Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 Jul 1928, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1928 WOMEN'S DAILY INTEREST SOCIAL and PERSONAL iss Rena Stele of Toronto is ting Mrs. H .J. Bathe, Oshawa . . . Mr. C. Larmer, Clarke street, has Nene from a fishing trip to Bay, ee 0 Mrs, E. Buck, Tyler Crescent, has returned from visiting friends in Bath and Collins Bay. . . Mr. and Mrs. R. McDonough, af uron street, and M. BE. Buck, Ty- Crescent, * were recent visitors in Bath and_ Collins Bay, . Miss Edith Richardson of Mer. viton is visiting her cousin, Mrs. BE, 4. Henley, 147 Allee street. . . Miss Wilma Ross, of Belleville, fs spending her holidays with her sister, Mrs, William Pomeroy, Ce- lina street, vx Mr, and Mrs, D. G. Blair, Har- Id street, left last night for New York City, where they will be the guests of their daughter, \& * . Mrs. A. MeArthur and Mrs. Mur- ray of Toronto have returned to their homes after spending a week with Mr, and Mrs. L. J Hogarth, Congratulations are being exten- ded to Miss Margaret Kewin on having passed her elementary Con- servatory examinations in music with homers. . ! Rev, W, G Pletcher, Union The- logical Seminary, New York, is spending a month's holidays with Bis parents, Rev and Mrs, W, P, Fletcher, Athol street east, Maple Leaf Business College Mundy Bldg. Offers Specialized Training in STENOGRAPHY AND BOOKKEEPING Business methods and Secretarial Duties to Young People who wish positions where efficiency and proper training mean good salaries and rapid advancement, FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 4th Write for Particulars i i: i 1 £ | i i fi ! : 3 8 E i ¥ | | £ T 8 1 i Ie H # t! i q Mrs. John Fleming, Collins Bay, who has been visiting her som, Mr. Roy McDonough, and Mrs. Me- Donough, Huron street, has res turned home, oan, Ng | Miss Inez Cook, R.N., and her mother, Mrs. J. H. Cook, of Can- nington, left last week for a motor trip to Elizabethtown, N.Y., and other points. . LJ * Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Foshay, 8 Richmond street east, announce the engagement of their eldest daugh- ter, Monna Eileen, to Mr. Earl Con- bay, of Whitby, The marriage to take place in August. «00 Mrs, Frank Axford, Rutherford, New Jersey, and Miss Annie Jeffer- son, of Hove, Brighton, England, neices of the late William F. Me- Adie, are visiting relatives for a few days in the city. CI Miss Veta Stephenson, of the Faculty of the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music, is spending her va- cation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, E. Stephenson, Aberdeen street, LJ 1] Ll] The Pythian Sisters were enter- tained last evening at the home of Mrs. O. R, Hall, College street, in honor of Mrs, Birchan's 70th birth- day. A purse was presented to Mrs, Birchan during the evening, at the close of which ice eream ana cake were served. L] L] 1} Mr. J. P. Dunn of Chatham, has heen visiting this week with his aunt, Mrs. Jas. McBrady, Kendal Avenue. Mr. Dunn is the Chatham and district representative of the Border Cities Star, Wisdsor and yesterday paid a fraternal visit to the office of. The Oshawa Dally Times, * . J Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Wilcox, Hall street, returned home yesterday, after spending a few days in De- troit, Pontiac, Flint and other Michigan points. Mr. Wilcox com- bined husiness with pleasure and tonk the opportunity eof visiting the General Motors plants in the I various Michigan Cities, Oshawa it AH 3 | Mrs. Fred Proctor ,Johm street, is visiting her friend, Mrs. S. Link, wife of the late Rev. 8. Link, of Merril, Wisconsin, now at Brook- lin, and relatives in that village. - . -. About thirty ladies enjoyed a party at Barnhart's Pavilion yes- terday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Kitts of Fegus Falls, Minnesota, who is visiting her sister, Mrs, F. Hallett, 50 Colborne street, accom- panied by her daughter, Mary. ~ Fashion Notes When Lady Patricla Herbert weds the Hon. W, H, Smith at St. Margaret's, Westminster, July 18, there are to be 16 to 17 brides. maids all young children, in delphi- nium blue georgette with touches of primrose. St. Margaret's is to be decorated with lilies and blue delphiniums. The sports scarf continues to be important, and a new version fs the use of two small scarfs tiea together on the shoulder, thus forming a rather large scarf, Marthe Callot expects ta make from dark to light tones. slightly shaved. Turquoise blue is good this summer. Blessings on thee, bride of June, Long may last your honeymoon! To our ranks we welcome you, And the tasks we have to do: Baking, stitching, planning meals, Mending stockings' toes and heels, Cleaning house, each fall and spring, Bullding shelves and gardening All these chores for man and wife Make the sum of married lite, Bride of June, and happy groons, Welcome to our joy and gloom, Love has led you to our doors, Where we dust and sweep the floors; Paint the kitchen, wash the panes; Purge with lye our stopped up drains; Scour each kettle, pot and pan; Work and dream and hope and plan All these hurdens rest for life On the happy man and wife. In the years which lie hefore These are what our parents hore, All these tasks which I review Smilingly they did for you, When the honeymoon has gone You will meet them every one, But if only love remains You will jaugh at all your pains, And you'll grin at all the jokes ! SAY h 1 *¥ Edgar A, Guest, BRECE EEC tesiehith quite a few toques combining felt with a plum trimming that shades She also uses for the heginning of the sea- son & special plush called "satin Moussu", of which the hairs ae particularly A WORD FROM OLD MARRIED FOLKS | When you're just old married folks. OSHAWA NURSES FULLY QUALIFIED The following nurses from the Oshawa Hospital--Marjorie Jean Thompson, Ethel Lillian Hinton, Helen Tait Hutchison, Vera Irene McKnight, Ruby Ellen Berry, Ger- trude Marguerite Pettigrew, Jessie Mcintosh, Mabel Viola Yelland, and Margaret Florence McColm, have successfully passed their Provin- cial examinations and are now fully qualified Registered Nurses. Our Daily Recipe PEA AND CARROT SALAD Dissolve 1 tablespoon gelatin in 2 tablespoons cold water and then stir it into 2 cups hot vegetable stock, or the liquid in which 1 cup finely diced carrots were cooked. The vegetable stock should be sea- soned to taste with salt and vap- rika. Set in a cool place. When {the mixture begins to thicken stir in 1 cup cooked peas and 1 uum cooked carrots, cut in small pieces, Pour a layer of this in a wet mould, add a layer of mayonnaise then an- other layer of gelatin mixture. chill, When firm turn out on & hed of lettuce and serve with salad dressing. This salad adds a color- ful touch to the menu. CORN CHOWDER IF AY THE WONDER Permanent Wave (Does Not Need Finger Waving) $2.50 Finger Waving a Specialty EVALYNE BRANCH 111 Colborne St. Phone 608J URGES PROTECTIVE Fry i pound of fat pork, cubed, until lightly browned. Add I chop- ped onion and cook in fat until hrown. onion mixture, | butter. mon crackers, STRAWBERRY CHARLOTTE Put a layer of lady-fingers into a serving-dish, moisten with cream, cover with crushed and sweetened 'strawberries, pour over a boiled ed crehm sweetened and flavored to taste; or, pour the custard over |the cake, then add the strawberries land cream, ferries, JEWEL THIEF GOES TO PENITENTIARY Brantford, July 13, --Laurie Gagne, lias Albert Russell and A. B. Ros eau, was sentenced to five years in ortsmouth Penitentiary by Magis rate Jones this morning when ac- pused was found guilty of breaking nto and stealing from the premises f BE. H. Newman & Son, Colborne treet, on the night of June 24, rings and watches to the value of $1,500, A -------------- ut -- How Much Water "By Ruth Brittain Baby epcialists agree nowadays, that during the first six months, babies must bave three ounces of fluid per pound of body weight daily. An eight pound baby, for instance, needs twenty-four oun- ces of fluid. [Later on the rule is two ounces of fluld per pound of body weight. The amount of fluid absorbed by a breast fed ba- by is best determined by weigh- ing him before and after feeding for the whole day; and it is eas- ily calculated for the bottle fed one. Then make up any deficien- ey with water, Giving baby sufficient water of- ten relieves his feverish, crying, upset and restless spells If it doesn't give him a few drop of Fletcher's Castoria. For these and other ills of babies and child- ren, such as colic, cholera, diarr- hea, gas on stomach and bowels, constipation, sour stomach, loss of sleep, underweight, ete., leading physicians say there's nothing so effective. It is purely vegetable --the recipe is on the wrapper-- and millions of mothers have de- pended o» it in over thirty years of ever increasing use. It regu- lates baby's bowels, makes him sleep and eat right. enables him to get full nourishment from his food, so he increases in weight as he should. With each packaze you get a book on Motherhood worth its weight in gold. Just a word of caution. for the Look signature of Chas. H Fletcher on the package so you'll Sure to get the genuine. The apnpppprppppsam BBD nespns AS RARAAR AANA SA aise prppap ARApAApApaness nn sige pArrpns AAARARAAANARIARPARAAPPPIAS PO TL TT PEST SS EE EEE BOWE oop snninnspssrannnnns PrOWIRGS . spcpprpennpenss forty cent hott! signing les contain thirty- Then add 1} cups water and let simmer § minutes. Scald 14 pints milk and then add to Add pepper and salt to taste and a good tablespoon One-half hour before serve ing drop in several buttered com- custard, and fill the dish with whip. Garnish with a few re | LEGISLATION FOR THE DOMINION mittee Presented to Credit Men's Association (By Canadian Press) Halifax, N.8., July 12.--The question of protective legislation for Canada's business community and the many problems remaining to be cleared up, were dealt with comprehensively in the report of the legislation and bankruptey committee, presented to the Cana- lian Oredit Men's Trust Associa. tion in annual convention yester- day by W. R. Bottom of Edmou- ton, chairman, "We have progressed a little, not always as much as we would like to have done, hut we are still going forward," the chairman said, "We hope that out of our delibera- tions here solutions may be found to some of the problems we pre- gent to you," It is noted that an act respect- ing co-operative associations pass- ed in Saskatchewan last year tere ries forward existing associations and provides for the incorporation of new ones on a wider hasis. As those associations registered under the provincial act are not permit. ted to buy and sell on credit, how- ever, representations were made suggesting that these restrictions be removd, Aftr careful consid- eration the Saskatchewan govern- ment declined to make the propos- ed amendments. Want Government Aid Representations were again made to the minister of justice at Ottawa to have legislation enacted that would act as a deterrent upon those persons who make a practice of is- suing cheques where there are no funds, it was said. These were without result. "We believe that the practice is growing and will continue unti] some change is made in our present law," the report said. Some effort had also been made to induce the governments con- cerned to make amendments to the acts whereby the exemption at present allowed on Western es- tates should be reduced from $3. 000 to $1,500. The recommenda- tion was rejected. The commit- tee was of the opinion that the prairie provinces should upite on the question. Recommendations concerning income tax regulations were also turped down. These in- cluded suggestions that the levy be on the average income over a per- jod of three years, that exemptions be allowed for federal income tax in full and life insurance premiums up to $500; that the tax be colleet- ed under one get of officials instead of dominion and provincial staffs. Nb progress had been made with the suggestion that reciprocal leg- islation with other dominions, whereby judgments enacted in Can- ada would be enforceable in other parts of the empire ,and vice versa, should be passed. As far as the provinces were concerned. British Columbia. Alberta, Saskatchewan and New Brunswick were the only provinces that so far have enacted this form of legislation. Various other recommendations were reported on, including unmi- formity of bill of sales acts and amendments to the bankruptey aet. Reform Occurs y "The demand for Senate reform occurs periodically, but gencrally EE ------ "4 » » Gallagher's for 50 Years You Will azreo that fifty years is sufficien: tim: to give the acid test to cay modwcize. A friond sald 10 me the other day 'Fifty years ago. when I was a boy going to the public school, THE wv. TRY , WJ RUSSE £7 1 S Jat not a real test of merit? How zany widely advertised medicines pth a heavy mushroom sale, have «en on the market and have pass- +4 into oblivion; iu that time? Go w F. W. Thompson, 10 Siwacoe St. #3ith, Oshawa, and ask for a bot- te each of Gallagher's Blood Puri- fier and Gallagher's Kidney Rem- ody. "The Great Team" taat will help pull you back to health. Yours truly. JACK SPEILL. (Watch this space mest week) Report of Bankruptcy Come speaking only for ome reasom and that is that the party in power at the moment finds itself in the Bory in the second chamber," Senator Frank B. Black of Sackville, N.B., speaking to the convention. "This applies equally to both great political' parties in this country," the semator comtinu- od. The attempts in England and elsewhere to govern without a see- ond or upper chamber have been tried and have invariably failed, Senator Black sald. "If one con- siders for a moment, the necessity of such a Chamber is obvious. The members of the House of Com- mons are elected for a limited per- fod and must at the end of that period return to their constituency for the endorsation or rejection of thelr actions. They have always in mind the effect of their vote and their action in parliament up- 'on their constituents, and because of this fact, it 1s humanly impos- sible for them to consider legisla- tion frem the disinterested stand- point of a member of the Senate, who does mot have to appeal to the people for election. Thousands "It is safely within the mark te say that during the past six years the action of the Senate has sav. expenditures running between and 70 millions of dollars, whi expenditures, if made, would haye heen without real or substantial benefit to the people of Canada, but would have materially iner ed the tax bills. While facts sych as these are obvious, it must {be in mind that the fact of the second chamber being thereto scrutinize and to amend legislation coming from the commons, hag a most salutary effect in curtailing much superfluous and expengive legislation which would undoubted- ly be enacted in the commons, 1f {ft were not to come hefore the senate for consideration." Senator Black expressed regret at the abolition of the Upper Cham- bers in certain provinces and fe- clared such an institution would be a valuable balance-wheel in at least the larger provinces. | { favour A soft detour doesn't turn away wrath.--Louisville Times. The average good radio wears out popular songs faster than fit does batteries.--Detroit News. ' "The Opening of a APPOINTED BRANT. FORD POSTMASTER Brantford, July 13. -- The ap- pointment of George J. Taylor, Assistant Postmaster, as the new Postmaster for Brantford, has been officially confirmed at Ot- tawa hy P, T. Coolican, Assistant postmaster-general and general superintendent of Postal Service, HOME COOKING ROAST CHICKENS Roasts should be put into a hot oven, dry, for five minutes or so to be seared before adding water and covering. This seals up the juices and gives a brown color. Red Is reported to he one of fa- shion's favored colors for the pre- sent season, and adds a bit of bril- llaney to an all-white ensemble. | 44 Simcoe St. N, THE MISSES BROOKS ~ Announce Delicatessen Store A, 44 Simcoe Street North Wednesday, July 18 Inspection Cordially Invited THE FOOD SHOP preserving package y known -- Alre aluminum--Fine quality] leaf --Delicious lion pounds sold--Put up In four ts Green or Mixed varleties--Test this tea. Sixty years are required for the full growth of an alligator and less than sixty seconds for the ful] growth of an allegation.--Brant. ford Expositor. ike L] Ka Thoroughly Moderd. COOKED MEATS SALADS ETC, *~ Phone 2858 You don't know the half of 14/s HUDSON Performance that reaches thrilling new limits! | Smoothness that sets a new mark in motordom! Gas efficiency that alters all previous standards! a Even you, who own and admire Hudson Super-Sixes of previous issue, can have no conception of the superlative finesse and quality expressed, both me- chanically and in body beauty, of the great Hudsons of today. The almost universal trend to the high-compression motor only serves to emphasize the ex- clusive method, advantages and results achieved by the Hudson Super-Six in this development. While conventional types de- to minimize weight in the has been the pend upon special, costlier fuels roughness, the Hudson design uses any gaso- line, delivering the extra power with the elastic smoothness and torque of a steam engine. Combined with the Super-Six principle this new invention makes Hudson the mest power- ful and economical car perpound world, Asingleridewill explain whythis most enthusiasti- callyaccepted Hudson everbuilt, \ HUDSON SUPER-SIX #1600 and vp 18-inch chassis 1 Sedan, $1700; Coach, $1600 127-inch chassis Standard Sedan, $1860; Custom Landau Sedan, $2120; Custom Victoria, $210 Custom 7-Passenger Sedan, $250 All prices {. 0. b. Windsor, taxes extra Buyers can poy for cars out of for interest. and insurance income af lowest available charge handling CHADBURN MOTOR CO. OSHAWA --~ONTARIO

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