until puffed and a light brown, SWEET POTATO CROQUETTES Such an attractive addition to the luncheon platter. Boll six sweet potatoes and mash. Add a large lump of butter, one well-beat- en egg and a little galt and when pice and smooth form inte ero- quettes. Dip in egg, crumbs and fry in deep fat, Garnish with a sprig of parsley. PEANUT BUTTER MACAROONS One-half cup peanut butter, 1 cup brown sugar, 1-4 cup boiling water, 1 teaspoon soda, salt, 1 cup Household Hints -amene . Now that low book cases are the YOogue, one can be in style by saw- off 'the bottom shelf or two, can be used upside down, as a bench for the children. All pillows for porch use should bave washable covers. Printed chints, waterproofed ginghams and cretonnes and olicloth are good. Drain boiled vegetables as soon as they are tender, They become foggy it they are allowed to stana undrained after cooking. The water drained off may be saved for soup stock. Most vegetables should be cooked in a small amount of water because part of the mineral salts dissolves in the water and is lost if the water is thrown away. Cook whole when possible. Ferns that have been in the house all winter often need a dose of castor oil to make them healthy for summer, Change the dirt around them too. Colorful floral labels can be had now to paste on bottles signifying contents ranging from castor ol) to hand lotion, If you can't afford cream, you can get the same effect by scalding the milk and serving it hot with you cereals or coffee. CHINESE GIRL GETS MEDICAL DEGREE Dr. Ling Says Lady Physi. cians Are Highly Respected in China Pittsburg, July 31.--Dr, Amy Shuhoa Ling, a Chinese girl, is one of the few of her race practicing medicine in the United States. She is at present an interne at the Western Pennsylvania hospital here. The Chinese girl began her years as an interne here, after having graduated from the Schoo! of Medi. cine at Western Reserve Universi. ty at Cleveland, O, There is little in Dr, Ling's ap- pearance or conversation to dis. tinguish her from an American girl. She wears a white uniform and shell-rimmed glasses, "There has been quite a change in the position of women in China," Dr. Ling sald here recently. It is almost the same as this country. Women physicians are highly re- spected in China. 'There are al- most as many there as in this coun~ try." Dr. Ling's family is of high rank, Her father was governor of Peking for two years, beginning in 19012, during the transition in govern- ment which resulted in the repub- lie, MY LITTLE HOUSE I have the most houss; It orders curtains fluted frills And bids me loop them back with colored ties And grow geraniums for its win- dow sills, exacting utile made with It even had me plant a lilac tree, Where it could sniff the frag- rance in the spring. And pow it wants a yellow jasmine vine; I wonder what will be the next new thing? When I come home, if only gone an hour, It holds out eager arms tn gath- er me Within its door again--and then perhaps It Wants to ask 2 peighbor in to ea, MYRTLE -------- Myrtle, Aug. 2.-Mr. and Mrs. Levi Tordeff and daughter Lois motored to - Peterboro on Sunday and visited Mrs, Jamieson who was formerly Miss B. M. Loewer, principal of the school here. Rev. R. J. Merriman and fam. ily left on to spend a month at their summer home at Rice Lake. Harold, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley met with a painful accident on Saturday when he fell off a back porch, breaking his arm and col- lar bone. Mrs. R. Long is spending a couple of weeks with her sister in Orillia. Mr. Bert Duff was the first to commence harvesting operations, having cut a fine field of fall wheat the earlier part of the week, which looked as though it will bring forth an abundant yield. A number from here were in Ashburn on Sunday afternoon and heard the Rev. Buchanan, moder- ator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian church of Canada deliver a very impressive sermon on mission work in foreign fields. Miss M, Rodd spent the week end with her parents in Green- bank. Rev. George Nicol of Toronto and formerly of this circuit, will occupy the pulpit here on Sunday afternoon at three o'clock. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lynde in their recent sad bereavement. On Tuesday afternoon a silver social was held by the Ladies' Ald of the United Church on the pretty lawn of Mrs, Levi Tordiff, when a splendid attendance was present to enjoy games and a social after- noon together. After partaking of a dainty lunch the happy com- pany broke up, hoping to meet soon again on a like occasion. This is the second of these teas that has been held by the ladies with the object of raising enough funds to have the church hasement redecor- ated. The proceeds of the after- noon would add substantially to the treasury, PEANUT COOKIES To make delicious peanut cook- les for the picnic basket a pro- essional cook prepares them thus: Two tablespoons hutter, 1.4 cup sugar, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, a pinch of salt, 1.2 cup of flour, 8 teapoons milk, 1-2 cup ground pea- wuts. Cream butter and sugar, add well-beaten eggs and siftew dry in. gredients, Lastly add milk, pea. nuts and lemon juice. Drop by spoonfuls on buttered tins and bake from 12 to 14 minutes In 8 slow oven. F you have the ambition te rise above the commen plane in business, you must have the foresight ta prepare yourself. The business oppor- tunities today fall upon the shoulders of the most efficient Sound training is the basis of efficiency, . Write For Information MAPLE 1EAF BUSINESS COLLEGE Mundy Bldg, R. C, ASHENHURST, Principal W Coun DO ta IF 1 ION Zi ol 7 STORES Help the Housewife to Save Every week we offer exceptional values to the housewife, and there are hundreds of thousands of customers today Faaping benefis from shopping at our Stores. Start now : these benefits, CHRISTIE'S PICNIC Package Preserving Needs Crown Fruit Jars ASSORTED 12-0z, BISCUITS Small 97¢ Doz. Medium $1.12 Poz, Rubber Jar Rings. 3 doz. 25¢ Zinc Jar Rings... .20c doz. RELISH Jor 23e SEA KING LOBSTER Certo Surejell ......,.20¢c Large ° Parowex ,,.... 2 pkts, 25¢ Tin $2 "tos CAKE 24bs. Each » » 45¢ Cherry Fruit 2-b, Cake » §8¢ Lumoh Cake iors 23e CHES roses os 25. 1 Qe Special» flour, Creapr butter and sugar; add water, ete, and stir, Form in balls with hands, I may demur and argue for a time But in the end I let it have fits CRE BE CN NC way, Because at pight when everything is still : It holds me close and listens while I pray --Hazel Harper Harris In the Christian Science Monitor. re LAMBLE'S Week End Specials i». on. ries, water, Put the rice after wash- ing into boiling water, and boll un- til tepder without being mashed, i.e., about twenty minutes. Pour oft the water, fill up again with cold water and just bring to the bojl, Then take up the rice, apd put it around a glass dish, fill in the middle with stewed fruit--any kind can be used, or several sorts stewed together. Make a custard with one pint of milk and one egg with it, 2 8 @ " Children's Organdy Hats In pretty shades of Blue, Pink, Yellow, Nile Green, Rose and White, $1 29 Reg. to $2.00, Special ........ . Ladies' Silk Step-ins Clearance of broken sizes and 79 colors. Reg. to $1.50. Special... Cc Girls' Dainty Voile Dresses Trimmed with Organdy. Sizes $1 69 8 to 14. Reg. to $2.95, Special 91, Girls' Dresses 8 to 14 years. Made of a nice quality print in several neat styles. Res. 31.75. Spacil mrr. 91.29 Boys' White Wash Suits Made of fine Middy Twill. Odd sizes, oan Pa uni $2.49 » sesseersssas sessssssnn me 21. E-- 23 ] ~ \ 52 i : i i i i 7 ] { FUDGE FROSTING Melt over hot water 4 squares chocolate, add alternately 1/3 cup warm milk and 2% cups sifted con- fectionary sugar; then add 1 tea- spoon vanilla. Hold over hot water when mixing. This is very rich. FRUIT SALAD Put slice of pj on [lettuce lcaf. Fill hole with cream cheese and chopped puts. Arra; slices of peaches around pineapple. Cross with strips of green pepper and serve with cream dressing. 2 to 6 years. Broadcloth, Voile and EGG PASTE ON TOAST 3 Hard boil 1 for each slice of Prints. Reg. to $2.79, Clearance of Dress Flowers at toast. Mash with fork. Add 4 olives » ped, tablespoon cream chees and sore on tot or Chen's break | with it. FIRE £ it ; L Voile Panty Dresses | Combination to match, 2 to 6 years There are some very pretty styles in the assortment. Come in Blue, Rose, Pink, $050, Spec rrr. $2.59 it. | 1] i 45¢ | selected 35: EEE XOOOxrxxxs Salad dressing is mice Salt and pepper, of course. Cceeeeeeeeeco

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