Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jun 1928, p. 9

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PARIS PAINED BY REMARKS OF DUGE REGARDING PACTS Mussolini Openly Champ- ions Revision of Pe Treaties SENATE SPEECH Berlin and Budapest to Hail Statement With De- : light Paris, June 8--By openly champ- ioning 8 revision of the peace treat- ties--significantly enough the first head of an allied government to make such a map-shifting proposal in the last nine years--Premier Mus- solini of Italy in his speech to the Italian Senate on Tuesday appears to have given European statesmen one of the most annoying causes for high temperatures and headaches since the. war, This is a subject which no nation affected by either the Versailles or Trianon treaty can af- ford to disregard and consequently it is packed with patential animosi- tics and nationalistic ambitions. The immediate reaction in Paris to Signor Mussolini's startlingly frank Javowal in favor of a readjustment of the territorial clauses of the peace treaties is one of pained surprise. It is extremely embarrasing to the French to have one of the greatest allied statesmen bring up the un- welcome subject, which they know will be hailed with delight at Berlin and Budapest, not to mention lesser capitals. LN : Accordingly, Quai D'Orsay officials Wednesday, although quick to 'em- phasize their pleasure over the nice things Signor Mussolini said about Franco-Italian relations, were cqtal- ly careful to let their silence speak volumes of disapproval of the Italian Premier's indiscrect fault-finding Anticipation. . «++ 8 safe, even traction surface, .,, relaxed driving «+s Juzurious riding, ...re- duced gas consumption, ... less wear and tear on tires and car,.., . That is what the motorist smilingly anticipates when a long, smooth stretch of permanent concrete paving beckons through his wind- "It's the little it costs to ' concrete paving shield. Mile on mile of this modern paving is laid each year. And the demand is for still more miles, ,. from tae motorist, because of its safety, comfort and saving; ....from the taxpayer, be-* cause its .permanence as- sures freedom from costly upkeep. maintain that economical." makes Canada Cement Company Ltd. Canada Cement Company Building fad U - Phillips Square Montreal Sales Offices at: Montreal Torento Winnipeg Calgary Summer Prices In Effect er URE YOUR SUPPLY NOW AND SAVE MONEY Stove ....iieiiinnen..$15,60 Nut ier rissersenses 15:00 rind 18/00 Conger Lehigh Coal Cannel Pea .. Coke Pocohantas anne $18,00 . 12,80 Company, Viited J. H, R. LUKE, Oshawa Mgr. Office--52 King St, E, Phone 871 Yard--Athol St. E. Phone 931 with the treatics as- they stand. Of- ficials here are certainly not pleased with this portion of Signor Mussoli nr's speech, which they admit they regard as the most important. By afficially. voicing his sympathy for Trianon-tied H Ye the French feel that Signor Mussolini is going out of his way to furry favor with Budapest and view this as ai- other important indication that Rome is a little too anxious t0 bind Hun- gary as its ally, or js it overlooked here that the Premier of Italy has several warm phrases for Bulgaria. In the first re- action of French officials was a de- sire to know why Signor Mussolini 1s so terested in the Balkans aud how it happened that he chose the Balkan countries not included in the little entente, France's Allies. It this connection, the Conservative Temps remarks: "It is apparent everywhere that the amity to which Italy bears wit- ness for Rumania, Czecho-Slovakia and Jugo Slavia is decidedly difficult to reconcile with the active sympathy she desires to manifest in regard to Hungary.' ' But beyond this, the problem of a revision of the peace treaties is a particular sore one for France, which fcels' compelled to hold the Treaty of Versailes as sacred writ as long as Germany's reparations payment remain uncertain. France has been dpposed strongly even to the idea of opening the question of revision since | the first, The Italian Premier's action 'in speaking as he did will be a prece- dent for Berlin to seize upon and a corresponding weakening of the allied line-up on Germany's war ob- ligations. Le Journal Des Debats, bit- terley attacks the Mussolini propo- sals editorially thus: "According to Mussolini, treaties are not a mummification of humanity net the result of divine justice. We have known that for a long time. But we know also that pacific inters national relations can only be estab- lished by the respect of sworn pledges and that governments have not a mission of establishing God on earth, Since Mussolini desires peace, does he think to aid its maintenance in declaring that the peace treaties must be revised and that Italy should pre- pare herself mili arily to conquer the resistance which a policy of revision will encounter? The perspective he thus opens is just as dangerous for Italy as for the other countries bene- ficiaries of the peace treaties." Le Journal Des Debats demands to know how Signor Mussolini can reconcile his policy of revision with his complaints against, German Na- tionals in the South Tyrol and the Jugo Slavs now annexed to Italy in spite of themselves, "How can Mussolini express re- gret," the paper asks, "that the treaty of Trianon has cut too much from the life of the Hungarian peo- ple and be astonished at the regrets of other peoples whose pieces were given to Italy by the same treaties of peace? Does he not know that re- adjustments in Dalmatia, which is al- most unanimously and passionately Jugo Slavian, would provoke a con- flagration and would in any case be disastrous? It is impossible not to warn in the general interest agdinst the, danger of a campaign for a re- vision of the treaties." DICTATOR DIDN'T SHOOT Geneva, June B.--Members of the Polish delegatiort to the League of Nations Council today vigorously denied rumors circulated here con- cerning the alleged reason why Mar- shal Pilsudski has kept himself prac- tically in retirement for the past month, For some time past, it is said, M. Pilsudski has been a vic- tim of persecution by the Mafia, and has gone about armed. Coming sud- denly across a man in his garden path, he drew his revolver and wounded the man, who turned out to be one of his own relatives. Po- lish diplomats here deny the entire story, THE QSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, SATURDAY, GREAT ACTIVITY IN CANADIAN FAR NORTH THIS YEAR Explorers from Dept. of In- terior Carry on Important Investigations The 1928 suamer season will be one of great activity in the Northwest Territories of Canaua. In the vast regions "north of Six- ty" administered by the Depart. ment of the Interior exploratory and investigatory surveys will be carried on by officials of the North West Territories and Yukon Branch and the annual patrol will be made by the ss. Beothlic. The members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stationed in the North will carry on overland patrols in thelr work of maintaining law and or- der. Preparations are now under way in 'the North West Territories and Yukon Branch for the annual trip of the ss. Boethic to the police posts in the Arctic archipelago. The ship will sail from North Syd- ney, Nova Scotia, on July 18, It is expected that the ports of call during the northward trip will be Godhavn, Greenland; Pond Inlet, Baffin island; Dundas Harbor, De- von island; and Craig Harbor aua Bache Peninsula, Ellesmere island. The return trip from Bache Penin- sula, the farthest north post, will begin sometime during the first week in August. The shin will again touch at Craig Harbor, Dun- das Harbor, and Pond Inlet, and then move on to Pangnirtung and Lake Harbor, Baffin island. Cir cumstances will determine whether or not the expedition will sajl to points in Hudsan strait farther west than Lake Harbor Mr. George P. Mackenzie will again he the officer in charge and "I was suffering from that , rundown, draggy feeling which makes Life miser- able, "A friend advised Gal- lagher's Blood Purifier. "A course of this medicine has made me feel like a new person, with a eplen- did appstite, energy to work and enjoy sound sleep." (name on request) This fine old Herb Medicine restores stomach, liver and bowels to healthy, normal ae- tion. Removes poisons from the blood. Keeps you well and happy. Try ur '] - al BLOOD PORIFIER One of the famous Gallagher Herbal Household Remedies 19 | provided = ---- the chief navigating officer will be Captain Ey Falk. Captain Morin will be ice pilot: Dr. Livingstone will go north this year to Pongnir- tung where he will remain for a year carryjng out medical patrols among the natives on Bafiin island. Inspector A. H. Joy and a number of members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police will also accoms pany the expedition. In the Districts of Mack»uzie and Keewatin many important in. vestigations will be conducted. Ma- jor .L. T. Burwash, exploratory en- +|gineer of the North West Terri- tories and Yukon Branch, leaves Ottawa early in June for Edmonton en route to Aklavik in thé mouth of the Mackenzie river. ¥rom the latter point he will bezin his pa- JUNE 9, 1928 A -- that incoming vessels cannot safe- ly round Point Barrow, Alaska, un- til relatively late in the season, and the necessity for an early start on the outward trip to avoid dan. gerous ice conditions, greatly shorten the time for visiting the posts. The result is that it often happens that the far eastern de- tachenmts do not receive their supplies until late in the year. This year the new schooner will oper. ate from Herschel, the most west- erly post of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police on the Arete coast, and will visit at regular intervals the posts of Baillie Island, Bernard Harbor, and Cambridge Bay to the trol eastward along the Arctic coast. The principal investiza- tions to be carried on by Major Burwash will be a further search in and around King William {island for records and relics of Sir John Franklin's ill-fated expedition of 1845; a survey of navigating ven- ditions in Franklin strait and Peel tractor-train route from Wager bay on the west coast of Hudson bay to Cockburn bay south of King Willlany island; and a visit to the magnetic pole on Boothia penin- sula. It is expected that Major Burwash will complete his work ite the autumn of 1929. +A patrol of the musk-ox sanc- tuary lying on the Hanbury and Thelon rivers east of Great Slave lake was undertaken early in the vear and this work will be con- tinued during the summer. Mr, W. H. B. Hoare left Ottawa in Jan- nary for Edmonton. From that city. he travelled by train to the end of steel at Waterways, where he began an 800-mila journey by dog team to his base camp on the site of Fort Reliance, at the east end of Great Slave lake and about 25 miles southwest of the western- most corner of the 15,000-square mile game sanctuary. He is ac- companied by a warden fronr Fort Smith and. his investigations will not he completed until the sum- mer or fall of 1029, Investigations to determine what » | areas in the Northwest Territories are most suited for grazing of herds of reindeer will be continued this summer in the area north of Great Bear lake. The Messrs. A. E. and R, T. Porsild, who have been engaged fin this work since 1026, have reported on their blo- logical investigations in the area lying east of the Mackenzie River delta and inland from the Arctie coast, and the results appear. to be very satisfactory. The problem of securing for the native population of Canada's far northern regions a source of food and clothing to supplement that hy the diminishing wild lite is a pressing one and the In. troduction of reindeer herds is looked upon hy the Government as a possible solution. Patrol work forms an important part of the duties of the menrhers of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stationed along Canada's northern coast and on the islands of the Arctic archipelagn. During the early spring and summer thousands of miles of territory are covered hy the police and their dog teams. The police posts in the Eastern Arctic Sub-District are visited annually hy the ss. Beothie with provisions and supplies, the Western Arctic Sub-Distriet, the completion of their new auxis liary schooner, the construction of which was begun last summer, will greatly lessen the difficulties under which the police work in this ad- ministrative area. In the past the commercial ocean-going vessels have heen relied upon for relief of personnel and the transportation of supplies to the detachments along the Arctic coast, The fact Cleaner---and Choose a washing machine for its wash- ing ability, not for its price or for the premiums that go with it. To satisfy you and to justify the investment it must wash clothes cleaner, faster than by hand and without wear. Investigate the Coffield. Let us as a dem- onstration do your next week's washing. It will be done FREE and will put you un- der no obligation, See the powerful water agifation of the Coffield. See how the clothes meet water currents coming from all directions. See how they are tossed and turned in a whirl- pool of suds which soaks out the dirt with- out rubbing or pounding and without wear. BOWRA Phone 1075 sound; a examination of a proposed, In |, ' performance, (. richer reward in 1 Essex history, au the New Essex Su east. The boat has been specially strengthened and equipped so that her complement of thirteen officers and men may, when necessary, serve as a floating detachment at any place on her patrol. STILL AND MASH FOUND' Guelph, June 8 --Thirty gallons of mash and a fully equipped still were found by Provincial Constable Walk- er and Provincial Officer Zinkann in Minto Township, near Harriston, to- day. As a restilt of the seizure of the apparatus a warrant has been issucd by Magistrate \Watt for the arrest of Leglic McLeod, alleged to be the owner of the outfit, PAGE NINE CHILDREN HANDLE EXPLOSIVES; TWO DEAD AND TWO INJURED Edmonton, June 8=Two children were killed and two seriously injur- ed at Radway Centre, Alta, yester- day, when a box of detonators with which they were playing expluded wigh terrific force. The victims were the, children of William Zbok, farme er. The dead: Katie Zogk, aged 10, and William Zook J». aged 5. Mary Zook, aged 11, had her right hand blown off above the wrist, while the 10-months-old baby which she was carrving also was seriously hurt. Essex Mirrors publicicholce Na matter whare You hold your | with s. ht variations, the same overwhelming Essex prefers ) ence. Itis a outstanding ti in the 6.cylinder automobile yy on) \ . BY by ee qt oy World's Greatest altogether:or.partby part To know the overpow ring conviction of gree beauty, to examine Essex quality, to sit inside and feel Essex comfort -- to ride and know Essex SERS Na eference more was ever held field, in all history. Value Here is the simple and sovereign answer to the question of automobile satisfaction, The ideal transportation achieved in the Greatest Essex Super-Six was long foreshadowed in the series of individual superiorities by which Essex towered above the field. Its vivid brilliance of per- formance revealsin a single ride a smoothness and quiet, a road-skimming ease and soaring exhilar- ation that is actually like flying, Greater in power, more versatile in all performance, larger, roomier and more beautifully appointed, perSix gloriously earns its the greatest popularity of "4885 UP | Coach « v + « sos Coupe + +» « « 90 ( Rumble Seat $38 extra) | Sedan - 960, Roadster - - » 10519 All prices {. 0. b. Windsor, taxes extra ! Buyers can pay for cars out, u atlowest I of chargefor interest, handling and insurance © o 5, >. ' ithout Wear Let the "COFFIELD" Do Your Next Washing---FREE | Investigate the Coffield Before You Invest in a Washing Machine It Washes Clothes Quicker, 4 No Rubbing---No Pounding--- ~ 70 Simcoe Street North Washes By Water Action Only In the Coffield, the*water does the work, Due to special designing a powerful water action is stirred up inside the nickel-lined copper tub. Vertical water cur. rents are formed as well as horizontal. action results in clothes being washed quicker and with less wear. Buy your washing machine for the service it will give you. Don't buy by price alone--or by premiums. The price and premiums will soon be forgotten while you buy your washing machine to last for a Jong time, Investigate the Coffield on the basis of service--then you'll invest in one. Let us demonstrate the Coffield on your next wash day. Give us a call. This unique @D>Washer ELECTRIC SHOP Oshawa

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