Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Jun 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 20, 1928 : PAGE FIVE WOMEN'S DAILYNTEREST ["ygpyggu} oro M0% [| gue | [Brest u---- Mr. Leovard Johust the KING STREET LEAGUE - hemmed ends--size 20 sure has not been ho of fanart, uy, a AT SCARBORO BLUFFS Mrs, Lemon Given a Purse x 40 inches. Special, for A aed SOCIAL and |[[* = .. By Ladies Aweiliary * 1] 05h ocr wide, fully bleachéd. Our 'ad little | A number of young people from : good 75¢ quality en sale Last Evening Mrs. BE. J. . | PERSON Al daughter a put Ak King Street League, as well"as a . Jon yard .. caumsasteisisiet bert, yesterday S. |number. from St. Paul's League, ---- C ; R. A. Whattam na street. | Scarboro Bluffs, were entertaine. wi the regular Disineda gets . 40 . in serv- | Monday evening at the home of Mr. held in the clubrooms last The twee. ites the co- Mua, Brguceler Acelebration |and Mrs. J. Lowry, Scarboro Bluffs. [evening the Ladies' Auxiliary of . : C operation of ita readers ln ng the Euests Ary of the | An evening outdoors had been |the Canadian Legion, Post 43, : contributing items to. this of the A0TMrg What- | planned but the rain made this im. |enjoyed a social half hour. Du:- : column, Send in a postcard Nedunng of Aovattended the | possible so the program was slight- | ing the evening Mrs. Lemon was . D™ or phone 38, door. ly rearranged and held indoors. made the recipient of a lovely purse : : ; i | Bg Meredith Moffatt, President of and the following address read: a A . Those Who ving today te |the Oshawa League, led in the ser- June 19, 1928. Mr, Keith Jarvis spent the week- ttend. Ah a Work Girls' |vice of worship, in which Marjorie | Mrs. Lemon. 0 fend in Madoc. atten e (are: Errington|Blewett told the Bible lesson, | Dear Comrade: » LJ * SAD ut Oak 'ooks, Dorothy [which was one of the parables, in| We, the officers and members of arsons, Eilef eo," Beatrice [story form. the Ladies' Auxiliary B.S.L., heard Mr. Frank Alexander was the 'guest of Madoc friends recently. Hellahd, Mujiaines, Mildred] Rev. €. W. DeMille gave am in-| with regret the news that you are A * "e St hic Wal, Nellie Wat-|teresting talk on "Mastering Our leaving us to make your home in + Mrs, Ida Nelson, Garden Hill, is Morr i! th1oroheen, BE. Chok,| Moods", which while quite humor-| Colborne. We feel that we cannot ¥ spending a few days with friends son, Rathle Annie = Anderson, |ous carried a real message, let you go without some little 3 " in the city. BW yan avish, Beatelca| On behalf of the Oshawa League |récgnition of your help and ser- : ve Fraser Clements, Char- | Meredith Moffatt reac an address |vice while with us, so we ask you J : . Mrs, M. Lemon, 138 Centre| "°C Wilson, Frances and Velma Harris presented Rev. to accept this handbag as a token Each Day Has Its Shopping ' street, is leaving soon to make her Russell Yel Raike, Deris|C.W. DeMille with a handsome club | of our regard for you. It is our . oy E home in Colborne, Doidze, N'ark, Zella West. bag. Mr. DeMille's departure from |wish that God will bless and pros- Beds preads ttractions cru Mrs. G : be +. | Irene Brg. Mary Sh {Lap Cshawa is vary dechly yogretied por Jou and grant you the bu.t of re. Geerge Gibbs, Kingston, is ones, arion 0 | by the members o e League, O a n a coming years, . M d spending a few weeks in the city, |S); I4lavjorie Henley, Ji | which he has heen a faithful guide | Signed on behalt of the Ladies Extra large colored Thursday Friday aaras the guest of Mr, and Mrs. John |i; = yo lsube) nih, Baty and leader, . i i Autitiary of the Canadian Legion, cotton bedspreads in ' ' Fine Scotch d Terry, ) 1 rling, Ru Mih- The remainder of the evening | Post 43. x v ine otch curtain madras 3% Lovell, | Winnie Goud, | was spent in a sing song and | Mrs, Lemon responded fit'ingly rose and blue striped and Saturday in attractive patterns, 36 in Miss Elda M. Whattam, Peter hi f Juanita Rok, | games. and expressed her regrets that che pattern, 80 x 100 in, ee 3 o boro, was a guest yesterday of her |... 7 Mabel Coakwdl, was leaving such true comrades i H H brother, Rev. R. A. Whattam, 30 : Jessie Hurlbift but had no intentions of severing 50 only to sell. Spe- This Week Claim Their Full Quota Elena street. Tea Dorothy Burdge, Mir- ' her connections with the club or cial; each viii ' of the Choicest and Best Bargains. A ( «tiderson, Oro May Arnoé, h 1d Hi forget her friends, H C Household Hints Mr, and Mrs, B: Dunn and Hinge: Donald, Helen Brant, A luncheon was served by the - °° Tresice, Phylis Tresie, committee in charge and a lively Nant Bates, Bertrude Gomme, sing song, enjoyed by all, closed 2 BEDSPREADS Alfent, Bernice Bemis, Heln| pio er vases, cruet bottles and |the meeting, ° ; fayiladys McComb, Dorotly | gocanters often get very marked a sao oil.,o A case lot direct from the mill which our Mrs. James Rea has returned |+Y May Barber, Mildred Hut, | oqo mg remove the stains ham- buyer picked up at a generous saving. White home after spending some time Gratin, Myrtle Glover, Ona | yop 5 piece of coal to dust and | ANNOUNCE WINNERS crochet spreads in double bed size, 72 x 84 M ' Whit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Viola Anderson. phit the same inside the vessel to John Linaugh, Kingston, " = be cleaned with a good sized piece UKRAINIAN RELIEF inshet hetnmed shy, Regular Messrs. Howard Davidson and Our Daily Recipe of washing soda. Fill with warm ASSOC"N BAZAAR Tea * ' pecial, eac . water and leave for half an hour. daughter, Tone, were the guests of the former's daughter, Mrs, Har- vey Tinney, Cavan, LJ . Rud Pethick spent the week-ond | Shake well and rinse. All stains M . with the former's parents, Mv. BOILED CARE will vanish by this means and the At a well-attended bazaar ol Towelling ercerized Lawn - lak eggs, half a cup o 3 : i C. H. Davidson, Camp ake, tires gh) sugar, foul|8lass will be brilliant once again. | the Ukrainian Relief Association, p 4 : 4 » he held in the Albert Street Hall ure lin finel d W * 0» lespoons cold water, a teaspool 4 . } . en, fnely an Mr. J. W. Sprung, who has heen baking powder, a little vanilld Should radishes, spring onions, | which closed last Saturday, the firmly woven. Check TO . ELS . . an erc I S dW, ' tomatoes and lettuce have become [following prizes were awarded: A A very large bath towel in white with striped centre . and ends in pink, blue, green and mauve. Size 25 Good, generous size, 1714 gid a little salt, : A Ee rh i water and sugar togethilimp from necessity of eping bookcase, to Olga Droz, 211 Con- in lds of Jd ot pista 0 ill the syru threads whenover night, a plentiful addition of | ant street; a rocking chair to Mike white, 20 to 21 mm, : i 8 the sity, lag returned to his home tl] do IY ds We inogar to the water in 'which they | Kupnickr, 577 Albert street; 3. wide, Special, yd. cen. x 47 inches. Really an exceptional 89¢ x 1714 inches, Hemstitched : ALLA border. Special . (his, when hot, over the whites offre put to freshen up will bring |gold piece to Fred Rupka, 608 Al- value. Each wu vin conven back their original crispness, This | pert street; chinavare to Mi! ! the eggs heaten till stiff and dry," A A eien Re hhage, Lo | '. vare o Mike Mrs, W. Macklow, 173 Bupeating the whole constantly, twill Sle 9& a hii i iy Botuekl, 164 Poop street; and A heavy, closely napped bath towel in white with street, is entertaining at a Whi cold. Now stir in the yolks, whichRbRE BEC Br ne a electri lamp to {om Taba, Cedar- plain bordered ends in pink, blue, helio and drive for the Ladies' Auxllia y beaten' till light, una YY Alercress, Ver, { verware to I. ilks, 181 4 I 8 | 49 C Canadian Legion, Post 43, Fri gly the dry Ingredients, Wer fo this treatments water slope Athol street; and a boudoir clok gold. Size 20 x 40 inches. Special, each.... i evening, June 22. A A oar well sifted tos vill revive hid ig? ¥ iy ry to Eddie Kayes, 110° Bruce street, . . A " illa and pour |f rejuvenation, an hid ---- Sra ---- o |gether. Add the van basin, many stalks will stiffen -- . Mr. C. W. Owens of St. Pel® lint a buttered tin or pan, lined feep basin, FELIS C0" THE LADIES WITH SPARKS C 3 Y 1 a raise their leaves ahove water LAD uN SPARKS CIR. | of je Sparks galaxy of pretty [Sparks Circus and all wil] he seen | burg, Florida, is visiting his wl with oiled paper, and hake in a pa BL only are fit for use. CUS ARE ATTRACTIVE wonn is Alice Sohn, famed waer- [in the lengthy street pil Ve. geen | SENT BACK TO MiMiCo Mrs, C. Downey, 114 Athol Lr moderate oven for about twerty- J sii Pretty and attractive women ure | eversircuses are known as "The |a.m. | Galt, June 19--William . Davis, who east, and renewing old acq five minutes. Before beginning to remove a one of the features of the Sparks |Songird of the White-tops," and Soats can be secured Circus. day escaped Jrom the Mimico Tnduswial ances in the city. tain with petrol or any other li- 4 ¢ Circus which is coming to Oshawa | her aging is the outstanding fea- |at Karn's Drug Store, same price | ere is ? ADOINIRE: Was BiYestet on w ednesday, June 27. ture. this season's opening spec- |as at show grounds. Boyd and " $ returned to i} 4 w Probably one of the prettiest, as |tacle-'L'Ora, The Jungle Queen aii Tie eae AR. ¥0100 well as one of the cleverest is Lor-|and "he Making of the Flag," TOO MANY LAWS - el (} © - ------ ----ra...e ro -- F-- - a. ST -- ____ o] * : iy GRE i " the materia! ry Py yi ated SPINACH MOUSSE uid cleaner, damp Mrs, P. W. Cowan is r For spinach mousse, beat o0- with the cleaner, round te outside ' A . spinach, maskd of the stain and work inwards, LAs : 8 3 ested alter eT OPE aliOn go throught [1 Seive two mic- otherwise the stain will extend as Bi Cas Ree lL known ia polite circus | Then yvre is Helen Sparks, an- -- Peng ARE on onions browned in drippim, [the damp circle grows bigger, and am Sire es 2 2 fe sigse and speed | other ¢America's foremost horse- (Ottawa Journal) plist, Mid di i two well-heaten eggs, three tab-|when dry the soiled rim will be PER & 1 Ma uded in the many|women hose likeness has graced | (The 70th Congress of the Unit- Miss Violet B, Smith, hes! the spoons milk, two tablespoons mi- |very little improved on the original If A i Bqueaire Bue foals accom- | the pag of many of the leading |ed States has completed its first French Department Osh#t Col-|ed butter, one-half teaspoon ft | stain, ; . graceful exe Thu Py i 1he TREasy ald Rose hey Lika: session by placing 1,000 new laws ] % sper her land a dash cayenne. Pour ip -- eek a modern classic Whit 4 : on the statute hooks.) People can a -------------- pela ng She visit- | greased mould, set in pan conti- | A mixture of olive oil and com- back, 4s Jods » oss ad Hing, Compan ith Jey Enter of a as- [po more have orals legislated into --_-- dt ro Ereas ' ! A | alt will take out stains fronr : € re is Myrtle Mayo, Mia- | sistants/fiss Sparks will introduce (thelr hearts and consciences tha cid friends in Vancouver alga", |ing sn inch of hot water; be | mon sa should b ; a cahua, Marion Shuford, Edith|the Spks group of ten fanc Bla consciences ian . renty to twenty-five minutesr a polished table. It shoul e | a ie ek Eth be SUED. co e Spki group ¥ [they can have brains legislated into 22 py Famenton and Baskaton) en Yoentre is set. Unmouldh | well polished afterwards with « le Wack, Fuel L J Destle Holle, Eatied Risin Bn Migs by |their heads; and the proof is that ' : \ : i 1 di ; 4 vs Alice stea, Juanits rey, 1e | note: seshow -authorjties to be |lawlessness i he U tates on Har- t platter, arni8h with parsle | good chamois leather i ' der Sie are v " i ssness in the United States oil ip Belen 2040) day hot p g \ Alezand F. Sister " au others, all [the mosemarkable group of high- |more than keeps pace with laws. a For Your Drug Needs of the former's sister, Fs. B. A. | Yes, sir, it will be hard to th¥ : s Sqllestrieile Stats, Whose bemuty schon! d- evsge horges in tbe little mare of good esymple and THOMPSON' : o- vind [ : WAR tryl) . : e are many common sense, and a lot less laws treet, n the oc- | a brick through the window F h N 1 exhibiti dine ; 2, and a ess laws, Wuathall, ii Angie Thom an- | law office without hitting an asnhion otes 4 . A ful exhibition of riding. Another |other hutiful women with the |would make for betterment. | 10 Simcoe St. 8, We Deliver 'bat- | dite K.C --St, C3- | 3) § niversary of Rev. and jrs. What dite RE, oi fio domesit. 4 | Phe pique ensemble is to be one o\ 4% [8 tid - -_--~ tam, arines J of the summer's best novelties. Parliament seems to be handing out to the Bell Telephone Company a parody in wrong numbers, instead of a symphony in melon dividing. -- Guelph Mercury, ' SNM En ---------- ------ Large squares of chiffon tucked in a bracelet to match the satin pumps are smart: i ------------ Organdie frocks, with hats to match, is the newest fad for chil- dren fromr 2 to 6, Now that velveteen and velvet shan oy PI "City Council will sell Five | Organdie with the very full skirt reaching greater length at one side or the side back will be a popular \ 9 ' {June and summer type, and it is { Yes (0 an (0) ew n {made more elaborate when worn over a heavily lace-trimmed slip. Headaches vanish with 8 gr a £ i head-d f white canrelias : morning glass of refreshing crowned the bigh-waisted white More employment, Bigger populetion. ret Abbey's. d tulle Empire presentation gown : ef prosperity for Ochre aad a 2 a . worn by Lady Astor's niece, Miss ginning of an era of great expansion! A BBEYS WHERE TRUE HAPPINESS Is | (he woman with a mature figure [1 . » . > Pipe i i ah Hills & Iales "Follow Lycett De = Joyce Phipps. Have Yoween- The Morning Health Salt The dance and the whirl go on, ed bodice and deep, open front fin: And the jealousy and ghe strife; | ished with unusual rever eollar. Yet! 1 And the summer comes and the | Inverted plaits add flared move ' ASK FOR THE BLUE AND WHITE PACKAGE summer wanes, ment to hemline. Printed silk l t ) 3% And the sum of it all is lite. | crepe in combination with plain As a location for tbuilder of ve opmen an ou harmonizing crepe is pictured and fine homes, and as dnvestment And some would give their king- Joa smart choice for street. Print- for the man seekinrorth-while » sheer crepe, a little more dressy, PR 2 dom for love, He. ere tar: returns, "HILLS &ALES" of- 0 ow S awa Ss § And some their kingdom for wool georgette and taille crepe aT fers just a little x than any es gain; serviceable. Pattern in sizes 36, other property eveeveloped im And some would give their earthly | 38 40, 42, 44 and 46 inches bust the city, May waggest that |? all measure. The 36-inch-size requires you see it as son 2ssible, and . row 'y Just to be young again. 3% yards of 40-inch material with ~d ut why it haten voted & td of umn contrasting. But 'tis neither the love mor the rice cents pattern. » Fi i Rigen A en 5 The Cit Through every phase of the city' Nor the youth that has vanished newe ractical Residentia (mmunity y Pp of the city's growth past; Srosemakor, Pike of Boy » : Opportunity awaits the canny investor-- styles, will be of interest to every Nor the sun, nor the dew, nor the | Dome heat, nor the rain, book 10 cents the copy. ; and Lycett Development will point the That brings happiness at last, path of bi . ggest profits! PATTERN PURCHASE Filling wide the heart of man; }§ O0r : It is only the lips that gently speak To Tie Oshasea Dally Times In the praise of all His plan. Oshawa, Ont. ees ----eseseessssesessssmey BE AY Ww we | Sadat, Ca ™w SI 2 J 0 a ot ya ded dadtaitadtedadtadedtadtadtedadtadtadtededtastastastededtastadtastadastadedfoeorfesdor » a a a dd FINEST QUALITY FEL : Reg. $3.98 and $4.98 2 > Bete tet tet ed $2.98 > New Felts for Mid-Summer! Fine silky finiskectlts; light in weight, are at the height of the mode orort, © for business, and for dress wear. Vagabond stleslose * fitting styles, off the face styles. In white, yebwlack, ' mauve, navy, cupid pink, sand, beige, green, $.98 and blue. Mid-week Special at .......... init TP -- RY Aedecteids >, 5 it is only the love of God, t eieiegete it "is: only an uplifted face . Enclosed find ........ cents, i . And a hand that is stretched to Pigang send patterns listed be- a all wi But somehow the love and the nse 0.0 mmo pin pus ws nism BED masini n youth and the gain, oops me ms mo mie nen BES woman n Are there without striving at all. vans sone menensn BES women ve ---------------------- Po sass msrspames 4 RENFREW VISIT CANCELLED ddeade dod Y. E EY Ottawa, June 19 --Hon. Richard B. XTX »7 : Bennett Conservative . Leader, will . make hi rst speech of the recess at ps wa aa Eee ames ane me Laprairie, ncar Montreal, on Satur- Price, 20 cents each. Send day afternoon. The suggested visit stamps or coin. Wrap cols .| to Renfrew on Thursday has been arefully. . cancelled. J =X aot 5 hehe hehe hehe ts he Rvaty ahead: », 3 teed es 3 3 3 . 3 3 3 . 3 3 3 . . 3 3 3 1

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