COLLEGIATE CHATTER | The announcement was made this week that GMadys Thompson Form 3A has been awarded a by the Ontario College of Art at Toronto as the result of her suc 1 work in art at broly De ia FIL | of free ry: four times a week in- eluding turday amerning, under 'the direction of some of the fore- 'most artists in Canada. Miss Thompson is to be highly com- gratulated on her achievement. om i The announcement was also e this week that. Miss Laura A. Jones; B.A, of awa, or bets ter known as Miss Jones of Osh- awa Collegiate, had been award. 'ed second prize In the slogan com- test conducted by the Westermann Company of New York for their German paper distributed through. 'out the country and which corres- 'ponds to Le Petit: Journal in rench, Miss Jones' prize winning slogan was "He who speaks two languages is twice blessed." She also is to be congratulated. The school song: which has been looked forward to for some time, iyeachéd Oshawa' from the publish- ers this week and already nearly 250 copies have been sold. "We 'Are the O.C.I" as it is entitled should become popular in no time and should remain the official school song for many years. PEP -------------- RE Ea Ee Lae RT YS TRE RE As was predicted-in this column a week ago, the 0.C.I. boys made a creditable showing at the Dis- trict Interscholastic meet in Co- bourg last Monday, especially Murray Kohen who emerged with TIME TABLES | ha] LJ CPR, TIME TABL New Schedule taking J iri PO Sunday, April 2, 1928, West 5.48 a.m, Daily, 6.23 a.m. Daily. 8.40 a.m, Daily except Sunday. 4.35 p.m. Daily pm. aly except Sunday, Going East te --- 34 Bi Bt sn 1 .m, Daily ept Sunday. 8.03 gi Daily oe Sunday. 11,10 p.m. Daily, 12,09 a.m. Daily, . : All times shown above are times trains depart from Oshawa Station. CNR, TIME TABLE Effective May 20, 1928, ; All times given are Standard not Daylight v ' a No Na = 7 ? five firsts and a first in the mile relay to his credit. The other boys all did well and if some of them did not carry off any of the pri- zes, they at least gained im vxperi- ence, ; LJ] * - A girls' softball team from Osh- awa Collegiate is im Brooklin this afternoon .playing in the softball tournament at the Brook- lin Spring Fair. It is to be hoped that the girls make their trip to be a successful one. L - * The presentation of awards for the past year made by the Girls' Athletic Association in the Assembly yesterday morning was a pleasing function and should do much to further the interest in girls' athletics whicu has been so rapidly growing this year, This has indeed been a banner year for the girls and not even their athletic banquet which they held a few weeks ago seems to have caused them to call a halt to their season's activities, BE This is' the first year an ath- letic crest has been presented fo the girls for any distinction hut they are to be commended in their decision in continuing the prac- tise next year, The boys are also presenting an athletic crest this year as they have for the past two years but the presentation will n.t take place until possibly the last day of school, : Ld LJ L Those of the girls to whom ath- letic crests were presented yes- terday were: Marg. Anderson, Marg. Shelly, Mary Mason, Alice Ross, Elsie Ross, Lois Germond, Toots 'Brooks and Lorraine Mason of the senior basketball team and Maudie Cornwall, Lorna Kennedy, Ruby Armour, Dorothy Patten, Elena Stacey, Anne Storie and Daisy Callaghan of the junior basketball team, Wilma Robbins and Greta Maxwell were given handsome medals for winning the senior and junior championships respectively, at field day last fall while Maudie Cornwall and Ruth Fishleigh were similarly recog- nized for having won the senior and junior tennis championships. * LJ LJ Fair and cool weather has so far fovoured the hard studying students of Oshawa Collegiate who have now only one whole week left before the Department- al examinations begin, All that is hoped for is three more weeks ed out to be a truly worthy pub- 1 on for a school the size ef .S. From. cover to cover it 18 an enthusiastic. and bright pi of work and although it is 'on 88 pages in size, it seems to comn- tain as much as magazines much larger. The departments are all very well handled and well writ- ten, while much colour is added to the magazine by mumerous pic- tures and cartoons although the latter, however, are slightly ama- teurish. LJ LIER J . The first comment which the writer has seem on this year's publication of O.C.L's Act Ludi was contained in the Exchange column of The Screech Owl, It i- +s follows: "Act Ludi"--Osh- awa Collegiate 'Institute, Oshawa Ontario, A splendid production. Much better than last edition. Your exchange department might be greatly improved,, and your material is rather sealtered, . LJ - Judging from The Screech Owl Act Ludis Exchange department should be one and three quarter pages in length and should, contain five jokes taken from other publi- cations. Otherwise the two depart- ments are exactly alike, We will agree, however, that the material in the Acti Ludi was rather scat- tered, This was because the ad- vertisers in the magazine were given a consideration and to this end their ads in the back of the book were placed opposite read- ing matter, Although at least in the ' opinion of The Screech Owl the tone of the magazine suffered, the financial end of the matter didn't and this is a feature which can't readily be overlooked in making a successful publication. AMENDMENT (London Calling) Amendment to the Marriage Service: Love, honor, and no baby. \ NUE "KIDNEY y R MEN'S STRAW HATS $1.00 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W. Phone "3340 Opp. Centre St. DOCTORS AND THE PRS» (Ottawa Journal) . Significant statements were made at the recent 'meeting of the Ontario Medical Association at Kingston when newspapers were commended highly for their share in spreading information om the {prevention and cure of disease. Dr. Weston Krupp, of Woodstock, president of the association, said the profession had passed "the gge of silence' and he spoke in praise of the medical information in the newspapers. Dr. Thomas Cullen, of Johns Hopkins. Medical School, in his turn declared the press had been the greatest agency for the improvement of human life. These statements indicate a pro- found and interesting change in the attitude of the medical profes- sion towards newspaper publicity and one whieh i$ brand to be of advantage ta the public. IN COMMAND (Detroit News) The Groom--I understand your daughter has gone out in service. 'The Butler--You have been mis- informed, my man. She has ac- cepted the management and con- trol of a private household. ---- ---- a ore Write for Pratts BY Book and Advic his s! Send 10¢ for 160 page Book Jllustrated . PRATT FOOD (O0..of CA DA Limited. TORONTO COOPER-SMITH CO, Phone 8 | 16 Celina Street \ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1928 MONTREAL COURTS HEAD GRIM LIST Metropolis Figures Largely "in Quebec Judicial Statistics 'Quebec, June 8.--Montreal, with four 'indictments for murder, the same' number for attempted mur- der, and 13 for manslaughter, dur- ing the course of 1927, led the province in major crimes during the twelve months, according to judicial statistics showing the ac- tivities of the various courts. The Court of King's Bench heard 108 indictments preferred in the year, all in the district of Mont- real, out of a provincial total of 239, and all but four of the in- dictments were returned as true bills. A table showing the eclassifica- {tion -of offences, ete., for Mont- real and provincial totals follows: Indictments preferred, Montreal, 108 out of 239; True bills, 104, out of 204. Murder, 4 out of 19; attempted murder, 4 out of 9; manslaughter, 13 out of 25. ¢ Indecent offenses, 6 nut of +29. Aggravated assault. ete, 6 out of 16; assault and obstructing a peace officer, 1 oul of 10; assault and battery, 2 out of 2; other of- fences against the person, 1 out of 5. Burglary, 8 out of 10; Highway robbery, 1 out of 1. False pretences, 10 out of 12; receiving stolen 'goods, 4 out of 9; fraud and complicity to de- fraud, ¢ out of 6; theft, 14 out of - EQUIPMENT, Iv. Toronto 000 pm. lst day Bex. Time | Stendar and = Winnipeg 845 am. Mo. Cent. Tiel 'Compartment, ar. Regina ps brig Pn po : = - fr Co Radi ar. Jwper Park {Gann 4h 1 Equipped, Valet| ar, C " 930 am. Sth " . Service. ar. Vancouver " 3.00 pm. Sth " Pec.Time Arson, 1 out of 5; forgery and uttering forged documents, 3 out of 4. Perjury and subornation of perjury, 1 out of 7; carrying un- lawful weapons, 5 out of 5; fore- ible entry, 2 out of 2; offences not enumerated, 17 out of 27, Thirty-nine people, against whom one of the above offences was charged, pleaded guilty without a trial, of which number 23 hailed from Montreal. Convictions after trial totalled 17 in Montreal. Ag- quittals were 23 in number in the meTropolis, while eight cases were not proceeded with by the prose- cutors, 22; theft from person, 0 out of 8. | HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by Expert Mechanics All floors finished like new B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W. Office Phon: 481, Res. 18072 Felt Bros. 7 he LEADING JEWELERS Established 1886 hd Simcoe St. South ELLA CINDERS--Green-Eyed Monster TE J / ' I I prow Tug Huts You rome ARE CaMING ity Any WANT PEOPLE JU =} FACE by € gt} DIR J ONE HA MUCH VALUE AS Cag Shedd) FTTEEE = AND A DI % oF Eastbound of the weather 'we have been hay- \ 8.23 a.m, Daly except Sunday. ing and at least one reason for ' 15am Jay ea, not passing will have been elim- Ren bai except Sunday, inated, i 2.32 p.m. pat + Sunday LI 74, | Fo wills Dally excep J The 1928 issue of The Screech I i on pet owl Published by. the students of \ , , Daily, owmanville High School ha : ay * Sienbound just been printed and it . to = J) { : 2 Bal i ------------ i Ee KY Y) tris comers | 6 am Daly. ITH TTT TTT - --- T= -- a as Saar -- 58 a.m. Daily unday. I sim Ba grcent Sunday A BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManus Vo CARS FOR SALE (TT 2 Ce : =e Sou ome] | % 'm. Dai Sunday, | L771 WA MC-HANNERTY DIED THIS 1D ON THE! "AN ye 44 pois -- ny ville ; 1 Melaughiin Buick . fag 4 ENER HEP on PIORNIN- BY Gop M-) WANS TE TALR roYeu- chy in bn § by on | EER , . oO JU TA TN TT . 4 fbb LM : harks N ' Sohne 1 Ford Touring *+.... 8b 1/4 -- fa hid iT TAL) A ACO- | ] SIR: Va " PHONIN' FROM? WEEK DAY SCHEDULE : 1 Ford Touring . et 'e 3 Tp pn : ih 'ord Ton Truck ,, 20 " - RE _LIMIN I { ) Lasve Soave Arrive Arrive 1 Ford Touring ...... 50 Lo RA ASE LaRVELR \ sm, 05am, 7.25 8. m, 1 Ford 1926 Tudor ...450 ) i id y id q $2 osm Wem WASHED ; of Rf 12,30 p.m, 12.40 pm CARS ' pm 2PM. m' bas, We Wash Cars for eed io ba. tom 0.35 p.m. Particular People p.m, Pi Bie siz (3i2 wes] UNIVERSAL » 10, a ! pw Wp. MOTOR SALES wap, Nps 1Hpm 10 Bond St, West Going East Will call and deliver same Leave Arrive Phone 924 EE - : an, ! Jo, ft ¥ 'ibe Suim msam 1L.208.m, 1205 p.m, 12.40 p.m. wea URE HE DE Ir 1 4 f 4 "| 1 Huds x » 45pm. bed Dm Amddo bm. 5.4 p.m. models, in perfect order, new duce TELLING TOMMY om Tob. Imbm Siow | eish. a ---- worm EES wees! Chadburn M C SNAIL, AND 1S A STRONG VIGOROUS Se mayen nfl BL a. A LARGE FUROPEAN | AND SHAL ANIMAL WITH A LARGE VEGETARIAN So i, tome © |W pre Be Oohawn Phone 110 5 EATEN IN FRANCE AND ITALY 4, APPETITE. IN FRANCE SNAILS ARE FAT- BVADAY AWD SPLADAY SENEDULE AND 15 CONSIDERED A GREAT TENED FOR THE MARKET IN SNAILERIES. Going West DELICACY, TOMMY. » Leave Ses Arrive : 10. ey 1 A A , 1.20 p.m. jE pm. om 640 pm bm wEem Wess MOTOR CARS East We will loan you monies on a ' > Arrive : | » if ar - > rhe a le your Holo Sa, oi vou sn y x ORGAN OF LOCOMOTION OF THE SNAIL wR Eh ol nly ¥ lai d - EE | Rages Biullg# E2he epibLe OR ROMAN SNAIL 15 FOUND 6 POECN FROREIRIRN NE : Buses For AD Oucasions twelve months and insure IN SOME PARTS OF THE SOUTH OF ENGLAND o nh aah Ro. fhonssmatie Rateh ang Careiod Arig [R vour car, See Swamsm, Gor AND 15 COMMON IN FRANCE AND ITALY, TS hii st fie 0 BE Roi ROBIE OR mo & Meficods, 2 King IT 1S MUCH LARGER THAN THE GARDE Say ssa SECRETION OF A SU " street east. Phone 940. ine Fanticee Com bonsa Jus Poses Pivain pizhes panprd Oshawa W ol Prince Strest . s Lan 5 \ TILLIE TRE TOILER-- Time to Forget RIBED THAT BABY- ~NO, Jou DIONT HAVE THE NERVE TO - YoU TOOK HER 'PHONE BUT, INTO YOUR OFFICE WHILE | WAS | INUMBER SO You COULD LET HER TILE, THERE » SHE WAS HIRED KNOW SHE WAS HIRED WHEN | THINK / w , ATS THE MINUTE You SAW HER , BUT You DIDN'T Lumber and Builders' Supplies of All Kinds rp -- 'WATEROUS-MEEK ¢