E Suburban and:District News Gathered By Ties Staff Reporters and I -- BETHESDA Bethesda, July 2--Salem Dramatic Club will present "Nancy 1 Brown's Folk's," under the auspices of the Bethesda Cepery Thursday evening, ly 1 Viola Bradley, of Haydon, Miss Helen and Master Trewin Scott, of Orono, and Misses Mae Brent and Mary Brightwell, will assit in en- tertaining between acts. Proceeds in aid of Eyven plot. Rev. John Hicks Eyven and Elizabeth Dart Eyven, preached here as early as 1 and travelled through vast forests with small and scattered clearing and log houses and many discomforts. Wolves sometimes chased them, roads were few and difficulties of travel many. Salaries were small and money scarce; journey long and accomoda- tion humble; yet these early preach- ers full of apostolic faith and zeal laboured on with a noble and heroic fidelity which won for them a high place in the admiration and grati- tude of the people. Of that . early band of missionaries, John H. Eyven will ever be remembered as the fa- ther and founder of the Bible Christ- ian Church in Canada, and Mrs, Ey- ven as one of his best assistants. Be philanthropic and show your appre- ciation of these pioneers by coming to the Community Hall. The ladies of Tyrone circuit will serve a cafe- teria lunch at the close of the drama, Miss Margaret and Mr. Victor Hooper motored from Toronto and spent Sunday and the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry, Mr. Kenneth Fraser left on Tues- day for. Kingston, where he is at- on Sth. Miss | an tending Queen's University for the summer term. Mrs. W. G. Rundle is visiting her sister, Mrs. George Jol, at New- castle. Quite a number from here attend- ed anniversary services on Sunday d te sports on Monday at Hay- don, KEDRON Kedron, July 3.--Misses Ber- nice Werry and Mildred Cole left on Monday for Toronto to take a teacher's summer course. Miss Bernice Werry to take a course in music at the Normal Schoo! and Miss Mildred Cole to take a course in Physical Culture at Hart House. Miss Laura Wickett, of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke. Misses Marguerit> and Kathleen Conlin attended tha Garden Party at Hampton or Monday. Miss Allis Wo>l visited at Mr, Herb Rundle's and Mr. George Armour's, Hampi, for a few days anil attended the anniversary and garden party there. Mr, A. -R. Scott, Araprior, spent a couple of days at the home of F. W. Lee, before proceeding to Toronto, where he is marking de- partmenta! examination papers. Mr. R. L. Werry, of Montreal, 1s visiting relatives in this vicinity. Mr, and Mra. Harry Gimblett, of Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Nor- man Gimblett, recently, Miss Mildred Cole visited last week with Miss Helen Batty, of Oshawa. ps-- Telephone Grover 7247 At Our Expense STANDARD BRICK Co., Limited Manufacturers of GOOD RED STOCK BRICK 500 Greenwood Ave. Toronto, Ont. - A-- eom------ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1928 Misses Marguerite and Kathleen and Mr. Fabian Conlin attended the garden party at Greenwooa on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Crossman attended the anniversary services at Haydon, on Sunday. Miss Frankie Wood, of Oromo, is visiting her cousin, Miss Lena Hoskin. We are glad to hear that Mr. Ross Lee, who underwent an op- eration to have his tonsils removed at the Oshawa hospital on Monday, is now on the road to recovery. Due to the sultry weather we have had lately, the farmers are behind with the haying. Mr. W. Hoskin was at Mr. Run- dle's, Hampton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Crossman spent a few days in Toronto last week. Misses Marguerite and Kathleen and Mr. Fabian Conlin attended a Barty at Columbus on Friday even- ng. " Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pascoe and daughter Lorraine, spent the week- end with other friends on a motor trip to Kingston, Gananoque and other places. Mrs. Langmaid, from Oshawa, and Mr, and Mrs. Bob Rtiche, from Drayton, called at Mr. E. Mount- joy's last week. The people of this community are glad to see the city people en- joying themselves picnicing in the woods around here, on holidays. However, we would consider it only courtesy for these people to close pasture gates after them and pre- vent much trouble to farmers, whose stock has been allowed to escape onto the roads. Mrs. R. J. Luke visited her daughter, Mrs. G. Gibson, at Osh- awa, last week. RAGLAN Raglan, July 38.--Congratula- tions to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Not- tingham on their recent marriage, Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hughson visited relatives in Oakville over the week-end. Mr, Fergus Nottingham has re- turned to Port Colborne after spending a few days at J, E, Not- tingham's, Quite a number from here took in the circus in Oshawa last Wed- nesday afternoon and evening, Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Brent and daughter, Olive, of Montreal, are spending three weeks vacation at the home of his father, Mr, Wm, Brent, Little Edna Evans entertained about 17 of her young.friends to a birthday party at her home on Monday afternoon, it being the oc- casion of her fourth birthday. A very pleasant time was spent in playing various games after which a dainty luncheon was served on the lawn. Miss Hazel Grose, of Toronto, spent the holiday at the home of BRADLE 29 Simcoe St, South ~REAL ESTATE~ Y BROS. Phone 169 Brick ing, electric fixtures. $7500 Brick Veneer house, Chestnut trim, oak floors, hot water heat- 7 rooms and attic, garage. $650 New brick house, very central, 8 rooms, all conveniences, oak floors, large cash payment will reduce the price. French doors,. $5700 Brick house, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, French doors, coal mantel, fixtures, window blinds, double garage, on paved street. Immediate possession. New 5-room ho fine little home $40 use on paved street, very close to centre of city. $38 conveniences. Brick veneer, 6 rooms close to Motors, All her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barnes and daughter, Joan, and Mrs, F. Mee Culloch, of Montreal, and Mrs, Mil- ton Hodgson, and sons, Melvilie and Bob, of Oshawa, were Sunday guests of Mr. Wm. Brent, Quite a number from the eom- munity attended Brooklin anniver- sary on Sunday and the garden party on Monday evening and all report a splendid time, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hughson, of Oakville, are spending their vaca- tion with relatives in the communs- ity. Mr. Henry Avery and daughter, Ruth, and Mr. Douglas Mason, of Woodstock, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Avery. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Knapp and family, of Burketon, spent Sun- day with relatives in the eommun- ity. Be Mr. Charlie Harnden, of Toron- "20 MINUTES 572, 223 510, 1560, 2468F Special terms on above if sold this week List Your Propertic; With Us for Quick Sale ache coming on, will ward it off--nip it in the bud. Do YouOwn 4% Prince St nay Wanted a small house, four or five rooms, About $400 down payment, Horton & French Mundy Bldg $6,700 buys six room brick ven- eer house on lot 35 by 170, Osk floors throughout, Garage. Owner leaving city. This is am exceptional opportunity, . Centrally located J. H. R. LUKE 52 King Street East Phones 871 or 687W CENT REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purchasers, R. M. KELLY 610 Bimeoe SC. N, Phone 1608W Real Estate Insurance Disney King St, E. Disney Block Phone 1550 MONEY TO LOAN AT 6% PER » ing "3 friends expressed the opinion ¥Phat's all, Twenty minutes after taking a ZUTOO tablet your headache will be | Poor Stomach? Dyspepsia ? "Fruit-a-tives " the Sure Remedy Montreal, ~ hardly dared take on "1 Lv Bg my dyspepsia wouldn't vanish, but finally took two boxes. Now I eat well and recommend 'Fruit-a-tives' to all my friends as the best remedy for «Mrs, 0, Monette. Mrs. Monette's grateful and honest let- ter proves that "Friit-a-tives" quickly ends . For this wonderful medicine, a combination of intensified fresh fruit juices and ton- ics, has been stimulating lazy stomachs, bowels é ad Jvn A 3 Suatk, natural way. a and try it, 25c and S0¢ at all druggists. ! to, recently visited at his home here, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squelch, of Oshawa, spent Sunday at a. Squelch's, Rev. Mr, Merrian was in charge of the pulpit for his first Sunday on our circuit on Sunday after- noon. The congregation were very Walters family reunion and picnic was held on the beautiful lawn of Mr, Norman Buss. About thirty guests gathered together and as the weather was ideal, a very jolly day was spent by all. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Will Walt- ers and family, of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. John Walters and family, Mr. and Mrs, George Walters and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Walters and family, Mr. and Mrs, W. Fraser and family, all of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lick. Very sorry to report that Mrs, Stanley Bagg is still very seriously ill with pneumonia. All join in wishing her a complete recovery. Mr. Harold Pascoe, of Shannon- ville, is home for the summer va- cation, t : Mr. and Mrs. Will Pierson and son, Jack, have left for a vacation in Simcoe and Detroit. Our young people motored to Peterboro for the holiday. All had a very pleasant day and the wea- ther couldn't have been better. They visited the lift locks among other things. DIVORCE 1S SOUGHT BY JEANNE EAGELS Tompersmental Actress * Files Sui: Against Yale Football Hero Chicago, July S5.--Jeanne Eagles, temperamental stage star, who rosé to fame before the footlights in "Rain," filed suit for divorce Mon- day frcm her husband, Edward "Ted" Coy, one of the "Sons of Old El," much impressed with his sermon, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bray and family were recent visitors of his sister, Miss Susie Bray. A number from here attended the dance in Columbus Hall last Friday evening, and all report a splendid time. Mr, Harry Blanchard, of Whitby, spent the holiday at his home here. Mr, and Mrs. N. Grose, of Toron- to, were holiday visitors at Mr, D. Thompson's, The children are all anticipating a great time at the picnic on Sate urday at Oshawa on the lake. Misses Hazel Pierson, Tivila Turner, Thelma Turner, and Mr, and Mrs. Turner, of Toronto, visit- ed at Mr, and Mrs. Fred Pierson's, Messrs, Charlie and Ross Fox, of Toronto, spent thz holiday at Mr, C, Brawn's, who won glory on the Yale gridiron not many years ago. "Cruclty" was the basis of Miss Eagle's pcution for divorce. The ac- tress, who was suspended by the Ac- tors' Equity Association last April for failure to mke appearances at Milwaukee and St. Louis in "Her Cardboard Lover," appeared in Su- perior Court Tuesday to press the charges, Her petition cites two instances when, she alleges, the former Yale football star attacked her, 'The first was on Januar 15, 1926," the petition states, "While we were in Chicago he became angry at me and attacked me. He shook me in a violent manner and other- wise maltreated me." "On November 4, 1927, he attacked me again, This time he mistreated me severely and struck me in the 's a tire to fit your car.and a price lo fit your purse. T doesn't matter what the make or model of your car--there's a Good- year Tire to fit it. It doesn't matter what your driving conditions--there's a Goodyear Tire to meet them. And there's variety of price, too. You'll save a lot of time and trouble--and money--by seeing our Goodyear line. More people ride on them than on any other kind, Pathfinder 30x 3% ..8 7.95 14.50 All-Weather 30 x 315 ...$11.40 All-Weather 29 x 4.40 ...812,75 31 x 440 .... 1540 .. 15.30 cee 2010 29x 4,75 .... 16.15 1610 30x35... 3135 31x5.00.. 1945 All Weather Tire Shop 8 CELINA STREET -- OSHAWA Open until 9 o'cleck every evening but Wednesday Buying at home means service at home, face with his fists, That was the day I left him: I have not returned to him since." PICKERING Pickering, July 8.--An ideal summer day and a mammoth crowd resulted in Pickering having one of the most successful field days in its history, on July 2nd. When one saw the procession of cass wend- ing its way tn the Memorial Park, one wondered how any other place recould be holding a celebration at the same time, The Calithumpian parade, which started the fun, al- though short, displayed great in- genuity on the part of the inven- tors. Several games of baseball, and a full program of races made it a busy afternoon, while the eve- ning was given over to one of the hest programs ever given in Picker- ing, Those who had heard "Red Newman in the Dumbells, were far from disappointed in Dis pers formance, which included one of his "best selections '"Thé Stoker." The A. & B. Battery Boys were on their toes and made the audience roar at their sallies, not to mention their father. Bert Harvey, Sr., who although retired from the active stage, still occupies a warm spot in the hearts of those who listened to him in years gone by. Some of hat he was' #till more than a otch for his sons. Added to these > Miss Mary Smith, contralto, 0 in her Scotch costume enter- 'ned the audience with lilts from » land o' eakes. Her hest num- r. however, was "In The Gard- n." which she sang with much | feeling, Malcolm Wood, the piano Headaches accordionist, was a source of keen ; 0 delight to those who enjoy good music. During the day, the vari- ous booths were well patronized, and before the dance, which follow- ed the program, was ended, the shelves were like old Mother Hub- bard's cupboard. The committees in charge of the day's festivities consider their efforts well worth while. Miss Ruth Murphy, of Detroft, is visiting her aunt and uncle, Lr, and Mrs. Byron Field. Holiday visitors to the village included Mrs. Thos. Douglas and family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. L. Ravin and son, H. J. Clark, Miss Minnie Morris; Mr. and Mrs. F. Noxon; Mr. and Mrs. Ghie; all of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. W. Stork, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Me- Fadden, Durham; Mrs. Store, Stouffville; Mr. and Mrs. Hom and family, and W. G. Ham, Peterboro; Mr. and Mrs. Thexton and daugh-. ter, Toronto. THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners, July 8,-- Sorry to peport that Mrs. A, E. Robinson still under the doctor's care with the flu, Mr. J. Sully bas spent several days in Toronto with his parents, Miss Betty Robinson has return- ed from spending several days at Pine Point. Mrs. J. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. B. Taylor and som, Frank, all of Tor- onto, called on Sunday at the home of Mr. G. H. Robinson. It is reported that several more lots have been sold on the Fisher property. The road north of the Corners will soon be thickly popu- lated. Born--July 2, on the farm of G. | The separation of Coy and Miss Eagles had been known for several months, and the divorce petition had been expected, The two were mar- ried in 1925, shortly after Miss Eag- cls. came to Chicago with "Rain," in which she took the role of "Sadie mpson." re her marriage Miss Eagels hi. en reported engaged to mar- ry .aitney Warren, jr, of New York, but later it was announced the two had disagreed, and the contem- plated marriage was cancelled, Miss Eagels' temperament was widely known, but her most grievous offence occurred here last spring, when she disappeared for several days following the closing perform- ance of "Her Cardboard Lover" in Chicago. Engagements at Milwaukee and St, Louis and a trip to the coast by the company were cancelled, Friday seemed to be hog day, as there were several Joads passed this way for Milton Junction, Luke Crandall being among the number, --Edgerton (Wis,) Eagle, After all what is so rare as a June day without a little moisture? -- Ot- tawa Journal, T hat Daily Habit! Fit for the day's work. There's Health in the bubbles--Take REXALL LIVER SALTS 25¢ 50c $1.00 Buy a Bottle To-day THE REXALL STORE Jury & Lovell King E. Simcoe S. Phone 28 Phone 68 . and soundproof ES, sound proofing is one more use for TEN/TEST Insulating Building Board, On with the dance, , , baby sleeps. , , father reads undisturbed , , , TEN /TEST sheathing is, first and foremost, a non. conductor of heat and cold, A home insulated with TEN /TEST retains uniform indoor warmth, TEN/TEST is made by submitting wood pulp to 2000 lbs, pressure, Fibres are interlocked in a non-laminated, solid piece, Millions of tiny new air cells, surrounded by non-conducting material (the secret of insulation) give this lumber supreme insulating value, TEN/TEST gives a four-fold construction saving, Uniformity in sizes saves material, Cost of erec- tion, labour and costly time are saved by the speed with which TEN/TEST can be handled, TEN/TEST pays a yearly dividend to the home owner of over 35% in fuel-bill saving, This ex- plains the saying "A TEN/TEST Fuel-saving Home," ; A TEN/TEST dealer does more than sell our pro- duct. He thoroughly understands its various uses and is qualified to explain these to the consumer, Consult him, INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED Midland, Ontario Gatineau, P.Q. Oshawa Lumber Co.Ltd. OSHAWA, OT,