Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jul 1928, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 1928 TC hee SNwhere Sh or - . -- REIED SECTION. NNN Q nag N ER _ Watch Repairing ARTHUR LYNDE, VOOAL TRACH. tory, To- for exams, Oshawa, M: 92 Sim coe St. North, Phone 371J, 129t1) MUSIC--MRS. GEO. MARKS AC- cept beginners as pupils. Call south, [1971W. 258 Eulalle Ave, K b! phone 837. e St Ban! x ighton, SWANSON, GERMAN, McKENZIE and Douglas, barristers, solicitors, conveyancers, notaries public, Money to foan. 2 King St, B, Phone 940, 2454, D, A. J, Swanson, FG, McKenzie, 8. B. Douglas, (130t1) go 8. HYMAN AND COM. pany, Barristers, Money to loan. 'Over Dewland's Store, 16 Simcoe street morth, Phone 67, residence 1307TW, (tr) PARKHILL AND GREER, BAR- {sters, ete, Money to loan, Disney Bldg, opposite post office, Phone 1624. A, J, Parkhill, A, Ww. 8, BANK 16-1) |] (154a) A BIG ASSORTMENT OF HA. wallan guitars, ukeleles, temor ban- os, Lessons. by H. Wagner, teacher, Apply Harrls' Music Store. (May 16-July 16) Phone 1490, insurance pvVis AND SON, INSURANCE, 3 King St, west, Oshawa. The oldest ire putable WHEN PLACING INSURANCE consult R. N, Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your inwura nce wants attended to and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1yr)) C. EB. HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO ST, District Xepresentative for the Great West Life Assurance Com pany. Phone 1365J. (Feb, 1-1yr) INSURANCE --- OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co, Local agents for one of the best English companies, Office 38 Simcoe St, N, 86-1) Money to Loan 'LOANS ARRANGED ON IMPROV- ed city and farm property, either completed or under construction, Conant and Annis, phone 4. (76-tf) Greer, (49t0) == Medica! me -------------- DR, HAROLD W, TRICK, PHYSI- clan, -- Surgeon, Obstetrician, Spe. cial reference. to maternity work and diseases of women, Two years post graduate experience. Oftice and residence 167 Slutey st. N., , Brock) phone " toon £ (118-t0) DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR- geon, Accoucher, Office and resi- dence, King St, East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 94, PERSONS DESIRING LOANS ON a security of thelr motor cars, or those desiring to re-finance the purchase of their motor cars, see Swanson, German and McKenzle, 2 King St, B, 14410) UNLIMITED FUNDS FOR FIRST Tortgages. Building loans arranged, Bradley Bros, :Phone 169, 420. (96-tf) CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged, Parkhill & Greer, Barristers, ete, Disney Bldg, Phone 1614. (40tf) DR, GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Building Supplies Surgeon, Obstetrician, Infants and children, Office and residence, 97 Bond East, Phone 1156, DR. B, & HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray wor and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block. Phone 2050, Office open § a.m. to 9 P. m. Residence 161 King East, Phone 2416, (tr) DR. C., W. CARR, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, downtown office, 142 Simcoe St, N. Hours 4 to 6, 8 to 9 Residence, 556 Bimcoe St, N. Phone 2415, (July 6-August 1) Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pm, for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat ly. intments maye Fy rua Shore. Phone 97. (49-0) Dental F IPS, DENTIST, OF - 14 5 1. PHILLIES Phone . 959; 'Residence 306, 4-1 yr. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST. Pk 2 over- Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas for extraction. - Phone 54. L E HUBBELL, DENTIST, Nitrous 0x14 OXYEeR Eas fOr OXLFRS- tions. Office, Roysl Bank Blés. Phone 948, residence, 1378M bid DR. W. H GIFFORD, OFFICE Regest 'Theatre Bldg. = Phone Residence. 669. 66-tf Engineering and Surveying FOR SALE---CEMENT BLOCKS, sand and gravel, Quality guaran- teed. Good loam for lawns, Bor- rowdale and Foskett, Phone 920 r 6. (80tr) WE HAVE ROUGH AND DRESS- ed timber, lath, shingles, sash, doors and interior trim, X Beecroft, Whitby, Tumber and woodyard, Osh- awa, phone 324. (69-tf) GRAVEL, DIRT AND CINDERS ON dump truck to rent by hour. Phones 274)J--1666], (May 12 tf) SAND, GRAVEL, SOD, BLACK loam, for sale, Delivered prompt- ly. Lot 12, second farm west of C, N.R, Station, north side of road. Phone 920r22, (June 6-July 6) HARDWOOD FLOORS, LAID BY expert mechanics, Old floors fin- ished like mew, Screen windows, combination doors, General con- tracting, B, W, Haynes, 161 King St. W. Phone 481, Residence 180 r2 (183tf) Painting and Decorating R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, ete, Twent years' experience. Prices right. Wi guaranteed, 151 Huron street. Phone JW. (45 tf) HILL, DECORATING, paperhanging, painting. Work guaranteed. Estimates given, Phone 942W. 135 Brock east, (148tf) YOUR FP. © OSHAWA PAINTERS, 780. [call to us will save you money, Pure materials used, 14 Nassau street, Phone 1495W. Mygland and Linstad, (June 9-July 9) in Othawe. 30 R ¢ Companion. (118-4) | 38% F, A, VON GUNTEN, EXPERT 4 ne Sees Wom i J Your pat- (ott Dressmaking AIL KINDS OF DRESSMAKING done at reasonable pw, Appl 21 Rowe St., Phone 134TM, ast PLAIN DRESSMAKING DONE AT 258 Eulalie Ave, Phone 1971W. (154p) DRESSMAKING, PLAIN FANCY sewing. Miss Flossie Boyd, 362 Les- lie St. Phone 1842J, ii (July 4-Aug. 4) Transportation PERRY'S TRANSPORT Cartage, local and long dlstance moving, 91 Ritson Rd, N, Phone 2850, (90t1) 8. BROWN, CARTAGE, DAY OR night, 140 Alma St, When think- ing of moving, think of me, Phone 1409F, Taxis PROMPT TAXI SERVICE AT 109 Agnes street, Phone 698. W, C. Werry, (June 13-July 18) + Machinery Repairing STEPHENSON BROS, GARAGE, 18 Church street, repair work done on all makes cars, Acetylene weld- ing, Body bumping a specialty, (Mar tf) tr Rates for Classified Ads. First insertion--134 cents per word. Minimum charge--30c. Each subsequent insertion 1c per word. ~ Cards, $250 per for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per mouth for each additional word. TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad Depart. ment. \ - --- -- For Reat FURNISHED _ BEDROOM TO rent. Central. Phone 1236W. . (154b) FOR RENT--TWO GARAGES, Apply 97 Colborne St. E, Phone 2873W, (153-¢) FOR RENT---NICELY FURNISH. ed bedroom, Close to General Mo- tors. Phone 1104M. 149 Agnes street. (153-¢) FOR RENT--SUMMER COT- tages at Thurstonia on Sturgeon Lake. Choice location, well fur- nished, moderate rents. Phone W. E. Baker & Sons, Lindsay. (1541) ROOM TO RENT--LARGE ROOM suitable for one or two gentlemen. Also unfurnished room with fire- place. Good locality. Central. Phone 2382. (156¢c) FURNISHED BEDROOM FOR two gentlemen or married couple, desiring light housekeeping priv- iledges. 322 Kingsdale Avenue, Phone 1387J, (156¢) FOR RENT -- FURNISHED 4 roomed apartment centrally lo- cated. Objections to children. Ap- ply to Bqx "L" . OsHawa Dally Asticles For Sale MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOD slabs, $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous-Meek Limited, Phone 1288. (Apr. 26-tf) A CLEAN BABY CARRIAGE, IN perfect condition, Apply 636 Car- negie avenue, (155-a) SAFE FOR SALE, GOOD SIZE Taylor safe, in first class condi- tion, for sale cheap, Alger Press, Limited, (155-h) SPECIALTY OXY.ACETYLENE welding, brazing, cutting, ete. Fender bumping and repairing, washing machine repairing, auto and radio battery service, batteries and tubes tested free, 1 also sup- ply radio pars and erect aerials, Now is the time to have your aer- ial checked, O, Daniels, 240 Divi. sion street, Phone 1892W, (June 19-July 19) Awnings ' WINDOW AWNINGS, RCH awnings, verandah curtains, canopy tops installed, T, Taylor, Toronto, Oshawa phone 1053, (te) Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT WAVE Shop, Permanent wave, special $7.50, Marcelling, finger waving, 86 Simcoe street north, Phone 2968, (97-t1) NETHER EDGE HAIRDRESSING Parlor, Marcel and Curl, 50 cents. Hot oil shampoo, 651 Simcoe St, N. Phone 918M for appointment, Also lessons in marcelling, (June 8-July 8) CINDERELLA DRESS SHOPPE, 153 Simcoe St. 8. Marcelling and manicuring from 9 till 6; evenings by appointment. Phone 2879. (June 19-July 19) MARCEL AND CURL, 50 CENTS, 45 Albany St., or phone Irene Rob- ertson, 14447. (June 25-July 25) Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at Ideal Tire Shop. Tires for sale, Jamieson Bros Phone 438. (tf) CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE-- Walnut tea wagon, Crossley § tube radio, three burner gas stove, Coal oil stove. Phone 2134F, (154c) FOR SALE--ONE CREAM BABY carriage in good condition, Phone 2528F, (155a) FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity. Phone 896, (127Lf) FOR SALE--STOCK IN GROWING company. Apply Box "G" Oshawa Daily Times. (153-c) FOR SALE--ONE CREAM REED stroller haby carriage, one white enamel steel erib and mattress, one verandah gate. Phone 128W. : (155¢) ROGERS' SILVERWARE, 26 pieces, $20; English semi-porcelain Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, $22.50. Fine assortment of Ladies and Gents watches. $1 secures deliv- ery and the balance payahle at 50 cents per week. O. H. Dell, 26} Simcoe South, Phone 16586. (June 30-Jily 30) FOR SALE--ONE SAMSON TRAC- tor with threes furrow plough in first class condition. Apply Cor- bett Motor Sale, Bowmanville, (154h) SECOND HAND ALL KINDS OF lumber, plumbing, hardwood floors, doors, windows, marbla mantle, special price for two days. Brick $8 per thousand. $2 cheap- er than wholesa:e price. Apply 80 Ontario St. (16%b) SAND AND GRAVEL, STONE, Delivered to all parts of city, Phone 2487W. (1541) Times, (156¢) FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. Near Four Corners. All conveni- ences. Reng 1 able, P fon at once, Apply 10 Athol St. W. (156¢) FURNISHED ROOM TO RENY, suitable for two gentlemen. Apply 165 Ritson Rd, 8. (155-a) FOR RENT--FURNISHED BED- room for gentlemen. Al] conveni- ences, Near Motors. Phone 2581], (156-c) FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT, Also garage. 1562 Colborne St. E, (166<b) FOR RENT--TWO GARAGES AT 153 Simcoe street south. Phone 589. (166-¢c) SEVEN AND THREE ROOM flats to rent. All" conveniences. Separate entrance, Store below, Moderate rent, Immediate posses- sion, 165 Verdun Rd. (156¢) FOR RENT--ONE LARGE FUR- nished room. Apply 268 Golf St, (165¢) THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED rooms to rent in desirable locality, Ten minutes from G.M.C, Suitable for couple. No children. Use of electric washer, phone and all con- venlences. leasouable rem. Apply 106 Frederick St. up till 8.30 p.m. (154c) FARM TO RENT---200 ACRES. {South halves lots 31 and 32, 4th concession, Township of Darling- ton. About FO acres fall ploughed. Immediate possession. Apply to Conant & Annis, Barristers, &ec., Oshawa, Ontario. (Wed tf) FOR RENT-- THREE UNFUR- nished rooms in bathroom flat. Phone 26997. (155a) Roomers Wanted ROOMERS WANTED. CLEAN rooms. Warm water supplied on request. Across corner from Geu- eral Motors, 164 Alice St. Phone 2619W. (1501) Real Estate for Sale Veterinary Surgeon DR. SHIRLEY, VETERDS/.RAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203 King west. Phone 629, (66-t0) C. S. DICKENSON, V.S, DISEASES of all domestic animals scientifically treated. Dominion _ Government Josy nary: 34 Brock St, E 3 (131-46) Agents Wanted EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTORS FOR one of the most beautiful and new- est art home lamps in the world. Retails $5.50, pays large profits. Can be handled on our plan in big way--about $1200. Capital neces- sary. Address, Sales Manager, P. 0, Box 206, Montréal, Canada, (154) DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTARIO Land Surveyors and Civil Engin eers, sub-divisiops, town planning municipal engineers. 865 or 411 King St. B. Phones 26323 " ais Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW CLEANERS ing, woodwork and House screen amor storm and removed. Undertaking LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING ST. East. Ambulance. , 19 Division St. 69 King street east. Phone 210], Wanted to Buy SECOND HAND FURNITURE dealer, buying and selling, 186 Bloor St. E. Phone 1617M, June 7-July 7) PERSONAL GREETING CARDS-- Agents. .wanted to take orders for the finest line ever shown in Can- ada. Regal Art Company, Manu- facturers, 310 Spadina Ave., To- ronto. (155a) DISNEY-COTT FUNERAL HOME 87 Celina street,Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance. Phone 1082, (96-t£) Restaurants OLD HOUSE WIRING A SPECIAL- ty also factories, farms, ete. Phone us for reasonable prices. J. Harris, Whitby, Phone 78 (June 9-July 9) Work Wanted Phone 15957. ALTERATIONS COMPLETED-- Lots of tables for our customers. Quick service. Full course meal, eny kind, 30 cents. Oshawa Cafe. 31 Bond St. E. (June 8-July 8) a iii THOMSON & JOHNSON, ASSOCI- ate architects. E. Elliott, Assocl- ate Heating Engineer. Simcoe St. south, over Felt Bros. » (July 3-Aug 3) Wanted to Rent WANTED--TWO FURNISEED rooms on ground floor, for light housekeeping. Must be between C.P.R. and King street. Occu- pancy September 3. Phone 368. (149-t1) WANTED TO RENT--THREE OR four roomed house on or about July 25. Box "Y" Oshawa Dally Times. (153-4) Motor Cars 1927 PONTIAC COACH FOR quick sale. $650. Privately owned. In splendid condition. Terms, cash cnly. Apply 66 Bruce St., between 7 and 9. (156a) FOR SALE--1927 CHEVROLET Sedan. Excellent condition. Price $600. For further particulars apply evenings. C. E. Scott, Thornton's Corners or phone 202 r 21. (155¢) SINGLE ROOM WANTED. PHONE 2214. (154b) WANTED TO RENT--THREE UN- furnished rooms or flat for light houskeeping by young couple with no children. Rent reasonable. Apply Box "R" Oshawa Daily Times. (154b) For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE--CHEVROLET FOUR passenger coupe, .in good shape. $150 cash. Apply 94 Park Rd. S. (155-9) ROOM AND BOARD. 168 OSK- awa Blvd. (155¢) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO Aucti eet- | SEND YOUR FURNITURE AND other goods you have to sell, to our p Contracting yard. Sales weekly. Sulley's Real Estate, 41 Street West. CARPENTER WORK WANTED. New and repairing, also roofing and repairing. Estimates free. Ap- ply 97 Colborne St. E. Phone 2873W; , ._. (June 30-July 39) King Ph 2580 or 7167. (6911) IF YOU WANT SATISFACTION and highest prices, call on E. J. Pomery, Auctioneer, 18% King St.| E. Phone 1913M. I HAVE 100 ACRES OF LAND for sale or might consider a house in Oshawa om exchange. This fis school. Near Oshawa. Right price. Apply Box *"K" Oshawa Daily Times (153b) Help Wanted--Male good land. Well built on and near) gentl Large front room. Single beds. One block from G. M.C. Phone 239). #62 Divistus street. A155-b) Pets and Live Stock FOR SALE--POLICE PUPPIES. Best blood strain obtainable. Phone 21727. (155¢) SHINGLERS WANTED. APPLY Cor. Buckingham and Simcoe Sts. . - WA (152¢) FOR SALE--TWO FRENCH TOY poodles. white. asonable to good home; Phope 2720]. (155-c) REAL ESTATE--OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victorias Park and Peace Park. Terms to suit you. Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-1) HOUSE FOR SALE--NEW' SIX rooms, rug brick. Apply 87 Me- Laughlin Bivd, (98) FOR SALE---BRICK BUNGALOW, seven rooms, 128 Park road south. Apply Alex Vance, Port Perry, Post Office. / (June 23-July 23) FOR SALE--FRENCHMAN"S BAY summer cottage, fully furnished. Electric, water and telephone. Owner must sacrifice. Small pay- ment will handle. Box "A" Oshawa Daily Times. (June 23-July 7) FIVE ROOM BRICK, NEAR MOT- ors, on good street. All conveni- ences. Ook floors, French doors. Three hundred down. Balance monthly. W. G. Miller, 9 Simcoe St. 5. Phone 2780. (154¢c) FOUR ROOM FRAME, LOT about 87 by 210. All nicely dec- orated. Twelve hundred and fifty. $400 down. Balance $25 monthly. W. G. Miller. Phone 2780, # Simcoe St, 8. : (154¢) FOR SALE--SIX ROOM BRICK veneer house. 225 Athol St. E. Owner. (160tf) THREE HOUSES FOR SALE. 198 Olive Avenue. (153-¢) HOUSE FOR SALE--6 ROOMED brick veneer house in select resi- dential section, morth end. Oak floors-throughout, newly decorated, French doors, all conveniences, in- cluding electric range, laundry tubs and stove, window blinds and verandah curtains. Frame garage. Lot 35 by 170 ft., equipped with lawne, perennials and shrubs. Phone 1684M. (15511) ELDERLY COUPLE Will sell their six roomed home with all modern conveniences. Five minutes from General Motors for 8 special price of $3,800. Small pay- ment down. Phone Holden 371W, 92 Simooe N. £4550) incipal J. M. Roszel, of the High C in charge. WANTED--§3,000 FIRST MORT- gage on 2 new houses, one rents for $40 per month, 7 per ceamt half yearly. H. Salter, Phone 185. (155-b) Help Wanted--Female WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, Every convenience to work with. Mrs. W. G. Burns, 482 Mary street, ' (155-tf) WANTED---YOUNG GIRL TO AS- sist in kitchen and tea room ap "The Gables," Kingston Highway, Phone Whitby 386. (155-¢) KITCHEN WOMAN WANTED. Must be good cleaner. Commercial Hotel. (154b) GOOD CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Apply 142 Albert St. (1540) EESSSSSESSSS'SS Lost and Found LOST--SILVER BRACELET ON King or Mary Sts, or New Martin Theatre. Keepsake from dead sis- ter. Phone 525J. (154¢) LOST--PAIR BROWN RIMMED glasses, cor. Agnes and Mary St. Please return 224 Mary St. (155a) Auction Sale HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUC- tions from the executrix of the estdte of the late John Cornish, of the Township of Darlington, to sell by public auction on the property, lot 33, concession 3, township of Darlington, the property consisting of 40 acres, good loam land on which is an eight room frame house surrounded by heautiful hedge, al- so a large bank barn, good stabl- ing, three acres good bearing or- chard, a quantity of small fruit, 31% acres good standing timber, mostly all maple. This would be an ideal truck and poultry far, It is located 8 miles east of Osh- awa, just north off the Kingston Highway. Only flve minutes walk from bus line. Sale Friday, July 6 at 3 pom, Terms, $3,000 cash day of sale. Balance on easy terms to suit purchaser. W. J. Suley, auctioneer. (155-h) SUBURBAN AND DISTRICT NEWS MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Truman Power spent Sunday at Niagara, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, To- ronto, spent Sunday and "Monday with relatives here. A large number from our com- munity attended Hampton and Hay- don anniversaries on July 2nd. At Haydon our girls' baseball team de- feated . Enniskillen girls 9-6. At Hampton our boys were defeated by the Hampton boys: NEWCASTLE Newcastle, July 2--Mrs. Stanley Lobb and daughter Gwendolyn, of Toronto, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Walter Couch. Mr. Erpest Pearce of the Stand- ard Bank has been promoted to the office of teller in the Newtonyille branch, being succeeded in the New- castle branch by Mr. George Gaines, Miss Daniels, of Toronto, daughter of Canon Daniels, formerly of Port Hope, was guest of her friend, Miss James, at the Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Turner and family of Toronto, have leased "Broad- lawn" from Dr. Walton Ball and ex- pect to move in next week. Mrs, Turner is a daughter of the late Dr, Sproule, one time speaker of the House of Commons, at Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Robertshaw, and Miss Florence Walkington, of Toronto, spent the week end at Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Pearce's. Miss Jean Colwill, of Toronto, is spending part of the holjdays with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce, intending to go on later to Welcome to visit her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Sculthorpe. ; Reeve W. F. Rickard accompanied by Mrs. Rickard and Master John and Miss Jean took in the Warden's excursion to Rochester last Friday, returning in time for church service Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Camplin, of Union- ville, and her cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rooney and son Hubert, and Mrs. Clarkson, of Toronto, spent the week end with Rey. and Mrs. E. B. Cooke. Mr. and Mrs. Overend and family bave arrived from Toronto and taken Mrs. Reg Le Gresley's cottage, "Ap- ple Blossom" on-the-Lake. Mr, 'and Mrs. Graham Jay and family in Dr. Walton Ball's "Bark- um Hall" also Mrs. I. E.. Bowell and granddaughter, Miss Ida Parker, who have been spending the winter in Toronto, in their fine commodious home here. Mrs. Grabam Jay, "Bark- um Hall," is a daughter of Dr. Primrose Dean, of the Medical Col- lege, Toronto. Congratulations to. Miss Dorothy Gibson, daughter of Mr. William H. Gibson, Newcastle, a graduate of Bowmanville High School, one of the successful members of the As- sociate Class at MacDonald Hall, Guelph. There were 82 graduates. There were about twenty-one can~ didates who wrote on the entrance examinations here last week, with Principal Rodger of the Public School, presided at Orono. Principal Roszel also provided over most of the middle school exams in Orono Continuation School, * while principal Morrison, of Bowmanville, officiated in a like capacity in the High School here. A congregation of five hundred or more thronged the United Church on Sunday evening to hear Rev. E. B. Cooke deliver his farewell message to the peaple of the Newcastle and Clarke United Churches. Many Ang- licans were also present to show their regard for the departing pastor as a man, and a citizen who had lived and mingled with them in the community for the past six years. Rev. Cooke took for the subject of his parting message, "Divine Guid- ance." "In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy paths" and closed with heartfelt expression of the joy that had been his and his family's in laboring among the peo- ple of Newcastle and Clarke, and his appreciation of the many kindnesses and practical help he had received at all times from individuals and organ- izations. At the morning service when Rev. Mr. Cooke spoke on the "Marks and qualities of a Christian," considerably over 200 Communicants remained to take the sacrament, A number which exceeded that partak- ing of the sacrament on any previous occasion, A nearly full choir of twen- ty-two voices excelled mm the pro- gram of sacred song rendered at where Mr, John Miller Bow uel and is remembered by those whe knew him as a kindly neighbor and an active church worker. Mueh sympathy is felt for the family, The cement work on the new bridge under construction, a Met a mile west of the village has been completed and it will soon bo 1e readiness for general traffic. Miss Violet Brown, of Oshawa, visited friends here over the holl- day. 2 Plans are being made fur the annual gardem party of Buras' Church, which 1¥ weiug nela at the home of Mr. James I. David- son on Friday, July 13, when thd usual good time is looked forward to. Rev. W. B. Mitchell now spo! a new Essex sedan. . Just as some of the girls were thinking of letting it grow here comes Mary Pickford with a locks shorn, and now what's to be done --Chicago Evening Post. TO RENT THREE HOUSES - Apply U. JONES Cor, Bond & Simcoe Sts, both services of the day. The music was finely in keeping with the char- acter of the services and was most helpful and inspiring. In addition to the anthems by the choir, Miss Hat- tie Mason sang "There Is Room in My Heart for Thee," and Misses Vida and Sybil Langmaid, of Osh- awa, in duet, "When 1 Survey the Wondrous Cross," in the morning, while in the evening Mr. R. W. Wal- ton sang "Open the Gates of the Temple," in solo and Mrs. Hurlburt sang "The New Jernsalem." A quar- tet, consisting of Mr, W. J. 8. Rick- ard, Mrs. W. D. Bragg, Mrs. George Honey, Mr. Harold Allin and Mr, Howard Cooke sang "Seck Ye the Lord." About five score relatives and friends of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Allin surprised them at their home on Saturday evening of last week on the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding day and presented them with a handsome davenport and a silver- wedding cake and an address of good will and best wishes Citizens of Newcastle are pleased to hear the good news that the Counties' Coupcil at its recent ses- sion passed a bylaw to issue deben- tures for the paving of certain sec- tions of County Roads and that the plans involve the pavigg of Mill street, northward to Manvers street, and continuing along Manvers street, to its junction with North street argl then along the road to Orono to the northern limits of the municipality near Mr. Norman Allin's, The work to be done this year. The thanks of the citizens are due Reeve Rickard for the forceful way he presented Newcastle's needs at the Counties' Parliament and thus being instru- mental in securing a boon which all drivers of vehicles will surely appre- ciate. The Ontario Government pays half the cost. The deepest sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank W. Hawkins, of Windsor, so sorely bereaved by the death of their only daughter, Frances Grace, on Wednesday, at the age of 4 years and ten months, Death was due to pneumonia following a month's ill- ness, The funeral' service at the home of her grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Benj. Moise, Beaver street, on Saturday afternoon was largely at- tended by relatives and friends from far and near. Rev. C, W. De Mille, the retiring pastor of King Street Church, Oshawa, had charge of the service, and spoke very comfortingly of Jesus' love for little children and His calling this sweet little girl to His Home in Heaven. Rev. E. B. Cooke assisted, Mr. Robt, W, Wal- ton, brother of Mrs, B. E. Moise, sang "Safely, Safely Gathered In." The numerous and largely floral pie- ces among which the little casket rested as in a pretty bower attested the sympathy ~ of relatives and friends for the grief-stricken par+ ents, grandparents, uncles and aunts. Interment took place in Bond Head Cemetery. Mrs, Percy Hare's home was the scene of an enjoyable little function last Thursday evening when Mrs. H. W. Dudley's group of the Ladies' Aid of which the gracious hostess .is 2 member, served tea and held 2 ba- zaar from 7 to 10 o'clock. Mrs. J. H. Middleton poured tea and Mrs. Rev. E. B. Cooke, lemonade. During the evening Mrs. George Honey and Mrs. H. Hurlburt entertained with solos, and Master Jack Hare -with piano ions. Among the guests from Bowmanville were Mr. and Mrs. J.'S. Ames, and Mr. and Mrs. Adams and daughters. ' Ashburn, July 8.--Mr. George Jeffrey sports a fine new Ford sedan. School closed last week for the summer holidays. Miss Werry is spending the vacation with her parents at Kedron. Mr. George West was on a busi- ness trip to Orangeville on Satur- day. . Word was received here wa Tuesday of the death of a former and much respected citizen at his home in Agincourt, Jume 26, of William Cassie in his 82nd year. Deceased lived for some years MOTOR CARS We will Toan you monies on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present pays ments we will pay off the claims and renew your pays ments for any term up te twelve months and insure your car. See Swanson, Gere man & 'McKensie, 2 King street east, Phone 940, V. A. Henry Insurance & Loans 113; Simcoe St, 8, Phones 1108W---Office 1858J--Residence HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by Espert Mechanics All floors Rnished like new B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W, Office Phone #81, Res, 18078 EEE J 18 Simcoe Street Sowth HOUSE For Sale Beautiful new 5 room brick veneer house on Warren Ave. All con- veniences. Immediate pos session. Price, $4,000, Cash payment, $500, bal- ance like rent, Phone 1288 Evenings, 168-W | OSHAWA: ¥ CEMENT BLOCKS x16" - 1% x16 - 16 PEERED A TE MADE FROM THE BEST GRAVEL MIXED WITH PULYERIZED STONES Phone 2993W

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