WOMEN MURDERS * STARTLE FRANCE Wine Merchant Sought in Mysterious Killings at Marseilles Paris, June 28.--An amazing series of murders of women has re- called to France the activities of Laudru, whose murders of women sent him to the guillotine. One man is sought, Camille Gaillard, a wine merchant of Moroc- co, who also is known as Jerome Drat, is being traced through southern France by detectives who have a warrant charging him with | the murder of Mlle. Elise Foce. ® Mlle. Foce was found strangled "to death in a villa at Marseilles, ,which she recently had sold .to 'Guillard. He had made an advance deposit of 30,000 francs. 'Subsequently it was learned that Gaillard had owned a villa on the "outskirts of Marseilles and that he had been known as Jerome Drat, "believed to be his proper name. It was reported by persons living ,close to this villa that Drat was accustomed to receive. many wo- men visitors at his villa, Police started investigation around the villa. In the cellar, which Drat kept sealed, was found the corpse of a woman. It was fin- der a cement slab and there were indications the woman had recent- ly heen murdered. Continuing their operations, ie lice found the body of another wo- man buried in the basement, Additional Bodies There were indications of reec- ent digging around the villa and police were confident additional bodies would be discovered wlien digging was resumed. Police were hopeful that many recent disappearances of wonjen from Marseilles would be cleayed up through the investigations npw being made around Guillard's villa, _---- FRASER'S HAIR RESTORER Relieves itching scalp immedi. ately, Promotes healthy growth of hair, Tones up the scalp, Banishes dandruff, Sold on #@n absolute money back guarantee to give satisfaction For Bale at Barber Shops and Beauty Parlors ro Ruma FOR SALE Bedroom Suite in ivory 1 Brass Bed 1 Child's Crib 1 Wilton rug 10 x 12 Library Table in cak 1 Sofa in mahogany 1 Hall Rack in oak Kitchen Table Cupboard and Chairs For Particulars and Prices Phone 847w or 680 Daily, 8 am, to 8 p.m. New Saline Laxative 'Acts As Tonic Its Iron Maintains Blood's Mineral Balance In cases of acidity doctors fre- quently prescribe a saline laxative. But most salines deplete the blood. Salzo--a swift, thorough laxative-- contains fron, potassium and sod- ium phosphates. 1t has a tonic ac- tion and maintains the blood's min- eral balance. It definitely ends con- stipation, It regulates the bowels to a normal, healthy function with- out causing gripe or nausea. It is palatable to all ages. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back. Salzo is sold at all drug stores. ~--Advertisement. EXPECT HEAVY HOLIDAY TRAFFIC Movement Through Port to Europe at Peak Over Week-end All the world seems to be going somewhere over the long Dominion Day week-end. Aside from purely week-end tourists all records for the Port of Montreal will be broken in the number of trans-Atlantic travellers who sail for Europe. It has become the established custom for summer holiday makers from the United States and other parts of Canada to spend two or three days in Montreal prior to departing for Southampton and Cherbourg. This week-end will see the heaviest sailings of the whole year and con- sequently the downtown hotels al] have a long waiting list. An ever-increasing number of college girl parties are going to the Old Country for the first time. These European trips are a popu- lar form of parental award for a long scholastic career successfully finished. Among the outstanding Canadians sailing from here on the Canadian Pacific steamer Mont- rose are Sir Arthur and Lady Cur- rie and J. J. Gibhons, of Toronto, Rall Traffic The holiday will see the heaviest railway trafic experienced over a holiday {in many years, should weather conditions he favorable for holiday-makers, and in prepara- tion for this movement Canadian Nationa] Railways have made plans for extra sections of some 25 trains, in addition to placing in service for the holiday additional trains on lines where traffic will be unusually heavy, Special trains will be operated to the Laurentians to take care the additiona] trafic which will develop to points along those lines. In preparation for the movement all available passcnger cars have been moved Into the terminals and are being made ready for the extra service over the coming week-end, The Canadian Pacific Railway expects heavy traffic over its Laur- entian and Lakeshore lines, as the :ily accessible resorts are always patronized extensively by yonng people with a Jong holiday at their disposal, 2 - All persons organizing or taking a leading part in the formation of secret aysosciations 'aiming at changes in the fundamental constitution of Japan will be liable to capital punishment under a 'peace pres- ervation law' which has heen ap- proved by the Privy Council. The measure was passed hy the Council as revised hy the Cabinet after a prolonged and heated de- bate, the vote heing 13 to 5. It is expected that the text will he promulagted tomorrow. Dublin, Irish Free State, June 27. --President Cosgrave first came to public notice twelve years ago when his name appeared in the list of arrests in commection with the Easter rebellion. He was senteme- ed to death but the t was COSGRAVE, IRISH FREE STATE HEAD ONCE SENTENCED TO DEATH : THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JUNE 29, 1928 man. He is not a teetotaller, but is a very moderate "wet." His chief, and practically sole amuse- ment, is hunting. Every Irishman loves a horse, and President Cosgrave is never happier than in following the commuted to life imprisonment, and he finally was freed. Today he is the leader of the Irish Free State. President Cosgrave's average day is a busy one. He 1s at his office early and late. He attends to every detail of government busi- ness, receives innumerable depu- tations from every part of the country, but still finds time for at- tendance at public and social fune- tions designed to advance Irish culture in arts and science, or to promote the cause of charity, The chief note of all Mr. Cos- grave's speeches is optimism. His belief in the possibilities of his country is profound, and nothing so promptly stirs his indignation as the moanings of pessimists who, in the Irish phrase, "make a poor mouth" over the nation's pros- pects. No man is more welcome at A social gathering. A brilliant story teller, the Irish President enlivens even a dull occasion with flashes of humor. The presidential residence is a modest villa on the outskirts of Dublin city. It was destroyed in the Civil War, and has been re- built. A Moderate Wet" Of notable dignity on public oes casions, in private life President Cosgrave is free from any trace of stiffness or pretense, He has no fads or eccentricities, and lives the normal life of the average Irish- BELGIAN FLIERS LEAVE FOR CONGO Start Quietly From Ant. werp on Eight-Day Flight Brussels, June 28.--Two Belgian aviators, MM, Thieffry and Quer- sin, after having made prepara- tions in the greatest secrecy, left the airdrome at Antwerp early Wednesday in a biplane for the Belgian Congo. They hope to reach the Congo within eight days. 'They plan to land at Barcelona, Oran, Colombo, Bechar, Niger and Leopoldville or Kinshasa, NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, June 27.--Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Solomon and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Strong at Enniskillen, Other visitors of Mr. and Mrs, Strong were, Mr. and Mrs. Fowler, of Burketon, and Mr, and Mrs. George Strong. Mrs. Phillips, Mr. Tom Phillips, Oshawa, with the former's grand- son, Mr." E. Tattersall, and Mrs. Tattersall, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Brittan, of Smith's Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Jlight, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, W. Glover and their mother, Mrs. W. Blight. Mrs. John Alexander, Mr. John Alexander, Jr., and Miss Francis Alexander, left Tuesday night for a month's visit with relatives in Southern Alberta. Little Teddy Jollow had a minor operation on Tuesday evening. Dr. Cameron gave anesthetic and lane- ed a large ahcess on his face. He is getting along fine. A full account of the plenic will be written in a later issue. All are planning to attend the circus. Do Y ou Own Your Own YOUNG IST Oshawa? Ont. REAL ESTATE R. M, KELLY 610 Blmecs St. N, Phone 1668W ¢ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Cutler & Preston Tetophonss 573 '323 'Night Calls 510, 1560, 2468F ---- | ---------- Apartment Suites LOCATION NO. 17 QUEBEC ST. Kitchenette, Dinette, Living Room, Bedroom, Bathroom, Electric stove, electric re- frigeration, electric fixtures, window shades, curtain rods, hot water supplied oy owner. Electric washers and dryers in basement. large room for storage. Exclusive location. Janitor seryice. Immediate possession. DISNEY Apply HORTON & FRENCH LOTS FOR SALE On Richmond St. E., Rox- borough Ave. and Patricia os Ave, from $300 to $600 Terms . MUNDY BLDG, AUSTRALIAN MATCHES COINS LOSES $1,000, SAILS FOR HOME Vancouver, June 28. -- Coin matching with two strangers in their hotel room yesterday, Nor- man Taylor of Melbourne, Austra- lia, bad lost $1,000 when one of the party shouted the police were coming. The two strangers de- camped with the spofls. Taylor home, " 4 SE US hounds, on horseback, and gener- ally in the first flight. The official car is in charge of an official chauffeur, of course, though I have seen President Cos- grave, in the days when his life was threatened, driving the car himself from office to home. He has flown in an aeroplane; not for amusement, but because it was the quickest way to a political meeting. With much interest in musie, President Cosgrave's taste 1s old- fashioned. Under his presidency the studio has established a first- class army school of music, and or- ganized army bands, under the Brase, once an imperial bandmast- er in Berlin. His love of music runs ia his family for the President's half-sis- ter, Miss Joan Burke, is one of the most distinguished of Irish con- cert and operatic singers. Holds Esteem of Protestants It is noteworthy that Mr. Cos- grave has gained the esteem of Irish Protestants, though he is known to be a strict and practical Roman Catholic. To describe him as a regular ehurchgoer would be a considerable understatement. He goes to mass often and, though un- ostentatious in his piety, he is known to be a deeply religious man. He has never taken any part in religious controversies, or dis- tinguished in his personal friend- ships between men of one religion and another. But his religion goes deep. He has even made the pil- grimage to Lough Derg, a particu- larly hard trial even for the most robust, That pilgrimage dates from the famous in: medieval times, Each! pilgrim observes a rigorous fast for three days. Only one meal » wi lowed, and that consists of dry bread and black tea. There is an all-night vigil in the church, and in the daytime the pilgrims tra- verse the penmitential "beds' bare- footed, Nobody hears in the mews- papers of the President's partie pation in these severe religious ex- ercises. I owe my knowledge of it to pil- grims who have seen him there with his wife. Mrs. Cosgrave, the daughter of a well-known Dublin alderman; is a woman of great ability, though modest and retiring. She devotes most of herself to the care of mer husband and children. The presi. dent has a great personal devotion to the Pope, and on his visit te Rome, His Holiness Pope Pius XI. conferred upon him the Order of Pius, the brilliant star of which glitters on his breast on ceremonial occasions connected with the conductorship of / Colonel Fritz days of St. Patrick, and was very Church, PAGE SEVEN Ww. Announcing M. GILBERT, Pres, 25 Ritson Road North OSHAWA Telephone No. THE OSHAWA LUMBER CO. .. 2821 Oshawa"s Newest Industry