Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 26 Jul 1928, p. 2

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3 dm A FEN | PAGE WY - WHITBY Representative--JAMES HOLDEN Phone, House 15---Office 434 By FAGE SEVERAL FRAUD CHARGES ; John Vernon Fer Fenn Brought Back To Whitby By Chief Gunson (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 26.--Chief of Po- liee Gunson motored to Belleville terday afternoon returning with john Vernon Fenn, who will face veral charges of false pretenses local police court this after- noon. The complainants are local merchants, who allege that they have lost money through selling goods to the accused man and ac- . eepting cheques in payment. There 18 a heavy docket for today's court Including two B.L.C.A. cases ad- journed from last Friday, while Vietor Vortener, of Toronto, wno was given $6,000 bail, is to appear on a charge of wilful misconduct and reckless driving in connection with a motor accident morth of Brooklin, last Sunday afternoon, in which several Oshawa young men were injured. HATCH COMPANY TO HOLD PICNIC AT HAYDENSHORE PARK (By Staft Reporter) Whitby, July 26.--Saturday is the big day for the employees of the Hateh Manufacturing Co. when with their wives and families they will stage their annual picnic on the spacious grounds of Hayden- shore Park. The event is always an attractive one and attendance is often higher than the 500 mark. A complete program of sports ana races has been arranged embrac- ing something for both young and old, while valuable prizes will be given. BAND CONCERT IN WHITBY TONIGHT (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, July 26.--The Whitby Citizens' Band is rendering its sec- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1928 tonight and 8 large attendance is expected, as a splendid program has been assured. The band, um- der the direction of J. Broadbent, has been practicing faithfully all a greatly improved organization. Saturday night it will render an uptown concert in front of the post office. NEW TRACTOR AT WORK IN WHITBY Forty Miles of Streets In Corporation With Little Pavement (By Staft Reporter) Whitby, July 26.--The newly ac- quired 30 horse-power caterpillar tractor is being used extensively this week in local road work. Pull- ing the large grader it has been working on Byron street and Cen- tre street, ditching and levelling in preparation for the spreading of gravel. As there are over 40 miles of streets within the corpor- ation limits and as only a small portion has baen paved it may be readily seen that the tractor and grader can be put to extensive use. The town council purposes to keep Whitby's streets in the best condition possible and as a mat- ter of facet practically all local roads are in fair shape now, es- pecially considering the destrue- tion which was done by exception- ally wet weather early this spring. WHITBY PERSONALS Miss Clara Hopper is holidaying with friends at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Harry Jardine, of Toronto, spent yesterday [in town as the guest of her mother, Mrs, F. An- nis, and aunt, Mrs, A. W. Jackson, Centre street. A sale of furniture and hous. hold goods was held yesterday af- ternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilson, Dunlop street, Wm. Maw being the auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson are moving shortly to their new home on Brock street south. Members of the Whithy Masonic lodge provided a plenic treat for the. children at the Deaconesses' Summer Home, Haydenshore Park, yesterday, sending down large hampers amply filled with good things to eat. It is needless to say that the children enjoyed the ple- nic and that those in charge ap- preciated the hospitality of the Ma- } Cheese Kraft, McLaren's Cream or Pimento 2 3 Cohoe Pink ° ¥a-Ib, Tin "Tn 2 tor 35 2t0r21° | Bayside Pears J a (In light syrup) 15¢ Lombard Plums : Tin ... Fancy Canned Grapefruit, Tin 25¢ 14e seer eres Olives Pickles: 39° 40-02, Jar Sour Mixed Shirriff's Pineapple Marmalade "> 53¢ FREE CLARK'S TOMATO ONE SUN VISOR with each purchase 19° CATSUP Bottle Excellence Dates 2-1b, Pkt, wre se .25¢ Tasty Pies. .éach 25¢ You'll Enjoy One Domino 11b.25¢| Baking Powder ';1b, 13¢ Kippered Snacks - Lobster Paste ........... vv. .2Tins lle Glory of Norway Sardines 2 Tins 25¢ Tin 14e Libby's Meatwich ......2 Tins 25¢ Clark's Potted Meats . ..3 Tins 25¢ Clark's Boiled Dinner ....Tin 28¢ [i Candy Special Drops re rus 19e Christie's '] Ace Biscuits " * ° ib. Shredded Wheat -.........Pkg, 12¢ Post Toasties .......,..2 Pkgs, 2l¢ Pkg, 14¢ Bellore's Corn Flakes. 2 Pls, 21¢ i errireresries 1 Pk VIE 2 Pkts, 27¢ Braeside Brand Fresh Made Creamery Butter 435. Cocoanut . . Lb. 19¢ Desiccated ; Cocoanut ,..Lb, 16¢ Bacon 33%. Mayfield Brand - [LUX TOILET SOAP 3 Cakes 19¢ Assam and Travancore 1,21b, Richmello Blend ea 1.79 LUNCH ROLLS (15 sheets) 3 for 10¢ LUNCH FLATS (50 sheets) each 9c 1m, 59 1410. 33e -- Richmello Blend COFFEE 0 00000000 0000000000000 0000 I IInIxxIxIxxxxxxdxdxm Navy Toilét Rolls ...... ....3 for 25¢ 4-String Corn Brooms ....each 39¢ Lifebuoy Soas ........3 Cakes 23¢ Chipso Large Pkt. 23¢ [v; last winter and this spring and is || HOLD JOINT PICNIC AT CENTRE ISLAND am---- wi Bowmanville Canadian Radiant pany Have Fine Outing (By StaM Reporter) Bowmanville, July 24.-- Bow- manville Foundry and the Cana. dian Radiant Company held their annual joint picnic yesterday af- noon at Centre Island. About 200 members and friends of the two firms left by bus and car af- ter dinner. There were five buses full. They arrived at the island about three o'clock. A fll program of run off, followed by games and novelty contests. Two snappy ball games proved one of the ma- jor attractions of the day. Supper was served at six o'clock. The group loft at eight o'clock, and arrived home about half-past ten last night. % Credit was given to the commit- tee for the smoothness with which the events were run off and the pleasant way in which the pienic was handled Mr, C. E. Reader was chairman of the committee. races was FINED $10 FOR RECKLESS DRIVING (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, July 26.--Joseph Chinn, of Oshawa, pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless and negli- gent driving yesterday and was as- sessed ten dollars and costs hy Magistrate Ward. The charge was laid by Trafic Officer Gordon Hal- lick as a result of an accident over two, weeks ago. On Sunday, July 8, Chinn was driving east near Courtice when he crashed into an- other car almost head-on, The trafic officer was called 'to the scene of the accident and the next morning laid the charge. It is al- leged that Chinn was driving too near the centre of the road when the accident occurred. DETROIT UNITED RAILWAYS OFFERED BY PUBLIC SALE Detroit, July 25.--An order for foreclosure of mortgages amount- ing to approximately $11,000,000; and for the sale at public anction of the properties of the Detroit United Railways, was Issued to- day by Federal Judge Charles C. Simmons, The order was applied for by the Union Trust Company of Detroit and the Central Union Trust com- pany of New York City. The sale was set for September 5. Detroit United Railways ed into receivership March 10, 1825. 'Tha Central Union Trust Company at that time held a $10,- 000,000 mortgage on the road. Tt was reduced to $7,219,419 under the receivership. The Union Trust Company held. a $3,000,000 mort- gage, since increased to $3,634,593. William C Sayles, Jr., standing Master in Chancery in Federal Court, who will conduct the sale, said he had been informed that a syndicate has been formed by 9C percent of the hondholders to hid for the property and, if successful, to continue operations. The sale will affect interurban lines to Flint, Toledo, Wyandotte and Trenton and bus lines to Port Huron, Flint and Jackson, and city service in Flint and Pontiac. pass- SENTENCED FOR THEFT Bedleville, July 25.--Three young men, Harry Craig, Marvin Holly and Joe Marano, gall of Montreal, appeared before Magis- trate Bedford of Deseronto today on charges of breaking into and theft of gasoline from Coles's Ser- vice Station, Deseronto. All plead- ed gulity. The men were arrested by Belleville police, and when ap- prehended had three guns and 90 rounds of ammunition, Magistrate Bedford imposed the same sen- tence, to run concurrently, as tlat recently given by Magistrate Mikel, for carrying firearms. ' Tells Skinny Men How to Gain' Weight Money Back if You Don't If the flat chested man whose ribs .are almost bursting thru his skin doesn't try to make himself look Mke 2 real man, no ons else will. When any man or woman needs more weight they ought to be told that the greatest of all flesh build- ers is McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets. McCoy takes all the risk--Read this ironclad guarantee. If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of Me- Coy"s Tablets - or 2 One Dollar boxes any thin, underweight man or woman doesn't gain at least 5 pounds and feel completely sat- isfied with the marked improve- ment in health--your druggist is authorized to return the purchase price. Ask Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mit- chell; W. H. Karn, or any good - druggist. PICKERING oN iSkering, July 25--Mrs. Telford of is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thos Andrew. Mr. Billie Cook of "Georgetown, is | visiting his sister, Mrs. E. J. Stork. Miss Winnifred Law of Markham, is visiting Miss Isabel Richardson. Miss Merle Hall is week with friends at Sturgeon Lake. Miss Marie Draper, of Mt. Albert, is the guest of Miss Phyllis Pilkey this week. Dr. and Mrs. Howden, and daugh- ter, of Toronto, former residents of Pickering, called on iriends in the village on Sunday. Mrs. J. Kean of hitby vi visited with Mr, and Mrs. ommer- ville on Tuesday. The Vicker "Tennis Club is in a very flourishing condition. There arc now nearly thirty members en- rolled, and new ones are joining con- tinually. The executive have found it necessary to instal a second court as the long sveing hours provided by daylight saving J nd the court al- ways full and a long Wahig line. Mrs. R. Fitzsimons and Mr. P. Aldous of Hamilton spent a few days this week with their sister, Mrs. W. J. Clark. Mrs. G. Ward and daughter, Miss '| Ann, of Niagara Falls, are visiting the Misses Bunting. During the absence of Rev. R. Rickard, on Sunday, Mr. E. H. Mor- ley occupied the pulpit in St. Paul's Church. Miss Frances Fitzsimons, and Mr, Neale Hopkins of Hamilton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Jo C, Stork. Mr. and Mrs, John Murkar have both been confined to bed with the "flu" Mr. Murkar is now able to be up, but Mrs. Murkar is still unable to leave her bed. Mrs. F. J. Bunting and sons are holidayi ing at the cottage of the for- mer's sister, Mrs. R. Clement, on Lake Erie. Mr. and Mrs. Fielding of Graven- hurst are visiting their niece, Mrs, V. E. Cartwright. Miss Ethel Powell is visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Taylor of Manchester. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Baker, and children of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. D. Dunn, Miss Lillian Gillingham and Mr. John Gillingham, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boyes, last week. The Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's United Church, are planning to hold a sale of home made baking on the manse lawn on Saturday afternoon. The Church Army Crusaders held services in St. George's Church on Wednesday, morning, afternoon and evening. 'The ladies and gentlemen were members of an enthusiastic society in connection with the Angli- cari Church of Great Britain, and have come to Canada to assist in the spiritual work of the church and to study conditions in this country, They are holding services from coast to coast. Final results of Pickering Public School : Names in order of merit (A)-- pupils who passed on year's work; (B)--promoted on year's work owing to illness; (C)--passed on final test; (E)--failures; (H)--all over 70 per cent; (D)--received on trial, Senior Room To Jr. IV--(A) ] Boyes (H); A. Smith (H); H. Robinson (H); A. Baird; R. Andrew; H. Sleep, (B) C. Lockwood; M. Hickey; D. Gibson. (H; W. {C) 1. (H). (D) V. Bye, E. Lotton, To Sr. III--(A) J. Barker (H), L. Cooke, B. Partridge, F. Baird. (B) L. Pearson, G. Goodwin. (C) H. Bradley, S. Balsdon, Liscombe, (D) M. Baker. I (E) W. Reid, J. Baker, B. Livings. To Jr. 1II--(A) L. Cooke, V: Greenlaw, (E) R. Law, Junior Room 1I--(A) J. Andrew; Elliott Spencer E To Sr. G. Lockwood. (B) M. Elliott, M. White, D. Wat- son, D. Bath, M. Lotton, G. Walsh, M. Bailey, G. Stephenson, S. Bur- dyka, G. Foster, To. Jr. 1I--(A) M. Balsdon, I Richardson, D. Ferguson. i (B) E. Mattingsley, Bye, G. Walsh, J. Partridge, M. aie C. Haight, 0. Baker. BL Sr, I--(A) L. Courtice, J. Bak- iB) L. Ravin, G. Stephenson, M. Goodwin, M , McGregor, G. Foster, Bradley, H. Martin, M, Goodwin. Fon Jr. I=(A) B. Barker, G, Bailey. (B)' D. Clough, C. Prouse, C. Bak- er, D. Andrew, J. Cooke, To Sr. Primer--(A) H. Robinson, K.. Richardson. (B) J. O'Connor, E. LeGard, D. Spencer, D, Bradley, G. Watson. 8 O S IS RECEIVED FROM GERMAN LINER Moscow, July 25.--The Tass News Agency correspondent aboard the ice-breaker Krassin radioed at 5.20 p.m. today that the Krassin was hearing 8 O S calls from the German steamer Monte Cervantes, with 1,500 passengers aboard. The Krassin had put about amd was heading for Bell Sound Spitzber- gen, when the signals are believed to have come. a German Sound is. on west - coast of West Spitzbergen, less than 100 miles to to the south of King's Bay. PASSED WORTHI JESS. CHEQUES Woodstock, July 25.--W. IJ. Hayes, a young Middlesex Count' farmer, appeared in Oxford County Police Court this morning, charge: with having received money by false pretenses. His offense con- sisted of giving worthless cheques to John Hoddard, farmer, of Dere- ham, and George Hart, farmer, ot East Zorra, in change for a num- ber of hogs. Takin: into comsid- eration the fact that the accused had made restitution for the amount involved, $292.68, Magis- trate Paterson suspended sentemce. spending a | Division, NAMED AT OTTAWA + Ottawa, July 2 It is announced by the Dominion Department of Ag- riculture that Nels T. Nelson, BSA, M.S, Ph.D, has been appointed to the position of chief of the Tobacco ntal Farms Branch. This became vacant upon the appointment of Mr. C M. Slagg to an important position in Australia. Dr. Nelson comes to Canada from 'Windsor, Conn, where he has been tobacco expert for the past four fears. After gradual aduating from the niversity of sin, Dr. Nelson was appointed to NE in, Te of the university, and in 1919 and 1920 work- on tobacco diseases under Dr. Johnson, America's leading tobacco expert. From 1921 to 1923 he was assistant in omy at the univer- sity, and dor the past four years has given special to t 0 ertilizers, curing and improvement of varieties. Dr. Nelson has had fif- teen years' experience on the tobacco farms of Wisconsin, and comes to Ottawa with the best of recommen- dations, He will take up his duties on Aug- ust 15th. US. PLANES IN NICARAGUA EXCHANGE SHOTS WITH REBELS Thgugh the coutesy the Marconi Radio The Tunney- Heeney Fight Will Be Broadcast from this office Thurs- day night. The general public, as well as our many clients, is cor- dially invited to listen in. 25 KING oil. EAST Managua, Nicaragua, July 25.--A squadron of five U.S. marine air- plaries was fired upon by rifles and machine guns in the hands of Nicara- guan insurgents near the Honduras border today. Three planes were struck by rifle bullets but there was no serious dam- age. The planes returned the fire with machine guns, rifles and bombs. The results of the airplane fire are unknown, but it is believed there were a number of casualties among the insurgents, WATER AND POWER DEAL APPEAL RIGHT GRANTED ing the holdings of the Montreal Wa- ter and Power Company at a pur- chase price fixed by arbitration. The petition for an injunction was dis missed in the Superior Court by Mr. Justice Desaulmiers. has been complete: paid over to the company. REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Naticnal and Osh- awa Railroads, 10 King St. W, Montreal, July 25.--Leave to ap- peal a judgment of the Superior Court by which an injunction was re- fused in the Montreal Water and Power case, was granted by Mr, Jus- tice Hall of the Court of Appeals to- day. The appeal will be heard by the full bench of the Court of Ap- peals, at the Fall term. The injunction proceedings were taken in the Superior Court by Brig.- Gen, Eric McCuaig et al. to restrain the city of Montreal from purchas- satisfaction we can repair and Phone 18° In his judgment today permitting the case to go to appeal, Mr. Justice Hall found that the case was subject to appeal even though the water del and the mone; "LOOK TO THE CORDIAL INVITATION is extended to the people of Oshawa and vicinity to at- tend a special free showing of the new 1929 McLau lin-Buick motor cars in He General Motors Staff garage, a few feet south-east of new Office Building on William Street, on Friday evening, uly 27th, from 7 to 10 p.m. and all day Saturday, ful y. McLAUGHLIN MOTOR CAR COMPANY, LIMITED Subsidiary of General Motors of Canada, Limited OSHAWA ~~ ONTARIO WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT--McLAUGHLUIN-BUICK WILL BUILD THEM

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