EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS WITH PURSE Very Rev. Dean Frank O'Sulli- van, who assumed charge last week of the affairs of the parish of the ulate Conception in Ash- m after spending the past -one years in Port Hope, as priest of St. Mary's C urch was presented before his de- ure from Port Hope with a containing $500 in gold. GEORGE SAGER BURIED The funeral of the late Mr. rge G. Sager was held in Belle- lle yesterday afternoon at one- * thirty from the home of Mr. George "Alyea to Albury Cemetery for ser- vice at two-thirty, The service in the home was conducted by the Rev. Mr. Dobbins of Bowmanville and formerly of Wellington. The service at the graveside was con- . ducted by the same minister. 'I'he bearers were Messrs, M. Kerring- ton, H. Humphreys, F. Delong, W. Pope, P. Catheral and B. Hennes- sey. JOHN TRUAISCH INJURED John Truaisch, son of Sergt.-De- tective Truaisch and Mrs. Truaisch, Church street was slightly injured at the Alemite Products Company .plaht, Belleville, 'early today. He was taken to the surgery of Dr, Forster for medical attention, af- terwards going to his home, His thumb was injured when it was in some way caught in the machin- ery. The young man was helping a fellow worker on his machine when the accident happened. He will be able to return to his em- ployment in a few days. FESTIVAL 1S HELD The annual strawberry festival of Ballyduff Presbyterian Church was held Friday. As is customary, the congregation and friends from many miles gathered, and a sum of almost $200 was taken, A splendid array of edibles was made to van- ish. The driving shed, a spacious rm | WATEROUS- MEEK LIMITED Lumber and Supplies of All Kinds affair, was turned into a minia- ture theatre, and with two "spot- lights" on the stage, Enniskuen Dramatic Club "put on" a comedy, "Getting Sandy," reflecting credit on players and directors alike. Several vocal and elocution num- bers filled in the intermissions, and comedy and artists rounded out a fine programs. Rev. Mr. Walker was chairman. Several Peterborough people motored to Ballyduff and en- joyed the affair, DIES WHILE BATHING Saturday 'afternoon ten miles west of Lindsay at Thrustonia on Sturgeon Lake, Mary, daughter of Wm. H. Harris, Sr., Port Perry, died while bathing from heart fail- ure. Miss Harris and her friends had just come to the lake shome for a holiday. She was in ddicace health and before entering the wa- ter had several fainting spells, When she expired in the water, friends and others thought she had drowned and tried to revive her by artificial respiration. Dr. Spier later said that death was not caus- ed by drowning, as no water was taken into the lungs. The coolness of the water after the heat of the day proved more than her heart could stand. MRS. ROSA M. WHEELER DIES Mrs. Rosa M. Wheeler passed away at an early hour this morn- ing. The deceased was the wife of Mr. Albert Wheeler, 260 Coleman street and was born in the township of Wollaston, North Hastings in 1885. At the time of her demise she was forty-three years of age. She had resided In this city for six years and was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Conlin, Two weeks ago she was taken seriously ill. She was a member of Bridge Street United Church, She is survived by her hushand, two sons, Harold, of Belleville, ana William, of Beamsville, There are RR Builders' TEN-TEST The board chosen by the Canadian Government over all others . . ex- clusively from us in Oshawa Oshawa Lumber Co. - LIMITED 25 Ritson Rd, N. Phone 2821 DIXON COAL Let us fill your bin now with that JEDDO C Anthracite, SOLVAY Coke, or LACKAWANNA Scranton Coal. Or place your order for future delivery and assure yourself of the minimum price, maximum of heat. GENERAL MOTORS WOOD HARD WOOD BLOCKS with the SOFT WOOD SCRAP WOOD LUMBER DIXON GRAVEL & SAND (0. also two daughters, Ethel and Flos- sie both at home, and two brothers in Porcupine and one brother im Wollaston Township. Also ome sis- ter, Mrs. Charles Melloy of Toroa- to. The remains will be taken to her former home at Detlor for wus terment. ENGINEER ATTHE POLE IS DEAD Unconfirmed Report Made That One of Italia Crew Succumbs Copenhagen, July 9.--The plight of General Umberto Nobile's men, still marooned on the ice, is grow- ing more desperate hour by hous. Unless the Russian {ce-breaker Krassin is able to plow through the ice to them very soon all the rescue efforts will have been fruit- less, according to those who are waiting helplessly at King's Bay. Two of the castaways, under cowm- mand of Lieutenant Vigliere, are said to be in a high fever as'the result of their privations and ex- posure. The entire group is uner- ly worn out and losing hope. A report, which has not been confirmed, is that Captain Ceccioni New Loblaw Warehouse FINE $1,250,000 BUILDING IN TORONTO IS ENTIRELY MODERN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, JULY. 10, 1928 Additional Sport chief engineer of the Italia, has diea as the result of his injuries and weakness, following the break- ing of both his legs when the Ita- lla crashed. Tee Breaks Up If this ts true, it explains why the Swedish airman, Lieutenant Lundborg, was rescued first, and why Ceccioni did not come out with him. In the whole region northeast of Spitzbergen the ice is breaking up and melting rapidly. Rescuing the men by plane is now almost im- possible, as the ice 1s so thin that it would be unsafe for any machine to land. The only hope is in the Krassin pushing slowly through the fce floes. Every one in King's Bay is asking, "Will she get thera in time?" Hope was abandoned for Captain Sora, Italian leader of the dog sled party, who set out alone on the ice to help his countrymen in Vi- gliere's party. Last Friday the Italian airman, Major Maddalena, made a flight in search of Captain Sora, but all his efforts were in vain, Polar Bears Feared Sunday the ice was so precarious that it is not thought possible he could be saved. It is recalled that he started in spite of the warning of the Norwegian aviator, Lieuten- ant Holm, Another grim thought is that the whole region abounds with polar bears, and that Captain Sora start- CHEV'S Young ... Pos, 3b 2b setae ntenen teeter ernnnne tere atnnnne ERIE ts xs sree iat s Hall, L. vores naness Hall, H., 0'Doud .,. Glass . : i Webster ... ss Xo, py cf rf ed without weapons of any kind. Not the slightest trace has heen found of Roald Amunsden or of the Swedish scientists, Dr. Malgren, The Russian aviator, Baboushkin, has heen ordered by his Govern- ment to cease his search for Am- unsden, all of his attempts having been fruitless. BAD SITUATION IS CLEARED UP Livestock owners of Lincoln and Welland counties, British Colum- bia, are restored to peace of mina after three years of constant ap- prehension as a result of the good work of the provincial police in ar- resting the person said to be re- sponsible for the widespread maim- ing of cattle and horses. The ofi- cer directly responsible for clearing up the situation was Inspector John Miller, of the Toronto headquarters staff. Upon Investigating the ease, #n- spector Miller decided that the pers son responsible for the outrages was of unsound mind. He finally arrested Tennyson Sherk, of Hum- herstone, took him to the Psychla- tri hospital at Toronto for examina- tion. and brought him back before Magistrate Massie at Port Colborne where he was sentenced to an in- determinate period in the Guelph Reformatory, with the understand- ing that he would be under medical observation there. Inspector Miller also cleared up another case of a scandalous nature while he was here. It concerned the mistreatment of two little girls by their father and resulted in the father being put away and the children turned over to the care of the Children's Aid Society, Light colored leather purses can be cleansed as well as shoes or gloves by using any commercial cleanser and wiping until dry with a soft towel, BLOCKS Crossett ,,, Kelloran PONTIACS Elliott, €F srsorrerrvvsnvnrna Elliott, Cl, .... Yair, W . rrirenee Rogers Elliott, T, Frink Timmins ,, Lovelock Garrison--Olds , Kilburn Craig Matthews--Olds , Hobbs--Olds OLD"S Klang... Thompson ,,.. Jones--Chev Matthews--Pont, McCallum Chant seessssssssssssrrrssres Copeland Parrish ... Pos, Garrison--Pont. ,...,00000s Woodall ,.... Tyler ..» Pp BG MERGER OF ELEVATOR FIRMS a Western Canada A tion Involves Capital of $6,000,000 Winnipeg, July 9.--A merger of severgl powerful Canadian termin- al and line elevator companies, in- volving a paid-up capital of $6,- 000,000, has just been completed, it was learned here today. The new company will be designated as the Canadian Consolidated Grain Com- retary. Total elevator capacity of 12,- 000,000 bushels will be owned and operated by the new company. Marthe Caliot expects to make quite a few togues combining felt AR R H > > FN] TEAM BAT'G--.192; TEAM FLD Bat. Pct, S11 227 A435 333 360 .500 000 125 333 L000 1.000 375 750 200 333 000 333 357 LONI NLDN--=VEDDEN SOND mN Ut Dh ee © S00 | 6 Bat, 16 0 Oe ES) on y CLONE AWM LORD ~INNG oo =tu=to BAT'G PCT.--236; FLD'G PCT.--893. = i] +=w0D TQ = = a FAR Ral NOOO WN =D C= ND Dt = Wi TT -- tt -- TEAM BAT'G--.229; TEAM FLD'G--.956, hg) ~N < NS NNO NP drs a Fo OD 000m da 00 0 Btn -- CONDO NOD » = Orr a ONO ON me =Oo ean > Ore Do De SNwewn J General Motors Big Four Major League Softball Averages Compiled by F| Schafer, League statistician, Fld'g Pet. 1.000 923 944 1.000 952 900 000 1.000 1.000 607 000 778 1.000 000 000 000 1.000 $29 Fld'g Pct. 1.000 882 926 889 1.000 857 1.000 917 667 1.000 778 867 .800 ------ TN NI 00 OP NS ASN T 4 wot NEW LOBLAW WAREHOUSE IS FINE BUILDING -- This mew building, planned by the executifes of the Loblaw Gro- ceterias Co., Ltd, represents ad- vanced ideas for the receiving and distributing of groceries, There are over 400,000 sq. ft. of floor area. This includes inside accommoda- tion for seven freight cars; and twenty three trucks may be load- ed and moved simultaneously with- out interference. All materials are handled by electric trucks using a modern skid system before assemple ing; after which they are assembl- ed and distributed by over two thousand feet of electric tram rail system; the individual shipments being dropped at their respective trucks, Garage and motor repair sections with carpenter and paint shops, ete, are located to the North. The re. mainder of the first floor contains the assembly section, receiving and shipping driveways and general stu- rage areas, The basement contains general storage, refrigerating machinery, boiler rooms, electric sub-statiun and switchboard rooms, ete. The second floor contains the ex- ecutive and accounting offices with general storage. The third floor accommodates cold storage and operations con- nected therewith such as butter and bacon cutting, egg canaiumg, ete, This floor also contains the bakery, equipped with modern elec- tric ovens, and other rooms for 1.000 000 1.000 L000 oOo coco Fld'g 5 Pet, 1.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 1.000 750 967 1.000 | L000 333 1.000 1.000 1.000 | 939 | Fld'g Pct. 667 750 917 1.000 750 750 000 750 1.000 L500 NN ONS Sm oOo moO OND = =D CHOC CUNO OOOO =ND =O =m ON --=IT] light manufacturing, The top floor is used for light manufacturing and contains Cafete- rias, Dining Rooms, Lagndry. The building is equipped with six five-ton fully automatic micro ley- elling freight elevators together with one automatic passenger ele- vator, In general all large exterior doors and main runs of monitor sash are motor operated and the building has been designed to use the most approved labor saving de- vices throughout. The main entrance to the huild- ing is through a solid bronze avor- way to a large vestibule and main stairway, which has heen artistical- ly treated. The envelope {8 the smart purse for summer. A white kid one has the tri-color motif worked out in kid stripes around the edge and for a triangular monogram, se RCADE DAILY NEW During the hot weather as well as at all times you will find this store a pleasant place to shop Use FLY-TOX, liquid about your home and enjoy the | ' luxurious comfort of having a home free. from these annoying pests. FLY-TOX is everything you could possibly demand in an insecticide for your home. Produced in Canada by Y-TOX WANTED! -_ Experienced Chevrolet MECHANIC Apply Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. 99 Simcoe St. South ---- CHIROPRACTOR SUCCUMBS AFTER CRASH NEAR GUELIrS Guelph, July 9.--Roy Stewart, of Crewson's Corners, died at the Gen- | eral Hospital this afternoon from | injuries received three weeks ago when a car he was driving figured in a head-on smash, with a Godson Construction Company truck on the Guelph-Toronto highway, a few miles out of Rockwood. In addi. tion to sustaining a fractured skull, he also suffered from other heaq and bodily hurts, His little son, Billy, who was with him at the time, was only slightly hurt. Mr, | Stewart, formerly a chiropractor in | Toronto, had been practicing uy | Crewson's Corners for the past two | years. His wife and two children survive, An inquest will be held, Python, a new, glossy shoe me- dium, now fashion pumps, purse, a belted hathand and a buckled belt for early fall modes, arge Bath Towels 29C ea. A fortunate purchase only enables us to present a Towel of this qual- ity at so low a price. They are large, heavy and beautifully woven, of a strong and durable soft cotton with fancy colored ends, Special, each 25 88 BP BERS PSS E RISB RLERNRRRRIR REELS 29¢ LOCAL IMPROVEMENT--~SEWERS 1. The Council of the Corporaton of the City of Oshawa intends to comstruct as local improvements, Sewers on the following streets between the points me: Street Grooms Avenue Oshawa Boulevard Jackson Street Albert Street Drew Street Beatty Avenue Howard Street First Avenue Albert Street Simcoe Street Rowe Street Connaught Street Clarke Street and intends to specially ationed: - STORM SEWERS Location Louisa St. to Alma St. Colborne St. to Elgin St. Simcoe St. to Albert St. . Jackson St. to First Ave, Graburn Ave. to Beatty Ave. Drew St. to Howard St. Beatty Ave. to First Ave. Howard St. to Front St, Jackson St. to Bloor St. Albert St. to Erie St * Athol St. to South Limit of Lot 16, Plan 294 Size 15" 15" 18" 15" 21" 21" 21" 18" 15" 15" 21" Length 730.00 630.00 500.00 870.00 320.00 270.00 400.00 880.00 520.00 400.00 880.00 SANITARY SEWERS 82° West of W Limit Lot 35, Plan 307 to East Limit of Lot 45, . Plan 307 Stacey Ave. to South Limit of Lot 303, Plan 145 499.00 265.00 TOTAL:-- 7.164.00 a part of the cost upon the land abutting directly on the work. 2. The special assessment is to be paid in fifteen annual instalm ents, Estimated Cost Cost Joe $1,825.00 1,675.00 1,500.06 2,175.00 1,120.00 945.00 1,400.00 2,640.00 1,300.00 1,000.00 3,080.00 $2.50 998.00 530.08 $20,088.00 3. A petition to the said Council will not avail to prevent its construction, but a petition against the work or the manner in which it has been undertaken, may be made pursuant to section 8 of The Local Improvement Act, to the Railway and Municipal Board, by a majority of the owners representing at least one-half of the value of the lots which are to be specially assessed therefor. 4. A by-law for undertaking the work will be considered by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held on the 7th day of August, 1928, or at a regular or special meeting thercof to be held thereafter. Dated, Oshawa, July 7th, 1928, # F. E. HARE, City Clerk.