Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jul 1928, p. 6

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Considerable in Seeding Caused By Three Weeks itcteble Duley in Seeding Caviel By Thine Weska erable "apple spot" developing on foliage during last week. New Brunswick: Good growth es- growing fast but rather thin stand. Grain making good growth, corn backward, vegetables and roots pro- mising, set of fruit on apple trees. Strawberries promising but late, Pastures very good. Potatoes average. Quebec: Sowing concluded in west of province end of May, but in the cast it was finished end of June only, thus considerable delay caused by rains that lasted for nearly three weeks, Cereals are coming out fine; s and p es are in good condition except in the region of Montreal and Eastern Townships, A certain quantity of hay r ins un- growth of all crops. pects generals and potatoes. Hay xy heading short. Corn and turnips germinated well, Fruit set about Nova Scotiat Season ten days ad- ced over last year. Growth has vig good for all crops except corn, latter very slow. Pastures excellent, but rain is now needed for satisfac- growth to continue. From the jon Experimental Station, Kentvilles Weather favorable for crops growth, Clover is not abundant due to winter-killing, but grass crops pecially last week or month, Hay |® THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1928 ince in late June. Pastures excellent and milk flow at . Spring grains ve dows have im proved 1 wonderfully of ate but below normal. Hay: of late but below ing, eneral about end of present week. Wet weather tar see res i in extreme eastern Ontario counties and Jring crops very backward. One third fall wheat winter-killed, now headed out and many fields promising. Alfalfa seed acreage below normal. Alsike short, but with suitable weather, prospects Manitoba: First three weeks of June wet and cool, last week dry and warm, Crops look well Slight drowning of grain in Red River vals ley, No thet June dam Wheat just ning to hea ay Ppross pects good, pastures good. Few potas to bugs so far, Present prospects sat- isfactory. From the Dominion Experi« mental Farm, Brandon: Weather conditions, particularly, during the past week very favorable to crop growth. Number of districts report early varieties in head. Stand of fall rye varies greatly. Cultivated hay crops excellent. From the Dominion Experimental Station, Morden: Crops sold in the Montreal district, as well as certain quantities of potatoes in divers districts of the province. Live stock market is firm and so is the market for dairy products, On the whole, with warm weather, a good crop may well be expected, Ontario: Heavy rainfall over prov- sho up well and indicate aver- yield, Grains coming along rap- ay and root and corn crops promis- ing well. Potatoes making good wth. Strawberries a medium erop. ush fruits fair, stone fruits fair to goed, apples showing much variation fl et, On the whole, probably, crop not in excess of last season, Consid- Let wind, rain and sleet buffet your home and out-buildings -- Brantford Arro-Locks will protect them absolutely, Every Brantford Arro-Lock slate is locked on--tough, strong and secure, They are fire-resistant, beautiful, per- manent and economical, . Brantford Roofing Co, Limited : £ Brantford, Ontarie rd rantford Nl Stock Carried, Information Furnished and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by W, J; Trick Co,, Limited FOR SALE--ACREAGE Between 80 and 90 acres ad joining city limits, Splendid rolling landscape with wonderful development possibil- ities, This property would be ideal for a country club proposition, or for immediate subdividing. Our client will ider an excepti Ny r nable price for A. C. Lycett 25 KING 57, E. ' Oshawa's Oldest Established Real Estate Firm Specializing in Fire Insurance and Money, 20 Simcoe Street South Phone 169 veloping nicely, Wheat and barley in head, oats heavy stand. Clover and grass crops good and live stock thriving, Corn has been checked by and wet, but is now moving rapidly, Potatoes and root crops thrifty. Insects and rust damage small. Weed growth rampant, Rasp- berries and apples light, other fruits fair to good. In Saskatchewan Saskatchewan -- Wheat and other grains have made satisfactory pro- gress during the past two weeks and are generally reported in good condi- tion, although there are places in the southern districts where the growth is uneven due to uneven germination as result drought earlier in the season, Fall Rye, however, is reported a thin crop in many places. Cutworm and wireworm damage has been slight and hail damage negligible, A few reports of root rot in some fields have been received, otherwise there is no appearance of diseases. Recent rains have given a good supply of moisture to the soil and warm wea- ther will be beneficial, sweet clover is reported a fairly good crop and the rain has improved the pastures, The roads are generally reported bad as a result of the rain. Summerfal- low is about fifty per cent. completed although delayed on account of rain in some districts, From the Domin- ion Experimental Station: Swift Current: Abundant rains since June 15 greatly improved spring grains and pasture. Second wheat crop still uneven and will not make good crop but fallow promises yield, No serious damage from insects, discases or hail, Fall rye poor, Alberta--Alberta crops have never shown greater promise at this season Fifty per cent. of wheat in shot blade and all growth rapid. Crops cleaner than usual due to high qual- ity seed used. June precipitation well _ Do You Own Wanted a small house, four or five rooms, About $400 down payment, Horton & French Mundy Bldg, Real Estate-- Insurance Disney King Nt. E. Disney Block Phone 1550 W. J. SULLEY tions that will make your Holiday more enjoyable: Rubber Water Ball. . .81.25 Rubber Bathing Sh Per Pair wie Dod Bathing Caps, fancy. 18c up Diving Caps, all shades, 14 1484 144s ey B00, THe Ear Stopples, pair ....25¢ Allhright Flashlights, Complete ..,, ...80¢, 98¢ Thermos Bottles. ....$1 up Unguentine ......850¢ tube A visit to our store will insure you of a more en- joyable Holiday, THE REXALL STORE Jury & Lovell King E, Simcoe 8. Phone 28 Phone 68 _-- above average over entire province, Sugar beet crop very promising and alfalfa and sweet clover yielding well. Much new land being broken in central districts. From Dominion Experimental Station, Lethbridge: Crop conditions in many sections of southern Alberta at end of May in critical conditions owing to uneven germination on all but summerfallow land, But during June, rains were ample everywhere and more abund- ant than for many years. So that crop prospects could scarcely be bet- ter. Insect practically negligible, British Coiumbia British Columbia--From the British Columbia Department of Agriculture frequent rains during first part of June followed by two weeks' of fine weather proved very favourable for growth of all field crops, Vegetable crops making good progress and to- matoes looking exceptionally well, Orchards in splendid condition, near- ly all tree fruits will show increased yields over 1927, Haying general and good crops are reported from all sec- tions, Fall rye extra good and cutting will commence in about two weeks time. Onion maggot has been very severe in most onion fields and will cffect a considerable geduction in yields, GANDHI STARTING FRESH AGITATION Trys to Establish Revolu- tionary Regime in Agri cultural Areas London, July 6.--A despatch to the Daily Mail from Bombay yes- terday, said the famous National- ist agitator Mohandis K, Gandhi was trying to establish a revolu- tionary regime in the Gijerat agri- cultural region in the northern part of the Bombay presidency, His organization Is defying the Government and terrorizing 80,000 villagers in the Bardoli district. Seventy-nine of the 88 village head-men resigned at the. dicta- tion of Gandhi and his associate Valababhai Patel, whose brother is 2 member of the Indian legis- lative assembly. The campaign ostensibly is in re- sistance to payment of the recent- ly imposed land tax. The peas- ants are being urged to collect the crops on lands which the Govern- ment forfeited in default of pay ments. A monster demonstration of sympathy with the revolt was held yesterday in Bombay which is ex- cited. BRANT CORONER IS WANTED BY POLICE ON LIQUOR CHARGE Woodstock, July 6.--On his failure to appear in county Police Court to- day, after having been allowed sev- eral adjournments, 8 warrant was issued by Magistrate Paterson for the arrest of Dr. C. C. Fissette of Brant- ford, Coroner of Brant County. have to appear. arrest of the was by the Crown Attorney and was is sued by the Megistrate. BABY BURIED ALIVE NOT LIKELY TO LIVE Sarnia, July 6.--Further details of the rescue of the two. weeks Qld baby of Mre. Leboeut of this city from a out grave in which the id, police say, was placed by her mother were available today. It is now believed the child was given a dose of carbolic acid before being placed in the ground at a secluded spot near the Sarnia Ia- dian Reserve. How the infant girl survived even for a time the ef- fects of poison and suffocation is a mystery to physicians. The child young Indian, who had seen a woman emerge from the bush. At the General Hospital latest reports were to the effect that there was no change in the baby's condition, but the attending physician said tonight that he held out little hope for her recovery. The dose of car- bolice acid given the baby could snly have been a few drops, he said. Mrs. Leboeuf will be arraigned Saturday. The charge against her is attempted murder, Police claim to have found in her trunk at a local hotel where she had been employed as a maid + a bottle almost filled with carbelic acid. From the information she has given, her husband, Uldrice Leboeuf, left her seven months ago. She has supported herself since, She believes him to be sail- ing on the lakes, but could not give to the police the name of his steamer, Meanwhile efforts are being made to trace the record of the woman as very little is known about her here, except that she came to Sarnia from Montreal about three years ago. CROPS DAMAGED + BY HAIL STORM Central Saskatchewan Dis. trict Hit--Heavy p Rainfall Regina, Sask., July 6.--The first damaging hail storm of the season was reported Wednesday from Rou- leau. An area about five miles long by & mile and a half wide was struck south and west of that town. Sharp short showers started in the south and southwest part of the province early in the morning and continued until the afternoon. A storm coming from the west hit the central Saskatchewan at the western" border about two o'clock, and by four o'clock had reached Moose Jaw. Practically every sec- tion of the country between the C.P.R. main line and the American border received some rainfall, Regina was deluged by rain when .68 Inch fell. Many base- ments were flooded as the sewers could not cope with the downfall. BRIDGE TRAFFIC MOUNTS Niagara Falls, July 6.--More than a million people passed over the two international bridges here last month, according to figures compiled by Collector J. J. Flynn. No count |s made of pedestrians or on street cars which would consid- erably swell the total. The num- ber of incoming cars, 113,689, and outgoing autos, 115,645. Incoming passengers in autos amounted to 560,973, and outgoing passengers 545,373, LITTLE LAD DROWNED Niagara Falls, Ont., July 6.-- Domenick Dyerris, two and a half years old, was drowned in the old Welland canal at Thorold last eve- ning. He was playing with other little boys and fell in. The alarm was given and the body was re- covered with grappling hooks short- by Muwrwards, but lite was exs tinet, ' DY One of the famous Gallagher was rescued by a| Shy! orbs Hosashotd Pomties | For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 19 Simcoe St. 8. .. We Deliver PS LUNDBORG RESCUED OFF ARCTIC IGE Swedish Flier Effects Land- ing in Open Water Near By uly 6 -- Lieutenant EinarPaal Lundborg, the daring Swedish aviator who rescued Um- berto Nobile on an ice floe off Foyn Island, has himself been rescued by another Swedish airman, Lieutenant Met With Disaster After Lundborg had carried Gen- eral Nobile back to King's Bay he niet with disaster in an attempt to rescue others of the five marooned His plane was overtur« ned, and he had to remain with them. A Swedish expedition set out in search for the various groups of castaways of the Nobile party, and particularly to carry ai to the men left behind near Fown Island to provision them, and to make a landing if that was found possible. Two seaplanes flew over this group and dropped supplies. Later they proceeded along the coast of North. eastland and neighboring islands, sontinwing as far as latitude 79.40 north, on the ice. Details Are Meagre At midnight the seaplanes and one Moth left their provisional base on the north of Northeastland on a second flight, and it was on this flight that the rescue of Lundborg was affected. Though details are meagre, it is understood that Lieu- tenant Shyberg, selecting open water not far from where the marooned men were encamped, managed to come down safely. He took Lund- borg aboard and returned to the steamer Quest, the vessel from which the planes were operating. Wife Overjoyed Lieutenant Lundborg's wife was overjoyed when she learned that he had beén saved from the ice floe, but her joy was restrained by ap- rehension. She was not yet able to i freely, she said, because she was sure her husband would imme- diately offer his services again for rescue work and expose himself once more to the Arctic perils, Rescue operations, it was believed here, are proceeding, and it is ex- pected that several more of the marooned men will soon be carried back .to King's Bay or some other safe territory, A man ordered some lumber from us yes. terday at half past eleven, and asked for delivery early after lunch. i At ten minutes past one he called at the yard to get a ride on the truck to the iob «his load had gone. Are you interested in fast serviced Oshawa Lumber Company Ltd. " STANDARD Co., Limited BRICK Manufacturers of GOOD RED STOCK BRICK Telephone Grover 7247 500 Greenwood Ave. You can bank on TEN/TEST HEN you insulate your house with TEN/TEST Insulating Lumber you are making an investment that will pay you a lifetime dividend of over 35% in fuel saving, You will save in the original cost of construction by using one material, instead of three. TEN/TEST strengthens the house, insulates as it goes, and is sheathing or plaster base, It costs no more than any other one building material. TEN/TEST handles easily, comes in uniform sizes of at least 32 square feet to a sheet and therefors speeds up the work; saves time all around -- and is money today, TEN/TEST not only means money saved every year during the life of the house, but also there is a ready and profitable sale awaiting a TEN/TEST Fuel Saving Home. It is comfortable to live in, easy to rent, and offers better security for a loan. A TEN/TEST lumber dealer does more than sell our product. He thoroughly understands its various uses and is qualified to explain these to the consumer, Consult him. Buy TEN/TEST and increase your Bank Account INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED Midland, Ontario Gatineau, Que, Sold by Oshawa Lumber Co.Ltd, OSHAWA, OLE

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