Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jul 1928, p. 23

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---------------- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, ] Delivering Times to Subscribers Daily Ra AN EVEN FIFTY ON DAILY TIMES CARRIER STAFF Eight Moye Deliver Paper in Whitby and Bowmanville Towns There is a very familiar saying that a chain is no stronger than its weak- est link, and it is the aim of the Cir- culation Department of The Oshawa Daily Times to keep the paper's car- rier service entirely free from weak links, and in this respect we think the department has been very suc- cessful. Delivering The Times to subscrib- ers in Oshawa, Whitby and Bowman- ville is a pleasant part time job for ambitious school boys and quite a number of our boys have nice bank accounis to their credit as a result of their work for The Times. When the carrier service was first installed in 1920, just shortly before Oshawa obtained mail delivery ser- vice, there were 17 boys on the list. 'Now there are an even 50 in Osh- awa alone and 8 more in Whitby and Bowmanville, Each boy when joining the organi- zation is required to fill out an ap- plication form which is also signed by his parent or guardian. Refer- ences are required and unless an ap- plicant can measure up to a fairly high standard he is not taken on The Times staff of carrier boys. The ULY 7, 1928 ------------------ ee inor Shineis Real "Man's" Job CARRIER BOYS INTERRUPTED AT ANNUAL BANQUET TO POSE FOR PICTURE This event took place last December and the staff has increased since then. ) VS. manville who are delivering The Times daily to subscribers and incidentally getting good business training. There are now 50 boys in Oshawa and 8 in \Whitby and Bow- to plan some special treat for the | Harold fesy on CG Era tse 1 boys two or three times a year. A {Art Turner Fr | picture in this issue shows the boys | Jack Blanchard resid at a banquet which was given them | M. Smerchenski ....... Tes 1 in January of this year. Last weck [Lorne Proctor arrangements were made for them [\Wm. Sparks . to attend the Sparks Circus without [ Arthur Babcock any cost to the boys. Oscasionally [Cyril Sawver .. rey a theatre party is given them hy [¢ layton Wilson ......: courtesy of one of the local theatres | Albert Loveridge How about a picnic pretty soon boys: | Gordon Davidson The following is the list of Oshawa | George Campbell ...,. carrier hoys as it stands at the pre- | Alired Green sent time with cach boy's route | Ross McLean "My, what beautiful light you have in room located on the top floor of The Times new SPLENDID LIGHT A FEATURE this room," is generally building the first remark made hy and illustrated above, vigil Times is proud to he able to say that a number of its present staff of car- rier boys have been on the staff for several years. It is not uncommon for a boy to start in at the age of twelve or, thirteen and continue until high school work becomes so heavy that he cannot longer take the time for the paper work. Frequently a younger brother comes on the scene then and takes over the route so that it remains "in the family," The Circulation Department tries. | Harold Beamis | Keith Ge number opposite his name: ! Carrier Clarence Ross Jack Dafoe Route Ni tJagk St. John .... | Hedley Wesson ,.. ' ' Russell Sweet Cyril Camphell 5 Lyle Wilson Hayward Murdoch Clair Detrich Ray LeRoy Nilliam Mitchell Albert Martin ,,,, { Jack Grant Fred Wood .....,. vo 9 Leo Kemp Douglas Clark .,,. ' 10 | Melville Smith Basil Sawyer ,...,.,, 11 "Mike Bradiuk 0) 3 4 5 Lepr Caunt Gordon Johnston Vincent Craddock | Stanley Kitchen . 16 Lawrence Carson AN Ronald \Wragg .«. vss ot vers 18) Walter . 19 William Morrison 20 | Donald Hern 21 ! llugene Kearney .,... Harmer be care- ul or it will find itself caught by eat wave in Ottawa. OF JOB PRINTING DEPARTMENT ws to the job printing composing a better country when men didn't make a living drives to get money out peopl Dayton News. turn out as 1 includes the Just ahead of vou. I'he home gardens are always sup- plving the table with the delicacies if the scason, and such like fruit.--Guelph Mercury. nrany nizi ott Ig Things don't vou expect automobile onions SHIP eS -------- Larke Transport Limited by TRUCK Receiving and Shipping Warehouse: 138 Esplanade E, Toronto Prompt and Careful Service All Goods Insured Daily service to-- Pickering Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville Newcastle Newtonville Port Hope Cobourg ? PHONES: Adelaide 7349 Evenings and Holidays: Howard 5314 "G.M.C. Trucks" Oshawa Warehouse: 11 Elm St. Phone 692 ' California has an automobile for two and a half persons. The are' supphed by the pedes- (rian drantford Jxpositor. When a modern girl buys a spool | of thread, she may. not intend t« mend anything--she may' need a new s-line.--Halifax Herald. A pessimisti hachelor friend re- marks, apropos Miss Earhart, that women were always more flighty | than men ,anyway.--Ottawa Journal. What we can't understand is how the colleges turn out architects fast enough to design all the new filling stations.--New York Herald Tribune. clothe TELEPHONE: ELGIN 0035 Typographic Service Ltd. TYPE, RULES, LEADS, SLUGS, BORDERS. OR- NAMENTS, SPACING MATERIAL, METAL FURNITURE A Layout and a Complete Composing Room Service MONOTYPE COMPOSITION LINOTYPE COMPOSITION HAND COMPOSITION MAKEUP, LOCKUP 145 WEST ADELAIDE STREET "TORONTO CRISP COMMENT -- American neckties becoming popular in Australia. Not content with the 600 trophies he las won in elocution competitions, nine-year-old Ivor Thomas of Glan- are EAST WHITBY TP. COUNCIL MEETS Transact Routine Business ~--Pass Regular Monthly Acdbunts East Whitby, Township Council met Tuesdaywith all the members present. Reeve Dearborn occupied the chair, Minutes of former meet- ing were read and adopted. Com- munications were read from Direc- tor, Bureau of National Affairs, F. J. Tonkin, Dept. of Public Health, W, H, French, R. H. Brayford, Hy- dro Eleetrie, Henry Wilkins, Ewart McLaughlin, Canadian Good Roads Association; and §irs. Ada Drew. Petitions as follows received:-- Albert Kellett and 14 others asking for a sidewalk on East side of Harmony Road from Provincial Highway to Public School; from A. J. Carnegie and six others asking for a sidewalk on the North side of Jones Ave., for its entire length; from T. R. Anderson and 13 others asking for a sidewalk on west side of Park Road north to the ceme- tery; from W. H. French and 9 oth- ers asking for street lights at the corner of King street and Rose Hill Blvd.; from 8. J. Taylor and 10} others asking for the road on Rose amman, South Wales, declares he will soon bring the total to 1,000. Modern youth respects old age only when it comes in bottles.-- London Calling. As a usual thing a committee is no stronger than the member wno does the work.--Ottawa Journal. Premier Ferguson no doubt would like to earry on government by the method of by-elections. -- Hamilton Herald. "Man wanted for gardening, also to take charge of a cow who can ging in the choir and blow the or- gan."--VYorkshire Post. Former captain of the Univers sity of Southern California football team is accused of 31 burglaries, From goal to gaol.--Border Cities Star. A Guelph man reports a hen which erows, hut as it lays on eggs, what in the world has it got erow about?--=St. Catharines Stan- dard. China will change the name of its capital from Pekin to Peeping. What is the difference between Peeking and Peeping?--Kingston Whig-Standard, Vacationists, in future, take their cameras with them. They might run across a British immigrant! --Toronto Telegram. We can remember when the daughter took up fifteen times as much room on the clothesline as should' to |. Hill Blvd. be improved. Moved by Major Smith, second- d by Mr. Warne. that the By. Law for closthg the road allowance between lots 14 and 15 Con, East Whithy, he laid upon the table ume til the next regular meeting of this Council, at' which time the Couneil proposes to put the road allowance in question up for public auction, and in the meantime the Clerk is hereby authorized to notify Messrs. R. 8. McLaughlin, Arthur Nesbitt, Jno. T. Guy and Jewell Brothers of the proposed action of the coun- cil at its August meeting. Carried. On motion of Messrs. Lavis and Warne Mr. 8. Conlin was pain §8, bonus for wire fence. Carried. Mqyed hy Major Smith, second- ed by Mr. Ross, that Russell David- son Be paid a honus of $56 on wire fence. Carried. Moved by Major 8 , second- ed by Mr. Lavis, that the Reeye, Deputy Reeve and Clerk he a com- mittee to investigate the opening of a s'reet an Buena Vista sub-divi- sion and report at the August meet- ing of this eouneil. Carried. Moved by Mr. Ross, seeanded hy Mr. Lavis, that the Clerk get in touch with the Provincial Engineer at Port Hope In reference to eateh hasins in Westmount and that the mover aud the Reeve he a commit- tee to meet sald Engineer In refer- ence to the foregoing. Cairied. son did.--MePherson Republican Moved by Major Smith, seconded One of the boxes put up to know. DROP A PENNY IN THE SLOT by The Times in various parts of the City for thé convenience of customers. Unfortunately, the cash receipts do not balance up with the value of the papers put in the boxes. formation is for the benefit of other publishers who will doubtless want This in- --- mn by Mr. Ross, that the matter a connection with Mr. A. Nesbitt'y arrears of rental on road allowance between lots 14 and 15 be laid over until the next regular moeting. Carried. Moved by Mr. Lavis, seconded by Mr. Warne, that Chas. Mackie be paid $10 for one sheep killed by unknown dog or dogs, and that Everitt Gifford be paid $2.50 for valuing same. Carried. A by-law for regulating and li- censing exhibitions of wax works, menageries, circus riding and other like shows was rea dthree times and passed. 'A byslaw to authorize the con- struction of certain conerete ce: ment sidewalks as local improve- like shows was read three times and passed. A by-law appointing a sanitary inspector was read three times and passed, with Mr. Arthur Trimm re- ceiving the appointment. Moved by Major Smith. seconded by Mr. Ross, that the Reeve and Treasurer he authorized to pay to the Trustees of S. 8. No. 10 the amount of $12,000 on their huild- ing fund before the August meet- ing of this council, if said amount is required. Carried. Moved hy Mr. Ross, seconded hy Mr. Lavis that the following aec- counts be paid: -- N. Allen, $23.50; Jno. Allen, $42; W. A. Hall, $102.60; R, Roo inson, $93," C. Wilson, $87; R. Winnacott, $10; A, Terwillegar, $40.50; O. Hubbard, $190.60; R, Jollow, $270.30; H. James, $14; C. Farewell, Robert Brown, ar. 35; $07; L. Goyne, $52.50; Jos. Dart, $45.50; M. J. Pereman, $340; A, Nesbitt, $25.60; A. Ross, $68; Jno, Beckett, $307.95; F. MeNally, $224.30; 1. Todd, $49; W. Secatter« good, $28; G. Bishop, $47.10; F, Vallant, $60; S., Burgoyne, $28.7u; J. MeNally, $35; N. Oke, $18.75; J. Clark, $138.25; T. Hall," $6.3u; Jas. Reeson, §42; H. Bennett, $50; J. J. Terwillegar, $147; C. Col- borne, $102.90; G. Brent, $34.30; C. Garrard, $15.50; F. Wileoxson, $1.20; Pedlar People, $575.29; S. Mitchell, $52.50; H, Ashton, $108.- 60; Wm. Ellins, $114.20; Carew Lumber Co., $178.13; J. D. Ad- ams and Co., $190; R. W. Grierson, S. 8. 11, $5,000; R. W. Grierson, S. 8. 11, $350; 8S. V. Young, S. 8. 10, $16,000; N. Down, Union 86, $150; Municipal World, printing, $21.78; A. Trimm, B. of H., $10.- 60; 'S. Mitchell, B. of H., $2; Ush- awa Daily Times, sidewalks, $21.- 60; O, G. Miller, sidewalks, $45; Hydro Electric, street lights, $20.- 58; A. Beckett, salary, $108; M, Doolittle, salary, $50; P. G. Purves, salary, $100. Moved by Major Smith, seconded by Mr. Lavis, that his Council do now adjourn to meet again August the first, next, at 1 o'clock p.m., with Court of Revision on side- walks at 2 pm, Carfied. Columbus, Ont, July 4th, 1928. P. G. PURVES, Clerk, The kind of 8 person Barnum said. was born every minute is is now horn twice a minute,-- Sault Daily Star, 1 EE RELIANCE ENGRAVER LIMITED 104 BOND ST.TORONTO PHOTO ENGRAVERS, COLOR-WORKERS 7 COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHERS, ARTISTS N OUR new and thoroughly up-to- . date building, we have men engaged whose control of the brush and the finest of fine tools, is unrivalled for artistic precision, Our Art and Photography Depart ments combine with t ability of our engraving craftsmen, to giveadvertis- ers a thorough service from theroughest roughs to the most highly finished Wates ready for the presses. We will be glad of the opportunity to serve you. Oshawa and vicinity regularly, ur representative covers

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