'REACH $304,675 30 FAR IN JUNE 115 Permits lssued, Total ard 5 "Building permits numbering 115 Jotalling $304,675 have been 1 by the city engineer's de- rtment this month. The rapidly mounting -total for June was swell- ed 'tb th Re of $30,100 in the 'two. days. Permits for the of new dwellings run well 'the quarter million mark in nti building permits for @e, of June, 1927, were , But so far this month for new residences and itlons and alterations to § aggrdgate $262,950, di- 77 permits. At least of this total is for strict- Awellings, which will total In other words, with 8 of June left, the total for this menth is 30 per cent high- er than the total for the whole of Jane, 1928, in residential building pérm Garage permits total 32 and $12,000 industrial permits to- tal $29,725. Thomas C. Farrow, North Osha- wa, is! the largest contributor to mits for two new houses at 517 and 521 Rogers street that will aggre- gate $7,800. The next largest building project of the latest per- mits is the $6,000 garage being built at 80 Bond street west by Underwood & Scott, Whitby, con- tractors for J. Shoychet, 99 Mill street. = E. McDonald is building a $2,500 frame store and dwelling, combined, at 482 Cubert street. Two $5,000 houses - are being built on Cadillac street by Toronto men. H. and J. Wiggins, 2031 Dufferin street, Toronto, are build- ing at 89 Cadillac street, while J. L. Devins, 165 Westmount avenue, Toronto, is owner-builder at 77 Cadillac street. Both of these Wous- es will be of solid brick construc- tion, on concrete wall foundation, with cedar shingle roof. They will be full two stories in height, 22 by 26 feet, with hot water heating, oak floors, gumwood and white- wood trim, and §-plece plumbing, The houses which are being erec- ted by Mr. Farrow will be of brick veneer, on concrete wall founda- tion, with patent roofing, oak and fir floors, chestnut,and pine trim, and hot air heating. The frame store and, dwelling of Edward Mec- Donald, 150 Mill street, will be 20 by 26 feet, one storey high, with fir trim and pine floors. George A. Townsend, 174 College avenue, is constructing a $3,500 brick veneer house at 630 Oxford street. This house will-be 223 by 33 feet, one storey high, with con- crete foundation, asphalt shingle roof, hot air heating, and pine floors and trim. A $300 addition to his house at 257 Quebec street, is being built by Christopher Will- today's new dwelling list, with per- oughby, : AAS w Zo surprise. 7 SE 7 Hi P72 INCIB[ = --but the flavor must be right--it must be INVINCIBLE, Try INVINCIBLE, We promise you a dali. 2 a Jellies as good as the name-- and the word "INVINCIBLE" means "the best' and only the best are INVINCIBLE, uality Feed roducts for 43 Years 7' dm Z, vr THEIR FLAVOR 1S TRULY -- INVINCIBLE Nut Coal .......... Stove . 2s: .. vn BEE . .oiigh vs PB vos Btssis on Coke ...... Phone 230 and 157 SCRANTON COAL The Best the Mines Produce 2,000 pounds to every ton Let us fill your bins at summer prices Factory wood cuttings, load W. J. TRICK CO., LTD. reed. vie. $18,00 ory vo0ee 15.50 vseee 18,00 vanes 12,80 : son 12,80 4.00 25 A" +t St + THE OSHAWA DAILY Ti.ES, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1928 INDUSTRIAL PEACE! 15 STEP NEARER London, June %..--The Gener- al Council of the Trade Uniom Congress at a special meeting to- day by a vote of 15 to § defeated a motion presented by Feo ge Hicks to terminate the "peace in industry" elecussions which starts ed in January last between a com- mittee of Labor leaders and a group of industrialists headed by Sir Alfred Mond (now Lord Mond) 01 the ground that the con- ferenzes had reached the limit of usefuiness., The substantia! majority against terminating the discussions was unexpected, aad it is believed if the proposal for the creation of a National Industrial Council ia ratified by the full conference of the employers on July 4 a very definite step toward the promo-. tion of industrial peace will be accomplished. Nothing of the kind har "jen attempted since the faihure of the Industrial Council project ine itlated by the Government of Lloyd George. Up to the present the mai criticism of the confer- ence between the representatives of capital and labor has been that the employers participating in the conferences were not representa- tives of any organization or in- dustry. | DROUHIN WILL TRY WESTWARD FLIGHT French Aviator With Le. brix to Make Attempt --Commercial Venture Paris, June 27.--Another west- i| ward crossing of the Atlantic by airplane may be attempted early in July. The trans-Atlantic airplane of Maurice Drouhin and Joseph Le- brix is to be ready before July 4. This flight will be a commercia venture Lebrix said in a speech a Lyons, He said the sporting en of 'the flight would be forgotten, Other westward crossings fro LeBourget field seem to he severa weeks off, | Dieudonne Costes is ill and ft seemed likely his final tests woul be considerably postponed, The two Polish aviators, Izikow- ski and Kuralin, plan a complet revision of their plans which will take several weeks. It has heen suggested that the hydroplane that Lieut. Paris wah to use on a trans-Atlantic attemp might better he used gs a machin to try a long distance record flight around Africa. f STUDEBAKER-PIERCE-ARROW | TO BE COMPLETED S00) Buffalo, N.¥,, June 28. --Wit directors of the Studebaker Cor: poration reported meeting Tues! at South Bend, Ind. to go ove the details of a proposed merge wit. hthe Pierce-Arrow Motor coms pany, indications here Tuesday) pointed to an early completion of! the transaction, 4 good building lots, quite central, Southeast section, $475 each. Money to loan on 1st Mortgages. J. H.R, LUKE 46 King St. W, Phone 871 Do You Own Your Own Nn PHONE' mdz LC. YOUNG 4% Prince' St REAL ESTATE Homes built to suit purchasers, R. M. KELLY 610 Simcoe St. N, Phone 1668W ii LOTS FOR SALE On Richmond St. E., Rox- REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Cutler & Preston SEE Night Calls 510, 1560, ---- | Apartment Suites LOCATION NO. 17 QUEBEC ST. Kitchenette, Dinette, Living Room, Bedroom, Bathroom. Electric stove, electric re- frigeration, electric fixtures, window shades, curtain. rods, hot water supplied ny owner. Electric washers and -dryers in basement. large room for storage. Exclusive location. Janitor service Immediate possession. DISNEY Opposite Post Office MJ 0 Jb J a Jn J Je Je a 4 Owner and builder, borough Ave.| and Patricia Ave., from $300 to $600 om Apply HORT ON & FRENCH Large New House, 640 Simcoe St. North; nine , rooms, hot water heating, splendid home. Sacrifice © price for quick sale. Will ge. U. JONES Cor, Bond & Simcoe Sts. EE p McMahon, of Weg We Can Meet any Tube Demand WEE got all seizes 'V of tubes in stock. Weve Jot three og epending on what you need in service. If it's. a question of price--we have it. If you want the best tube in the world-- we have it, And they're all Goodyears with Goodyear uality -- and they've all passed an under-water test at the factory, Get our prices. ALL WEATHER TIRE SHOP 8S Celina St., Oshawa Open Till 9 o'clock Every Eve- ning but Wednesday. Here you can get it as soon as you want it ' > wr # mrt ss mm OLDEST CLERK IN COURT HOUSE DIES Allan Hamilton Had 53 Years' Service in Local Courts Montreal, June 27.--Allan Ham- ilton who was the oldest court clerk in service in the city of Montreal, died early yesterday at the West- ern Hospital, following an illness of five weeks. Mr. Hamliton was removed to hospital following a fall. Complications which set In caused his death, He was 75 years of age and had serveed in various offices in the courts of Montreal for the last 53 years. Mr. Hamilton and Magistrate Ed. ount, who was formerly coroner Im the Montreal district, began in the court service together and served {in wyarious capacities since that time. Latter- ly Mr. Hamilton was attached to the Crown Prosecutor's office staff, He was unmarpied and lived at 54 Victoria street," "A sister livipg in London, England, survives, MUST DIE FOR THE MURDER OF RECLUSE London, June 27.--Found "Guilty" of the murder of Richard Francis Roadley, 84, a wealthy re- cluse, who was found dead in his cottage at Titson (near Bude) on February 18, William John May- nard, 36, a rabbit trapper, was sentenced to death at Bodmin As- sizes, The jury took fifty minutes to reach their verdict of "Guilty." Asked if he had anything to say || before being sentenced, Maynard, who was very pale, replied, "Not guilty, my lord." Maynard heard the sentence with bowed head, and was led ®om court supported by two warders. Mr. Rayner Goddard, X.C., pros- ecuting, said the object of the at- tack upon Mr. Roadley obyiously was robbery, The house was ran- sacked. A week after the murder, Maynard was taken to a police sta- tion so that his account of his movements on the night of the murder could be investigated. He made a statement implicating a man named Thomas Harris, Maynard said that they went to- gether to the house for robbery, resolved to bind up Roadley and to stifle resistance on his part, He said he gave Harris his trappers hammer, the instrument with 'which the jury would 'have uo doubt the murder was committed, Maynard also said that he was out- side the house when the fatal blow was struck by the other man, and that he afterwards went into the 'house and took part in the robbery. Maynard in the witness-box made astonishing allegation of "third degree" mrethods against Scotland Yard and other officers. These ac- cusations, however, were denied by Chief Inspector Protheroe and Detective Sprackling, of Scotland Yard. ow NO LIQUOR SHIPPED IN CAR - PAPER COMPANY STATES Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., June %.. --In a statement to the press to- day the Abitibi Paper and Pulp Company denies that there was any liquor in a car of pulp when it left the local plant, which was investigated on the Michigan side of the river and found to con- tain 85 cases and a keg of whis- key. The company declares that the customary seals were placed on the car when fit left the ship- ping department and that appar- ently these were tampered with when the car passed from its con- trol., FARM AND STEALS FRIENDS $32 RL | Promises to Make Restitu- "tion and Case is Settled Li . in Court 'Guelph, Jume 27.--Clifford Rice and Frank Leitch were working to- gather on a farm in Evin Township. Rice saw a roll of bills--$32---drop from Leltch's pocket, so he picked it up. When Leitch missed the money, Rice naively helped him to look for it, going over the ground ther- oughly and carefully. Then he went home, Leitch, however, was not satistied, and, in his effort to find the money, pumped dry a well on which he had been Yong: but still found no signs of his $32. In police court yesterday Rice admitted stealing the money, and the remainder of the story was told by Crown Attorney Kearns. On Rice's promise being given to make restitution, the case was amicably settled. INDICTMENT OF MAYOR IN VANCOUVER ASKED Vancouver, June 27. -- Indict. ment of Mayor Louis D. Taylor, Chief of Police H. W, Long, In- spector John Jackson and Sere geant of Detectives George Me- Laughlin on charges of conspiring to carry on gambling and of op- erating disorderly houses in this city will be demanded by G. G. McGeer, K.C., counsel for Police Commissioner T. W. Fletcher, in his argument before Commission- er R. 8. Lennie in the police In- quiry. This was forecast at tgday's session when counsel aired their differences of opinion regarding the order in which they should pre- sent their argument to Commis. siongr Lennie. Mr, MecGeer an- ngufced that his argument on the evidence will centre on two points: First, that the Mayor, the hief of Police, Inspector Jackson and Ser. McLaughlin should be in- dicted on charge of conspiring with George Chow and other Chinese to commit the indictable offense of carrying on gambling in the city; and, second, that the same men should be indicted along with Joe Celona, Frank Casisa and others on conspiring, to operate disorderly houses and living off the avails of vice. 4 BOGUS BARONET IN NEW YORK COURT New York, June 27. -- "Sir" Francis St. George. Norton-How- ard, Oxford graduate, journalist and pseudo baronet, arrested June 13 on a charge of grand larceny, was held today on ball of $10,000 for action by the Grand Jury. Committing Magistrate Corrigan following the arraignment turned to Lieut. Jones Coy, of police headquartérss and recommended to Coy, who had trapped the al- leged swindler, to take steps to deport him after the larceny charge is disposed of. "Sir" Francis, under the name of "Francis Wills Harland," 1s charged with having obtained $200 from the publishing firm of Currier and Hartford, No. 460 West 35th street, on the pretext that he would give to them the commission for the publication of a book "Fifty years with horse and hounds," he claimed he had been authorized to write for the Essex Hunt Club of New Jersey. Testifying in his defence to- day under cross-examination, he asserted he had no intention to defraud in this specific case but admitted he had served a three months sentence in England on a similar charge. OVERWHELMING ODDS King's Bay, Spitzbergen, June 27.--Dangerous ice floes one more obstacle today to efforts of rescue parties who are strug- gling against overwhelming odds to save the remaining members o: the Italia's crew. A wireless message from the Quest, base ship of the Swedish rescue expedition, said that the vessel ha dencountered a move- ment of ice frof the east across Himlopen Strait, The crew had been compelled to leave Wahlen- herg Bay and seek refuge on the Jorth coast of Great Stone Is- and. RE FOR SALE Bedroom Suite in ivory 1 Brass Bed 1 Child's Crib 1 Wilton rug 10'x 12 Library Table in oak 1 Sofa in mahogany 1 Hall Rack in osk Kitchen Table / Cupboard and Chairs For Pasticulars and Prices Phone 847w or 680 + consultation with added |' EE ---- OCTOBER 8 IS DATE OF STEWART'S TRIAL Washington, June 2{. -- Col. Robert Stewart pleaded not guilty when arraigned today before Jus- tice Siddons on the indictment charging him with perjury in his testimony before the Senate Tea- pot Dome committee. Trial was set for October 8th. The oll mag- nate, who is chairman of the board of the Standard Oil Com- pany of Indiana, furnished $5, 000 bail. Stewart arrived here this morn- ing from New York and echoed his chief counsel, Frank L. Hogan in denouncing this second prose- cutibn -- he was acquitted two weeks ago, after trial for con- tempt of the safe Senate commit- tee--as a "star chamber proceed- ing." § . GROOM'S ERROR AT NAPANEE DIVIDES TWO HONEYMOONERS Ottawa, June zou. -- A train pulling out of Toronto yesterday carried a bride and groom from Chicago on their way to Montreal, where they were to take a boat for the Old Country. At Napan- ee the groom took a walk on the platform while the train was be- ing split, and when he saw an engine starting off with several of the coaches he made a dash and got on board. 'Some time later he found that he was speed- ing to Ottawa on one part of the train. The bride was on the other portion proceeding to Mon- treal. The groom had the tick- ets and the purse, hut after the excitement of the unhappy situa- tion had passed telegrams were exchanged and the bride remain. ed in Montreal until the groom reached there by an 'early train, A.C.R. PRESIDENT'S CONDITION STILL REPORTED CRITICAL Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., June 28. --The condition. of G. A. Mon®™ .gomery, president of the Algoma Central Railway, who is critically ill at the hospital here sufferi from abdominal trouble, remal unchanged this evening, thous! he rallied yesterday slightly after a second operation. Mr, Mont- gomery had a bad night, rallied this morning, but his condition took a slight turn for the worse this afternoon. Dr. Shier, Toron- to specialist, is still in the city In local physicians over Mr. Montgomery's condition. : Waterous-Meek, McLaughlin Coal & Supplies, For Sale By Limited td. «= - F. Flintoff & Sons Cleve Fox Hardware W. J. Trick Co., Ltd. Oshawa Lumber Company Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, Oshawa, Oshawa, Oshawa, Oshawa, STANDARD BRICK Co., Limited Manufacturers of GOOD RED STOCK BRICK Telephone Grover 7247 At Our Expense 500 Greenwood d Ave, Toronto, Ont, rrr ------ TEN/TEST. | bill saving. os , Ont. cemeni stucco, plaster and other attractive ~ finishes, - . .,o weather free ROM the earliest Tog cabin to the modern home the principle of insula- tion remains: exclude outdoor, cold and heat; retain uniform indoor warmth. The pioneer did this with whole logs. The man of today turns to a non-conduc- tor no thicker than his little finger that stops heat, cold, wind and sound as rubber stops electricity :--in a word TEN/TEST Insulating sheathing Is especially uses ful to home builders who must exercise economy, There is a four-fold construction saving, Uni» formity of sizes saves material. labour and costly time are saved by the spee with. which TEN/TEST. can be bandled, ., TEN/TEST pays a dividend of over 35% in fue] - This explains the saying, rp TEN/TEST. Fuel-Saving Home," 3 L_TEN/TEST forms an everlasting base for Sn Cost of erectio, Every TEN/TEST dealer knows and under- stands his product. He has all the facts at his finger tips that will prove to you the value of TEN/TEST, Consult him, INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED Mi ' Gatineay, Sold by Oshawa Lumber Co.Ltd. OSHAWA, ONT; Daily, ® a.m. to 8 p.m. BE -------- . FEN/TES INSULATING BUILDING BOARD