a The Oshawa Daily Retormer OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1928 FAVOR BUYING GAS AND ELEC Col. Sir John Robert Chancellor May Be Named High Commissioner For Great Britain in Palestine Canadian Press) FLAGSHIP IS SENT T0 AID "DAUNTLESS" Foundered Steamer is Still on the Rocks After Useless Attempts at Rescue WILL MAKE INQUIRY, British Cruiser "Despatch" Hurrying Toward Tribune Ledge, Halifax Harbor (By Canadian Press) Halifax, July 4.--The British cruiser 'Despatch', the flagship of the North Atlantic and West Indies squadron of the British Navy, and commanded by Vice Admiral Sir Walter Cowan, was rushing today toward Tribune Ledge, Halifax Harbor, where the cruiser "Daunt- less" was still hard on the rocks after entering the Harbor in the. fog Monday, The "Despatch' was expected to arrive this evening, It was thought that a court martial enquiry into the affair would prob- ably be held here, Another unsue- cessful attempt was made to float the "Dauntless" at high tide this morning but the situation remains unchanged, SINPSON'S STORE BEING ENLARGED Several Changes Are Being Made in the McLeese Block Owing to increased business in the office of the Robert Bimpson McLeese Co in y Simeoe street morth, several changes are at present taking place throughout the block in ordér to give an added amount of floor and window space to the Simpson company, Alterations are expected to be completed this week on a new store which is being erected between Robertshaw's Book Store and the Laura Secord candy shop. Gordon Smythe, proprietor of Smythe's Drug Store, will 0e- cupy this mew location while his former store will be altered and the partition to the north taken out to make way for the larger store to be occupied by Simpson's To provide sufficient frontage for the mew location of Smythe's Drug Store, a part of Robertshaw's Book Store, Smith's Flower Shop and a hallway to-the south had to be brought into service, and at present workmen are busy making the necessary alterations, Both Mr, Smythe's new store and Mr, Rob- ertshaw's will have a greater depth than formerly, Simpson's new store, when completed will include what is at present an apartment at the rear of their present store, : The work on all these alterations is being rushed to completion and Simpson's expect to be .in their larger store before the énd of the summer, No estimate was given on the cost of the change. NEWSPAPER MEN MEET AT EDMONTON (By Canadian Press) Edmonton, Alta, July 4.--Some 200 strong, members of the Cana- dian Weekly Newspapers' Associa- tion, arrived last night for the ninth anpual convention of that body which will be held here today and tomorrow. TRACKSMEN USE SCI S TO GET $5000 FROM SAFE Vancouver, July 3--Believed at rst to have overlooked $5,000 in an compartment of the safe of the store of Arnold & Quigley, Gran- ville street, yegss, it was found to- day, secured money. The safe was blown open during the week-end holiday, and $100 taken from an out- side compartment. wire to get half-inch cr; SUBMARINE AGROUND Portsmouth, N.H., July 3.--The pubmarine S-6 went aground on Mcose Island, off Jonesport, Maine, at 4.40 p.m. today, according to information given out at the navy yard here. The submarine reported she was not damaged, and egpect- £4 jo float off at Lizh tide. the money out through a ack. (By Lendon, July 4--The Manchester Guardian says today that it is re- ported Col, Sir John Robert Chan- cellor, Governor of Southern Rho- desia since 1923, will be appointed high commissioner for Britain in Palestine, The present high com- missioner, Lord Plumer, is returm ing because of a dispute over whe- ther the expenses of the trans Jor dania forces should be borne by the Imperial Government of Pales- tine. If this is correct, the Guardian continues, it means that an inter- esting plan for the appointment of General Jan Smuts of South Africa has failed, The offer' was made to General Smuts by the governs mant some weeks ago, and it was understood the former South Afri- can Premier had accepted it, Henley, Eng, July 4, -- R, T. Lee, present holder, and T, Col- lett were both successful in the first two heats of the famous di- amond sculls rowed on the Henley course at the opening of the Hen. ley Royal regatta today, Lee defeated J. McCann, Lon- don, easily and Collett beat J, Ew= ens, Maidenhead, Joe Wright Slated to Race Against Collett Tomorrow . (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Two Toronto scullers, Joe Wright and Jack Guest, row their first heats tomorrow, Wright, finalist last year, will engage Collett tomorrow, Last year Wright defeated Collett in the preliminaries after a terrific struggle. Guest will row T, Sdn- les, Eton, Wealthiest Briton Dies in England (By Canadian Press) Stalban's Eng, July 4--Sir Davis Yule, reputed to be the wealthiest Briton and credit- ed being worth £11,000,000 died here last night, Although he was head of the Great Indian Mercantile Fire and director of several banks, he was scarcely known to the public. He lived a simple life in com- parative obscurity, spending the most of his time in India where he dwelt in rooms above his office in Calcutta, INSURANCE EXPERT DIES IN TORONTO John K, Macdonald Was As- sociated With Confederation Life (By Cenadian Press) Toronto, July 4,--John XK, Mae- Donald, insurance expert, died at his home here today at the age of 91 years. He had been associated with the Confederation Life Insur- ance Company ever since its forma- tion in 1871, Two sons survive, Rr. Bruce MacDonald, principal of St. Andrew's College, Toronto, and Charles 8. MacDonald. STEAMER DRIFTING WITH BROKEN SHAFT Norfolk, Va., July 8--The Amer- fcan steamer Governor John Lind, is drifting helplessly at sea today, 300 miles off Cape Hatteras, while the coast guard cutter Carrabas- gett is steaming to her aid, The Carrabassett put to sea early today to locate the disabled sup, aboard the steamer is the crew of 31 men and a small number of pas- sengers, according to wireless mes- sages from the vessel to the coast guard headquarters here. The mes- sages reported that the steamer's shaft was broken in some manner snd the crew yesterday tried un- successfully to repair it. A radio message then was broadcast asking for help from the coast guard. ATTEMPT ALLEGED TO SILENCE WITNESS Vancouver, July 3--Declaring that she had been threatened by two men to give evidence, Miss Christina Shearcr caused a sensation at today's session of the local police inquiry. "I was threatened on Saturday night by two men, who said that if I ve evidence against Mayor L. D. Evior my character wo ruined and I would be driven out of town," she ed. BODY FOUND IN OTTAWA RIVER AND FOUL PLAY IS SUSPECTED July 3.--A from Mont- real will visit Buckingham to in- vestigate the death of an uniden- tified man found in the Ottawa after she had announced her decision | par THREATEN ACTION AGAINST THE CITY Three Residents Complain to Council Over the Dump Nuisance Action for damages hy three residents of Ritson road south was threatened last night, on ac- count of the alleged nuisance caused by the dump on Ritson road south, The three men are Dan- fel Fudge, Mike Kawala and Mike Chausewskl, who, their solicitor J, P, Mangan states, have instruct- ed him to enter action for dam- LA a omen 1s not Bn at within ten days, The matter was referred to the Board Works, A letter was received from the Department of Public Highways at Toronto, reverting back to the city that portion of King street east from Ritson road to the eas- tern boundary of the city, pursu- ant to an order-in-council of June 19, Several Aldermen expressed their surprise at the letter, stat- ing that they were unaware that this street had ever heen taken over by the Department, and the letter was referred to the Board of Works, Applications for permission to install gas pumps, from 8. E. Tole of 374 Centre street and J, Sam- mut, 264 King street east, were referred to the general purpose commlttee, Notices were received by the council of the sitting, of the Board of Railway Commissioners at the council chamber here at 10 o'clock on Friday, July 18; and of the convention of Fire Chiefs at Kingston on July 24, 25, 26 and 27, were received by the council, The meeting of the Cen- tral Ontario Power Association in Cobourg on Saturday, July 7, was also referred to, Jobn Fowler, 872 Verdun road, was appointed dog catcher at a salary of $600 per annum. Mr, Fowler will be required to fur- nished pound and to remove and bury animals from city gtreets, his duties to commence July 1, Grants of $20 to the Salvation Army Band, and $60 to the Sal- Yation Army Band were authoriz- The council decided that ar- rangements should be made with the Ontario Regimental Band apd with the Oshawa Citizens' Band to give concerts during the summer evepings at Lakeview Park on Wednesdays and at Al- exandra Park on Fridays, the bangs plterpating weekly at these Mayor Preston, City Clerk F. BE. Hare and City Treasurer P. Black- burn were appointed delegates to the convention of the Ontario Municipal Association at Toronto on August 29 to 81. FIVE INJURED WHEN BOX OF DYNAMITE CAPS ARE IGNITED (By Associated Press) Carpenteria, Cal., July 4.--Five persons were injured, 'three of them seriously here today when sparks from fire crackers ignited a box of dynamite caps. WEATHER Moderate southwest BYNG MAY RESIGN AS POLICE HEAD Impression "Growing That Viscount Too Old for Position PRESS ~ CRITICAL Members of Commons and Newspapers Believe Task too Arduous (By Canadian Press) London, July 4.--The impression is growing here that Viscount Byng will withdraw his acceptance of the commissionership of the Metro- politan Police, if the present criti. clsm of his appointment in the press and political circles contin. ues. of fie post are that he is too ad- vanced in years for the arduous position in which he has had no experience and on these grounds the members of the House of Com- mons, particularly Labor members and a number of newspapers are criticizing his appointment, ITALIAN FLIERS EN ROUTE TO S. AMERICA PASS OVER MOROCCO (Cable Service to The Times by Canadian Press) Casablanca, Morocco, July 4--Ita- lian seaplane in which Captain Ar- turo Ferrarin and Major Carlo Delprete are flying to South America flew over Casablanca today, The fliers hope to reach Pernambuco, Brazil, about 4,635 miles from Mon- ticello field, Italy, soon after dawn tomorrow. JUGO SLAV CABINET VACATES OFFICE Entire Body Resigns After Radical and Democratic Fav. or Coalition Cabinet (By Canadian Press) Belgrade, Jugo Slavia, July 4.-- Premier Vukitchevich handed the resignation of the entire cabinet to King Alexander today. The de- cision to resign was reached hy the ministry after consideration of the resolution adopted yesterday by the Radical and Democratic par- ties in favor of the formation of a broad Coalition cabinet, CONDUCTOR KILLED AS BOAT TRAIN CRASHES PASSENGER TRAIN (By Associated Press) Caen, France, Julp 4. -- The Berengarian's hoat train from Cherbourg crashed into a passen- ger train standing at Caen today. No passenges were injured on the boat train, but a French conduc- tor was killed, AMUNDSEN SAFE, LATEST REPORT Copenhagen, July 3--The English acht Albion, iid belongs to Lever rothers, and probably has the son of Lord Leyerhulme aboard, and which left Tromsoe yesterday on a northerly cruise, today wirelessed the Geophysical Institution in Tromsoe at 3 o'clock this morning that they had picked up signals from a Norwegian fishing cutter which stated that it had Amundsen and his ions, from Latham. safely aboard. The yacht has nct been able to give any information as to the location of the fishing cutter, but it is believed it must be some piace mear the Nor- wegian coast. Objections to his assumption |, Helen Wills to Meet Spanish Star Tomorrow (By Canadian Press) Wimbledon, Eng., July 4. Helen Wills, defending champion and Senorita Elia de Alvarez, Spanish star, will meet tomorrow in the finals of the Women's Sin. gles championship. Miss Wills today decisively de. feated Elizabeth Ryan 6--1, 6-1, while the Spaniara was beating Miss Daphne Akhurst, of Australia, 6--3, PLANS UNDER WAY FOR BIG KARNIVAL Oshawa Kiddies to Be the Guests of Kinsmen's Club July 23 , Plans are now well under way for the mammoth Kinsmen Kiddies Kar- nival to be given the hoys and girls of Oshawa between the ages of 7 and 12 years on Monday July 23 at Lakeview Park. General Chairman Bert Johnson has every local Kinsmen working diligently towards making this the greatest kiddies day Oshawa has ever known, In a few days the Oshawa Daily Times will print a coupon which the children of this city within the age above stated will have the oppor- tunity of listing their names on same and presenting them in the lobby of the Regent Theatre on the morn- ings of the following days: July 7th, Oth, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th, between the hours of 9.30 am. and i noon when this coupon will be ex- changed for a ticket entitling each holder to every privilege of 4 ic nic which includes a special free show at the Regent Theatre, trans- portation direct from the theatre to the lake and geturn, free lunch, ice cream cones, candy, free rides on the Merfy-go-round, also games and races for which suitable prizes will be given, The Transportation Committee are making special plans to supervise the handling of the large number ex- pected to attend. Special policing will be conducted by other organiza- tions as well as the local Kinsmen, Official information and Red Cross Tents will be erected at Lakeview Park and placed in competent hands to further the welfare of the children who will attend, This will be a real afternobn's outing commencing at 1 o'clock and return transportation will leave the lake commencing at 6.30 p.m. One of the main objects of Kin- ship is community service and should anyone know of anyone whom this outing would bring happiness and joy in their life the Kinsmen Club would be greatly indebted if they would communicate with any mem- ber of the club or present their names to the Regent Theatre on the above dates. The Kinsmen of Oshawa feel that they are promoting the ideals and objects of Kinship which are Fellow- ship, Service and Patriotism in un- selfishly giving of their time and energy to make July 23rd an out- standing event in the lives of the boys and girls of this city. SEVEN KILLED AS CROWDED MEXICAN BUS STRIKES TREE a (By Associated Press) Tlaxcala, Mexico, July 4.--Seven rsons, including a baby, were led when a crowded bus crashed gsgainst a tree last night on the highway between Apizaco apd Tlaxcala. Ten persons were ger- fously injured. COOLIDGE SPENDS HIS 56TH BIRTHDAY QUIETLY AT HOME (By Press) Superior, Wis., July 4.--Presi- dent Coolidge pent his 56th birth- day quietly here today. He had many birthday cakes presented to him, one of them weighing 17 Offer Land city council last evening of the and to Lity rh H Purchase ¢ Oshawa Daily Times : 2 a Copy. Committee Believes Profitable "and Proper Course Report to Council Says a Definite Recommendation Will Be Made Within a Reasonable Time -- Time Extended Beyond July 1 INTERVIEWED COMMISSION Hydro Will Accept City of Oshawa Debentures in Payment -- Central On. tario Power Association to Meet in Cobourg Sat. urday That the purchase of both the gas and electrical distribution plants from the Hydro Electric Power Com- mission appeared to he a profitable and proper course for the city to pursue, was the opinion of the spe- cial committee appointed to look into this question, in their report to the wy council last night. This was an interin? report, the committee stating that they hoped to be in a position to make a definite recommendation to the council with. in a short time, Alderman Carnell stated that the Commission had ex- tended the time of consideration of the purchase of these plants by the city, beyond the date of July 1, pre- viously set by the commission for the final answer of the council, In response to a question of Alder- man A, R. Alloway, Alderman J, Stacey, chairman of the committee, stated that the Commission had held back nothing from the committee supplying them with any data they had requested, Their figures showed that they had been making .a.-profit of $060,000 to $70,000 per year from the Oshawa gas and electric plants, The committee found that many cther municipalities that had taken over their local power distribution lante from the Commission, had een well satisfied. The city would simply have to buy their electric ower from the Commission, and iandle the distribution and the fix- ing of the rates if8elf. The Commis- sion had made an offer to the com- mittee to accept the city's' debenture bonds in payment for the plant. Mayor i advised every mem- ber of the council to attend the meeting of the Central Ontario Power Association in Cobourg on Saturday, July 7. The question of the power situation in Central On- tario has been hanging fire for a long time, he reminded the council, and an effort should be made to come to a definite decision of this meeting. The text of the special commit- tee's report is: "We beg to report that we have Wha Rn the Hydro-Electric Power Commission in Toronto, and have secured considerable informa- tion from them, and we are now waiting for the Commission to pro- vide the City with certain informa- tion and details requested by your Committee. "We might say that from infor- mation so far gathered the purchase of the Gas and Electric Plants ap- pears to be a Bohitable and proper course for the City to pursue. How ever, we hope_to be in.a position to make a definite recommendation to this Council within a reasonable time." (CHANGES PLEA TO GUILTY ON CHARGE Roy Cutts was arrested by local police for the Brantford ities on charges on non-support. Harry Crosbie, arraigned yester- First Heat Wave in East Canada (By Canadian Press) Toronto, July 4--Eastern Canada is experiencing its first heat wave. of the sum- mer, the highest point the mercury touched yesterday was 86 in Montreal and this Jorning Toronto registered It is probable high tem- eratures will continue today in the lower lakes, Georgian Bay and Ottawa Valley reg- ions, with a general slacken- ing of temperature likely to- morrow, SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNICS TODAY Whitby and Simcoe Street United Church Schools Gather at Lake Here With excellent weather prevail- ing, Lakeview Park promises to be the scene of two large and suc- cessful pienics this afternoon when almost 30 people assemble for Whitby United Church Sunday school's annual gathering, while over 600 are expected to he on hand to take part in the annual picnic of Simcoe street United church of Oshawa, Several other smaller outings and family re-un- ions are also planned, Yesterday sa nearly 200 peo- ple visiting the park from Toronto for the Don Valley Paper Com- pany"s annual picnic, It was a lively and well organized outing and it is quite likely that the pie- nic will be held here again next year, Over seventy-five people were also enjoying the Epsom Sunday Schonl picnic it being marked with numerous races and events for the kiddies. The heavy storm which sprung up about four o'clock yesterday and which struck the Park heavi- er than it did uptown, marred the day somewhat for the picnickers but they were fortunate in finding hospitality at the Jubilee Pavilion where they were entertained un- til the storm abated by the large TEN PAGES TRIG PLANTS [J CHANG TAKES STEP TOWARD STRIFE'S END Is Withdrawing the Armies North of Peking as a Peace. ful Move URGES CONFERENCE Would Have People Meet and Include Manchurian Representatives (Cable Service to The Times By Canadian Press) Peking, July 4. -- A foreign consular report from Mukden today said that Chang Hsueh Liang, military governor of Muk- den, had sent a circular telegram to Nationalist leaders announe- ing that he was voluntarily with- drawing his armies to the north of the Great Wall, He asserted this was a peaceful gesture. Chang urged the Nationalists, to convoke a national people's conference in which Manchurian representatives should be in- cluded, to unify China. WOMAN AVIATOR FATALLY INJURED IN PARACHUTE JUMP (By Associated Press) - Alexandria, Minn., July 4.--Miss Frances E, Clark, 20-year-old Minneapolis parachute jumper, was fatally injured when her parachute failed to work properly after she had leaped from a plane last night, TILDEN BEATEN BY FRENCH ACE Rene Lacoste Scores a Sensas tional Victory Over the American Star (Cable Service to The Times by . Cc ian Press) Wimbledon, Eng, July 4=Rene Lacoste, French tennis ace, staged an uphill rally today to turn back big Bill Tilden, former American cham- pion, and capture a sensational five electrophone which is a part of the Pavilion's equipment. THREE KILLED "TORONTO STORM Lightning Strikes Shack Near Donlands C.P.R. Station, Taking Two Lives Toronto, July 4. -- Light ping dealt death to two men in a group of 33 workmen huddled in a small shack at the Canadian Pacific Railway bridge just east of Donlands Station yes- terday afternoon. Most .of the others were thrown to the ground or tossed against the walls of the OF INTOXICATION shanty, but escapes 5 a brother in the hospital and an- other a cripple as a result of re- cent accidents. : J - : | 3 eh E i Jit was set match by scores of 2-6, 6-4, 2-6, 6-4, 6-3, in the semi final of the Wimbledon tennis championship. Tilden put forth a gallant effort to turn the tables on the French star who has been America's Nemisis for the past two years but fell a victim to Lacoste's unfailing steadiness, Big Bill, taking the first and third tests casily, onc held a 4-3 lead in the second set but dissipated this advan- tage and was erratic in the last two sets, FORMER MEMBER OF HOUSE OF COMMONS DIES IN QUEBEC (By Canadian Press) Three Rivers, Quebec, July 4. --Hormidas Mayrand, former Lib- eral member of Parliament for Maskinonge, died today at St Leon, Que,, aged 80. sirtebis £3 ing to the former. In the meantime . found that the check for dollars in payment for the ren of the piano was worthless, and® Mr. Wilson was notified of the same. A warrant was sworn out from the local police office for the arrest of Naylor, who was apprehended jn Toronto, and brought back here to face charges of obtaining goods through false pretences. Naylor pleaded guilty yesterday in court, thought that he had sufficient £ coming to him to cover the value of the check. Naylor was =r vatil July 11 for sentence,