Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jul 1928, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1928 PAGE NINE 10.15 WRHM (261) BS. 10.90 WADC Akon. Chieti of, Christ WGES @@)=Chicago, Austin M. E. €« 3 » ' Lasy-to-Find pp ial Programs for Sunda Q ADIO PROGR AM WGHP (@0---Detroit, Services. y 5 WAIL pre hy re Bog nin . Veo S05) MplaSt, Paul, Services. SUNDAY, JULY 22ND, TODAYS BEST FEATURES . , ! 0 WADE Ci) ation ©. Ousan CM re Te -_ 3.30 pm. WRNY (326)--N.Y. Saxophone quartet. Tonight's Hest Feature | NAD CE A Samay. WHE Heng' Taran, 20k, 745 WCFL Ro) Caleage a St | 366)~Chicago. Women's hous. | yy on Ky 5 ; chiral. Ohure 3 . 5 . ay . 2@ pm. NUC System fom WEAF: Lew | = WOU (3is-bhila, Luncheon mei HH TAX CD acm ite. Servi 8.00 Columbia Chain: "Come to the Fair. 80 WLS (35)~Chicago. Natiomal Bar WSAL (361)~Cinct. Musicale, i ww (42)--Cinci. 7th Presbyterian. WCBD (345)--Zion, Ill. Cornet quartet. Dan WSH (476) ~Atlanta. Ser's hr. WNC (A2)-Asheville, Services, a5 NE =Rochenter. Tou Noro] 11.5 Br ra anaes bt. WIFE (0)~Wash, Presbyterian 8.15 NBC System from: WJZ: Goldman Band. Wiz, WBZ, WRC. XN > es iki " 3 ili 92.00 NOTP (220)--St. Paul. Happiness hour WAIU (283)=Columbus, O. Dispatch A5\ A ist. church 10.00 WSUI (476) --Ilowa City. Familiar hymns, a Thudeas hour ic. 5 WCAH (23)--Columbus, 1.1 et 0: Siar; WCAH (230 ~Columbus, O. Food fos WGHP | @8--Detroit. LBS A sine Ser Foto ice 70 pm: cick WEAD GHP Orchesta ela: Welimst Silent all day. CFCF, WEAO, WHAZ, WIOD, Bilt tonight ance n 0 Bo NINE WHO (335)~Des Moines. KMBC (70)-Kansas City. Christian WNOX, WOI, WOS, WRVA, WSBT, WFLA. CRGW, CONRT, KOA, KC WHO e nN a LMA Rv 3 CFCF (411)=-Montreal, Mt, al or Church. Nahe. WGHP, WOO, WRYA, V _ chestra. KSO (227)--Clarinda. Methodist church , 11.45 CKLC (357)--Red Deer, Alia, Musicale KTHS (500)--Hot Springs, 1st Preshy- CKCL (357)="Toronto, Luncheon music. terian. Regular Daytime 12 noon WHT (06)=Chucago. Organ, A) KVOO (349)--Tulsa. Services. I A ---- Programs WIE (2i00-Phila. Luncheon music NO I oman] d_ Concert Bureau H Song RL N-Fl ne a . S)=Davenport, regational and Concert Bureau Hour, WEB. --Chi 3 ed L 845 am. Red Network:=--"lower Health" WLS (345)--Chicago. "Dinner Hell." WRR ba rey id 9.30 NBC System from KPO: Symphony hil H Con)-Chicago. ii Trio.vo from WEAF, WCAE, WEEL, WGR, _ WMAQ {in)=Llucago, Mel 1.00 p.m. CKLC (357) Calgary. Services. pogran;: KFl, KFOA, KGO, KGW, WGR (303)--Buffalo, Tea music Wey, Ce tater 12.15 nav RS J] Sp-Milnauker. Organ. WeAU (261)--Phila. Interdenomina- | * Rh KONG: . WHE (3i7)--Kansas City. Ladies' hous | jo tk. Morning gymn. 2.30 WG =N.V. : tional. 'HS (500)--Hot Springs. Vocal. WWI (353) ite q 6.00 CKCL (357)~Toronto, Setting Up ex. | 1443 WSM (337)--Nashville. Farm and home NBC Red Chain: Summer Radio Wh, SoA ch. Creatore's al WEAF" pha toy Tn Brogan. Shan WERE (RE wii alt WRC VERY year sixty per cent. of the new ercises. . : - program. a x /EAF, and. WAAM (268)~Newark. Sunrise hous | 12:38 CECA (357)=Toronte. Chimes from NSA WTMJ, KSD, WDAF, WHAS, | 10.00 CRW (38)--Wnnipeg. Sunday musi-| 3.30 crea (357)~Toronto, Program from 4), don, music, sancon. : KOA. cale. 2 Lon : 6.30 WMAQ (448)=Chi M.C. | 1.00 KTHS (500)=Hot Springs. Noom cone. , i ; ; . A 3 : : i { WMAQ (HO--Chicago. Y.MCA. Woo 0 Npis Sh. Haul Farm he,| 190 WABR (SO-NY. Choristers. ROIL (319) --Council Blufis. John and BAL (285) Baltimore. Recital. Cadillac cars are sold to Cadillac own- 2.00 KFNF (461)~Shenandoah, la. Sunrise WDAF (370)~Kansas City, Country. WRAP (194 NY Tunday ool. KSTR (2 . : (33) --Springfield, Mass. After. - a. . A 0 WPAR' (B-XV. Inspiration" Hour. | KSTR a2)-St, Paul Yo Ode Fash | tom muse, 7° ers because only a Cadilla Id Encore | INR 0 Ramos Non orn | 15 NOH GO Miu BE ct | © ued igh Toe Ne Se Te] A TE over ie nn Lt, only a Cadillac cou WEAF (992)-N.Y, Morning devotions: WSH (476) ~Atlanta, Music, vee ye A ) Hon, Pot springs. Music Lov. 5 4 . : WRC. WWI (353)=Detroit. Organ. 510 WCCO (405) Mpla-St. Paul. Vespers, e1s, Hour. : WOO (349)--Phila, Grand organ and tisf th h has peri saMORaaic WNC (297) ilies No .| 6.00 CFCA (365)--Torento, Services. WGHP (78)--Detroit. Arcadians. {rumpets. sa e man who once ex ence 2.30 Red Network :--"Cheerio, from WWNC (297)--Asheville, N.C, Lunch WHAM (280)--Rochester. Studio music | = WMAQ (MB)--Chicago. ans m| 4.00 KSO (27)--Clarinda, 1a. Women's hr. y WEAF, WEEI, WGY, WRC. eon music. ahh ? i y ed )- pl . . po . 2.45 WOC (V79)=Davenport. Happy hour. | 1.15 WGHP (278)--Detroit. Detroit trio. WLS (35)--Chicage. Little Brown Andy." WHALE (370) Kansas City. String trio Cadillac satisfaction 8.00 WLW (428)~Cinci, Healthful exer. WHO (535)=Des Moines. Talk; lunch. Church, a WSUL (76)=lowa * City. Familiar WEAF (492)-N.Y, Twilight our; Al cises. eun music NER Sia-Atams, Vespers. : hymus. an i RRC. Soh X MAQ (448)~Chica, U, of Ch 1.30 CNRA (476)~Moncton, N.B. Musicale. 18 --Phila. Evening services. \ (306)--Chicago. Popular 3 (375)=Davenport. Home ma : W ese un oe oy a KENF d6l)-Shenandoah, 1a. Farmers | 630 WANK 0 V. Sacred music. | 11045 REVO 45). Lovie. Tr dee, A resect i is A R i > (484)=Derrien ricgs. Early concert. Sy 00 KF) ( --Shenandoah, Golden Rule gram. 3 NR? 29)--Saskatoon, Special a norning music. es KOIL (19)=Council Bluffs, Pianist, N * KMMJ (230)=Clay Center, Evening ram. pro- | STAND A D OF THE WORLD Services. . 9.00 B Network i--Roval 8. Copeland: -- KLDS (270)--Independence, Mo. Radio musicale, _ WHAS (322)--Louisville. Concert. Nié RIKA, KYW, WBZ, WAN, Sunday Programs Et An Shenandoah Devotional NoAL FORansas cy. Concert "i Wea (405)---Mpls-St, Paul. 'Women's . 'e --- . V re stra. . ~- CKGW (312)=Toronta. Morning musi- Ei 5 AMS Service. i WOL (265)--Ames. Old Folks Musicale] 500 (KNU (517)--Toronta. Music. ot Pe (319)=Council Bluffs, Recorded| 7-30 am RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS Catholic youu (403)--Mpls. St. Paul. Christ 10.30 WTAM (400)--Cleveland. The Cavaliers. wir et Worth: pluie, | hy Scientist. 30 WRR (461) --Dallas. Orchestra. 5. ' 380)--Schenectady. Hotel Van c. and, Protestant WFAA ($45)--Dallas. Radio Bible class | 10.45 KSTP (220)--St. Paul. Am Lutter, " 0 : on 15 "hild ' 5 \ N ' Sal LT AN IS {= at. LA and Andy % Xie " P (500)--=Ft, Worth, Morning mu 3 x Was pm N.Y Shildon * How 30 W (M1)--Tacksonville. Services. N (416)--Chicago. Mardi ad Andy 43 wa 0 (W05)--Mpls-St, Paul. Readers' 3 W Heal, A . 45 WS 361) --Cinei, te, | 1L15 CKLC (357)-- d Club. WDAF (70)---Kansas City. Morning | ©.00 KA A (95) Shenandoaly Linspel service WHE re ant . ' Hons (357)--Red Deer, Alta, Radio| CKGW (312) Toronto. King Edward : 4 H dl oY i 101 Si Ce. i hh < + : y 4 og 4: HES oT hes Moines. Victor prog Ryan RR NRO Studi i hy Kray (285)--PRoise, Idaho. Baptist | 12 nid W BBM (389)--Chicago. Dance or. Sa (OE ndagh, 12. Sunshine 0 or 1 y ervice, t ® 4 '1: "T \ 3 \ Chit ch, chestra. ol A 9.30 ww (333) =Detroit, "Tonight's Din-| 9.30 % FRE, (or Independence, Mo, Child- 45 WOAH (24) ~Columbus. T.RS.A, WENA (345)-Dallas. Orchestra WAIU (383)--Columbus, 0. = Twilight % eh 3 {PRC -- stia 9)--Coune ; 1 nm AN TW 3 e 9.45 WLS (3435)--Chicago. Home question WGY (380) --Schenectady, Services, A RPRC (294)--Houston, = 1st Christian | 1.30 ROLL QiN--Council Bluffs, Popular WeHP (Zi) =Detroit. Dinker music 26 Athol sy ER MOFFATT, a VE Ont x. sy WLW (428) =Cinci. Sunday School, A tary hit WRZ (333)--8 " x é Pst ' . 10.00 WCFL (484)=Chicago, Municipal prog. WSEA 6h --Norfolk. Services. . REL a a Suis, Bible address -- Lai Springfield, Mass. Dinner caD-1928¢ Woy i Home manage- vis yy 0 -Miwavkee. Services, . (= ' 4 Monday* Programs 5 WOC (375)--Davenport, Chimes concert H . ) ' 3 45 R305 uffalo. Morning services, Bea] ES J WHT (300) --Chicago. Women's hour, WIBO (116) --Chicago. Swedish services | 12 MUSICAL PROGRAMS-FEATURE mb 1.60 , mAFTERNOON PROGRAMS FOR THE KIDDIES Woo PA ag Nomen hoa WOO (319)-Thila,. Bethany Presbyter- | © strumental Trio. ' y NC Gi)~Tarante, Brunswik rm. WEAF (394) N.Y, Uncle Robert WRNY (326) =N VV. "Keeping Fit." an, ait a WJZ (450)---N.Y. Concert orchestra. "CEL (488)~Chicago. Rest Hour. WEBH (366)--Chicago, Dream Daddy 10.15 Red Network :~ Radia Household Tnsti- 10.00 CECA (357) --Toranto, Services, NBC Svstem from WEAF: Chamber WHN (3)--N.Y "Your a Iv Davis. CE ------ w-- 7 tute: WEAF, WEET, WTIC, WTAR, KDKA (316) Pitts. Services. E Music: WRC. : Menu." i dik ay _ WGBS (MO-N.Y. Uncle (iee Nee. asl WTAG, WCSH, WIIT, WRC, WER, Grace M. EB.) yaa pn WADC G-Abion, Allen Thea. | 1.30 WMAQ (48)--Chicago. Musical yor. | * WMAQ (48)~Chicago. Topsy Turyey Thaw (312)=Toronto, Request pro- Vi J WT. "SAL PTOI ' .00 NBC Syste y /JZ: The Roxy p y ime, an. 5 WEA: Ro Neco Wo x (265) --( leveland LBSA. ii he KOKA, "yw, WBZ, WRC, VOR (422)=Newark. Afternoon io WLS (345) Chicago. Pied Piper, CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Concert orches, 10.30 WATU (283)~Columbus, O, Devotional (370)--N.Y. Christ Scientist, WRZA, WIR. gram. pre: KYW (326)--Chicago. Uncle Roh KFAU (280)--Boise, Idaho. Organ, WOW (508)--Omaha. Chapel service. KCL (387) =" oi . 2.00 CRC 57)" cB WRAL (285)--Bal WBBR (265)--N.Y. Concert. service. CKO (357)-- Toronto, Organ 00 CKCI. (35) Toronto, Studio music. boing )--Baltimore, Sandman WCAU (261)-- Phila. White Hour. WGN (416)--Chicago, Hawaian Trio, WEEl (508) Rest Edison on 3s, . --_-- a i nc -- WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Artist recital. WENR (288) ~ Chicago Edam H ald WIP (349)~Phila. Uncle Win WCSO (256) =Springheld, O. Concert, 1.15 KMA (395)--Shenandoah, Sacred songs SEL, i Par 18 WON (416) Chicago. Uncle in. WN C (536) N.Y. Concert 2.00 Columbia Chain: Symphonic Hour: WEI (405) ~Phila. Vocal. WCCO (105)--Mpls-St. Paul. Children's WR yet er, Poi Streak Wak, KMOX, Koll, WCAO, we AU, WHT (306) Chicago. Afternoon fea WMT (2) Kite aikes. Bansin 1 JHAD ( cago, Hue, Bleak 4 EA) " HI, ure \ BE 1 Miiy . Cousin Larry PIC (535) is 5 : 41 WKRC, WAM & Ww MAO, WNAC, wie (MPhil. Artist recital, Zn biti d Gs Lleveland, Lullaby Lady. Wl (535)--Hartiord. New Departure us n [ ] Tn wea WIA, BWI Nii, We)~Chicagn. . Maoseheart WFAA (345) Trattes. rey, Chime. 7.30 CFCF (411)=Montreal. Studio concert. Cy nes Mu-| 2.15 KOA CONCERTS TONIGHT KS8O (227) Clarinda, Old time music, Co,, Limited NBC Svstem from WEAF: Sixty 2 (326) Denver. Orgar y ) ; A f : NI: satan fom Wi WCSH, | 220 WGN (4168) --Chicags RD erital pm. WIZ (SH=N.Y. "Twin Pairs of WHN (335)--N.Y. Loew's Theatre. 3 I 3 : : 1 $e Ay e NK A : Harmony." WIAX (341)--Jacksonville. Feature, In 6 or B months you can be trained to hold a superior . WRHM, WGR, WCAE, WSAL| 230 KMMJ, (230)~Clay Center. = Afternoon « Harmony.» WP (273) Atl Cie. Veo! iti i i - WTMI, KSD, WOC, KOA, WH, Program, 5CFCA (357) Toronto, Organ 'PG (273) Atlantic City ocal. office position. Not only will you be competent in short NIN Ro AVOAL WHE. wHAS, KOIL (319 Council Bluffs. Aunt Sam- WEAK (in2)-N Y. National String WTAG (17) - Worcester. Studio pros Manufacturers of Quartet: also from ), WHAS. 5 hand and typewriting but you will be familiar with office WS, WAT, my, i Jia § A 3 )--Hartiord. Piano recital CKCLL (337) T! . Org 1al, WCAU (261)=Phila. Knowledge Faren- 30 NBC System from WIZ: Roxy : ABEL a hy / G i) 57) Toronto. Organ recita hho) ound Rewledge Eaten ang: KOKA WHAM. WiAR WH | 800 NBC System from WIZ: Riverside rocedure. NIC Svstem from WIZ: Classical Mel- : : ang: KK ih 3ZA, WHAL, WHAN Pp ; NIC Sue NLS OH Chicagn,. Homemakers Ir: WRZA, KYW, KWK, 'WSM, ' WHO, | fons WHE, WEA Wl; Wian, . KWK., WIS (345) A : NT. ; EL COR) Roston. Music. 3.00 CKLC (375)--Red Deer, Alta. Matinee WRC, WOW, WHT, WRAL. | / J If you are not adapted we will tell you within A (260) Mpls. Classical music. Woh Cittoven. ecias WEEL (508)--Boston. OM time min WhAY wae Mise Whi, Roa Telephone Grover 7247 500 Greenwood Ave, VIRO (300)~Chicago, 4 y wos 35)--Otawa. Musicale strels | Inmhia Cham: Dn t To: the first month. WHO (Roi=Chicago. Altermoon pp TATU (283) --Columbus, 0, Good Wii NBC System from WEAF: O'Cedar Worms ra abe. 2 oan: At Our Expense ° Toronto, Ont PRD Dalles, LRS.A, progrant. A Qrogram: WEEE = WTIC WSAIL WCAU, WEAN, WFBL, WGHP, Pp ronto, ; WEAF (192)-N.¥. "The Home": alco WRC, WGR, WCAF, (tH Ww! Wiak: WARE; WHAR "Py MA LE LEAF | wi Cattedial Woon WRC WOC, WHO, WOW, WDAF. (Continued: on page. 10) P yo 1. WNA( PAN . . Mundy Building Oshawa i TL wl Dr. Sule Hoar: WBZ, wiz) Write for particulars about our day and fA WE. KDKA, KWH 1 evening classes, commencing Sept, 4 3.15 Wt 3 Atantic City, Commun : 237) Muscatine. mis ic Ir sane, a] Por 22)--NY. Bax Mi { en from WIZ vilig Chicano. Baseball, Cul Worth. Vaca! WERH. KSI te . WBZ, WHAM, KDEA, WLW, | vo KVR INU (317)--Toronto. Casa Loma Trio VALU (235) Boise, Idaho. Musicals, ERT (320)-5t, Paul. Symphony 01+ caging | VWADC (238)--Akron. Afternoon pro- | ' (326)-N.Y. Concert violinist, ! WWNC (297)-- Asheville. Sacred music | MP Sytem from WIZ: The Ballad Ringers: WRC, WGY, WCAE, WSAI, | KOA, WHAS, | WAAAY (246)--Jersey City, Twilight | cple ni < 5.00 KMA (395)--Shenandoah. Gypsy trio, | Fop Ld C WRNY (326)=N.Y, American Hebrew sa cto d H | Forum. 5.30 WIZ (439)-N.Y, Lolieg, Gainshorg. 1 to Pair, H an e Pp 6,00 NBC System from Hans Barih, concert pianist; WH, wie : or ore Peg, i PF, ing Y wWGY, KWK /CAE, 'EBH, ol WFAA, KOA.' : 2 p, pr? &us KOIL. (319)--Council Bluffs, Twilight e musicale. . W 's, p WCAU (261)~Phils. Non-equal Boys, | WhHOD (244)--Chattanooga,. Sacred pro- | ram. 6% Koc System Irom WEA Cand} U Our Theatre: y y » P WRC, WGY, WCAE, WWJ, KS», SS ---- HO, WOW, WFAA, WHAS, WsM, w . WMC, WSB;, KOA. WRAL (285)--Bajtimore, Concert or- chestra. WBBR (256)--N.Y, Bible lecture; mu- Ww sic, WIZ (45)-N.Y. Sonatas. ; $.45 WOR (422)--Newark. Bemhard Levi: A tow, dg Ld 20 7.00 NBC System from WIZ: High Spots of Melody: KDKA, WIR, KWK, - Xx . KOIL. (319)--Council Bluffs. Twilight musicale. hide (448)--Chicago, Dr. Copeland : Smth, - - ------a -- NBC Syst from WJZ: Whittall Anglo ig A WRBZ DRY CLEANING YOu JR | AUNDRY E PR! Y WBAL, WHAM, KDKA, WLW, you want your clothes cleaned so will . DON; OCPERI io IAW. RWE, WEEN, Xo), new, phone-- ' Just pbone 2520 and a driver will call, Lehigh Valley Cross A IME Coe 10 hs pi : ; Creek Coal bo BN we i in || PAA LAUNDRY LASTS LONGER, GIVES LESS ASH AND GREATER HEAT WOWO, WSPD, WMAF. ie NBC System from WEAF: * TE oie, Si Ady Every Dollar Spent Out of Oshawa Helps Ask for the WOSH, WRC. WeY, WOR, WCAE, to C te O iti to Your Own City J, KS, WOC, WHO, The Ideal Men's Store S U WCB (345)~ Zion. Cornet quartet, of hid (508) Boston. Music. ui IW (525)--Chicago. "Twenty Minutes Every of Good Reading." NBC System from WEAF: Atwater Kent Radio: WEEI, WRC, WGR, Va --- i » » WC ARS TY 'GN A 3 Try it and you will WCAE, WWJ, WSAI, WGN, WCCO, | G. satished WI. 3M Sum fom Wal : OY oes tr » KING Sanity and Service I --N.Y. Feature program, " EAST ' J PHONE 1110 WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Little Sym- ony. {BC System from WEAF: Biblical Drama, slshmacl' WFAA WEL Woy. WI, WCCO, WHAS, WGY, Wi), g = OC, WSAI, WOW, WEEI, KSi, Mone WRC, KVOO. ae y Spent in 2 olumbia hain: ni Military t h : Band: WOR. WCAU, WNAC, WEA | Oshawa DON VALLEY BRICK Hh hk A" WL WAIL, WKRC, Wile: Helps Oshawa A quantity of large size now on nd A he WOWO, KMOX, KMBC, ) band, also a complete supply ot a i lime and sand. "Phone 1 your or- KTNT (256)--Muscatine. Variety mu- ger. sic. ia up WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. Mixed Quartet WHN (394)-N.Y. American period. ) WIAX (341) Jacksonville. Organ. ° ° ow WP (273)--Atlantic City. Evening Ww i426) Bandbox H . WIW (428) --Canci. Bandbox Hour. 81 King Street West mr Phone | WRC (469) Wash. Hymn Sing: ~ WSR (476)--Atlanta. Svmphony. WIZ (434)=N.Y. Natuonal Broadcasting *

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