PAGE TWO ' ; THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1928 = tdcorporated in these notes is simi- |Unjted States "remains convin dreaded disease of all divers, "the ( Jar to that submitted to the Great [that no modificatjon of the text bends," while working off Key- Powers on April 13, the preamble |its proposal for a multilateral trea- enjoy tea port. Hauled up too quickly-- : has been materially altered, pre: oR Recqtsary i Saleguare ne ; : fag fam the He foot hv to : w ti 1 \ French insistence, mate erests any na 4 @ surface in two minutes--he was : Ce WINS PEACE POINT nay states 10 70. | | "The United States ls ready to is SAVED SICK DIVER within a fow minutes taken with » : . t t once a treaty in the form agonizing pains, which intensified . Eu iB proposed." the notes statea, tional until both legs and one arm had Please take notice that we have moved fron Power Resortin g [revised the preamble in part states and they further expressed "tne fer- C. S. Cathledge Given Re. [become paralyzed. Fellow divers 31 King Street East to West Office on Signafory "that any signatory power which [vent hope" that each of the other package teed t at hii doctors at Keyport worked for , to War to Be Denied shall hereafter seek to promote its [countries "will be able promptly ) mar kable Treatmen wo days, but unavailingly, to sive Fourth Floor New Alger Building terests by resort to war |to indicate its readiness to accept, -- dil nim. reliet . Rushed to Victoria, Treaty Rights hg ae benefits fur- [without qualification or reserva Viet .|was hustled aboard the Salvage " h, the Daily News and West. d treat t : «|nished by this treaty. tion, the form of treaty mow sug-)&raph, Sal A King and given. treatment. : : . ted by the United States." minster Gazette, an ¥1 Victoria, B.C., June 26.--Thanks | For five hours he was locked ar ree Washington, June 26.--France | The change was made, with |8e8 Chronicle--welcomed it heartily, r has won y important point J the |both France and Great Britain de«| It is understood that Kellogg has They hoped it would be adopted to the tiny decompression chamber |within the steel chamber while two : n nego! t te Secretary of [received advance assurances from on the Salvage King of the Pacific attendants spent what they after- BARRISTERS, ETC. sp akg py £. RKellozes Contention that "any ex- [all but one er two of the 14 coud: ale Varning [hoa remarked Inat| salvage Company's fleet, C. S. |wards Rtontad as the ono { ition of this principle [tries that they are ready to sign pac ) Cathledge, a United States Navy di- |five hours in their lives" in taking ALBERT J. PARKHILL--Phone Office 1614 terday with publication of He i rel Jecoguition uanecessary." immediately. i more hypocricy into the world than | ver trom Keyport, Washington, is [chamber ae are. Fea Ry ARTHUR W. S. GREER Resdencs 1308 i Ly gy poy United | Attention was called to the fact| London, June 26--Of four morn. | 10 Promote peace, a whole man instead of a cripple, |the kinks out of their patient. The ALAN C, H. FIELD--Residence 2239.] States asked that the American [that none of the replies of the or-|ing papers commenting on Secre- : |a fate which for upwards of 60 |the outside, "was first put up to RU D. HUMPHREYS draft be accepted as final and that [iginal proposal "suggested any spe- | tary Kellogg's revised Sralt of the 4 Ten gurviving Jentiers of 2 he hours appeared to be his inevitable = Jounds, but a alu sraduaily SSELL D. : iticatio the text of [proposed treaty to outlaw war,| ily in England hav 4 eave Cathledge was Th iats be digued fot the draft gp A therefore the [three of them--The Daily Tele-| 753 years. Cathledge was seized with that decreased correspondingly. y . | ' A ---- 30 Doz. UMBRELLAS $1.00 ea. Ee 4 | ® | E - ; 0000! A special purchase of a fine umbrella tubular frame, including , XL many new novelty handles and tips. Worth in the regular nce x alll 0 ' ay, hae id Jue i a Zpecial buying opportunity we are 0 e to you a \4 ih cir saiver $1.00 Nc stitched edge. Dollar FRIDAY C . \{Z\ Days, A yds. re Summer pu 47 81.00 , ; pe Bloomers Delightful Misses ~ ? the highest quality, : $ In Deishtl Miser "yN) a To Mgt al 2 tor $1.00 Days Days, for Dollar Days only, i Bg RL $10 00 [J 5 00 BLOOMERS Wed ) ; = a 4 yards : ) ; Days, 4 for $1.00 » fe : 3 $1.00 Women 8 2,000 yards in every known shade. Best ! Vi Whos ys be Dollar Days, Each ,.,,, sevens quality. Special for Dollar Days ,,,...... 2 yds $1 J (0) 0 i A i ; : : : : I ¥ * plete range of sizes for. chil- A heavy, highly mercerized cotton quality, white Terry with fancy blue by oy SILK RAYON GINGHAMS =" THURSDAY ru, eam, ; , ' : . In Ecru, Cream 9 Women 8 and Girls' ATSON'S VESTS A Jurticyiarly Sond garment comes in all sian for Dresses AA BLOOMERS 5 ATURD AY wl mien ' Best Quality Made. , cial Feature for Dollar lar Days. All shades -- 3 [1] Including silkosheens- ment 6 Only Ensemble Suits Regular $6.95 and $7.95, ml White. Dollar Days to save money ' In white, mellow, Fugi Si BC Y [ Laies TREE | and ugi Silk Broadcloth plow 4 mw : $1.00 HOSE Revelation Broadcloth 250 Bath Towels broadcloth, 38 in, wide, Sky, White, border. Special for Dollar $1 ()() (4% | ROT Y The greatest washing fabric of the ff §F dren and women, Special for : ? White, - Scroll and 40 . \ Check patterns, hem- A well made garmen, and all sizes. Dollar ! . and double fugi, Sizes : LADIES' SUMMER J p h ReRgular $19.50 to $23.50. Coat or Dress can be worn 13 to 19. These values ' VESTS ust anot er opportunity separately. To be cleared on Dollar Days, each D 1 f ashi ve Ls 4" $1.00 ; COTTON KNIT re TOWELLINGS i Colored border in Blue, Mauve, i RYN : mauve, pink and 3 4 Green, Maize, Red and Rose, 21 in, / ! T 5 doz. peach. Dollar ' 44 4 wide, Dollar Days, f y CORNERED SCARFS i Children's "SR y and, White, Come Large size 87 in. x 21 1-2 in, Good {¥ y a F' In Black, San 5 tly in stri : Dollar Dave seevssi srr20e Hello, Peach, Powder, Blue, Pink ahd Days, 4 towels for season, mostly in stripe patterns : . Yo . Dollar Days, 9 yards for white. A wonderful value for Dollar Silk Curtain Scrim 3 $1.00 a * 1 . y . * 36 in. wide, Ecru shade. A very : he pa ' 5 airs f or Days at 2% yards for $1.00 special value at 3 yards $1.00 > Pp X . P -- HE (ney || $1.00 Ready-to-wear Millinery | '£0% {id= : ~ |) Blo ! CURTAIN PANE CHECKED CAN. A Speria) Table of Hats During Dollar J 12 es "8 [1 Each Panel 9 in, wide, 2 NELS oc. ADIAN GINGHAMS ~ agg SWding many wondertul values, On x 4 It averages b panels to a window. Small and medium Size - 4 y 1 LADIES' FINE EXTRA HEAVY LINEN Beautifully patterned, lace net sells check in all shades, 82 Na iE * regularly at 29¢ panel. Dol- in. wide, fast colors." Dol- $1, 00 each ) : a lar Days, 5 panels for" 81,00 lor DBYS t:0vssisssnsss By HOSE Dainty figure and COLORED TEBE ¥ 56 in. wide, fine cotton damask in Ivey Leaf ' : A Silk Hose that will give ex- stripe patterns, "a FIGURED SILK y ai . ON Willie A50 TABLE. DaYasK FLEUR-DE-LIS SILK RAYONS 2 yds. for Patterns, Regular 76c yard, oe | | zellent service. All colors Many new designs Heavy weight sells reg- y y } 4 and sizes, Pair ,.,..,; $1.00 just arrived. Yard ularly for 85c yard. wide. Regular 86c X { a a Dollar Days, ROLLER TO UNS A to $1.25 yard. ify 4 $1.00 ER TOWELLING : Pure Linen, heavy quality, 6 i King Silk Special ,... tyr n sisi i 5 Dress Fabrics Children's Overalls, Playsuits, Coveralls, - LACE STRIPED : : ; VOILES . Er Something just a Pantie For Ladies or Children's Sheets SERVING TRAYS ; Wile erat, good - Ropar vilaes wr Bo Be. Frocks, Lingerie and ete. 00 Silver finished sides and . Saks AE : ith self-toned pat- Special, Dollar $1 00 pl Each | handle, bottom with D wi Days, 2 il certainly oriental patterns, and -- AS terns, tful Pillow Cases 2 £4 for Summer frocks, Plein or hemstitched. Special Dollar Days, 4 $1 00 glass coverings. A very | CDN SAL 38 in. wide. ? pre) g ; STRIPED SILK outstanding feature for > or Aid SHIRTINGS i Re Z \Y f F%> 2 yds, for $1.00 : "S20 J) : Also novelty cotton ~ : price \ #7 < 1 2 : Dollar Days, 2 PIS .......00rrrsssnrsrss i 1 4 ¢ a i YY v : > 4 9 Faw v $1.00 $1.00 each Cuildoin oe | Figured Silk CHECKED TEA 36 in. UNBLEACH- - TOW, ELLINGS i forse ; Crepes All Pure Linen in Blue free from } . 4 ial collection selected for this groin: |] 2 ewlan id, zeros i" tr % % @® yard Dollar Days, per yds. for $1 rd $1.00 ae. Se H