Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Jul 1928, p. 12

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PAGE (welVe : a, Ww, Vi WoV Request pro = orches. HR mama WAS Ga Sorin White Wace = lh th Serenad- ore Blue Streak FR EHD ne NEF SR WOG (79)-Davesport. Good hp] 265)--Ames, Ta. Band concert. PG 9--Adamic tic City. Br ge Pro Vil ¢, QM. Fopuiar Popular program, 20 Mibeaukes a padio, NBC Red Moun: Xu , Wa "KV WRC, WGY, WGR, FAA, KP (TM Wi WCAE, RC, Si we TH Wi hi ho wi pS i ADC, ok. ONO, ol RRC! WMAG. WSP KFAB Renal i (GM --Chattascags. = 1)~Lincoln, AC Ty LL J New Departure " 850 PO Joga rg music. 335 SN Loew's Theatre, Ww a Lo Feature, w (461)--Boston. Classics. wee (273)--Atlantic City. Studio pro- LB AG (517)--Waorcester, Studio pro- 8.00 fic Blue Chain: Riverside WBAL, WHAM Yew WBZ, ko Lo WHY X (400)--Havana, Concert. WEOA (250)--Pensacala, Vocal, Wak (265) Wa G-Atantic City. Congert or- REA i -Norfolk, Concert, AG (5 Worcester. rg enera hs CM WEAT, WEEL WwW WGY, WGR WSAT, WGN, WH Ki HO, WOW, WDAF, KV woc, WFAA, IRC, WOAT, WHAS, WSM, WMC, WSB, WBT, WIAX. WBAL (285)-- Baltimore. String quar 'WCAL (23)--Northfield. Vocal. WHK (265)--Cleveland. Vocal trio. WLS (345)~Chicago. German program WLW (428)--Cinci. Showboat. WOC (375)--Davenport, Conce yaw (508)--Omaha, ld ass NFCA (517)--Clearwater. Studio, He CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Concert, 9.00 CFCF (411)--Montreal. Band, CKGW (312)~Toronto. Light opera, CRNC (517)--Toronto, ic" "Blue Chain: WJZ, WHAM, KMMY (230)--Clay Center, K ocal, x (227)--Clarinda. Xt (220)--8t, Paul. Miey." Great RH kvoo, | WRAP, WR VO VBA, eveland, WHK ensem- Motors WikE, Yui SG hii oT, WYRE * Minute was" (229)--Ft. Wayne. Nussbaum WOW Instrumental x SIT The Newsboy; "Sally in Our Wi b a. RC * WGN ie} Ciicten WHAM (280 Y hicage. Hippodrome, 428)--C:i 10.00 NBC Medd Chai Vem, ad i OK ah Catgary. § KMA (34)--Sh Shan oan Co pro Roi, (19) --Coumenon Bluffs, noe Retr (220)--St. Paul. Melody Muske. eers. KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. Classical ENT (357)--Muscatine, Ia, Home folks hour, Ww 0, {udio hour, s. WCCO (405)--~Mpls-St. Paul, Trio, WraA (S35)--Dallas. Belcanto " Male fis X (341)=Tacksonville. Recital, wiz (454)--N.Y, Slumber music: also WOC (375)--Davenport. Music. WSH (476)--Atlanta. Sears Roebuck vail bik T (400)--South Bend, Studio fea« ures. WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Music Box Review, 10.3 KMBC (270)--Kansas City, Song recit. al, KOIL (319)--Council Bluffs, wion" DOD (244)--Chattanooga. Frolic, WFLA (517)--8t, Petersburg, Studio, WGST (270)--Atlanta, Music, WOR (422)--~Newark., The Witching hr, 10.45 KPRC (294)--Houston, Concert, WCFL (484)--Chicago, WCFL enter. tainers. 11,00 KFAB (319)--Lincoln, Memory .Club, KFSD (441)--San Diego, Studio. KNX (337)--Hollywood. Calmon Lubo- viski, violin, WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs, Lights house ensemble, 0 (229)--Ft. Wayne, Indian Vil. Wii (461)--Dallas. Music, 11,10 WJAX (341)--TJacksonville, Organ, 12 WENC (484)--Berrien Springs. Sacred 11.30 re! '(435)--Calgary. Music, WGN (416)--Chicago. Radio Vox Pop. WSM (535)--Nashville, Hawaiian Ser- enaders. WTIC (535)--Hartford. Capitol Thea, 11.45 WSB (476)--Atlanta, Concert, 12 mid KOA (326)--Denver, Saxophone mu. Wio (535)--Des Moines, Organ, 12.30 a.m, NBC Pacific Chain: Fisk Bovs: Sweeney TIME TABLES KFI, KPO, Hu KGW, KHJ, KROQ, KFOA, KOMO, KSTP (220)--St. Paul. Organ, KVOO (349)--Tulsa, Organ, WRR (461)--Dallas. D-Xers Jamboree, WSUI '(476)--lowa City, Organ. shen, inne TABLE, fect 12.01 "i ly except Sunday, ily, y sxcept Sunday, 08 a.m, Di Going 28 aily' except Sunday, 03 4 yy except Sunday, 11.10 gig 500 bm. Daily, wh 8) art from hawa Station, CNR, TIME TABLE Effective June 24, 1928 'All times gid are Standard not Daylight Baving. 8 an 1] on Eosthoud 0. ail ay except Sunday, ally except Sunday. m. Dai ly, aily, aily. -ow S58 ue as Fe domme BEZwy SORE: Sesh press suvsISE: phenp appd u woman o-bn 3 weeny FRRRRRRYY TRRRERP OR * il 1 | ve are times trains 1.00 KSTP (220)--St. Paul, Midnight Club, 1,15 CNRE (517)-- --Edmanton, Instrumental trio, RADIO TALKS-FEATURES 245 pm. WMAQ (448)--Chicago, B i} THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1928 7.00 KINF (461)--Shenandoah. Letter bask- WIJAX (341)--Jacksonville,. Baseball WHY @o-x. Y. Boxing contests from WHC (55) Herdrd. art) is CNRO (@35)--Ottawa. Ad NCL, (84)--Chicago. Labor mews 845 WHA (99) -Madison, Economic te- a ERIC a (357)--Red Deer, Alta. Newspa- 1000 RFUO. (45)-St. Louie. Young folky WMAQ x8) Chicago, "Amos 3 10.15 Wi veh & a Tihicago. "Tony's Trou- | 10.30 KNX (337)--Hollywood. Playlet. woc (¥75)--Davenport. Serial drama, "Behind the Curtain." 11.05 XPRC ar Hounon, Amos 'n Andy. 326)--Denver. One-act mystery oa | omaha DANCE n JUESE Liao NBC Red Chain: A. &. WEAF, WCAE, KSD, WDAF, WEED, WGN, WGY, P. Gyp- WCSH, WHO, Felt Bros. en! 1 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 12 Simcoe St. South FRASER'S HAIR RESTORER Relieves itching scalp immedi. ately, Promotes healthy growth of hair, Tones up the scalp, Banishes dandruff, Sold on an absolute money back guarantee to give satisfaction For Sale at Barher Shops and Beauty Parlors WJAR, WLIT, WRC, WSAIL, WTAM, | wan WRG, Rochester, Merrymakers ROR Ya A pai) Mien oe 9.00 aa cot. Oschestra. WBAL (285)--Baltimore. Marylanders. 9.10 WOS Je fiorson City. The Ramb- less. 9.30 CECE (411)--Moptreal. Jack Dennie. Snap pi, Worth, Dance ore Wb pred Vea 9.45 WC fancy 10.00 Kaw 312)--T to. 0A (250)--Pens Savov orches. Supper dance. Ol time J. hike DAF (¥0)--Kansas City. Supper WEAF (492)---N.Y., Venetian Gondos VOR 0 Buffalo, Supper music. 4 -- Buia WOR (422)--Newark. Roseland orches. WPG (273)--Atlantic City, Follies Ber Vic (469)--Washington. Le Paradis WSAI (361)--Cinci.. Jers orchestra. WWJ 353)--~Detroit. Dance. Wea Phila. Club Lido. PG (273)--Atlantic City. Follies Ber- ie (400)--Cleveland. Dance. NBC Pacific Chain: hell orchestra: RIC, KFI, KGO, KGW, KH], KH KMB J2o0-Kamm City, Torreon's EE (34)---N.Y, Cotton Club. WSM (337)--Nashvifle, Orchestra. 11.05 Nhs (500)--Hot Sponge. Orchestra. 11.30 KSTP (225)--5t. Paul hestra, 11.45 WTM]J (294)--Milwaukee. Frolic, .m. DAF (370)--Kansas City. Midnight eles. Dance orches, (291)--Vancouver. RY i © 469)--Los (Copyright HEAT TOLL IS 18 St. Louis, July 6.--The death toll attributed to heat since here Tuesday amounted to thirteen to- day, with the report of seven ad- ditional victims. Three of the vie- tims collapsed while at work, one ccllapsed while at a grocery store, and the others were found dead at their homes, NORTHERN ONTARIO (Lethbridge Herald) Canada's eyes are turning morth- ward. It is not so many years ago that the late Sir James Whitney, pre- mier of Ontario, called northern On- tario "the land of the stunted pop- lar." He lived to change his opision and to aid in the development of that part of Ontario which is today producing many millions of wealth. REGENT PHONE 2477 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of The Eyes in Modern Life Optometry Feature Service Your Byes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain 1516 PHONE 1516 DISNEY BLOCK 2 ITALIAN FLIERS FAIL IN OBJECTIVE However, They Set a New Record--Made Distance of 4,417 Miles Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 6.--A well-earned rest was enjoyed today at Natal by Captain Arturo Ferrarin and Major Carlo P. Del Prete. They were brought there by a Brazilian mail plane from Touras, 50 miles north of Natal, where they finally landed after giving up in their at- tempt to reach Rio de Janeiro on the second leg of their record-breaking flight from Rome. The fliers were in the air 51 hours and 59 minutes and established a world non-stop record of 4,417 miles. That feat was accomplished when they landed at Point eipabu, ten miles north from Natal, at 7.50 last night. They rested there 1 hour and 20 minutes, then took off for this city, but lost their course in a welter of mist and rain, finally coming down at Touros. Total of 59 Hours The airmen reckoned that they had been in the air a total of 59 hours, excluding the brief rests at the two make it tell the correct time awa Railroads, 10 King St. W. are to continue their journey to Rio de Janeiro tomorrow in one of he postal planes of the Latecoére Company. They will be accompanied by a mechanic of that of n. This Italian Embassy, which overcome ob- jections by the company officials in this city. The plane is to stop at Pernam- buco, Macelo, Bahia and Caravellas. It will remain at the last-named city Saturday night, and proceed to Rio de Janeiro Sunday, with a stop at REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIAL __ If your Watch is not giving satistaction we can repair and D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Osh. Phone 180 Italian seaplane nose the darkness. disa) pointment the populace is ready turn out again to meet the two w they make their entry into the fo down out te their arrangement was made through the | ital Oshawa Luggage On Suit Ose or Club Bag beaches north of Natal. They sald that their average speed on the re- cord-breaking part of their flight was about 175 kilometres (108 2-3 miles) an hour. Both men were in excellent spirits, but they showed the wearisome ef- fects of their long-sustained effort and retired to their hotel, where even messages from the Italian Am- bassador were kept from them until they had rested. It was ascertained that the landing gear of the 8-64 was damaged by the descent on the beach at Touros. One Oppasite Post Office wheel was broken, but it can readily be replaced. Pending these repairs, the Italians Victoria intervening. Enormous crowds gathered at the Campodos Alfonso here last might, confidently expecting to see the big Saywell & Sow Stosie-ForLoNG ¢@ 8. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System Phones 143 and 144 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above CPR. Osos [| ELLA CINDERS--Al She Wants By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb -- AN FERIA Sa ol Mii ih! ame, 4.00 Yicco (405)--St, Paul. Baseball game, Mpls vs, Columbu WIAX Baseball, 8S. (341)--J acksonville, Jack onville vs. Selma. 555 W EA F (492)---N.Y, Baseball scores, 6.00 NBC Red Chain: "Mexico" WEAF, WIAR, WFI, WRC, KSD, WTAM, "Shooting at the WHAS, WSM. 6.30 WEAF" (422)-N.Y. WiBsw (217)--Buffalo. Spiritual quar- 6.50 oy 353)--Detroit, Baseball scores. 4 The Best in Radios dwrrwic (lll Special, Straw $1.39 Hats Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King St, W. Phone 2141 Deliver MARCONI SHOP A FINE BUSINESS THI® IS SLEEP | OWN- MY EMPLOYEES STANDIN' UP - bi Lk JHEY*"YOou'! How MUCH You G SALARY Do WELL: HERES FIVE. - GIT OUT AN' STAY ouT- BAY- WHO HIRED THAT LOAFER - THAT JUST WENT our OF THE POOR? WAS SOME KID NO ONE-SIR- | GUESS HE LOOKING FOR A JOB» -- EE TZ E3 whs on or oe oes o og ers ©], AMERICAN PAINTERS AND WHEN GEN.LARMYETTE | "VISITED THE US, MORSE WAS GIVEN AN ORDER FOR A LIFE-SIZE PORTRAIT OF THE OF OF THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH, SRE) OY JO BE AN ARTISY, W. A. Hare OPTOMETRIST 3 KING STREET WEST Hundreds of wear with utmost eo] LATED, HOME AND Him ~NTHANKS FORTHE ( a= AHEAD "MAL GET OUT' IMNALK TILLIE THE TOLER Vac Koows he igm MAC WITH

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