Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 1 Aug 1928, p. 6

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4 7 THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1928 MEN'S DAILY, INTEREST | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items co this column, Send in a postcard or phone 36. Mr. Charles Detlor visited , friends in Newburgh recently. * * % Miss Edith Heffernan of Picton is the guest of Mrs. Robert Heffer. * - . Miss Kate Shearer visited at the home of her parents, Mr, and. Mrs. J. Shearer, Keene, * * % Mrs. Annie O'Hagan is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Goodwin of Waupoos and Mr, and Mrs, P, Mc- " Manus, Picton, * % » Mr. Buster Whitton has return- ed home from Deseronto, where he has been visiting friends for some |' "time, * % % Mrs. Albert Collier of Picton is visiting her sister, Mrs, Neer, and her brother, Mr. Walter Minaker here, . * * A Mr. and Mrs, John Curham, To- ronto, announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Barrie, to Mr. Edward 'George Mewett of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs, C. Mewett, Burk street, wedding to take place in Toronto the latter part of August. * % Miss Grace VanMeer of Yerex- ville, who has been spending two weeks with: friends here, has re- turned home. * % % Miss Dorothy Lawson of Toronto is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Fletcher, 166 Athol street east, for this week. * 5% Messrs. Phillip Brownson visited Mr. George Brownson, over the week-end. * * 0% Miss Phyllis Harrison has re- turned to her home in Port Hope after spending her vacation with friends in this city. se Mr. and Mrs. B, Cooch and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrence were the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. VanMeer, Yerexville, * %* % Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gannon and family motored to Elmbrook Sun- day and were the guests of the former's mother, Mrs, J. Gannon. i * x 0% and Harry their brother, Belleyille, Miss Elsie Rose, King street east, has returned from her sum- mer home at Sturgeon Point and will spend a few days in the city. * * * Mr. Percy Davidson and Miss Ethel Turner, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson of Raglan, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T, Skinner, Peterboro,, recently. . LJ * Mr. and Mrs Marvin Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clarke have returned from a motoring trip of S------ AL Perspiration Odour so unpardonable SO easy to banish What quality is so charm vosie. B00 obnoxious as perspiration odour, Every person persp attractive as personal what social fault so ires, of course." It's natural, it's healthful. 3 Physicians say j the perspiration of the average person measures between one and two pints daily. Nature takes this way of ridding the body of impurities through the mil- lions of tiny pores of But " perspiration' need Lifebuoy Soap, used in "the skin. "not be objectionable, the bath, banishes the odour," Lifebuoy's creamy, mild lather not only cleanses, but also purifies the pores -- anti- To Keep Well Drink plenty of water, perspire freely and banish Health Soap septically -- and keeps them sweet, open and breathing. Make' sure of avoiding the needless social error of perspiration odour. Use Lifebuoy Soap, for hands, face and bath, Low jin price-- wonder- i -- 'Purifies and Protects Lever Brothers Limited Toronto two weeks' duration, to Detroit, Windsor and Norway Point, Lake of-Bays, Muskoka. * 5 0 Master Hugh Bailey is visiting Mrs. W. James in Cambray. Miss Christena Wilson has re- turned to the city after spending her vacation with her pareamts in West Huntingdon. * ss 8 Weddings WORRELL--GLOVER The marriage took place quietly at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoen at the Christian Church parsonage, Athol street east, by Rev. W. P. Fletcher, of Pearl (Peggy) Evan- galine, daughter of the late Mrs. Glover and Mr. H. W. Glover, Rit- son road 'morth, and Almon Peter Worrell, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Worrell, Los Angeles, Califor- nia. Rev. W. P. Fletcher perform- ed the ceremony. The bride was lovely in a green crepe de chine frock, white coat and hat. The young couple were unattended. For the present Mr. and Mrs. Worrell will reside in Oshawa. NEW BRUNSWICK LADY PLEASED WITH CITY Mrs. Woods, of Fredericton, N. B., wife of H. W, Woods, ex-M.P.P., postal inspector for New Bruns- wick, and Mrs. G, Little, of Toron- to, were visitors yesterday to Osh- awa, guests of Mrs. J. J. English, "Netherby."" Mrs. Woods has been visiting for some time with her daughter Miss "Kit" Woods, who is attending college in Toronto and in the fall is to take a school in Parry Sound. Mrs. Woods and Mrs. Little were delighted with Oshawa and anticipate return visits, OUR DAILY RECIPE CELERY SAVORY This is a good rernles to serve with beefsteak. Two large stalks of celery, one onion, two green peppers and two tabiespoons gut- ter. Chop the ingredients rather coarse, fry slowly in butter until tender, VANILLA SAUCE. Put 3 pint milk in small sauce- pan over the fire; when scalding hot, add yolks of 3 eggs; stir un- til thick as boiled custard; add, when taken from the fire and cool- ed, 1 tablespoon vanilla and whites of eggs whipped stiff. POPOVERS One cup of sweet milk, 2 eggs ifn milk without beating, 1 small cup of flour, a little salt, Put all together and beat smooth till there are no lumps. If your flour swells very much add a little milk as 1t should be very thin, Bake from 20 to 25 minhtes in hot oven, A SALAD FOR COLD MEAT OR POULTRY Pare and cut up apples small with a silver knife and arrange on lettuce leaves. Blanch almonds and cut into strips lengthwise. Sprinkle these over with raisins, Spread sufficient mayonnaise on the fruit, tinting it, SOUR MILK GRIDDLE CAKES Sift 2% cups bread flour, % tea- spoon salt, 1% teaspoons soda. Add 2 cups thick sour milk, and 1 egg lightly beaten, Drop on hot, greased griddle. When full of bubbles, turn and cook on other side. Serve with sirup, marmalade -or marshmallow. These are very light. CUSTARD Peel and cut 2 oranges into small pieces. Slice 2 hananas and add to orange, in a pudding dish, and sprin- kle with sugar. Make a custard of % pint of milk, heated in a double hoiler; stir in two beaten egg yolks, to which % cup sugar, little salt and 1 teaspoonful of cornstarch has been added. When custard is cooked, flay- or and pour over fruit in pudding dish. When cold, use egg whites for meringue. Place in oven until mer- ingue is a delicate brown. Serve cold. NEAT MENDING When about to darn or patch any kind of material, place tne work in embroidery hoops, rather loosely, without stretching and with the place to be mended at the centre. If a patch is requir- ed, baste it smoothly in place un- derneath, then catch the edges of the torn material onto it, using fine thread. The finer the thread the better the finished work will look. Then from the underside catch the edges of the patch onto the materfal. Use 'a fine needle and try not to let it. pierce quite through to the right side. A patch shows less If it is possible just to trim off the torn edges of the ma- terial and not turn them under. When doing mending, keep all stitches loose so they will not pull the least bit, This is most im- portant, When a patch is not necessary, fill in the place with threaygs drawn from the goods itself, let- ting the threads run in the same direction as the threads of the goods, If such thread of the same color. One often can match the color with embrojdery cottons. Mending that has been beauti- fully done sometimes looks con- spicuous afterwards because a wrong method of pressing has been used. Never press a mended place from the wrong side because it throws up into high relief all the threads used in the mending. Press from ther ight sidee, and not too hard nor with too hot an iron. | In the case of heavy cotton gooas er woollen goods, keep a pressing cloth between the material and the iron, °° SIEE NCSU USED THIS SEASON Shown in Many Ingenious Combinations With Other Fabrics Sheer muslin as a fabric for summer is shown in many ingeni- ous combinations with other fab- rics in the new collections. A French designer is using bands of mousseline de soie on the flounces of a taffeta dress. In another model deep petals of taffeta are finished with a little ruffle of mous- seline. As a part of a frock, such a yoke, chemrsette, guimpe, collar, cuff or fichu, ninon, batiste or or- gandie is very much in demand. Much of the daintiest neckwear is made of batiste tucked shirred, pleated or combined with lace or Swiss embroidery. One of the smartest outfits worn lately at a fashionable restaurant was a robe de style of black taffeta made very bouffant with a monk's collar of white organdie folded double on the bias. A black crepe de chine daytime dress gained unusual chic with a collar and cavalier cuffs of white organdie edged with eeru filet lace. Despite the vogue that kia gloves have been enjoying for the last few seasons, many fashion- able women prefer to wear fabric gloves, Fashion Notes A flame colored chiffon gown has a jeweled girdle that has jew- eled straps, like suspenders, ex- tended up over the shoulders. Black cats for luck are very popular at present and even tea pots are appearing now in the shade and color of these lucky fel- ines, Linen and cotton are enjoying a well merited success this sum- mer and appear after a long ab- sence in frocks, coats and blouses. Among the most delightful sports clothes are those with blouses made of white linen. One mod- el ties at the waist and has large circles of contrasting linen ap- pliqued to the surface. Another has triangular pieces set in to form a pattern A yellow crepe de chine sport frock has a pleated skirt and a tunic with a surplice fastening. A sash that, which on the side, is a new note and the white silk collar and cuffs add to the becoming- ness of the model Always sift sugar to get all grains alike. You will then have a cake of finer texture, 1625 An Attractive New Frock To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont. Enclosed find ......,. cents. Please send Datterns listed be- sssssnon BIB nosis, om ® osomsn om wossve TOWDB o.oo sovcosnsnonsossss ProviBee , w.ssossomsnsvmes Price, 20 cents each. Send stamps or coin. Wrap cols :arefully, To clean stained enamelled ware, fill with water, add a tea- spoonful of chloride of lime and boil for one or two hours, or uatil stains disappear; them fill with pure water and bell. To make white enamel look like mew, rub it well with baking soda, them wash with hot soapsuds. A better system of buying often helps keep down the bills for food and supplies Special sales, buy- ing in wholesale quantities and co-operative purchases provide many opportunities for savings. Before making purchases, howev- er, the question of storage should 'be considered. Spoilage may cut down the saving on the original purchase. A teaspoonful of carbonate of soda dissolved in the water in which the flowers are arranged will make them last a much longer time Your hardwood floors should be gone over carefully before the summer starts. If not waxed thoroughly, the sand and grit from® summer will scratch them Flowers which have been sent through the post can be revived if they are plunged in very hot water entire evening. is connection with The You gee how sa J lepho | r you ust a telephone call,-- for a home dei absolutely no obligation in new Orthoph HELPED SLAYING Assassin Testifies at Probe --Shows Indifference as to Fate Mexico City, July 31.--Jose de Leon Toral, assassin of President- elect Alvaro Obregon, admitted in testimony before a criminal court today that the num, Concepcion, "indirectly influenced" him in his deed. - His hearing before a court to- day marked the first step 'n tle legal proceedure which is aimed at trial and punishment for tho as- sassination of the President-elect. It took place before he "'prelimin- ary court of first instance." of the town of San Angel, where the crome was committed, a suburb of Mexico City. When Toral was placed on the stand he was asked first if he had a lawyer to defend him. He an- swered no. and the court made the customary offer of an attorney, which Toral in turn refused. Toral's only comment on the procedure was that he had no de- fense to offer. In the questioning which follow- ed he asserted vehemently that "nobody on earth" knew his in- oncert Ask any "His Master's Voice" dealer-- say you want a home Orthophonic demonstration No obligation for this musical service. His Master's Voice dealers are in the com- munity to serve They Know that "yp place to hear and enjoy music at its best--is at home, pT with your favorite selection of music for an one hundred percent. And they are u one of these marvelous c Victrola models, together y and convenient everything e demonstration,--will do it, this service. SUMMER AND FALL Felts $1.98 & $2.98 Very stunning im their smart simplicity are these mew felt hats, for summer and autumn wear. They come im lovely shades of beige, brown, green, blue, yellow * go pink as well as black, white and navy, They are band with ribbon or other appropriate trimming. in styles that charm the eye. Remarkably priced at $1.98 and $2.98 See our 98¢ hats. Children's tention prior to the assassination. Further questioning elicited the information that he had beem "in- directly influenced by the nun. Concepcion Acebedo de Ia Lata, who is being held by police in con- nection with the case. This statement is, after a fash- ion, contradictory to his conten tion all along that no one had in- At home, controlled or "Smooth The new Orthophonic Victrola is made in'a range of beautiful models, in cabinets are tistically designed in fine walnut or mahogany, Electrically driven, if you wish at Sight additional cost. All instruments are selfs fluenced him in the least and fol- i iit y i A) New They are the best value in town to-day. Hats, 49¢ lowed a denial by the nun hersalt that she had done so. Toral, calm and composed, with- out a collar and his scraggly black beard showing more than a week's growth, was brought from the pow ice headquarters to the San An. Court at noon under 2a heavy guard. On the stand his voice was low but termorless and with a precise enunciation. ee Model 4-70 $165 or with Electric Drive $205 onight Flow of Sound," o ther with your family, you will be able to listen, enjoy, judge and decide at your leisure just how much you like the Orthophonic Victrola, It is there best form your estimate of the wonders pos- sible through thé new and exclusive Victor. rinciple of "Matched Impedance" ou can stopping. Prices from $1400 down to as low onic Trade Mark Reg'd Victrola Jctor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, yontrest 52 Sold in Oshawa By winest.v. D, J, BROWN as $115, On convenient payments from all His Master's Voice dealers, But first,~have your demonstration tonight. PHONE 18

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