Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1928, p. 5

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ARCHBISHOP SAYS 'RONISH' DOCTRINE CAREFULLY DELETED Most Rev, Randall Davidson Gives Final Prayer Book Pronouncement ISSUES BOOKLET Admits Existence of Dan- gers in Connection With Reservation London, June 8 8.--In a booklet which was published yesterday the Archbishop of Canterbury, Most Rev. Randall Thomas Davidson, ut- ters his final pronouncement be- fore the revised prayer book of the Church of England again goes be- fore Parliament, It will come be- fore the House of Commons on June 12, His Grace declares that in the second revision "Romish' doctrine has been excluded even more def- initely than before. While admit- 'ting the existence' of dangers in connection with feservation of tne sacrament the Archbishop says it is the deliberate policy to prevent any use of the consecrated elements ex- cept for communion of the sick. Finally, he writes that in event or another rejection the Church would be threatened with a spread of con- fusion and lawlessness, but he hopes every effort will be made to- wards peace and orderliness. The booklet throughout is mark- ed by a characteristic placidity of tone and charity of outlook, It would .be remarkable if at this stage the primate could add much to what has already heen said on the questipn. "A sense of envy Is apt to arise at the thought of a small group of experts putting the SE Jack Speill in Town Speill is my name and spealing my business, I speal for *Gal- lagher's", If you know of them, then you know something good of them, if you do not then go to your Druggist,- ¥. W, Thompson, 10 Simcoe St. South, Oshawa, and he "will tell you of the splendid reputation these purely herbal fam- ily remedies have, and will hand you a pamphlet telling you about them and the interesting history of their origin, I like boosting for the Gallagher Remedies because of the good they have done in help- ing people back to health, Watch for me next week, Yours truly, JACK SPEILL -|Archbishop writes. book into fresh shape im a few weeks or even a few months," is a rather wistful sentence which escapes His Grace in an introduc- tory. historical survey. In this he confessed "I have sometimes wish- ed myself at Lambeth (official resi- dence of the Archbishop of Canter- bury) in the days of Cranmer, Ueo- verdale, Cosin or Parker," refer- ring to the noted divines of the 15th and 16th century, He con- trasts these times with the present, |se when 43 bishops deal with the work of the Houses of the clergy and of the laity. _ Office of Communion Of the office of communion, the 'We have en. deavored to meet the demands of religious spirit both with regard to essential boundaries' and to the |comprehensiveness of our church, Catholic and Reformed---the real presence of Christ is as before in the entire sacrament, not simply in any part of alone. There is no transubstantiation either taught or implied. '"Romish doctrine is in simple fact more definitely excluded than ever before." After remarking that an alterna- tive use is already familiar in Scor- land, the Archbishop comes to the question of Teservation of the sac- rament. "If it be asked why do you need reservation now when you have done without it for eenturles the answer is found in a steadily- growing desire for frequent recep- tion as contrasted with what was customary fifty years ago--I am not trying to force on you my per- sonal' opinian whether it is prae. tically expedient or doctrinally wholesome. 1 see dangers as well as advantages in the usage, now widespread of very much more fre- quent reception than used to be en- joined, but the change of circum- stances, especially since the great war, has led many of us without any change whatever in doctrinal belief to alter some of our earlier opinioing about rules and usages. "Most fully do I 'admit the ex- istence of dangers in connection with reservation, It is therefore our deliberate policy not only te discourage, but so far as it is in our power, to prevent any use of the consecrated elements except for communion for the sick; and to prevent any forms of prayer, de- votions, adoration, benediction or exposition, It is our intention with the help of the public opinion in the church and the co-operation of the clergy and laity as a whole, that the public shall be obeyed." Can Only Do Best Towards the close His Grace confesses that unanimity on such a matter is unattainable. 'We can but do our best and after all the number of these contending is, I had almost said, trifling, as com- pared to the mass of central opin- ion which has advocated in 'every one of the 'ehurch assemblies the measure now proposed, "Like other people we have made mistakes yet, I am convine- ed the English people as a whole still believe that the bishops are doing their best for the true well- being of the ghurch--I will frank- ly acknowledge that if the church's measure were again rejected the prospect of confusion and the spread of lawlessness looms large and ugly, but even so, at a time when the church's life presents so many elements of abounding Sy We are not going to lose heart and far as I am coneerned, no ef- i ¥, in the cause of 'peace and or- derliness will, I hope, be lacking." NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, June 6.--Every parent of §.8. No. 11, and anyone else interested, is invited to attend the June meeting of the Home and School Club. . This will be the last meeting of the s ason. Plans will be made for a school picnic. Every parent of school children has a right to help plan it. The report of the convention was given by Mrs, Solomon, delegate at the last meeting excepting Dr. Marty's prepidential address, which Mrs, Solomon thought was worth while being read in full. At this meet- ing you will hear Dr. Marty's ad- dress, will be able to help with the picnie, will hear the children sing some of the songs they have learned from Mr, Lynde, will be served by a nice lunch hy the members of the club. Will you come at 8 o'clock, on Thursday, June 14, Mr, and Mrd. Will Glover spent Sunday, with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, D. Stewart in Oshawa. * Mrs. Walker, Miss Annie Walk- er and Master Bruce visited with Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Glover on Sun- day. . Mrs, Bruce Glover and wee daughter, Dorothy Constance, came home from her mother's on Satur- day, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Farrow and Beatrice, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Russell Jollow on Sunday. Mrs. Gerrard, Miss Hobbs, Miss Dunn, all of Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs, A, Beckett. Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Wood, on Sunday, the King's birthday, a gon, (Congratulations), Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cooper, 87 Alton Ave., Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Percy Andrews and son Billie, Coxwell Ave., Toronto, visited Mr, and Mrs, Thos. Solomon on Sun- day. POOR CROPS FORETOLD Washington, June 8--With an in- dicated production of 512,252,000 bushels on Jun€ 1, the winter wheat crop was estimated today by the De- partment of Agriculture as showing an increase of 33,000,000 bushels over the May production report, but rye, spring wheat and oats figures indicate that thésc crops may set new low records, Despite the indicated win- ter wheat gain over the May report, the harvest will fall helow last year's crop by 40,000,000 bushels, today's survey showed. Leave All Your Old Ideas at the theck Absorbers 8 Simcoe 5¢. North '| of animated toy for the amusement P.9.6.208 #he G.M.A.C. Deferred Peyment Plan which mekes buying easy Moffatt Motor Sales, Limite Phone 915 : BEQDUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED ' THE OSHAWA DAILY, TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1928 DIES OF INJURIES Has Both Legs Severed By Freight But Makes No Cry ---- Owen Sound, June 8--Kenneth Adair, aged 16, died at noon today from the shock of having both legs severed when he was run over by a freight car at the Canadian National Railway yards little more than an hour before. The young lad had attempted to catch a ride on a freight car that was being shunted on the tracks, and in making the effort to reach the iron step missed his footing and fell un- der the car. His right leg was sev- ered close to the hip joint, while the left one was cut off a short distance above the knee. The lad made no outcry although his legs were cut off. He was drag- ged a distance of 30 feet before the train could be brought to a stop. When carried to the grass at the side of the tracks, the injured boy re- marked: "It Js certainly a tough break for me. ' He was quite cons- cious. hai vitality was at a very low ebb when he was received at the General and Marine Hospital, the shock prov- ing too much for his system, and he died shortly after his arrival , His companion, Emerson Pointon, who was with him when the accident occurred, was unhurt, not having tried to catch on the train, Kenenth Adair was the youngest son of Mr, and , Mrs. Alex, Adair, He gave promise of being an excellent athlete and was very popular throughout the city, Coroner Dr. A. B. Rutherford, af-{ ter viewing the scene of the fatality ordered an inquest to be held. The jury viewed the remains tonight and adjourned until Monday, June 18, GRAVEL "HIJACKING" ~ CHARGED AT INQUEST London; Ont., June 8--With several witnesses yet to be heard, the inquest tonight into the death of William J. Murphy, teamster, who was suffocat- ed in a cave-in at a gravel pit in Manor Park on June 1, was adjour- ned one week to allow Crown Attor- ney A. M., Judd to secure additional evidence, The feature of the hearing tonight was the reference made to the alleged "hijacking" of gravel rights on both county and Westminster Township land, Tt is believed that additional witnesses will be called on this phase. The pit in which the fatality occurred is known as Quick's' Pit, and several witnesses stated that Charles Quick charged 50 cents a load for gravel coming from the pit. It is contended by the Crown that the pit is located in Westminster Township, and that no one has the right to charge for or remove gravel without permission of township authorities, It was brought cut in 'the evidence that the pit in question was' considered dangerous by fellow-workers, and tHat since the fatality efforts had been made to terrace it in several places, MOOSE VISIT COBALT Cobalt, June 8--Moose are seldom seen in the Town of Cobalt, but some of the species were observed within the corporation boundaries late last evening, according to Phil Lem- jeux, motorman on the last car on the Nipissing Central Railway, due here at 11.45 p.m. The animals, Mr. Lemieux says, were on the trcaks at the north end of the town, and am- bled away leisurely as the car ap- proached. They showed no signs of fear, Much of the nervousness in OWEN SOUND BOY 1p Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street REV. A. C. REEVES, B.A, 34 Brock St, W. Phone 1833 Sunday, June 10 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--"The Christian's Armour--The Breastplate." 7 p.m.--'Hope--The An- chor of the Soul," Note: The Sunday School for the next three months will be held in the mornings, A Hearty Welcome to All Services of Knox Church Christ Church (ANGLICAN) North Simcoe School (Temporarily) REV. R. B, PATTERSON, Incumbent, 503' Masson St. Sunday, June 10 9.45 a.m. --Sunday School, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer, 4 p.m.--Baptisms. 7 p.m. -- Evening Prayer. Emmanuel BAPTIST CHURCH King Street BE, Minister; REV, JOHN GALT Sunday School and Church Service unite at 11 a.m, Bible Lecture by Pas- tor to Adults at close of service, Subject: "Inspira- tion of the Bible," Sermon topics: AM.--"How to Live the Christian Life." P.MM.--""How to Live the Carnal Life." B.Y.P.U, Monday 8 p.m. All invited, Baptist Association Tues- day and Wadnesday [1 Whitby, Choir Practice Thursday 8 p.m, ' Archdeacon HOLY TRINITY CHURCH REV. 8. C. JARRETT Rector 30 Fairbanks St, Sunday, June 10 8 a.m. -- Holy Com- munion, 10 am. -- Sunday School. 11 a.m. =~ Matins apd Sermon. 7 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. The Venerable Warren, of Toronto. | Hoi You Cin Honor God | Colossians 3:12 Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humble- ness of mind, meekness, long suffering. ; 13. Forbearing one another, and forgiving one an- other, if any man have a quarrel against Christ forgave you, so also do ye. any: ' even as 14, And above all these things put on charity, which is the, bond of perfectness. nd let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the a also ye are called thankful. in onebody; . and be ye 16. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; i teaching and admenishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your. hearts to the Lord. 17. And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him PRAYER-- "Each moment draw from earth away My heart, that lowly waits Thy call; Speak to my inmost soul, and say, 'l am thy Love, thy God, thy All'; To feel Thy power, to hear Thy voles, To taste Thy love, be all my choice.' Go to Church Sunday. games, Simcoe St. United Church REV. HUGH 8S. DOUGALL, Minister 52 Simcoe St, S, Phone 148 SUNDAY, JUNNE 10 11 am--"WHEN IS A WOMAN BEAUTIFUL?" The Graduating Nurses in Attendance. Baptism of Children, 3 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.--"ALL'S LOVE. AND LOVE'S ALL" The Minister, Dr. Dougall, will preach at both services. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's League. Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- Midweek Service. "Precious Promises', Outdoor * Subject-- hour, Our Inheritance". ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = of the == UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. F, J, MAXWELL, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES, JUNE 10. 10 a.m.--Sunday School.--Kindly roticé*change of 11 a.m.--~Moming Service Topic; 7 p.m.~--Evening Service: "What One Man Lost Through a Bad Investment." . "I Was Glad When They Suid Unio Me, 'Let Us Go Into the House of the Lord' "A Look At older children can be traced to the overstimulation during infancy, caused by regarding baby as a sort of parents, relatives . and friends. Baby may be played with, but pot for more than a quarter of an hour Lo an hour daily, Beyond that, being handled, tickled, caused to laugh or even scream, will scrae- times result in vomiting, snd in- variably causes irritability, crying or sleeplessness. Fretfulpess, crying and sleep- lessness from this cause can easily be avoided by treating baby with more consideration, but when you just can't see what is making baby restless or upset, better give him a ~ Lutheran Sunday, June 10 . 4 ' Welsh's Parlours DIVINE SERVICE Sermon by Rev. A. Preisinger, Hamilton, Ontario, Al are cordially welegme CALVARY BAPTIST Athol St. West SUNDAY, JUNE 10th, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Misses Mary and Agnes Baxter Of the China Inland Mission, on their way back to China -- Oe Scotland, will speak at both services COME AND HEAR THEM Sunday, 3 p.m.--Sunday School--Classes for all. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's Meeting. Wednesday and Saturday, 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting. ~ few drops of pure, harmless Cas- toria. It's amazing to see how quickly it calms baby's nerves and soothes him to sleep; yet it con- tains no drugs or opiates. It is purely vegetable--the recipe is on the wrapper. Leading physicians prescribe it for colic, cholera, diarr- hea, constipation, gas on stomach and bowels, feverishness, loss of sleep and all other "upsets" of babybhood. Over 25 million bottles used a year shows its overwhelm- ing popularity. With each bottle of Castoria, you get a book on Motherkood, worth its weight in gold. Look for Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the package so you'll get gem- wine Castoria. There are mapy imi- WORS, |, oem i isis sed. PENTECOSTAL ~ ASSEMBLY Wednesday Prayer, 3 p-m. Strangers Welcome. J. T. BALL, Pastor. CHRISTIAN Church REY. W. P. FLETCHER, B.A. D.D. Children's Day Il a.m.~Miscellan- cous Program by the boys and girls. 7 p.m.--Service in charge of the young people. Simcoe North UNITED CHURCH Sunday, June 10 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday School. 7 pm. -- Rev. W. El- liott, of Port Perry, will preach. Unity Truth Centre S. 0. B. HALL, KING ST. E. Sunday, June 10 11 a.m.--~--Public Service. Everybody welcome STREET United Church " REV. C. W, DeMILLE B.A, Minister 139 King St. B.--Phone 218 BC ------ Sunday, June 10 ry, Il am. -- Morning Worship. "Church Unity." 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday School. 7 p.m.--Evening Wor- Worship. "The Mind is the Man." * Monday, 7.45 --Young People's League. Tuesday, 8 -- Mission Circle at Mrs. Friend's, 124 Ritson Road 8. ' Wednesday, 7.30 -- Prayer Service. Thursday, 3--W.M.S. Albert Street UNITED REV. R. A. WHATTAM, Minister 80 Elena St. Phone §67F SUNDAY, JUNE 10 11 a.m.--Morning Worse ship. "Three Years in the United Church." 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Eirra Bible Class. 7 p.m. --Evening Wor- ship. "Jesus, the Ideal of a Church," Everybody Welcome. St, George's ANGLICA Cor, Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON ©. R, dePENCIER, M A, 4 80 Athol Street West Sunday, June 10 | Holy GCommunion--8 a.m, un a.m.,~Morning Prayer Sunday School Centre St.--2,830 p.m, 7 p.m.~Evensong, Baptisms 2nd Sunday each month J --_-- a CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Seclentist; 64 Colborne Street Esst Sunday, June 10 14 SUBJECT: ! "God, The Preserver' of Man", \ Morning Service at 11 a.m. Sunday School at close of moras ing service. 3 Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m, Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to at- snd. the services and to make use Jt Sue Public Reading Room where the Bible and sil authorized i bortowed or pusshsed 434 bed for, Open on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 2 to 5 p.m. gl -- 1 PENTECOSTAL MISSION (OVER THE ARCADE) Sunday, June 10 Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Worship, 11 a.m. Evangelistic Meeting 7 ». m. Prayer Meeting, Friday eight o'clock. Committee in charge. Strangers Welcome. pong it Shall the said in that LO, 1S OUR : WAITED FOR Mist "O03 FOE wave rejoice in his salva we will be Read Titus 2, 12-13 and consider your be< ve glad and tion" (Isaiah 25, 9.) GOWS WORD 1S TRUE, CHRIST COMING. ie oni "

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