Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1928, p. 6

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aily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL fhe Times invites the cor operation of its readers in gentributing items to this column, Send in a postcard Flora Patterson, New York Miss City, 1s the guest of Mrs. Frank aon Cedarda le. ; , Howard Davidson and Pettey visited at their home in' phellford recently. ] ry LJ v r. and Mrs. Allan Watson, tmerly of Campbeliford, are H 5 their home In Oshawa. A . . 5 ®. Bigeh, Pittsburg, and hev-daughter, Barbara Ruth, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. 'and Mre. J; Robinson, Whiting Avenue, A --. , Mpa, Charles Calhoun, and two 'Whughters, Bivire and ' Alycone, were the guests of Mrs. Calhoun's 'aistef, Mrs, Olive Readman, Hamp- JENIFER. Mills, for a few days this 'week, = a i 5] vd . A J . «* Te-1¢ expected that the Venerable 'Archdeacon Warren, M.A, of To- nto, will preach in St. George's Whurch on Sunday at the 11 (@'clock service, f 5 . \d i... We'trust the Christian people of "Oshawa wil avail themselves of this unique opportunity of hears ng 'the sisters tell What God ath wrought" for them and rough them. 4 The Sunbeam Chapter were rep- 'resented at the annual session of ithe '0.E.8, held this year at Mas- 'gey Hall, Toronto, The presiding Baron and patron attended as ell as several past matrons, of- ticers and members. ws ; LE 1 The Misses Mary and Agnes Bax- tor of China Inland Mission, who e on their way back to China am Glasgow, Scotland, will spend the week-end in Oshawa, and will apeak at both services in the Cal- vary Baptist Church, Athol Street on Sunday. June 10, at 11 am, and 7 p.m, Miss Mary Baxter has spent" 22 years, and Miss Agnes Baxter 19 years in mission work in the province of Kiang-si, China, They are "daughters of the manse," and have a deeply inter. esting story to tel] of God's great goodness and protecting care in the midst of dangerous and difficult times. LJ * A very pleasant surprise party swas held 'at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Walter Buzey, "17 Hemlock Avpnnue, Toronto, to celebrate the seventieth birthday of Mrs. Alice Hall, a former resident of this city, The party included, for the most part, the sons and daughters of Mrs. Hall; There were present: Mr, and rMs, Frank Hall of Hamilton; Mrs, 8, Saunders of Detroit, Mich- igan; Sars, Thomas Burns of Ham- flton, Mr, and Mrs. Norman E. Hall of Oshawa. Among the grand- children of Mrs. Hall who attend- ed were: Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Hall, Mr, and Mrs. BE. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. W. Starr, all of Oshawa, Mr. Joe. Burns, Hamilton, Miss Helen Worden, Tyrone, Beryl Hall, Osh- awa, Clinton Hall, Oshawa, Jose- phine Buxey, Toronto. There were also three great-grandchildren as uests, Marguerite Hall, Dorothy 11 and Dorgen Kehnedy. Mr. Clinton McGahey visited his parents in Evansville this week. ey Mrs. BE. Stillwell spent Wednes- day with Mr, and Mrs. J. R, Bur- gus, Sr.,, Oakwood. * . .¥ Mr, and Mrs. Richardson visited Mrs. .Clark, McDonnell 'street, Peterboro, * LJ Dr. and Mrs. H. M. Cooke are attending the Cooke-Kinsella nup- tials in Toronto today. L] . . Mr, Leslie Beecroft and 'family, of Janetville, were recent visitors 'in Oshawa. . LE Miss Alice Keller was a recent visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keller, Oak- wood, . L A Mr. and Mrs. Luther C. Bunker, who have been visiting with Mr. nd Mrs, W. Gordon Bunker, of this city, have returned to their home in New Rochelle, N.Y. Weddings ROBERTSON--MANSFIELD A quiet but pretty wedding took place at St, George's Rectory on Wednesday, June 6, at 7 o'clock when Canon DePencier united in marriage Alice Rose, second daughter of Mr, and Mrs, W, Mans- field, Nassau street, to John Laurie Henderson Robertson, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, J. Robertson of Dundee, Scotland. The was becomingly attired in a powder blue georgette gown 'with a mohair hat to match, Her bouquet was of Sweetheart roses and maid- en hair, Miss Ivy Mansfield attend- ed her sister and looked charming in a navy blue georgette with a black hat and carrying a houquet of Sweetheart roses. The grooms- man was Mr, Ian McKay. Mr, and Mrs, Robertson will re- side at 286 Burk street, Oshawa. BUNKER--JOHNSON A very pretty wedding was sol- emnized in the First Presbyterian Church, New Rochelle, N.Y., on June 2, 1928, when Jeanette Verna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Johnson of Cordova Mines, Ont.,, became the bride of Luther C. Bunker, youngest son of the late Mr. and Mrs, W, H. Bunker, Oshawa, Ont., the Rev. Dr, Rey. nolds officiating, The bride was charmingly attired in a Midnight Blue ensemble suit of transparent velvet, hat to match and white for fur. She carried a bouquet of lily of the valley, sweet peas and Gold- en Sunset roses. Miss Peggy Horncastle who at- tended the hride wore an Orchid georgette dress with hat to match, carrying a bouquet of pink sweet peas tied with pink tulle. Mr. Frank J, Thomson acted. as best man, During the signing of the register Miss Thelma Lloyd sang "0 Perfect Love' accompanied by Miss Beth Stewart. A reception was held after the ceremony at the home of the bride, New Rochelle, N.Y., whers the bride and groom were the recipients of many useful and beautiful gifts showing the high esteem in which the happy couple were held by their many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bunker left later Eat Salads in Hot Weather is Advice of Food Experts Make It & Rulé to Eat Salads Every Day, Say Dieticians -- Heavy Food Not Needed in Summer--Scores of Inexpensive and Delightful Salads May Be Easily Made--Recipes Given. "Eat more salad", says a promin- ent physician and dietetic expert. "As the hot weather approaches 1 can only repeat what i have said many times - before. Every person should eat at least one greed salad every day. resh vegetables and greens supply the roughage which is 50 #f good health is to be enjoy, 4 pHing the warm summer SEASON": On Mixing Salads A skilful housewife can work wonders - with lettuce, tomatoes, rs, radishes, parsley, shal- nerves, greater cmergy and - ened resistance to illness of any kind are the ordinary rewards of keeping salads to the fore in ope's diet. LIST OF SALADS (Where French or Mayonnaise are to be seryed with 3 , endives and artichokes. |W, have a delicate and appetizing | sal and blend of all flavours. All salads should be gently; they should 'mot be put into the desired by heavy Ol The ap- i and spoon do: he : of the dish and then gently 'the salad with an upward movement, letting it mix as it falls back: 0g % Depends on Dressings The siccess of this dish depends on the dressings ar fs g E's N | i i : Age 3 fav I Fi 1 3 Exkes mixing them is by] it = tip i 3 b 1 i i THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1928 on a motor trip for Toronto and Oshawa. On their return they will reside at 66 North Ave., Néw Rochelle, N.Y. . NELSEN--DAVIES A wedding of particular imter- est to the people of the east end and eastern suburbs of the city was that of Miss Mabel Davies, a popular teacher of the Oshawa Missionary College and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Davies, 244 Gliddon Avenue, and Mr. Carl W. Nelsen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Nelsen, Wooster, Ohio. The mar- riage was performed at the home of the bride's parents on Wednes- day, June 6, at 7 o'clock, and was attended only by relatives, mem- bers of the faculty of the college and a few close friends from Osh- awa and Toronto,' The connecting rooms, in which the ceremony took place, were prettily decorated with palms, lilacs and gladioli, the color scheme baing carried out in pink, white and lavender. The bride looked charming in a gown of white flat crepe with a vell, worn cap fashion, encircled with orange blossoms, 'The bridal bouquet was of Sunburst roses and lily of the valley. Miss Florence Davies, sis- ter of the bride, was becomingly attired in pink georgette, trimmed with crystal beads, and carrying a bouquet of pink and lavender Sweet peas and making a pretty bridesmaid. Mr. Virgil Clymer was best man and Elder C. H. McVagh former editor of the Canadian Watchman, was the officiating clergyman. Mr, and Mrs. Nelsen will make their home in Wooster, Ohio. . FINLEY--VICKERS A wedding of interest to the people of Oshawa took place last evening in Welsh's Parlours when Winnifred May, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, E, Vickers, Whit- by, became the bride of Joan Sin Finley, son of Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Finley, 163 Brock street east. Rev. A. C. Reeves officiated. The rooms in which the ceremony was performed were tastefully decor- ated with white ribbon streamers, white bells and tulips. The bride who was given away by Mr, Sim of Toronto, presented a pretty picture in a white silk crepe grown and long cap veil. Her bouquet was of Butterfly roses, lily of the valley and white carna- tions, Mjss Martha McCormick, as bridesmaid, looked charming in a white crepe and lace dress and a mohair hat to match, carrying a bouquet of pink carnations, Little May Finley, sister of the bride- groom, was daintily gowned in white crepe and a cap veil, carry- it features the moulded hipline | that Paris decrees is the smartest Pe me mms 2s 5m ais 00m aa wae ieenom Rd lr ro TFT PPT EEEY OR FX] DR Bees ess am mei aes Price, 20 cents each. S00 830 08 mus ue sue 5 Lown 2 ---- EE doi budding leaves' a In automatically MISS H. G. FAIRBAIRN Miss H. G. Fairbairn has been teaching Isaac Pitman shorthand for fifteen years, Utilizing this background of experience Miss Fairbairn has each year made improvements in her methods. That the training given by Miss Fairbairn is the right founda- tion for high speed is shown by Miss Ilorence J. Wilkins, who in 1927 won a Pitman certifi- cate for 150 words a minute-- one of the highest awards ever given in Canada. without human CSALADA™. At all grocers--75¢c to "SALADA TEA - HEADS OF NEW PEERLESS BUSINESS : COLLEGE TO OPEN IN OSHAWA SEPT. 4 4000 000 fut hands G. W. COWAN . W. Cowan started teaching in 1020 as a commercial specialist. He became interested in type- writing and Miss Fairbairn and he have devised a system of training which has produced ex- cellent results. In the Canadian Typewriting Championships from 1924 to 1928 they 'have won 13 first, second and third ' place medals--the next : best record is seven 'won by one school. G ing a bouquet of sweet peas, The groomsman was Mr. Norman Mason, of this city. After a wedding breakfast the young couple left on a motor trip and on their return will reside at 163 Brock street east. There were ahout 200 guests at the wedding many, of them from Hamilton, Toronto and England, BLUE MARINES TO GIVE CONCERT SUNDAY AT LAKEVIEW PARK JThe "Blue Marines" orchestra ase giving an orchestral concert at Lake- view Park, commencing at three o'clock. The orchestra will be ter by William Hendrie, Scotch bari- tone, and the program has heen' ar- ranged as follows: , MFantasie Orientale." chestra; "Nirvana," St William Hendrie; "Ram orchestra; "The g Is Ended," 3erlin, orchestra; "Down South," Myddleton, orchestra; "Trumpeter," Airlie Dix, William Hendrie; * Dawning," Cadman, orchestra; * sian Rug," Kakn and Mori chestra; "Sweet Heart of Sigmachi," Vernor, orchestra; *'( "Offen- bach, orchestra; * 2, Woodforde Finden, drie; "Gipsy Love S "The Sunrise," Santly an chestra, assis Lange, Or- phen Adams, na," Wayng, Household Hints | The following mixture is fine for polishing floors: A half pint of linseed oil, same turpentine and one pint both vinegar and methy- lated spirit, Have care where you stand pas- try just out of the oven. A cold or draughty place often condenses the steam and makes it heavy, Cane seats can be rejuvenated by scrubbing thoroughly with hot soap suds, njnsing with lemon juice and drying upside down. A massage often soothes a pa- tient to sleep. Try dipping the fingers in quite warm olive oil be- fore rubbing the back. It is twice as soothing. : Why not dress up your closets in spring? A light paint, either | buff, pale green or pink is good. Paint your hangers too. And cre- tonne slipper, clothes and hat bags can be made very inexpensively, r---- If you rinse your tea towels out in borax water daily, they wil] stay spotless and have a refreshing odor. Waffles make an ideal dessert for a light meal, if served piping hot with strawberries and cream. The batter should be sweeter than ordinary waffles, Our Daily Recipe MUSHROOM SAUCE This is excellent for boiled tur- key or fowl, Clean as many mush- rooms as wil] fill a pint basin, Put them into a stewpan with a blade of mace, a litlte salt, grated nut- meg, and a plece of hutter rolled in flour. Add a pint of milk, and stir all the time until boiling. Re- move the mace, and pour the sauce round the fowl, PINEAPPLE MOULD Simmer two ounces of tapioca in a pint of water til] clear. Stir one ounce of gelatine in half a pint of juice from a tin of pineapple till dissolved. Cut some pieces of pine- apple in smal] squares. Add to clear tapioca with two tablespoon- fuls of sugar, Stir till nearly cold, Add gelatine, and pour into wet- ted mould. Serve with thin slices of pineapple round and custard sauce, DATE CRUMBLE A' dessert which may be made a few days before it is used and so kept in the house for emergencies is a real find," and this one 1s delicious. 2 eggs, cup bread 1 cup sugar, 1 crumbs, 1 cup broken nut meats, 1 cup sliced dates, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 3. tea- spoon salt, Mix igredients in the or- der given. Bake in a shallow, but- tered pan in a slow oven for forty- five minutes. Serve broken in small pieces and top each dish with whip- ped creanr. A soft custard may be poured over the crumbles instead it desired. Sufficient for eight to ten servings. CRAB SALAD Two hard cooked eggs, 1-4 cup crab meat, 1 cup cooked aspara- gus tips, 1-4 tsp. chopped chives, 1 cup mayonnaise dressing, 1 head lettuce. Chop up the eggs. Mix the crab meat, asparagus tips, chives and eggs together. Add them to thy mayonnaise dressing and serve on lettuce leaves, NEW SALAD DRESSING 1-2 cup mayonnaise, 1-2 tea- spoonful worcestershire sauce, 2 teaspoonfuls walnut catsup, 1 table- spoonful tomato catsup, 1-2 tea- spoonful cloves, : Add the other ingredients to the mayonnaise. Mix well, and serve with plain salad. AROL'S WIFE IS REPORTED 4 TO BE SEEKING A DIVORCE beaten, Bucharest, June 7--The newspa- per Lupta says former Crown Prince Carol's recent escapades in England have Jes Princess Helen, whom he married in March, 1921, in Athens, to seek a divorce. General Averescu, when Premier, offered to obtain a divorce for Princess Helen after Carol eloped with Magda Lupescu, in 1925. At that time she declined, on the grounds of religious scruples, but SIDA AUTHORS & Cox Lvo RCP Stamps or coin. Wrap cols :arefully, Carol's expulsion from England as an undesirable guest was said by the paper to have led her to change her mind. FLAPPING PLANE CBASHES BUT AVIATOR IS UNINJUBED » St. Augustine, Fla., June 7.-- Captain George R. White of New York, crashed today in his wing- flapping ornithopter airplane dur- ing a gliding flight behind an au- tomobile, but was not injured. The plane fell from a height of a few feet and was slightly ST. GEORGE'S W.A. * CLOSING NEETING fn Joe The Women's Auxiliary of St. George's church held their closing meeting for the season on Thurs- day, June 7, with an attend#uce of about thirty-seven members. After the usual routine of busi- ness had been finished reports of the Diocesan Annual Meeting, held in Toronto last week, were given, Miss Ethel Wesson gave a very comprehensive an dinteresting ac- count of the entire meeting. There are 295 senior branches of the Diocese with a membership of 83817. During the year mera than $48,000 passed through the treasurer's books, which gives some idea of the immensity of the work. Miss Oakley ,Mrs. Kiu- near and Mrs. Walker also gave short reports. Nine members of St. George's attended the annu- al meeting, Following the reports Mrs, Kin- near read an address and Mrs, W. J. Burns presented Miss Oakley with a handsome Prayer Book, as a small token of appreciation for the splendid service she has ren- dered as president of the branch, Miss Oakley was com- pletely taken by sarprise, but ex- pressed her sincere thanks for the gift. The Women's Auxiliary annual picnic will be held at Lakeview Park on July 19. The annual meeting of the East York Women's Auxiliary Deanery meeting will be held at Scarboro Bluffs Wednesday, June 13. It is hoped as many as possible will attend this meeting. The members weer pleased to have as their guests several mem- bers o fthe newly formed branch of the Women's Auxiliary of Christ Church. Following the meeting tea was served and a very enjoyable hour spent, Fashion Notes Boleros as well as cape berthas appear in latest models. Oxford grey is the newest and smartest shade for travel. "Paris reports that for simple eve- ning frocks and tea-dance gowus, the one-side-frill-trimming is much favored, introduced in a flounced apron-like effect which reaches to the left hip and over just a little to the back and quite a long way in front; but always one-sided, The tucked-in blouse is again be- ing seen. A most charming vogue Paris dressmakers are tarting is that for lace tailor-mades, and this new kind of ensemble is particularly practical, as it can serve both for a smal] dinner party and for a very smart afternoon reception, a gard- en party, and at Ascot and Long- chantp, Adaptations from tweeds are ap- pearing in charming fabrics for the featherweight dress of wool now so popular, end subdued colors feature cats of brown and yellow, the hlues, olives, greens, navies, tans and soft violets, while gelvage edgings appear for trimming. Brown and white ig a smart com. bination favored this season by Pa- ris houses, 1 Beauty - Sute + Freedom NO - STEELS NO - BONING NO = CLASPS WASHABLE REASONABLY PRICED THORNTON'S CORNERS Thornton's Corners June 8--Sor- ry to report that Mrs, Russell Luke met with an accident and sprained her ankle. The community extends its sin- cere sympathy to Mr, and Mrs. f, Garton, of Bowmanville, in their bereavement in the death of their eleven-year-old son, by drowning, Mr. Garton is well known by a great many here, as he is the pop- ular owner of our bus line. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, 0. Pierson on the birth of a daugh- ter. ¢ We are very sorry to report the death of little Elizabeth Hilda Per- ryman, two-year-old twin daughter of Mr, and Mrs, William Perryman, after only four days' illness, The sincere sympathy of the community is extended to the sorrowing pars ents and her twin brother, Billy. The funeral, which was held this afternoon from the family resi- dence, was conducted by the Rev. C. W. DeMille and was very largely attended b yrelatives and friends of the famjly. Interment was in the Union Cemetery, Innumerable flo- ral tributes were received and mes- sages of condolence. The pall- bearers were: --Lego. Glover, of Osh- awa, and three eousins of little Betty, Mervin Connors, of Toronto, and Eric and Ceeil Dean. BANK TELLER SOUGHT Ottawa, June 8--Gerald W. D. Bennett, 23-year-old receiving teller of a local branch of the Standard Bank of Canada, has disappeared, and between $7,000 and $8,000 of the bank's funds are reported missing. A warrant has been issued for the ar- rest of Bennett, whose home is in Campbell's Bay, Quebec. T.B. VETERANS MEET St. John, N.B., June 8--The Tuber- cular Section of the Canadian Leg- ion, British Empire Service League, at the opening session of its conven- tion in St. John today, expressed satisfaction at the passing by the Dominion Government of the amend- ment to the Pension Act. fiery If nature had in- tended you to be fitted with steels, your ribs would run up and down instead of around your body. There are sufficient bones in your body now. You do net need any in your Corset. Boned Cor- sets are obsolete. The Corset of today is the famous bone- less Lovers-Form Corset. It is delight- fully light in weight, weighing approxi- mately ten ounces, some models even less. EXPLOSION'S RESULTS CAUSE BABY'S DEATH TRIPLE FUNERAL HELD Wingham, June 8.--Audrey Al- berta Jarvis, 4 months-old baby ef Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis of Wing» ham, passed away in the Wingham General Hospital this afternoon from burns sustained in the kera- sene explosion in the home of Alon» 20 Finley, near Wingham, on Wednesday evening. The baby's death was the third casuality of this explosion, : The mother of the babe lies in the Wingham General Hospital in a critical condition from her burns, but there now are held forth hopes for her recovery, The funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Finley's two daughters, together with that of the baby, was held from the Sal- vation Army Citadel here to the Wingham Cemetery today, and the attendance of nearly §:500 bespoke the sympathy of the community on the tragic occasion, The funeral service was conducted by Brigad- ier Burton, Divisional Commander of London, assisted by two local of~ ficers, Captain Danby and Lieaten- ant Gray. Rev, Mr, Smith of the Bapfist Church lead in prayer, Captain Danby spoke on the l.ves of the two dead girls, and Lieu» tenant Gray sang 'Will the Circle Be Unbroken?" LARGE HOUSE BURNS Woodstock, June 8--The large two- story house on the farm of Frank Roberts, three miles east of the city, was totally destroyed by fire about 6 o'clock this evening. Mr, and Mrs, Roberts had gone to the barn to milk at 5.30 o'clock, and half an hour afterward the son, on going to the house, found the building enveloped in flames. Src ------ REVISION ACCEPTED Ottawa, June 8.--Threatened diffi- culties over the Pensions Bill ended today, with acceptance by the House of Commonn of the New Senate a+ mendment, when a wing cable came loose, and Mbrew it to one side. a i | (Je Findlay furnace 'built on:scientific % B.TU principles The Findlay Warm Air Heating System heating, It begins with a flawless furnace--~one of the very first to be built on scientific B.T.U. only absolutely correct of measuring furnace heat and losses,

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