Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 28 Jun 1928, p. 8

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PETERBORO DEFEA THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1928 TS BELLEVILLE TO CUT DOWN : Ulster United Here Tomorrow * For Ontario Semi Final Game With General Motors Club Greatest Soccer Attraction of the Year Billed for Alexandra Park at 7 p.m. --Return Game in Toron. to on Holiday The Ulster United-General Motors semi-final Soccer game at Alexandra Park tomorrow night is the most important game Oshawa. fans cver had the opportunity of witnessing. The e is under the direction of the tario Football Association under the guidance of President N. . Howard, with Sectetary R. B uir in charge of arrangements. The occasion is the first of a home and home series in the semi-finals of the Dominion Championship in On- tario, Ulster United are the present hol- ders of the Ontario Cup and are out fof the Dominion honours. General Motors have the best eleven which ever represented. Oshawa and the fans are behind them in their effort to 'put Ulster in the discard, The admission is being kept at the lowest point so that all may have a chance to attend and we confidently appeal to our fellow citizens to show their appreciation of the cfforts made to place the city of Oshawa in the forefront as a genuine sports-loving communtiy. . His Worship Mayor Preston has kindly consented to kick off at 7 .m. and the moguls of the General otors and Ulster United will all be on deck including President T. R. Houston, Vice-President Pentland, T, J. Dilworth, S. Leith and several others, 2 After the game both elevens will be guests of the General Motors Company to supper at the Lakeview Pavilion where Mr. Frazer has ar- ranged a grand Football Dance. The Ulster Club is donating a real foot- ball which will be presented to the lucky individual who holds the dupli- cate number to that which His Wor- ship the Mayor will draw during the evening's dance. Altogether it looks like a memor- able occasion. ; The second game of the series will take place on the holiday at Ulster Stadium on Greenwood avenue in Toronto at 10.45 a.m. : 3 This should make an attractive trip for Dominion day and the General Motors Club will look for your sup- rt. The admission charge will be the same at hoth games. The team will be selected from the following players: Hurst, T. Smith, Sathrang nors, M'Kean, Lobban, Peite Dougall, Ramage, Boyd, Torrance, M. Smith, W. Black, Hamilien, N, Dougall, Coll, McEwan. The above mentioned pavers re- port at Lunch Room, William strect at 6 pm. prompt. Tea wi'l he sei- ved in Lunch Rooms to players working until 6 p.m, Con- CITY INDUSTRIAL SOFTBALL Intermediat= Moffats 13, AYMC. 6 Juvenile Tonight at Cowan Park Beavers vs. Card. ' For kissing a girl of 18 against her will, young Richard Bradley of Stoke-on-Trent, England, has been fined $10. ------ Chautauqua here on July12t017 ------ [DANCING Rouge Hills Inn JOE DE COURCY and his Orchestra Saturday and Monday Night Golfing Every Day at the Country Club Special Steak and Chicken Dinners or A La Carte Service Located at Rouge Hills on the Lake, Turn south from Kingston Road at Rouge. Hills Service Station. Phone Scarboro 34 Ring 1-2. p Oshawa City Soccer Team Meets Brougham Here on Saturday The Oshawa City Football Club will play Brougham on Saturday at Alexander Park. The kick-off at 3.30 p.m, All signed players please report at the park not later than 3 p. m, as the team will be selected on the grounds, Player Hayes please note. This game promises to be a good one, as this Brougham team fis leading the south Ont, Football League, and will give the city team a #tiff argument. Kingston Moves Into 2nd. Place Defeat Delore 12-7, Crowding Belleville for Top Rung--Half a Game Behind Leaders Kingston, Ont, Jun 27=A home run by "Bubs" Britton in the third innings featurcdsthe Central Ontario League game here tonight, when Kingston won from Deloro, 12-7, and went into second place behind Belle- ville in the standing, Deloro piled up a five-run lead in the second inning, hammering Smith to all corners ot the lot, Shea of Deloro was hit hard throughout and was relieved in the eighth by Wood, who allowed one more run, Kingston bunched their hits to win, and they fielded cleverly behind Young, who replaced Smith in the sccond. "Hec" Boudreau's long drive for three bases and Brown's double were the only extra base hits for the visitors, The box score: Deloro AB RH POA Burgess, ef "rueivaves 3 2 340 Regan, 3b. siasnvesres 2 JaCK, S83 Cy vir everine 1 Quinn, 1b ,, Collins, ¢ Boudreau, rf Scott, 2b .. Brown, if sesees Shea, p .. aRalph «i vverrrvenss 0 0 Wood, Pr ersververees 00 Totals ~ 7 9 aBatted for Shea BO £0 Zo da Ln 4 LN Kingston H PO ATE © srssrrvne 5 3 duck, If Britton, ss ,. Cherry, cf ,. Ada) rl Givers Elhott, 2b ...,. Macpherson, -- Aad NEALE 1 4 YOUNE, DP srxsrersssse cari 1213727 13 060001000---7 Kingston ,,,,.. 10532001 x---12 Summary: Errors--Regan, Boud- reau, Scott, 2, Arniell, Macpherson, Smith, Home run--Britton. Three- base hit--Boudreau, Two-base hits --Brown, Buck Cherry, Ada, Mac- phreson, Stolen hases--Buck 2, Brit- ton, Elliott, Quinn 2, Jack, Collins. Sacrifices -- Scott . 2, Brittoh, Struck out--By Shea 5, by Wood 1, Totals J verry Deloro | balls qd Smith 3, | cher--By by Smith 1, by Young 3. Bases on Off Shea 2, off Wood 1, off of Young 2, Hit by pit- Shea (Elliott), Double play--Macpherson to Elliott to Stone. Left on bases--Deloro 6; Kingston 7. Wild pitch--Smith 2. Winning pit- cher--Young. Losing pitcher--Shea. | Belleville Slipping! CENTRAL LEAGUE BTANDING Ww. L, P.C. Belleville sus 0000090:6 .600 Kingston ,, seb 556 OShawa ,,.s0ss30000,4 .500 Deloro ,..ssssss0s0s3 429 Peterboro ,,.s400044+:3 B75 BISONS TAKE TWO 17TH HOMER SINCE MONDAY Buffalo, June 27--The Buffalo Bis- cns defeated the Montreal Rayals in both portions of a twin bill here to- day by scores of 9 to 5 and 5 to 4. The second game was replete with thrills and tense situations and went four innings extra over the seven- round time limit before Bill Kelley's long double with Barrett on first base decided the issue. The blow came with one out in the Bisons' half of the eleventh. Howard Signor, youth- ful Bison flinger, won his third com- plete game victory in the opener. When George Fisher hit the sixth lrome run of the game, five by Buf- falo in their half of the seventh in the second game the blow marked the seventeenth round tripper whack- ed out since' the clubs opened their series Monday. ------ ER ---- Olliciis Keep SiINGERALE on ice O'Kesfe's Beverages Limited, Toronto A | Toledo BASEBALL RECORDS INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Won P.C, Toronto ....... 552 Rochester .... 552 Reading «ovee- 538 Baltimore ..... 513 Montreal w.... 508 Newark 493 Buffale ....me A768 Jersey City ... Am Baltimore ... 10 Newark oo... 9 xBuffalo .. 9-5 Montreal ...... 5-4 (xSecond game 11 innings). Reading .... 6-8 Jersey City ... 2-3 Other clubs not scheduled. GAMES TODAY Montreal at Buffalo. Jersey City at Reading. Baltimore at Newark. Other clubs not scheduled. AMERICAN LEAGUE * Won Lost New York ._.. 47 Philadelphia .. 37 St. Louis ... hy | Washington 30 Cleveland Roston .. \ Chicago ...... Detroit P.C. J158 578 530 462 455 A441 A407 Tr ------ « 2379 WEDNESDAY'S SCORES New York -. 7 Philadelphia __ 4 Boston ...... 4-11 Washington .. 1-4 Other clubs not scheduled. GAMES TODAY St. Louis at Detroit, Cleveland at Chicago. New York at Philadelphia. Washington at Boston. Won St. Louis ..... 48 New York -- 36 Brooklyn .. . 36 Chicago __, aR Cincinnati = aR Pittshurg an BORON cirrus 30 Philadelphia __ 17 WEDNESDAY'S SCORES New York 11 Philadelphia .... 8 Othep clubs not scheduled, GAMES TODAY Pittsburg at St. Louis, Chicago ar Cincinnati. Philadelphia at New York. Other clubs not scheduled. Won Lost Indianapolis _. an St, Pag), ..o. Bf a2 Kansas City __.. 8f 33 Milwaukee -_., 0 31 ---tre 35 Minneanolis ._ ! 35 Louisville ...... | 41 Columbus - 46 ro. hse 549 542 535 hls 507 423 313 WEDNESDAY'S SCORES Indianapolis # Toledo . wii St. Paul .,, 6 Kansas City ,... Minneapolis 10 Milweykee Only games played. GAMES TODAY Toledo at Indianapolis. Columbus at Louisville. Milwaukee at Minneapolis. Kansas City at St.Paul. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE San Francisco 2 Los Angeles .... Hollywood _... 7 Missions ad, Seattle ...__... 5 Oakland .. iar Sacramento __ 7 Portland LEAFS SWAMP OSLERS IN EXHIBITION TILT Toronto, June 27--Oslers did not defeat the Maple Leafs last night in the annual exhibition game at the Fleet Street Stadium, but they made It interesting enough for 3,500 fans, the final score being 9 to 3. Martin on the mound for the International- ists, had the semi-professional bat- terics at his mercy mast of the time, fanning twelve and holding them to five hits, 'Billy Greer, the Oslers' bespectacled twirler, was touched hard and often, but his infield did give him the best of protection, The Oslers seemed nervous in the carly innings, particularly on the of- fensive, when they waved their bats at all Martin's offerings, nine striking out in the first four frames. Oslers did not touch a base until the third, when Lister was hit by a pitched ball, and he advanced when Greer drew a walle' Then Sammy Gold cracked out a triple to decp right and sent the pair home, putting the minor club up on the score sheet. The Leafs scor- ed in the opening inning. Webb be- ing driven home on hits by Sexton and Sheedy, while they tallied two in the third on base blows by Sheedy Alexander and Styles, The Leafs scored their other runs in the sixth and eighth, getting three in each, -------- FRENCH PARLIAMENT WILL TAKE UP DEBTS Paris, June 27..--A subcommit- tee on 'intersallied debts" was created by Parliament today to work in co-operation with the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies. is step was int political circles as Sieprescd in that the new French Parliament intends to take up fn earnest set- tlement of the debt question. Eugene Lautier, Deputy from French Guiana, was named chair- man of the sub-committee, -- HOOVER BUSIGNING Washington, June 27. Hoover's intention to FR erht Cabinet post as Secretary of Com- merce shortly in order to leave himself free for the Presidential campaign was formally announced today from the Commerce Depart- ment, The Secretary' expects to have the resignation in the hapds of President Coolidge before July SPOR1 SNAPSHO1S Belleville's defeat by the cellared * League race considerably. Kingston precedes the Dominion play-offs, for largest Soccer erowd ever to gather the fastest brand of soccer played in are on a par with the best. long while. to a clown role. with a position of forty-five degrees. ton please copy. Senior Lacrosse centres--Weston, "Petes" last night helped the Central is now only a half game from the leaders with Oshawa a full game behind. Delore dropped from the three cornered tie for second place by losing to Joe Daly's sluggers, but after the holiday games them "the old order changeth, yielding place to new." Words and music by John B. Foster, Munro Elias and Fred Beaudry all mathematical genii and statisticians extraordinary. Doping out averages is hard work for warm weather. The game tomorrow night at Alexandra Park when General Motors meet Ulster United in the semi-finals of the Ontario championships which 1 the Soccer honors, should draw the in Oshawa. The National league is Canada and the local representatives Ulster United is the team picKed Tor the exhibition game with the touring Glasgow Rangers, and on their last appearance here provided enough excitement to satisfy the fans for a Watch this chap Sathrang at centre for Motors. He gen- erally manages to register at least a goal a game. Jock Anderson, husky trainer for the Senior lacrosse team, Stephed into prominence yesterday by accepting the challenge of the travelling heavy with Sparks! Brothers Circus, to stay with him for four rounds. Jock made two appearances, one in the afternoon and another in the evening and slapped the strong man all over the ring. The circus pug was billed as the Pacific Coast light-heavy weight champion but he dis- played as much talent as the kid brother. After the show he was demoted Jock jabbed -a straight left in his face so often it looked like an extension on his nose. The champ went horizontal four times in the afternoon and twice in the evening, the rest of the time he was content Toronto, St. Catharines and Bramp- Risko Defeats George Godfrey Gets Benefit of Close Decision in Gruelling Mill With Colored ' Champ Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, June 27, --The black menace of the heavy- weights, huge George Godfrey, of Leiperville, Pa., took on an even darker hue tonight as he battled game Johnny Risko, pudgy Cleve- lander, to a standstill, apparently won the fight and then saw the decision go the way of his white rival. By the official decision of two judges and the referee, Risko was proclaimed the victor after ten rounds of bruising battling in a fight crammed with action of the kind that delights the onlookers of a dockmen's brawl along the water- front, Many newspapermen at the ringside, however, credited the massive black man, a tower of hu- manity compared to the short, stocky Risko, with a margin in five rounds, with four for Godfrey, and one even. To others, however, it seemed that the courageous spoiler of hopes in Tex Rickard's heavy- weight elimination tournament again had burst the bubble of a favorite, Several score cards credit- ed Risko with a margin in five rounds with four for Godfrey, and two even, Fighting just as though the man- mountain of a Golfrey, scaling 235 pounds in his fighting togs against Risko was just his size and calibre, Risko never gave up in his attempt to tear down the negro to his own level with body punishment. To a certain extent he succeeded, but in so doing received the full weight of Godfrey's massive arms, driving short lefts and rights to the body with power that often bounced Johnny a yard or so to one side. Risko caught. the eyes of the judges and the sympathy of the fans with a stirring rally that won him the last two rounds in the scoring of the Associated Press score card, after gaining an even break in the eighth session. A Risko rally won him the sixth round but after the even first ses- sion, the remainder of the fighting seemed in favor of the giant negro, Godfrey Has Speed Godfrey, suprisingly fast for a man of his tremendous bulk, lay in wait for the charging white boy in the early rounds and smashed his body with lefts and rights that only a Risko can absorb and keep coming on, Johnny never falterel, worried the big fellow like a Ter- rier attacking a Great Dane, and piled incessantly right through the best of Godfrey's offensive. Big George seemed impervious to Risko's best . clouts, as they bounced off his ebony body, broad skin, and bald head with abandons as Risko made no effort to defend himself in anything but clinches, placing every hope in a storming aggressive attack. And always, lying in wait for Risko as he tore forward, was the weight of that tremendous body, thrown behind right hand punches that buried deep in Johnny's ribs. : STUDIOS AT HOLLYWOOD ARE THREATENED BY FIRE Hollywood, Cal., June 27.--First National Studios late todey threw six to seven hundred of its men employees into a fight to save the a grass and bush fire which, sweeping down from the Holly- wood hills, threatened to surround it. Seven city fire companies had been fighting the fire for an hour, but failed to check its gweep through groves of trees near the studio. SPECIALLY CONSTRUCTED Buffalg, June 27.--An unusual shipment for lake vessels, compris- ing a large number of wooden- backed hair brushes, consignéd to an Indian reservation in the North- west, left here today. The brushes are ly designed for use on the wiry hair of the Redmen. immense motion-picture plant from | Whitby Defeats Buicks in Ladies' Softball Whitby Ladies defeated Buicks for the second time this season at The Collegiate grounds last night, when they finished on the long end of a 24-16 score. The visitors were seldom in trouble, register- ing at least one run in every inn. ing except the sixth. Both piteh- ers were touched freely, the teams indulging in some lusty clouting. Teams-- Whitby--L. Parker, cf, M. Blow, Ib, F. Scott, 3h., M. Forrester, p, E. Watson, If; M. Jones, ¢, R. Rob- inson, ss, E. McBride, 7, J. Rob- inson, 2b. Buicks--R. Reece, 1b, V. McKer- non, 2b, C. Sibloek, p. N. Fergu- son, e¢, N. Reece, If, V. Crabdell, ss, H. Crow], ef, L. Tyrell, rt, A, Farrell, 3b. Umpires--Sutton Scorer--J. O, Baird. and Corrin, AMERICAN SHIPBUILDING CO. ELECTS ITS NEW PRESIDENT Cleveland, June 27.--W. H, Ger- hauser was elected President of the American Shipbuilding Com- pany today at a meeting of the Board of Diregtors, to succeed the late Alfred G. Smith. The new chiaf executive was {prmerly Vice- President and Secretary of the corporation. Nationals Lose to Peterboro 4-1 Another Defeat for the League Leaders By Lowly Petes Belleville, June 27. -- The Na- itonal baseball team of this city up to yesterday had a decided lead in the Central Ontario League. At Oshawa on Tuesday they lost, and today they dropped a game to Peterboro, although they outhit the yisitors. The score was 4 to A goodly crowd of fans witness- ed the game, and there was no question but that the Peterboro team played by far the hetter ball. Gibson, pitching for the locals, was hit quite freely at the start of the game, but after the third inning had perfect control. Hard- ll pitehed a fine game for Peter- boro, and was ably supported. R. Risor, of Peterboro, was umpire at the plate, and K. Colling, of this city, on bases. The teams: Belleville -- W. Ross, cof; V. Weir, 2b; H. Mills, 1b; W. Mills, c; J. Blakely, ss; J. feott, 3b; 8. Green, rf; Hagerman, If; A. Weir, If: Gibson, p. Peterboro--Tunrer, ef Hall, If; Ash, 1b; Harrison, 2b; Swanson, e: Hardill, p; Batten, 3b Wilgar, rf Holyman ss. The score: -- Peterboro .1120 Belleville ..0010 RAB 00000-4772 00000-1884 RICKARD TO BUY NEW YORK GIANTS? Houston, Tex, June 27--Tex Rick- ard is about to complete a deal for the purchase of the New York Giants, he said here today. "I would not be surprised if the announcement of the deal would be made any day," he said. "My inter- ests have been dickering with the Stoneham people for some time and are almost ready to close." New York, June 27--Tex Rickard might not be surprised at the an- nouncement within a few days that his interest had bought the New York Giants, but Charles A. Stone- ham, owner of the club, certainly would. "There have been absolutely no negotiations," Stoneham said. HAMILTON PEOPLE HURT IN CRASH NEAR OAKVILLE Hamilton, June 27.--John Smith, an agent for the Prudential Insurance Company of America, who lives at 94 Rosslyn Avenue North, suffered a broken rib, his wife a hroken collarbone, and their daughter was lacerated about the head, in a motor accident near Oakville tonight, They were brought to their home in this city, and were attanded hy Dr. Robert Oliver, Mr. Smith, it is said, was driving along the highway when another car crashed into his auto- mobile, : 'Morning, noon and night Winchesters will never tire your taste because they are-- Blended Right! Winchester 4 Reasons Why You Should Buy Your Men's Suits at ENGEL'S 1--Our assortment is as large, if not larger, than any other men's store in Oshawa. 2--Our prices are so reasonable that they will compare favorably with any other men's store in Oshawa, : ; 3--The quality of our materials is guaranteed for style, color and wearing qualities, 4--Use your credit at this store, Don't worry about your cash, We consider your credit good. We are also the agents for the clothing made by the famous "House of Stone." We have a large number of customers wearing this brand of clothing and our best advertisement is "Ask The Man Who WEARS One." H. Engel & Son 21 BOND STREET WEST vie PHONE 308 7 4 17 OAT 7 LIITIMITINN A c= uw 'Winchester - CIGARETTES v ARN AN NN) \ SII IE & & I &(P A "POKER HAND" IN EVERY PACKAGE CIGARETTES | 20 for 25¢

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