¥ - PAGE FOURTEEN Library News One of the most talked of books for the season is "The Man Who knew Coolidge," by Sinclair Lewis. Here is Mr. Lewis' farewell ges- ture to "Babbitt." ' It consists of the hearty disclosures of Lowell ~-gchmaltza of Zenith--in pullman por smokers, hotel rooms and in the ®- privacy of his own home--wherein **}e describes his visit to the White % Heuse and other dramatic episodes ot his life and incidentadly tells all about himself. «= "Deadlock", by V. V. Vieressaev, is one of the most interesting nov- els of Russia under Soviet rule, e-which has yet appeared. It de- scribes life in a small Crimean « town during the years when Reds and Whites were fighting for con- 2°'trol of the country, and is frank % in the descriptions of the excesses .0of both parties. The heroine of © this book, Katia lvanovna, an ar- Aident Teformer, is a beautifully « drawn character. . "The darkest spot is nearest the 3. flame." Peter Clancy, the clever , and likeable detective in the en- «stertaining detective story "The Darkest Spot," by Lee Thayer, ap-, vc plies the proverb to a baffling + murder mystery, and finds the clue that lies at close hand. "Tessie Moves Along," by Bob Wagner, is a story of the motion picture studios. The author tells the story of the rise of a girl from a cheap restaurant on the Kast side of New York to fame in Holly- . wood. There is an unusually gay ; and ingenious love story through- » out the book. Two new books for the Western « story readers are 'Chaps and ET ---- BU Ee ---------------------------------- a © M We Repair Anything Bought in a Jewelry Store BASSETTS JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Main Corner Boys' Caps, all sizes, assorted patterns. Special, .......... er 49¢ Dominion Clothing Co. 68 King 8t. W. Phone 2141 MOTOR CARS We will foan you monies on your motor car, or if you can not meet your present pay- ments we will pay off tho claims and renew your pay- ments for any term up to twelve 'months and insure your car. See Swanson, Ger- man & McKenzie, 2 King street east. Phone 940.° Chukkers,"" by Joseph B. Ames, and "The Little Shepherd of Lava Lake," by A. C. Alen. "Chaps and Chukkers" shifts from the atmos- phere. of the western ranch to that of a Long Island pole match. "The Little Shepherd of Lava Lake" is a tale of the mystery of the oasis of Lava Lake, mystery of a big, hard-riding western engineer, of tricky lawyers, of kidnappings and sudden fights. "Cotton," by Jack Bethea, is a story of the southern states. The hero, sn of an unsuccessful tenant farmer of the Black Belt, under- takes an ambitious campaign of scientific cottoo- raising, warehous- ing and marketing. The readers of "Jonah and Co." will welcome the new novel by the same author, Dornford Yates, and of the same people, in "Berry & Co." The story concerns the four Pleydells and their cousins, Jonah and Jill Mansel. Not only has Berry & Co. the same effervescent spirit of fun, but it also deals with the same characters, in a period just antedating that df Jonah, The Pleydell clan at this time is only five, but the romance of Boy Pler- dell, the narrator, raises the num- ber to six at the conclusion of the story. "Peace or War?" by J. M. Ken- worthy, is a stern indictment of war, written by a British labor leader and ex-military man. It shows how all modern wars have their true inception in internation- al rivalry and capitalistic intrigue, while their ostensible reason is some unselfish ideal. He points out the failure of the League of Na- tions and advocates the American plan for the outlawry of war. Sao few books have been writs ten on Siberia that "Tigers, Gold and Witch-doctors," by G. B. Dig- by, is especially welcome, A gift for seeing the unusual and. pie- turesque and recording it in vivid impressionistic description marks this entertaining account of travel adventure by an American jonr- nalist in Trans-Baikal, Sibera. The smuggling of gold in Chinese corpses, the practice of tying gay rag offerings on holy bushes, the theft and disappearance af a whole train are among the occurrences recounted. "The Road to Plenty," by W. T. Foster, is a different kind of book on economics, In almost fictional form and hy the use of parables, the author sanely and clearly dis- cusses the present economie situa- 'tion, with particular reference to ever-production and under-con- sumption and points out the way to a solution, Technical terms are omitted. The average thinker whether he be a business man, so- cial worker, or trade unionist, will appreciate this discussion. Pre- sented in conversation hetween the "gray man," a lawyer, a professor, a business man, and a *'red-haired orator." The library has added several more of Bernard Shaw's works to their collection. 'Three Plays for Puritans," Plays Pleasant and Un- pleasant," *Saint Joan," "Heart- break House" and other plays have heen added to the drama. "The Quintessence of Ibsenism" Is a criticism of Thsen"s works. "Love Among the Artists" is a novel. Boys' and Girls' Library Many new hooks and editions < To a Million Men Who Haven't Made An Important Discovery When figures won't add and another hour's work means a throbbing hezd, it is time for Aspirin. Acts quickly, and relief is complete. Physicians tell you it's harm- less--it does not affect the heart. Just be sure it is genuine Bayer; that name should be on the box, and on every tablet. All druggists, with proven directions. will be stamped with SI ---- SPIR the trade (registered in OC: i ol SELL, ona. nolog, Bre Meow i their "Bayer Cross" against imita- trademark, Lumber and Builders' Supplies of All Kinds RIE A ---- WATEROUS-MEEK LIMITED have arrived at the Junior Depart- ment in the last few days. An outs standing addition to the reference shelf is the complete set of "The Little Nature Library," which in- cludes books about trees, butter- flies, birds, wild flowers and plants. This set should be of valuable as- sistance to those interested in na- ture study. A splendid story about the thrill- ing days of the Crusades is "Paul of France," by C. Stratton. As the leaders gathered their followers in France for the fourth crusade, Paul, a boy of thirteen was kid- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1928 OPEN TO PUBLIC London, June 2.--This summer thousands of taxpayers 'while 'on holiday will have an opportunity of beholding at close quarters some of the battleships towards the cost and upkeep of which they have contributed. Nelson and Rodney, the two most up-to-date ships of war in the world, which cost about £8,000,000 each, are to be "thrown open." The Second and Third Bat- tle Squadrons, the Battle Cruiser Squadron, and® the Second Cruiser Squadron will all spend the months of June and July calling on the most popular South Coast resorts in turn. Londoners will be given the chance of inspecting Repulse in the Thames Estuary. napped and pressed into service. The crusade failed to reach Pales- tine, but the years that intervened | before Paul reached his home were | full of adventure and strange | scenes. An interesting story, well | told. | A lovely new, well illustrated | edition of Kitzpatrick"s 'Jock of | the Bushveld" has been added to | the "Special Edition" shelf, It | describes the adventures of the | author and his dog Jock in driv- ing transports to out-lying posts in South Africa. Their experiences in hunting antelopes, their encount- | ers withsnakes, crocedies and the tsetse fly are told most dramatical- ly, The literary quality of the boak is exceptional, the language i beautiful and the whole subject is treated in an arustic manner not common in this type of story. An exciting but not unreal story of Northwestern Canada for older girls, is KE. Cowper's book, "Girls on the Gold Trail." It concerns the experiences of two girls, age seventeen and eighteen and their vounger brother in search of the | gold which their father his death from an enemy before outdoors for summer reading. had | "struck" in the Yukon and hidden | | ct CURE YOUR SUPPLY NOW AND SAVE MONEY ist $15.50 Stove Nut ... Conger Lehigh Coal Company, Limited J. H. R. LUKE, Oshawa Mgr. | Office-->52 King St. E, Phone 871 on the return trail. A story of the | YR .....5$15,00 12,50 12.50 Cannel tenner EARLY REPORT ON IMMIGRATION Inquiry Into System Ends Sittings and Considers Report : Ottawa, June 1.--The inquiry in- to the Department of Immigration or more particularly into the Im- migration System is over and the Committee gn Agriculture was de- liberatisg yesterday in camera as to the nature of its report. Some line of guidance was fumnished ag the result of a conference Wednes- day of a sub-committee, which is to do the actual drafting, in which some progress already has been made. It is hoped to have the re- port before the House by today. From all that could be gathered yesterday, the report is not likely to find any fault with those who have been responsible for the ad- ministration of the system, al- though, in the system itself, chang- es will be suggested. Encouragement for "the migra- tion of youths of the 'teen' age, and, in that regard, the co-opera- tion of the provinces, will be favor- ed. Such a scheine now works well in some of the provihces. Federal Government would do the recruit- RED ROSE TEA: is good tes The Orange Pekoe, at a little extra cost, is extra good In clean, bright Aluminum LY A) mittee there has been a certain ' President Bratiy, has its advocates amount of advocacy of a 'quota' | but there is not unanimity about it. system, as applied to non-preferred | Another point of division is as to countries, but against this is the [the land policy. Many of the Con- argument that, in minng and else- | servatives favor the scheme of Gen- where, there are certain classes of | eral McRae for the extensive fi- work which Canadian or British |nancing of a huge settlement will not do and for which foreign- | scheme, but western members op- ers are necessary. pose it in the light of experience i : . | with the Soldier Settlement Board. The appointment of a commis- | An annual return to Parliament sioner of immigration with wide ex- | or an permits or letters of admis. ecutive powers, as suggested bY |sion is Ilkely to be exacted. REPAIRING WATCHES ing. work Cl tion ity. and, that Yard--Athok St, E. Phéne 931 "ance subs tion to be favored drawn, The farm likely Assisted ers and passages for N Er , domesties are OUR SPECIALTY 1f your Wateh is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN | THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian National and Oshe awa Railroads. he 10 King St. W, anges in the medical inspec- | overseas are another probabil. The systemr will be simplified while it is not at all likely Canadian doctors will be with- they may have the assist- of British "roster" doctors. report is likely to favor a tantial preference in immigra- to Britisp people. In the com- Phone 189 vice My | ELLA CINDERS--That's How It Goes et THI 7 LIVE. HARGE OF THE COMMUNITY CENTER, A WELFARE oRSan ATION FOR THE DOWN SOME Ye AND SEE ag WORK ASK FOR MR By Bill Conselman and Charlic Plumb OH, I LIKE i THAT YOUNG MAN! 1S WHERE 1 HE SEEMS SO 'MIN C HATS JUST LIKE ELLA! he tears rrom her last izeart [enture are arcety, ary, too! Just watch this Teliow~ he may Cone, to mean Something in Glas life! | AN' SEE HOW-DUGAN ALONG" HEWOZ PRET F MUST RUN DOWN TO THE HOSPITAL a_i By Geo. McManus 195 GITTIN' TY BAD YESTERDAY- A / / H PARDON ME-BULT I'D LIKE TO FIND OUT ABOUT-MR- DUGAN yaaa N = 1d TO -- SEE-DR-KIDEM IN ROOM-G2- --y---- eed - ME FRIEND - DLGAN 15 DOCTOR - | { BY GOLLY. DUGAN ASKIN' FER WATER-HE I19N'T PEEVISH -DOC-HE'S DELIRIOUS -OR ELSE THAT | 19N'T-D 3 Wi | Bibi UST WANT KNOW HOW WELL-LAST NIGHT HE WAD A LITTLE PEEVIOH- HE ASKED FOR WATER SEVERAL TIMES "1 TELLING TOMMY DYNAMITE VAS L INVENTED BY ALFRED NOBEL OF SWEDEN, COMMUNITY, HE THEN BOUGHT A SCOW AND |, ANCHORED OUT IN LAKE MALAR WHERE HE AND HIS SON ALFRED CONTINUED THEIR EX- | PERIMENTS WHICH WERE TO PREPARE THE - "WAY FOR MODERN HIGH EXPLOSIVES, T bymAwITE CONTINUE SUCH DANGEROUS WORK IN ANY Z THE FELLOW THAT INVENTED DYNAMITE Ji pert MONEY FOR A $40,000 PEACE PRIZE, EVERY: YEAR , | WELL, IT'S CERTAINLY A "NOBEL" NN C87 1iAS ON THIS OLD BOAT THAT ALFRED MADE THE DISCOVERY THAT HIS LIQUID EXPLOSIVE - MITROGLYCERINE -COULD BE MIXED WITH CLAY OR CHALK, THUS MAKING AN EXPLOSIVE THAT COULD BE MORE SAFELY HANDLED AS IT YAS IN SOLID FORM. HE CALLED THIS NEW EXPLOSIVE DYNAMITE, BLASTING » wrN 1928. by King Features Syndicate. Inc. unt Bruni rights reserved. TILLIE THE TOILER--The Boss Dicta ates GO IN AND BSIKK THE BOSS! NOW IF | CAN BE Yor STENOGRAPHER, | AND THE - ONE HE'S SAOING_TO HIRE FOR By Russ Westover Ir AY aa xa == \T MR. SIMPKRINS - WHY NO LEY TILLIE BE M STENOG AND YOU ONE FOR YOURSELF 2 YoU SEE, VM FOND OF TTILLIE , AND | GUESS SA SUGGESTION, ANY THE THIS IS A PLACE FOR WORK , NOT LOVE -MAKING- RUNNING | THIS FIRMZ OH, DICK AM | GONNA TAKE DICTATION FROM r OVI 5 IT WAS ONLY A SUGGESTION WAY, \WHO ali SAM HILL'S Ji