Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 5 Jul 1928, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN [EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS | CHARGED BY BULL An infuriated bull attacked John Donovan, Yonge Township farmer, near Brockville, and had a farm hand not come to his res- cue, the animal might have in- flicted serious if not fatal injur- fes. It was driven off by the Tes- cuer. Donovan received a brok- en shoulder and several broken ribs. DAILY STEAMSHIP SERVICE . Belleville is to have a daily steamship service beginning July 18 and continuing until August 31, With the Cape Trinity and the Cape Eternity of the Canada Steamship Lines, calling there each afternoon about four o'clock, if business offers. The steamers will leave Toronto every afternoon, making the first stop at Alexandria Bay in the Thousand Islands, proceeding thence to Prescott; returning calling at Kingston and Belleville. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. R, C, Henlers, for- merly of Cobourg, celebrated their golden wedding anniver- sary at their home, 243 Belvidere street, Deer lodge, Winnipeg, last Wednesday, when more than fifty of their friends were present. They were married at Cooburg in June, 1878, Mrs. Heders being a daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins and Rev. Chancellor Bur- wash officiated at their marriage. Their three children were present wt.their golden wedding, and among their gifts was a purse of gold from the family, and beautiful flowers from Deer Lodge Com- munity Club, and from the church, Mr, Henders was in the ministry of the Methodist church in Canada for many years. CARS OFF TRACK A derailment took place on the C.P.R. two miles ton Tuesday afternoon about five o'clock. The cause of the lerail- ment was not given. No one was injured and the rolling stock was little damaged from the accident. The auxiliary from Trenton was sent to the scene and the main line was cleared for traffic short- ly before nine o'clock last night. Five ears only feft the rails. FISH ON SHORES The appearance of a lot of dead fish on the shores of the lake and the rivers in Kingston district the past few days has attracted mucl? Dr. A. P. Knight of attention. Kingston, who is an authority on fish, and was a former chairman of the Biological Board of Cana- da, states that the dead fish are death has menhaden and that been caused as a result of insuffi- cient fodo. in 1867 when he attended the old Grammar school in Kingston this type of fish died in large num- bers and covered the shores of the lake. Menhaden are also called mossbunker, They were largely used by the Indians and white set- tlers as a manure for fertilizing east of Brigh- Dr. Knight recalls that THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1928 the land. They are allied to shad and pilchard and contain much oil. The immense quantities of the dead fish have caused a very unsavory odor along the shores. The menhaden grows to a length' of about twelve inches, but most of those that litter the shores now are from three to five inches long. OLDEST JUDGE PASSES Samuel Shaw Lazier, honorary colonel of the Argyll Light Infan- try, Master-in-Chancery of the Supreme Court, deputy judge and a native son of Hastings county, passed away at the family resi. dence, "Kirklawn," in Belleville yesterday, at 11 o'clock. He has been in failing health for some time on account of his advanced age, but his sudden death was a shock to his wide circle of friends. He was born in the Township of Tyendinaga in 1840 and received his education at the public school in the township high school #£t Belleville and then at Victoria -| College, Toronto. He studied law under his brother, a former judge of the county, and was call- ed to the bar in 1864, Practising law in Belleville for 10 years, he was appointed in 1874 Master-in- Chancery and leputy registrar for the counties of Hastings, Prince Edward ahd Lennox and Adding- ton. He relinquished the deputy registrarship some years later, but retained the Master-in-Chancery till his death. The deceased was the oldest judge holding office in the Province of Ontario. In his long years of service his decisions have seldom been reversed and sel- dom appealed. Eight of every 10 electric refrig- erators in France are from America, according to a recent estimate. - ce -- He began to t \ Doctor put him on Eagle Brand, - these figures show: . Weight at birth,,, 7 'wi "6 weeks. 7 with no trouble, Gratefully, What One Mother' Says of Eagle Brand: "I feel I must write you a few words of appreciation for the ood that your Eagle Brand Milk as done for my baby boy. After trying several foods without success, we finally tried Eagle Brand and the results have been little short of marvelous, as i " 4 months He was started with Eagle Brand at two months. At six months baby has cut two teeth "Mrs. L.C» (Regina), (Original letter on fyle) If you foods. Begin liable and ha Ibs, Ibs. lbs, gestibility, C from birth EAGLE B coNnpensep MILK hrive when OW is YOUR baby gettingon? child, do not experiment with It is old-established (1857), re- more babies than all other infant foods combined. It is highly en- dorsed by leading doctors for its purity, uniformity and easy di- directions are given on each can. TREE Tue Boroen Co. Liviten MONTREAL Please send books to: cannot nurse your Eagle Brand at once. s successfully reared an be used for babies onwards, Complete DIXON'S This Is The Opportune Time to Purchase Your Winter Fuel Supply Let vur experts tell you the most economical way of op- erating your furnace. The information will be gladly supplied without charge. By arranging for your winter supply at this time you are guaranteed the summer price and the supply can be delivered either now or later, which ever is desired. In fact there are many advantages in ordering your winter fuel supply now, and let us explain the situation to you, DIXON COAL CO. 1elephone 262--4 Lines to Central Call us Leats Split With Bisons But Fisher Loses Afternoon Game Buffalo, N.Y, leading Toronto the trailing Bisons when the; forced to an even split of the Alexander Hits 16th Home Run uly 4--The league aple Leafs suffer- ed the stigma of losing a series to were oliday double bill here today, both games WHITBY LADIES ARE DEFEATED (Continued from page 8) Kennedy, Moffatt, Mabel Elliott and Hazel Holmes scored in the fourth while Fulton, Kennedy, and Gould circled the cement bags the fifth. 'The sixth was the local team's only scoreless inning but Whitby came back into the scoring column 3 being decided by the same score of when Mary Blow bagged her third 47 to 4. The Leafs were the bes before lunch performers and pum enough runs in the second innin Mills, who recently came the locals out of the woods of defea in the late day session. Mills was the who was League, and by George Fisher, and three singles in seven officia times at bat. Small Crowd at Games played under ideal weather condi tions. stant evidence, The Leafs' der's sixteenth homer of human freight. satisfaction out of game. Fisher was Leverenz, another former local em- ploye, who toiled one inning and then gave way to a pinch hitter. Martin finished out the game and his southpaw slants were plugged for three additional hits in two innings. Lena Blackburne Former Leaf Third Baseman Takes Over Management of White Sox Chicago, 111, July 4--Ray Schalk today joined the procession of those who have managed the Chi- cago White Sox, Before today's double-header with the St. Louis Browns 'Cracker' advised Charles Comiskey, the club president, tuui he was through, Schalk explained that the teamr was being built around young men, and for the good of the organization he believe ed another manager should be nam- ed. | Lena Blackburn, veteran infleld- er, and a former Toronto player, an assistant coach under Schalk, temporarily was named manager, Schalk succeeded Eddie Collins as manager of the Chicago Ameri- cans last year. His team finished the season in fifth place. When the Sox went south to train last Winter the South Side fans were optimistic that the team would be in the race this year. Until a few days ago it was in the cellar, Now it is seventh, he - After returning to the ranks, Schalk went out to catch youpg Ed Walsh, son of the veteran White Sox pitcher, in his major league debut, Schalk was for years a battery mate of the youth's fa- ther, Young Ed was graduated from Notre Dame last month, Schalk, the oldest American Teague catcher in point of ser- vice, has been with the Sox since 1912, He came to Chicago from Milwaukee of the American Associ- ation. All his major league exper!- ence has been with the South Side team. Schalk first played base- hall around Litchfield, his home, in the Centra] Illinois coal field, Oshawa Ladies Buicks PURPLE IRR Spr JUVENILE LEAGUE STAND- ING Maple Leafs , , Cardinals , , Eagles yu, wn» UAC... wo on Trinity , os wo Beavers , » wa Bladder Weakness, Daily Annoyance Relieved in 24 Hours Chemist Tells of Great New Rem- edy That Gives, Quick, Certain Relief Invites All To Try It 'While serious, if heglected, it is mow or- dinarily an easy matter to quickly relieve Bladder Weakness and Irritation, Pains in i frequent y purchpsed, if results are mot fully ry. No matter how stubborn, troublesome or of how long standing your case may be, you can easily prove the value of Syrol Tablets in a few days' ti you are invited to do so without slightest risk of Jost unless pleased with results. Start the test of Syrol today and you may look for inside improvement of 24 hours--ask your druggist, aes melled Curley Ogden around for to win the laurels hands down, while a nifty mound performance by Art ninth. Lena Watson singled after to the Bisons from the Boston Braves, led aided and abetted by flashy and faultless work by his sup- porting cast, by two terrific homers pumped out by Billy Kelley, former home-run king of the International The games were witnessed by a total of about 8,000 people although The local fans are showing a spirit of apathy because of the lowly position they are gracing in the race and the anvil chorus keeps in con- afternoon game loss was featured by the mighty Alexan- the year, which came in the ninth inning with no one out and the sacks bereft of The Bisons.got an additional bit of the afternoon's In the sixth stanza, Clarence succeeded by Walter Supplants Schalk t|hit of the day, took second on a - | passed ball and scored when Scott drove a hit through the infield. One more followed for Whitby in the seventh and still another in the one was out in the seventh, went to second and then to third on t | passed balls, and scored on a neat hit from her sister, Efile Watson. In the ninth, Parker hit down to Doris Kennedy, who made an over- throw to first, permitting her to take second. Mary Blow advanced her on a sacrifice hit to Dot Mof- swatting of fatt and on the attempt to catch the day's premier slugger with a homer, double her going to third, the ball went 1 wild and the seventh run crossed the plate, Chevs added three in the seventh and four in the eighth before they were content with calling it a day. Of the seven runs, Ina Gould, Mabel Elliott and Hazel Holmes each scored two while the remaining one was brought in by Doris Kennedy, her fifth of the game. Following Doris Kennedy, who led in both the scoring and hit ting, Ina Gould, Hazel Holmes and Vivian Elliott made very good showings with the willow. Mary Blow was the best for Whithy, getting three hits and three runs out of five times at bat. Doris Kennedy had six hits and five runs out of six times at bat, which 13 the best showing in a single game made by any player in the league this year, The line ups: Whitby--Parker, rf; Blow, 1b; Marshall, ss; Scott p and 3b; L. Watson, 2b; Jones, ¢; E. Watson, If; Long, cf; Wilson, 3b and p; McBride, ss. Chevrolet--XKennedy, 3h; Mof. fatt, ss; Gould, 1b; M. Elliott, 2b; Holmes, If; V. Elliott, 7 Walker, cf; Corbiere rf; Fulton, ec, Score by innings: Whitby 12100 Chevs 11353 Umpires--Corrin, at ton on bases, 110 03 4 plate; ARCADE DAILY NEWS - E------------ Cool Summer Dresses of Washable Materials All fresh new dresses of Summery styles. All dainty new stylish lines of varied effects you'll need to see, are made from lovely wash. able fugi silk and dainty voiles with long or short sleeves. Misses and Women's Sizes Priced at. ....... cc. cacti vninnna $2.95 up Snappy Hats at $3.95 A lovely gathering of becoming new Summer Hats for all types. Hats that meet every occasion. BROWER HITS 18TH AS ORIOLES BREAK EVEN Baltimore, July 4--Reading splash- ed away with the afternoon game, 11 to 4, after being defeated by the Orioles in the morning sessoin 9 to § here today in the Fourth of July blow-off. The afternoon game proved quite a tussle until a rainstorm held up the play for thirty minutes. After that the Orioles did a lot of fancy diving, but to no avail, Coumbe relieved Johnson in the morning edition, and held the Pen- nsylvanians at safe distance after they had nicked the latter for four runs and six hits. Brower hit his eighteenth home of the season in the morning pastime, By the end of this year $10,000,000] Of 794900 agricultural workers 1 of Britain's new coinage will be in| England and Wales, 104,556 are wo circulation, men and girls, REPAIRING WATCHES If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National snd Oshe awa Railroads, 10 King St. W, Phone 189 pr" ET ---- [ENT This a Che traditional public favor accorded Silvertowns is further enhanced by the ultra-refined appearance of this year's production. Silvertowns are dis- tinctive on any car in any company. = .4 Goodrich Silvertown CORD TIRES _ Goodrich Tires Sold in Oshawa by OSHAWA BATTERY SERVICE 37 King Street West Phone 1184

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