Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Jun 1928, p. 16

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EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS DRUG STORE IS ROBBED drug store owned and oper- Lh H. S. Pannell, at 224 Barrie street, Kingston, was broken into te early yesterday morning, A gaining nothing for their except' a small amount which d been leit Mh the till by Mr. Pan- nell after closing. RECOR GERANIUM STALKS Cam with stalks five feet is the peculiar freak in the office Sutcliffe and Sons store on Kent street, Lindsay. This geranium, plant- ed in a small can with only a limited quantity of earth, made use of an ivy for support and was apparently at things above for it has point 3 an dented height. ite its lanky stems it is a healthy Cy Rd fine red flower adorns the topmost branch.' It is a most unusual specimen. N SABBATH CONpEM DESECRATION Flagrant violations of the Lord's Day Act were strongly condemned and action by those responsible was urged to correct the "present de- plorable situation" at a meeting of the Simcoe Presbytery of the United Church of Canada at Barrie yester- day in Central Church." Rev. A. Latton of Coldwater was elected chairman, and Rev. A. Rintoul of Elmvale was re-elected sccretary- treasurer, CHARGES PREFERRED Inspector W. H. Lougheed of the Provincial police at Belleville has laid charges of breaking and entering and theft against the three men Sergeant Booth and Constable Evans captured there on Sunday morning. This is the result of an information laid by Mr. Mowers of Deseronto, who feels sure that the three men taken were the men that broke the lock on the gas pumps at Cole's Garage in Reser- onto, and secured a quantity of gaso- line. Mr, Cole laid the information on the evidence, Mr. Mowers and Provincial Constable Bert Hammer investigated the complaint yesterday afternoon. Some important evidence will be offered in the endeavour to connect the men with the offence. The Belleville police having made the capture will have their charges ac- cepted first and then the men will appear on the breaking and entering charges. On this charge the men can be given a term in the peniten- tiary up to 14 years in the event of conviction. The men are Joe Marano, Marvin Holly and Harry Craig of Montreal. : BA ? CHILD GIVEN TO FATHER applica was made by the dren's Aid Society yesterday be- fore Police Magistrate Farrel=for an order returning Violet Loretto Hal- liday to the custody of her father Leslie Halliday, who resides in Delta the order being granted. The girl who is 13 years of age, was the chief witness in the charges brought against Richard Willis and Roy Mack at the General Sessions of the Peace, when they were both sentenced to one year in the Ontario Reformatory, with a further indeterminate sentence of one year, for blackmail, assault and theit. Mrs. Mary Halliday, the girl's mother, is now in custody, custody, awaiting a second trial on the charge of blackmail, the jury having disagreed in the first trial, DURHAM COUNTY COUNCIL With almost every member present the June session of the Counties' Council at Northumberland and Dur- ham, opened at Cobourg Monday afternoon. Warden Charles H. David- son of Campbellford, presiding, With a view to having the business of the session well under way, and if pos- sible completed before Friday, the day of the Warnen's excursion to Rochester, the councilmen lost little time in getting down to facts. County Clerk F. McNaughton having scheduled a fairly heavy slate to be run off, an evening session is likely to result, ACCIDENT VICTIMS IMPROVE Those injured in the accident on Monday eve whom Harold Sayers ran down with his car on Front and West Bridge street, in Belleville, are doing nicely and complete recovery is ex- pected, Fred Howard and Arthur Rowlands are still confined to the EE ------------ Powerful, Penetrating Antiseptic Oil Heals Eczema and Other Skin Diseases Must Give Results in 7 Days or Money Back Make up your mind today that you are going to give your skin a real chance to get well, Like a lot of other people, you've probably been convinced that the only thing to use was an ointment or salve (some of them are very good) but in the big majority of cases these sticky salves simply clog the pores and the condition primarily remains the same, Go to W, H, Karn, Jury and Lovell, Ltd., or any other good druggist today and get an original bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil. The very first application will give. you relief and a few short treatmrents will thoroughly con. vinfe you that hy sticking faith- fully to it for a short while your skin troubles will be a thing of the past, Remember that Moone's Emer- ald Oil is a clean, powerful, pene- trating Antiseptic Oil that does not stain or leave a greasy residue and that it must give complete satisfac- tion or your money cheerfully re- funded. ---- CR R-- a ---- Ry a] hospital, Howard and with a broken ankle Row! with a number of fractured ribs. William Hart who was cut about the face and mouth when the mouthpiece of the -instru- ment he was playing was driven into his mouth from the force of the im- pact went to work yesterday but had ot return home owing to shock. Mr. Hart will be confined to his home for sometime. Those who were cut and bruised are back to work apparently none the worse for their experience. LAMP EXPLODES Everybody was out at the home of Mr. Fred Benham, Stanley ct Trenton, when the coal oil p that was burning .in the dining room ex- Rloded and set fire to the tablecloth, e curtains and other inflammable material in the room. This was at 12.10 last night and luckily a man was passing the house at the time that the explosion occurred, or the house might otherwise have been burned down, The firemen arrived on the Jens and without much trouble the blaze was put out. The buildings and the furniture were partially insured against fire. Not much real damage was done, one room being badly dis- mantled by the flames and the furni- ture in the room. SAYS BRITISH BORN NOT WELCOME Bishop of London Claims Dominions Cold to Old Countrymen London, June 21. --Addressing : meeting of the Church of England Council on Empire settlement Mone day, Right Rev. Arthur Foley Winn- ington-Ingram, Bishop of London, declared that he was disappointed in his recent tour of the British Do- minions. He had failed, he said, to find an enthusiastic welcome for a Briton in any part of the Empire. That was not whit he had expect- e I tried to point out at Toronto, on my trip through Canada," he said, "that we were filling the north- west with Russians and Poles an: people from God knows where and that statement got me into consid: erable difficulty. I found Southern Europeans were welcomed perhaps even more enthusiastically than Brit, ons, "It is disheartening to our fellows to be called a 'so and so Tommy when they arrive in Australia," con- tinued the Bishop in referring tq British immigration to the antipodes! Our young men are not keen to gO out there and the tone of East Lon- don is "keep out the Jews and let us have the country to ourselyes."! ev. M ixon, of Calgary, said continental emigrants to Canada were successful there because they wen out as familie} and not like biti English people who went out t Canada to see how they liked "thi Godforsaken country," Keep Canada British Toronto, June 21,--Right Rey, Ar- thur Foley Winnington-Ingram, Bi- shop of London, visited Canada in the summer of 1926 and arrived in Toronto on August 17. He explained on his arrival that he was visiting the British Dominions mainly in the interests of the Church of England Empire Scttlement Scheme. During his stay in the city he addressed sev- eral gatherings and on each occasion --o-O "emphasized the necessity of keeping Canada British, Speaking at a luncheon, tendered him by the civic authorities, th Bishop of London said he Ws | Canada was one of the future great nations of the carth, "You have the right outlook across the rockics," he declared, "but yoy have not the people to develop the resources of the country. You need people of British stock and should not depend upon. immigration from continental Europe." ! Addressing the Empire and Cana- dian Clubs of Toronto, on August 19 the Bishop, of London spoke of the ties which held together the com- ponent parts of the Empire and stated his anxiety that Canada re- tain its British stock. He said he realized the necessity for filling the open spaces of the broad Dominion, but appealed to Canadians to guard against allowing foreign population to outnumber their own people, TWO CHILDREN PERISH IN HORNPAYNE FIRE Hornepayne, June 20.-- Two sons of Alex. Maki, aged 7 and b years, respectively, were burned death in a fire which destroyed ihe family cottage here today. The fire is supposed to have started from the explosion caused by use of coal oil for a fire in a wood heater, Maki is a tank {inspector for the Canadian National Rail- ways. Let vur experts tell you the most economical way of op- erating your furnace. The information will be gladly supplied without charge. T his IsThe Opportune Time to Purchase Your Winter Fuel Supply By arranging for your winter supply at this time you are guaranteed the summer price and the supply can be delivered either now or later, which ever is desired. In fact there are many advantages in ordering your winter fuel supply now. Call us and let us explain the situation to you. DIXON COAL CO. 1elephone 262--4 Lines to Central FACTORY SERVICE MANAGERS'. FORUM GUESTS OF GML. Sixty Guests Inspect Plants and Are Tendered a Luncheon Over 60 delegates to the Factory Service Managers' Forum of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce wera guests yesterday of Gemeral Motors of Canada at a luncheon in the new G.M.C. Au- ditorium in the old head office building, Mary street. This number composed almost half of the total registration at the forum held in Toronto, which concluded its ses- sions Tuesday, The visit to Oshawa, with 'a luncheon at moon and a trip through the local plant of General Motors of Canada in the afternoon, was arranged largely through C. E. McTavish, Parts and Service Man- ager of General Motors of Canada. Mr. McTavish had taken consider- able part in the discussions of the forum, and suggested that a Cana- dian branch of the National Auto- mobile Chamber of Commerce be formed. His invitation to visit Osh- awa was enthusiastically accepted. "Service work is second to none in the motor car business," said, president of | R. 8. McLaughlin, General Motors of Canada, in a brief address at the luncheon, The engineering department may de- sign a good model, ,the production department may break records handling it, the sales department may keep pace with production, but it is the service man that keeps the customer satisfied. He paid high tribute to Mr, McTavish in his own company, for his work as General Parts and Service Man- ager, 8 After Ross MacKinnon and Alex. Bell had each guaranteed a $25,000 stock subscription to any company that might locate in Osh- awa, and called upon the repre- sentatives of the American auto- mobile firms to do their best for this city, the delegation was en- tertained with a "prospectus" of a "new industry' that was in finan- cial difficulties and wanted a new town to come to, During the lun- cheon L, F. Unitt presided at the piano, and in the afternoon the visitors were conducted through the local plant of General Motors. KIWANIS T0 WARK CTTVZENSHIP WEEK Will Stress Need for Strong Dominion and Provincial Policy Seattle, Wash., June 19.--Every Canadian is impressed with Kiwan- is in Canada because of {its clvig and social accomplishments, Fred Page Higgens, of Toronto, Vive president of Kiwanis International, told the 6,000 delegates and visit- ors today who are attending the 12th annual convention of the or- ganization. "Since the organization of the first club tn Hamilton, Ont.,, in February, 1917, Kiwanis has bees an, irresistible force for better citi- zenship, and in giving assistance to under-privileged children and the poor," Mr. Higgens remarked. Immigration, forest conservation, exercise of the franchise, commer- cial aviation, general education, and citizenship were a few of the activities of the past year in which all clubs took some part, Mr. Hig- gens stated. "Since Kiwanis is an Interpa- tional organization, one of the fin- est tasks is the building of a great- er mutual trust, respect and love into the International conscious- ness of Canada and the United States," he said, "The world may well look on the United States and Canada as an enduring example In friendship and peace, Not once in over 100 years has there been & violation of trust, even though we have the longest unfortified bouns dary in the world." BRITISH LABORITE ' TURNS CONSERVATIVE ON DOMINION TOUR London, June '20.--Dr. Haden Guest, who resigned from the La- bor party and his seat as Labor representative of North Southwark, in the House of Commons last year, has written to Premier Stan- ley Baldwin announcing his inten- tion of joining the Conservative party in consequence of a tour he made of Canada, Australia apd South Africa, which, he declares, reinforced his belief in the future of the Empire as a political unit and as a co-operating economic or- ganization. He also states he is confirmed in his view that the Labor party is leading its members to a sidetrack which is surrounded by political, so- cial and economic difficulties. Premier Baldwin, in replying to the former Labor member, states that he agrees Diy Guest has touch- ed three essential features of Con- servative policy, namely, the main- tenance of the political stability of Great Britain, increasing co-opera- tion with the Dominions in politi- cal, economical and social spheres, and the need for progressive re- form in social and economic con- ditions. If the man who wants the earth succeeded in getting it, he would kick about tke ager Depot | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1928 °' U. S. AND BETHLEHEM FORM STEEL POOL New York, June 20.--The Unitéd States Steel Corporation and the Bethlehem Steel Corpora- tion, the two principal units in the American steel industry, have taken the lead in forming the Steel Ex- port Association of America, an organization through which steel manufacturers of this country ex- pect to protect their foreign Mar- kets. Announcement that the associa- has beem formed was made from Washington: by the Federal Trade Commission, with which body application has been made to operate under the Webb-Pomerene act. Reports Is Confirmed The fact that the organization has been formed was confirmed here, but officials of the United States Steel Corporation and the Bethlehem Steel Corporation made no comment on the plans, It is understood, however, that other steel manufacturers will be invited to join the association. The new association will fune- tion in nearly all respects the same as does Copper Exporters, Inc., the agency which was organized last year to co-ordinate the export ducers. It was the success of that body in stabilizing the foreign ganize their association, it is un- derstood. Europe Presses Hard are believed to have induced them to come together in this way. The ducing interests of a preparedness program. body is part of that program, COOLIDGE PLAN IS FAVORED BY PAPER : Santiago, Chile, June 21.--President Coolidge's reported plan to settle the and Arica by bringing about a re- sumption of diplomatic relations be- tween Chile and Peru, meets with Jraite from the newspaper Dierio llustrado, The plan outlined would attempt to end the dispute through direct ne- gotiations between the two countries involved and would abandon the pro- posed plebiscite to determine owner- ship, It was understood the Ameri- can ambassadors would direct nego- tiations, Diero Tllustrado expressed the opi- nion that Ambassador Collier, who has resigned his post, would be the best possible arbitrator. A CHICAGO OLUE, Chicago, June 20.--In the he- i lief that Virgil Litzinger, wanted for the $133,000 mail robbery last February at Evergreen Park, a suburb, was conneeted with the $100,000 mail robbery at Toronto, Deputy Commissioner of Police William E. O'Connor of Chicago, has sent Litzinger's photograph to the Canadian police. Evergreen Park gang leaders have heen rounded up, but Litzin- ger disappeared without , trace, despite search by Federal, State and city police, The Canadian train robhed was destined for Chicago, and Postal Inspectors here were notified to investigate the robbery. Talk about love at first sight, Some of them must fall in love without looking at all.--Montreal Star, ? 'Light Car Owners OOK at what we have to offer any motorist who uses 30 x 314 or 29 x 4.40 tires, Every one a Good- year, backed by Goodyear experi- ence and resources--and by our service, Variety in price and tread design, ! 5 Celina St., Oshawa, Phone 2462 Open until 9 o'clock every evening except Wednesday if tire trouble comes, its hand; £0 be a customer of ours 4 activities of American copper pro- copper business that induced the two principal steel companies to or- Recent developments in Europe European Steel Cartel is said to be making inroads into the export business of the American markets, and, although the principal pro- this country have professed to be unconcerned over the situation, they have been slowly at work for some time upon The formation of the new export ownership of the provinces of Tacna Belgrade, Jugoslavia, June 20.-- Infuriated by frequent interruptiom and the refusal of the Opposition to withdraw insulting words, Puni- ca Ratehitch, Radical Deputy, drew a Tevolver during a session of the National Assembly today and fired all six rounds into the group of Opposition members. Paul Raditeh, nephew of Stefan Raditch, the Peasant Léader, was killed; Stefan Raditch himself was seriously wounded. The Croat Deputy Dr, Basaritchek was so gravely wounded that he is report ed to have died on his way to the hospital. Dr, Pernar and two ether Dep- uties, Grandja and Jelasitch, also received bullet wounds of a danger- ous nature. This was the culmination of fierce controversies and hand-to- hand fights which have recently taken place in the Jugoslav Parita- ment. The crime is considered the most terrible since the memorable ~assassination of King Alexander and Queen Draga, just 25 years ago this month, It has thrown the whole of Jugoslavia in a ferment of excitement, Parliament had scarcely opened this morning when the Opposition, led by Stefan Raditeh, began its obstructional tactics against the Government's legislation, in the forefront of which is ratification of the Nettuno convention with It- aly. Insult is Hurled At the height of the angry de- bate, Stefan Raditch, turning to the Government benches and shaking his finger, shouted: "You are not men, you are swine," There were roars of "With- draw!" and Deputy Punica Rat- chitch, who is one of the most ve- hement defenders of the Govern ment's policy, rushed at the speaks er, brandishing a revolver. The House was thrown into a wild tu- mult, Paul Reditch, who leaped to his uncle's assistance, fell dead from a bullet as he attempted to throw himself across the body of his uncle, who was already woun- ded, Members of the Raditch party at- tempted to seize the murderer, but, before they could do so, Ratchitch shot Pernar and Basaritchek and two others, and had exhausted all his bullets. Profiting by the up= roar, Ratchitch dashed out of Par- liament and escaped, He is report- ed later to have surrendered to the police, Threats Recalled The public and newspapers, which are profoundly stirred by the crime, recall the threat uttered in Parliament ]ast night by M, Popo- vitch, Minister of Hsgdeie, to Ste- fan Raditch; "I warn you that you will lose your head in Parliament one of these days." The dire prophecy was almost fulfilled, and other Deputies shared with the stormy Leader of the Opposition in the tragic chastise- ment, AUTO FOR EVERY 12 PERSONS CANADIAN STATISTICS SHOW: Ottawa, June 19, -- For every' hundred persons in the Dominion there are 8.6 passenger autos, which 'makes about one ear for every twelve men, women and children in the Dominion. On- tario heads the provinces with 12.- 1 cars per hundred population, Western provinces come next, Both Saskatchewan and British Columbia have 11.1 passenger cars per hundred population; Al- berta has 11.0; Manitoba 8.9, Figures for the other provinces are: New Brunswick, 65.4; Nova Scotia, 4.8; Prince Edward Is- land, 4.7; Quebee, 3.8. 36 colors. Sale Price, yard ... b) good company. Discover 'the old-world charm of Canada for yourself PLASHING waters, blue as the summer sky tiny islets crowned with Aladdin palaces , . | sweet fresh winds . . . rest and enjoyment." Your boat gliding through group after group . : . . everywhere a panorama of wondrous beauty , , . laughter and music , . | the joy of 'And then down the winding, rushing St, Lawrence , , , dashing over foaming rapids . , . swirling through tumbling cascades , , . , throwing the spray of conquest over the bows. And so to Montreal , , . , and quaint Quebec . . . . and Murray Bay .. . . Tadousac , . . and the great capes of the Saguenay where mountains meet the sea. Here is a vacation that is new , , « « new with the thrill of tingling life , , + « new to the eye, the ear, the whole being, Come! The great adventure into old French Canada awaits you through the 1000 Islands and along the banks of the great Romantic River. Write for details of this tour ' of surprises J. R. Beck 468 Yonge Street Toronto, Ont, or your Local Agent. CANADA STEAMSHIP LINES -- LN * een jewelled by G130 = EE New York, June 21.--Champagne worth $100,000 in European markets and intended for sale here at three times that price will be dumped in- to the harbor within the next day or two, despite the fact that the coast guard gave the ship which brought it in a clean bill of health, Twice the coast guardsmen went oy- er the 200-ton tug ~ hoat Halcyon looking for liquor. Twice they pro- nounced the vessel free of contra- band. Then along came Inspector Cronin of the customs service and his band of searchers. They boarded the tug at her Green street berth in Green- point. No members of the crew was aboard so they went ahead with their examination, The obvious places were empty. Everything looked as it should look until Cronin's shoe stuck in something he took to he gum. As he pulled his shoe away, however, he saw more of the same sticky stuff on the deck of the tug and he dug into it. CARGO OF CHAMPAGNE WORTH $100,000 SEIZED o BY CUSTOMS IN N, Y - It was not a gum that held hi foot to the deck, It was a putty like composition that had been push ed in to hide the cracks about hatch, He called his crew agd the dug through, lifted the hatch 'an uncovered one of the richest liquo seizures that has been made i months, Burlap bags filled a grea part of the tug and when they wer removed and classified it was foun that champagne and liqueurs wort approximately $100,000 had been dis covered, The Halcyon was seen moving u the bay by a coast guard rum cha ser, but little attention was paid to the tug because it had been painte to resemble a United States vessel. When it moved on up the bay past Stapleton, where the coast guar vessels report, the chaser continued the trail. As soon as the vessel was tied up the crew disappeared, bu the coast guardsmen boarded her an searched, anyhow, PEANUT BRITTLE DELIGHT Beat one cup of heavy cream and fold in one cup of sliced, diced can- ned pineapple, one and one-half cups boiled rice, three fourths cup ground peanut brittle, eight marshmallows Arcade Daily News OUR SALE CONTINUES Each Day Added New Interest cut in small pieces and one-half cup pineapple syrup. Chill and serve piled in sherbert glasses. If fresh pineap- ple is used, pare, eye, slice and dice] it and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Let stand several hours in a place and a rich syrup will form. Curtain Materials, Friday at 15cyd. Fine Scrim and Net Curtain materials in white or colored border. Sale Price, per yard ig Cretonnes at 19¢ inchies wide, Art Cretonnes in a grea choice of 1%

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