Suburban and District News | Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents MYRTLE | rile, July 3.--Mrs. ET. butl, Way spent the holiday with her cousin, Miss M. Hawley. The ladies of the church held a meeting in the church basement on Tuesday afternoon to make a lus ther arrangements for the garden party which is being held on the ehurch lawn on July 17. Miss Violet Broon, of Oshawa, and friend, Miss Fisher, of Wwiut- py, spent the week-end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs, David. Broon, The Sunday School pitnic which was held at Oshawa on the lake yn Thursday was well attendeq, alt= ;hough on leaving here there wis v regular down-pour of rain. The sports and outing was claimed the pest that has been held from here. Many thanks are due to car own- \rs,- who provided means of trans- )ortation for so many. Mr. David Ballard, of Uxbriage, risited relatives here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Ross and drs. Rancier visited the former's jon, Mr. Leonard Ross, of Brook- in on Sunday. Mrs. John CO. Lawrence spent the week-end avith her son in Lind- say. The dramatic club presented their play, "The Fate of His Folly" at Blackstock on Monday night. Mr. Russell Graham, of Detroit, visited his .father, Mr. Wilfred Graham, last week. Rev. Merriman, who moved nerd from Napanee, on Thursday is get- ting settled in the parsonage and he with his wife and family are peing welcomed to the community, The strawberry harvest is how an and local growers have been selling them at twenty-two cents a box. nn ----------miS NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, July 3.--Atten- tion! boys and girls from 7 to 14 years old are to go to the Sunday School next Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs, Dearborn, Superin- tendent of the Sunday wishes to organize a Christian En- deavor society for the young folk. Children between the ages of 7 and fourteen are invited to be pres- ent. The Willing Workers' Class had election of officers eon Sunaay, Newly elected officers are as fol. lows: President, Verna Powell; vice president, Alberta Dennis; sec- retary, Hazel Colhoun; treasurer, Hazel Pogson; flower and sick committee, Annie Taylor, Gertrude Fice; music committee, Alma Fice and Muriel Phillips. Meetings nre held 'every other Saturday after- mR A REMOVAL NOTICE E. Leveque Shoe Maker has moved .to corner of Bond and Simcoe St, under Davidson's Shoe Store, Schools RR . noon. 'The next meeting will be on Saturday, July 7. All members of class please be present. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Brunt and son, Gordon, and Miss Irene Va lant, spent the week-end and holi. day at Burketon," and attended Hayden anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Wessley Blight and daughter, and Mr. and Mrs. wut Blight, and two children, of Tor- onto, with Mr. and Mrs. Will Glover over the holiday week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Glover and children, and Mrs. Alex. Walker, Miss Annie Walker, Master Bruce Walker motored to Fenelon Falls on Dominion Day. baby, Olive, of Enniskillen, visit- ed relatives here on Sunday. Mr. A. Solomon, who had heen visit- ing his daughter, Mrs. Strong, re- turning with them. Miss Francis Phillips is spend- ing a part of her vacation with her aunt in Toronto. Miss Jesste Rouston is visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Bruce Ander- son in Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Glover and children and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Solomon and children motored to Orono on Dominion Day. Mrs. Ottway, of Toronto, was a week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs, Bob Sykes. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Farrow have moved into their new home in the Orchard. Mrs. J. Richards and Mr. and Mrs. (, V. Ireland and son George, visited Mr. and Mrs, Will Powell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Parker ana family spent Sunday with Mrs, W, Parker, Sr. ' Mr, and Mrs. Warren and family spent the week-end and holiday at Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Dunn and Tone were at Orono on Sunday with Mr, Dunn, Sr., and attended the decora- tion at Orono cemetery. Mr. Elgin Glover, Miss Della Glover and Mr. Len Fowler motor- ed to Wiarton to visit Mr. and Mrs. Watts over the week end and holiday. Mrs. (Colonel) W. A, D. Steven, of Montreal, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. English, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and son, Mr. Joe Smith and Miss Es- ther Brooks, all of Toronto, visit- ed with Mrs, P. Vallant and son Jack, on the holiday, 'Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Colhoun and family are spending the holidays with relatives at Orillia. Mr, and Mrs. J. Hardwick and bahy, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fiin- toff, motored to Port Hope on Do- minion Day. Taunton, July 2.--Several from this wvieinity vigited the anniver- sary at Hampton on Sunday, Miss Ruby Gifford ,of Toronto, is holidaying with her relatives here. The recent rains have done much zood and already the crops are looking more promising. The Creek Lehigh Valley Cross LASTS LONGED, GIVES LESS ASH AND GREATER HEAT Coal Hamilton By-Product Coke, Wood, etc. lime and sand. "Phone 1 der. DON VALLEY BRICK A quauntity of large size mow on hand, also a complete supply o: your or- $3 [Ben Fowlds & Fhore 91 p------ A Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strong, and |' "PINKHAM'S: NO ome A www weeds are flourishing also. Congratulations to Ray Scott and Doris and Ada Cobon and Pearl Leach on being sucessful in their examinations at the Oshawa Col- legiate. Miss Lizzie Argall, of Oshawa, has returned home after visiting her cousin, Mrs. Gordon Short. Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Trevail sited with Mr. and Mrs. Stinson, of North Oshawa, and had a very pleasant motor trip te Niagara Falls and Buffalo, recently. Congratulations are due Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kilburn on their re- cent marriage. Mrs. Kilburn, nee Miss Marion Thompson, lived in this vicinity, previous to her mar- riage. Miss Gladys Doan has returned to her home in Stayner to spend the summer vacation, We are glad that Miss Doan re-consider- ed her resignation from Maxwell's and has decided to come back for the conring year. On the last day of school a pleas- ant time was spent in the form of a picnic on Mr. Jas. Hoskin's spa- cious grounds. Although the wea- ther was a little unfavourable for a while it did not prevent any from having a good time. When the thunderstorm came on the pupils gathered in the drawing room and had an interesting program. Later the sun came out and games were played. Tea was laid on tables, which were in sheltered parts of the grounds. Immediately after all had' partaken of the abundance provided, Miss Doan was asked to take a prominent position, while Miss Elsie Bradley read an ad- dress and at the proper time Miss Bernice Arnott and Master Leonard Ball presented her with a hox of chocolates and a small clock, on behalf of the junior pupils of the school. The entrance class had previously given her another gift. Miss Doan was taken much by sur- prise but expressed in a few words her thanks and appreciation of their gifts. The teacher and pu- pils are very grateful to Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin who were so gracious in offering their home and grounds for this school pienie. Miss Mildred Rrock. Oshawa, visited friends Thursday. The following is the prometion results of 8.8. No. 3. East Whitby. Jr. IV. to Sr. IV.--Walter Davis (hon), Gladys Cobon (hon), Elsie Bradley (hon), Bernice Arnott (hon), Leonard Ball. Jr, III. to Sr, T1II.--Oscar Vallant (hon), Percy Mountjoy, John La Londe. Sr. IT. to Jr. 1TI1.--Donald Lavis (hon), Sammy Starr. Primer--Jack Arnbtt, Jean Leach, Doris Leach, Joyce Gifford. G. I. Doan, teacher. of North here on SOLINA Solina, July 2--Miss Edwards, principal of Dunbarton Continuation School, Miss Marjorie Annis and Messrs Will and Harold Anderson, of Dunbarton, Mr, and Mrs. Glashan and baby Ruth, Oshawa, with Mr. James Smale's on Sunday. On Thursday, Junc 28th, twenty- five ladies from Solina Women's In- stitute, gathered at the home of Dr. Baldwin, Bowmanville, and viewed his splendid peonies and splendid shrubs and trees. The ladics were quite 'unanimous in their thanks to the Dr. for his splendid attention and kindness in permitting them to view his gerdens. Then the same party went up to the home of one oi the members, Mrs. Bert Hunt, and were royally enteriained, Mrs. R. J. Me- Kossock called the meeting to order and proceeded with routine business, Wend new. Then the following pro- gram was given: A paper on 'Clean rhoughts," written by Mrs Thos. and read hy Mrs. \V. T Baker. Music by Mrs, Everett Crv- derman on the ukelele and commui- ity singing of such pieces as "Pack Up Your Troubles In Yeur Old Kit Bag," "In the Good Old Suiiner- time," "Old Black Joe," "My Wild Irish Rose," also a reading Ly Miss Reynolds. Delicibus refrestiments were served and the mecting closed by singing "God Save the King." Mr, Walter Clancy, Oshawa, and friends visited with Mr. J. J. Brown on Sunday. Work goes on apace at the church at Eldad, The old building being raised to allow a splendid basement to be built. The men of the neigh- borhood have turned out in splen- did numbers and all stood by the Baker, COMPOUND IS WONDERFUL" Read This Letter from a™ , Grateful Woman Vanesss, Ont.--"I think Lydia E. inkham's Vegetable EK : deter 1 w 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S | 19 Simcoe 3t. 8. . ME S-- A ---- play, "The Belles of Fol-de-Ro),"! journeyed to Scugog lsland on Mona | day, July 2, to present their play, it! ' being the abnfial anniversary there. ! The house was packed to capacity | and the whole program was a .de- |}! cided success. \We certainly congratu- | | late the players on their continued | success. X | . Many from this community at- | tended anniversary services at Hamp- | ton and Haydon, both on Sunday and! Monday. The weather was grand' both days, and the" anmiversarics| were decided successes. This brings | the anniversary season for this dis- | trict to a close and once again we must rally round the home church for another year's work. Sunday 'next, July 8 will be of special interest at Ebenezer. At i) am. the regular session of the Sun- day School will be held. Directly iol- lowing this at 11 o'clock the morning * EBENEZER church service will be held. During this session about sixty-five new members will join with the church. All are invited to this Reception scr- vice. At 7 pm. the regular evening service will be held. Come to Eben- ezer on Sunday next. . Summer really came for a while at least, when July came. It has been a little too hot for real comfort, but that extreme will not last, we hope. MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, with Mr. T. Baker. , Mr. W. J. Bragg, Bowmanville, Miss Elsie Bragg, Toromto, 'Mr. Ir- win Bragg and som William, Provi. dence, with Mrs. John Baker. Pleased to report Mr. Sam Dewell as being able to come home from Bowmanville hospital. Haying has started in the neigh- borhood and the crop is reported as being good in the sweet clover line wand light in other lines. Mr. J. J. Smith is eniarging his barn space. Mr. Russel Smith, Bow- manville, is at home helping along with Messrs B. GG. Stevens ana Chas. Shortridge. : Zion lads came over to Solina and played on Saturday night, but ow- ing to both teams being short of men the game was slow. This game will be played again, likely on ac- count of rainy weather, Rather than spend a considerable amount of money in direct by mail advertising to you, we have a unique proposition which will. serve' the same purpose and will, at the same time, put actual DOLLARS in your pocket. Drop in at 25 Ritson Road North, and let us explain ° it. oh "This service is something in which the general pub. fiz is not interested; it is for bona fide contract and builders only. hi OSHAWA LUMBER . COMPANY, LIMITED report of the Presbyterial, held in| Orono, will be give Ebenezer, July 3--Three regular services were held at Ebenezer on Sunday last with fairly good attend- ance at each session. In the absence of our pastor, Rev. Stainton, the pulpit was occupied in both church services by Rev. Mr. Lane, of Can- ton. His sermons were very excellent indeed, and inspired one and all who were present. The choir rend- ered good music as usual. Sunday School was held in the afternoon with its regular helpful program. Miss A. Lear, of Oshawa, is visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gay. The annual picnic of the Young People's League was held on Thurs- day afternoon, of last week at Lakeview Park Oshawa. An afternoon of fun with sports of all kinds was indulged in by all, and toward even- ing all sat down to a sumptuous pic~ nic supper. All report an excellent time and all who failed to go missed a very pleasant holiday. The members of the cast qf the JU 4h leathur tee t soft and pliable-- serves the leather's original colour, it will pay you in every way to use. NUGGET Shee Polish Thera 18 Nutter Skate sor Maple Grove, July 3--Our services were not as largely attended as us- ual on Sunday, a large number from our community attending Hampton anniversary services. As our pastor was taking the anniversary at Eliza- bethville, Rev. Fred Lane occupied the pulpit here garet Abernethy very nicel; a solo, The regular monthly the W.ALS. will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30. Ti Mr -------------- work at their very best, Miss Vera Baker, New York, home. Mr. and Mrs, E. Noakes, Oshawa, with W. T. Baker. Miss Audrey Werry, Oshawa, with Miss Nora Werry, Mr, and Mrs. L. C. Snowden and family and Mr, Thos. Snowden, family spent Sunday in Oshawa. Miss Mary Foley, Fraserville, is visiting her cousin Miss Mabel Steve ens. Mr. Ernie Laird and uncle, Mn, Creighton, Toronto, spent the holis day 'at the former's home here, Miss Alice Arnold, Brooklin, spent Sunday with Miss Vera Power. at ireta Munday week end with Miss Beatr hall | derman, Shaw' and mecting of Hla in. the | Mrs. N. 1 125 Times Arcund the World hs 2 ¥ Ene Motors Proving Ground, there hes been one' great purpose kept in view ; ; ; to improve, by constant testing, the quality and worth of every General Motors product, Every Canadian buyer of a General Motors car gets a cag built in Canada by Canadians to meet Canadian conditions of road snd climate ; ; ; a better car and a greater value because 'General Motors uses so freely and unsparingly its unequalled facilities for test ing and research ; ; pursuing its policy of consistent progress J Dussig irs polier of Susisten isi in its constant development of better cars iis Motors not only maintains its great International Research Laboratories snd hundreds of skilled engineers, but also operates the first, largest and most completely equipped sutomobile proving ground in the Here, on the vast fourteen-bundred-acre tract of the General Motors International Provi Ground, every type of road is ddan | every condition of driving is reproduced. Here all makes of General Motors cars are constantly being subjected to the most search- ing tests," Here every principle developed by General Motors engineers is put to proof : 5 + every detail of each test car's perform. ance carefully and closely checked, Here years of normal use are crowded into a few months of continuous, gruelling operation, A typical example is offered by Chevrolet. Since the ope of the General Motors Proving Ground, Chevrolet cars alone bave piled up over three million miles of testing ; ; ; a distance equal to 125 times around the world. : In the countless millions of miles that General Motors cars have covered on the General GM-1828A GENERAL MOTORS = CANADA ini HEAD OFFICE AND FACTORIES - OSHAWA, ONTARIO BILE OAKLAND * MCLAUGHLIN-BUICK » LASALLE +» CADILLAC GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK With better General Motors cars at the end of the jourpey, millions of miles is not too far to go, ro CHEVROLET - PONTIAC - OLDSMO . Alt with Body by Fisher We Relive