Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 May 1928, p. 3

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Abolish Left Hand Turn at Corner of King and Si THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 30, 1928 Reduction in Gas Rates in City Are Today by Hydro Com'n Affects Domestic, Commer. | cial and Industrial Con- sumers -- Reduction in the Domestic Charges Amounts to 40 Cents Per Service Charge of 45 Cents -- Net Rates Given Showing Charges After Discount is Deducted. A new schedule of rates for gas consumption in the .City of Osha- we: bringing into effect a consid- ¢rable reduction particularly in dothestic rates, is announced to- day by the Hydro Electric Power Commission. The schedule ai- fects commercial and industrial consumers almost as much as do- mestic users so that today's an- noyncement will be received with general satisfaction, The Oshawa gas plant closed last year with a gross operating surplus of §33,000 from which must be taken the interest on capital and provision for the sinking fund, The net surplus would probably he about $11,000, which has to a great extent influ- enged the Ccmmission in bring- ing' about the reduction The general charge to eonsum- ers heretofore has heen $1.90 + cents per 1000 cubic feet, net, for all' purposes but under the new schedule rates are arranged®es- pecially for the different class of umers. , n regard to domestic rates a service charge of 45 cents is bhe- ing levied monthly with a charg of $1.60 per 1,000 cubic feet, This means a reduction of 40 cents per 1,000, after the first 1.000 cubic feet has heen consumed since previously there was mo service charge. A special water heater rate has heen introduced, the charge being $1 per 1,000 cubic ft, The mini- mum charge per year is $9 net. The rates for commercial and Indpstrial purposes varies accord- ing to usage. In class A consums ersf using less than 10,000 cubic Taek per month wil pay $1.90 for the first 8,000 fect and $1.85 for the balance, Qlass B consumers using from 10,000 to 50,000 cubic feet monthly will pay $1.85 for the Announced R. S. McLAUGHLIN Who has been signally honored by election to the Directorate of the National Horse Show Association of America. John McEntee Bow- man is the President of the Asso- ciation, MINOR CASES IN POLICE COURT Charles Codling Pays $10 and Costs--Two Violate Motor Laws Charles Codling pleaded guilty fo a charge of being intoxicated when he appeared in police court today and was fined $20 and costs by Magistrate Hind. * Codling had | heen arrested yesterday afternoon! when he was fished out of the Osh- awa creck, off Mechanic street, having apparently fallen into tne water in his tipsy condition. "What were you drinking?' ask- ed His Worship. The defendant replied that he had heen imbibing whiskey, at which Magistrate Hind commented that he had better leave it alone in future. Harold Cooper paid a fine of $2 and costs when convicted of violat- ing a traffic regulation. Cooper had heen detected on Athol street last night by I', C, Whitely driving a motorcycle without lights, The constable testified that when he re- tirst 10,000 feet and $1.74 for they balance, lass © consumers using over 50,000 cubic feet per month wil' be Ttharged $1.75 per 1,000 cub ™ feel for the first 50,000 and '$).- 65 for the halance. The prices given here are after" the usual ten percent discount. | has, heen taken .off for prompt | payment, The Commission has written to the. city clerk advising the city of the new schedule while an adver- tisement appears elsewhere in this issue giving the new rates but in gross figures without the discount [5 being deducted. | Senet ms ---------- | TO PRESENT ALTAR | READING DESK TO HOLY TRINITY CHURCH At the jJast meeting of Post 43 Canadian Legion, it was decided to accept resignation of Bob Stuart as president owing to pressure of busi- ness, The Post very much regrets to fose Comrade Stuart as presi- deng and hopes to have the pleas- ure of knowing that the Post will retain his interest as before. Harry Gay: will carry on as president for the remainder of the year and at the 'general meeting on Thursday. May 31, a 1st vice-president is to be elected. On Wednesday, May 30th, the Le- gion are putting on a three-act play entitled "Done in Oil," in St. Geor- 8¢'s Parish Hall, Centre Street. The Proceeds are to be for the "Bunny ing Fund." All members of the Le- gion and Auxiliary' should make an effort to come and bring a friend. _ The Legion will hold a chureh pa- rade and attend divine service at Holy Tripity Church on Sunday. June 24, and just before the ser- Vice will present to the church an Altar reading desk, which has been subscribed for by the mem- bers of the Post 43. The Building Committee has been strengthened by the addition of Comrade Graves and some very interesting develop- ments are looked for very shortly. A zeneral meeting will be held Thursday, May 31, at 8 o'clock. | quested ito do so, stating that the machine mit in court. | control as he had his hand on the A critic recently called the may- or of London a "pinhead." This is even: worse than fit would be to term him pisurious.--Brantford | Expgsitor. . of the Venizelist Party. the accused to show his driver's permit, the latter refused was not his own. Cooper pleaded not guilty and produced his per- His Worship decid- ed that a breach of the peace had 'heen made when Cooper failed to produce his license, consequently convicting him on the above charge. The firm of Plaza and Pasko Co., coal and wood dealers, Margaret strect, came in for a fine of $10 and costs, when His Worship found the defendant corporation guilty of having a truck driven hy a per- son without a chauffeur's license. The information was laid by De- tective Sergis. McGee and Flintoff, who testified that on the afternoon of the 24th of May they saw the company's truck being driven on Olive Ave., hy a boy, thirteen years {the management have spared neo MAGNIFICENT AUTO SERVICE * STATION OPENS Mercury Service Limited Has Ultra-Modern Service Depot Here . With. the completion and the formal opening today of the Mer- cury Service Limited, at Mary and King streets, Oshawa now boasts of one of the finest and most mod- ern service stations in the Prov- ince of Ontario. In appearance it is probably one of the most dis- tinctive to he seen on Ontario high- ways while in the matter of equip- ment it is second to none, In fact effort or expense to prepare 10 meet the needs of the motoring pub- lic in every respect. J. Norval Will- son of Ontario Motor Sales Ltd. 1s at the head of the new company. During the erection of the build- ing, and tke installation of the four underground gasoline tanks which are of the largest type in use in the Dominion, interest of Oshawa citi- zens has been attracted by the elab- orate plans being carried out. Now that it is completed, the result re- flects a great deal of credit not only on the management but the contractors as well. The service station itself, accord- ing to Mr. McLellan, of Bathe and McLellan, of Oshawa, general con- tractors, cost approximately $15,- 000, The Farr Hydraulic system for serving motorists with gasoline, has been installed. It is still unique in Ontario, and is probably the most interesting method ever introduced in any service station, The manner in which gasoline is supplied is in itself unique since no pumps are used. Ilach tank is filled with water and the gasoline is-introduced from the top, As the tank fills with gasoline, the water is forced out of waste pipes. The water pres- sure forces the gasoline up through feed pipes, and as the gasoline goes up, water flows in keeping the tanks automatically full. When the water reaches a certain level in the tank it can rise no higher, being definitely regulat- ed, and thus the customer can get no water in his gasoline, since wa- ter is the heavier fluid, The Farr system operates with nature's oil laws. It utilizes prin- cipally two simple laws of nature---- first that gasoline and oils are lighter than water, and secondly, gasoline or oil and water cannot mix. Consequently when gasoline and water are placed in a tank, the gasoline floats on top as a sepa- rate body and there is a distinet plane of separation hetween ine two fluids, The discharge outlet is, therefore, at the top of the tank, and pipes are run to any num- ber of dispensing outlets, as far from the storage tank as desired, and to any number of levels. Any speed of delivery: or flow can he | obtained. To float the gasoline out of the top of the tank and flow it through pipe lines, water flows in at' the bottom of the storage tank. While the city wa- ter supply is the medium of oper- ation the pressure of the supply is not put directly on the tanks as the simple Farr method of eontrol establishes a slight and constant operating head. Speed of flow and rate of delivery at various points of age. The regulap driver, John Garhoski, was standing outside of the truck cab on the running board and according to the detectives, was in suck a position that he bad not any control over the vehicle. The driver argued that he did have steering wheel. A member of the firm was in the rear of the truck at the time and had not seen who was driving. After he had given his testimony, Garboski was asked by Chief Friend to show his chauffeur's license. With much confidence, the latter depend upon proper pipe sizes and other details. The Farr system is provided with simple and reliable automatie con- trols, which prevent discharge of water when the tank is empty of | gasoline and which prevent over- filling of the tank beyond a pre- dominated fixed level. Among other mddern conveni- ences are sanitary arrangements for ladies and gentlemen. Another feature is that jt is equipped with a pit for lubrication work. This is located at the rear of the build- produced a ecard, and great was his consternation when the chief returned it to him, stating that fit was not the required license, being but a driver's permit. His Wor- ship pointed out to the defendants that they could be found guilty on two charges but added that the court was mot meant for perseeu- tion, and the driver will thus be given opportunity to procure the proper license. He then found the company charge. Garboski was given per- mission by the police to drive the truck back to the company's prem- ises. : CABINET CRISIS IS SOLVED IN GREECE Athens, May 29.--Greece's cab- inet crisis has been solved by a re- constitution of the cabinet which resigned last week, with General John Metaxas accepting the support ' Five Hundred Feet of New Fire Hose Added to Equipment, Here Five hundred fect of ncw fire hose has been added to the equipment of the Oshawa Fire Department. It was abiained irom 'the Gutta Percha Rub- ompany, and is stated as be- ing the best quality of hose' manu- factured. Altogether is cost $400, and came in ten lengths of 50 fect cach. It was said by Chief Jenner that the pur- Pose of this hose adds considerably to the standard of the fire equipment which is rapidly being put into fine shape. Work on the new fire alarm ap- paratus is being rushed as fast as possible, but with only three electri- cians besides a small number of the men of the Department, it will take some time before the alarm system is finally installed to the satisfaction of [constructed by Messrs. Bathe and | zuilty on the original |S% {electrical work and W. H. Bowden, ing. In front of the main building, whieh is finished in white stueco, is an "island" with four gasoline pipes, while four other pipes are located at other points on the ground.' The foundation brickwork was McLellan, gemeral = contracivre, | while the sub-contractors for the | plumbing were Sheppard and Ab- bott, of Toronto. The roofing was lied by J. Gasgoyne, Whitby. This jis finished in red terra cotta. Marlowe and Son of this city did the painting. The interior is ear- ried out with a cream and black color scheme which is decidedly at- tractive. The plastering was done by Sutcliffe and Sage, Oshawa. while Bowra Electric Shop did the also of Oshawa, installed the hot air heating system and did the tin- smithirg work. The service station was opened to the public this morning at 8 o'clock. The first ten customers received a tank of gasoline free of charge, while customers who fol- lowed received an extra gallon free with every five gallon purchase. The opening of the Mercury Ser- vice Limited today marked the launching of another thriving busi- ness in the Motor City. FIRECRACKER IN LETTER BOX Montreal, May 29.--Two boys of ten who mailed a lighted firework found today, before the Juvenile Court, they had been guilty of the heinous offence of burning His Majesty's mail. "But we on- ly put the cracker in the letter box." was their defence. They the Chief, were remanded for semtence. A To Decide Hospital Bequest of Late J.E. Farewell Points to Be Determined Are Whether Town of Whitby or County of Ontario Took Steps Within Three Years Prior to Col, Farewell's Death to Erect Hospital--Fur- row Ploughed on Proposed Site But Supreme Court Whether This Constituted Step Toward Institution -- If Terms Not Complied With Bequest Will Go to Oshawa Hospital Will Decide A motion on behalf of Toronto General Trusts Corporation, execu tors and trustees of the estate of the late Col. J. E, Farewell, for an order determining whether or not the Whitby General Hospital is en- titled to a bequest of $3,000 under his will and to share in the residue of the estate or for such other or- der as may seem just, will be made in the Supreme Court at Osgoode Hall, on Wednesday, June 6. According to the will in order to receive the bequest, the Town of Whitby or the County of Outurin were required to have erected or to have taken steps to erect a general hospital in Whitby before a period of three vears expired from the time of the late Col, Farewells death. 1t is alleged that on the after- noon of the third anniversary of Col. Farewell's death a party visit- ed the site of the proposed hospi- tal and ploughed a furrow," win the result that one of the points to be decided in the Supreme Court is whether this action constituted on June 6 commencement of a hospital with. in three years. Another conten- tious point is whether the town or the county did whatever was done and whether they 'contributed or took steps to contribute towards a hospital. One point at issue is said 'o he that neither the County of Ontario nor the Town of Whitby is a party to the matter, the project apparen'- ly having been planned by a Board of Trustees of the proposed hospi- tal. Under the terms of the will'if the Town. of Whitby or the County of Ontario failed to comply with | the requirements of the will, as to a hospital in Whitby, the Oshawa | (ieneral Hospital will be a bene- | ficiary instead sof Whithy, to the extent of between $2,000 and $3,- 000, G. D. Conant, well known local barrister, wha is chairman of the Oshawa Hospital Board of Direct- org, is acting in the case in the in- terests of the Oshawa institution, CANADA WILL HONOR WAR HEROES OF U, S. Ottawa, May border case came he Tore the House this afternoon when the Hous¢ proceeded to deal with External Affairs estimates. Hon. Hugh Guthrie tive; South Wellington) up the case of Amedee Bilodeau of Sherbrooke, Que., for whose widow a financial settlemoart was urged. In 1925, according to the story told in the House, two Unit- od States. officers on the Vermont border induced Bilodeau and an- other man named Price to go to Montreal and procure for them narcoties. Altercation and Shooting On the return journey to the boner, it is stated, an altercation developed, the result of which was Bilodeau was shot, He tried to get away, according to the story, but was recaptured. The bificers took him te a hospital in Ver- ment hut Bilodeau die dbefore the hospital was reached. Mr. Guthrie wanted to know what stops had been taken to re- cover dar from the United 29, An unusual (Conserva- hrought fs | States officers and remarked that received a Juiter of State Frank Washington. © that nothing could he done for her. The point of dispute now is on which side of the border the shoot ing took place, the Canadians holding that it was on this side, while United States officials con- tend it was on their side, the widow had from Secretary Kellogg, at APPRECIATION OF THE DAILY TIMES Simco2 Street ( Official Board Pass Resolution of Thanks For Co-operation The Dear At Nshawa Sir: a Daily Times --- meeting of the official ! Board of Simcoe Street United Church a resolution was unant- mously and cordially placed on the hooks, expressing the gratitude of the Church for the fine publicity given to the Jubile Celebrations Services: by the Oshawa Daily Times. It was ordered that a copy of this resolution should be sent to the Daily Times, Signed, W. 8. Dougall, Minister, AN EQUINE COMEIAN London, May 29 A race horse hearing the appropriate name of Whirlwind threw his jockey to- day enroute to the starting post at Hurst Park, knocked a mounted policeman off his stded and bit the steod, then attacked an old cart horse. By this time the odds ! against him had lengthened to about twenty to one. Whirlwind then allowed himself t(o be re: mounted and won the race hy sev- eral lengths. At a previous race meting Whirlwind had distin- guished himself by eating his sad- dle. Must Abate is Order Township Health Bd. Nine Homes Implicated od) Board Will Notify All Contributing to the Nui- sance to Eliminate it, Lay- ing Emphasis on Laws in Effect Governing the Sit- uation--Must Obtain Per- mits in Future Before In- stalling Conveniences. East Whitby Town Township Board of Health at 2 meeting Monday after- noon took steps 10 remedy the situ-, ation in regard to the puisance cre- ated by alleged unsanitary condi- tions exisiting in Harmouy. The Board decided to notify all people contributing to the nuisauce ww abate it forthwith, at the same tine advising them of the recomwmenda- tion of the provincial authorities that the omly way the situation can be remedied is for the present system to be discontinued, and re- placed by separate conveniences for each house or every two houses at the most. Nine houses are im- plicated in causing present condi- tions. The action of the board follows* recent imvestizations as a result of complaints lodged with «health au- thorities. The board also decided tnat 1m future the provincial law will be strictly ' enforced requiring a per- mit or approval in writing from the Township Medical Health Officer before any sanitary convenience can be installed. There is a stand- ing by-law in every municipality providing that no one establish san- itary conveniences until ratified by the MOH, Nuisance Issued by 0. M. I. SOFTBALL TEAM WILL PLAY IN WHITBY TONIGHT (By tsaff Reporter) Whitby, May 30.--Softball lov- ers will have their first chance of seeing the local girls' softball |EASTERN CANADA SERVICE MEN IN CONVENTION HERE -- C. E. McTavish, General . Parts and Service Manager, o 3 Presiding A convention attended by twen- ty service ropresentatives from Eastern Canada of fhe General Motors. The territory covered by these representatives includes On- tario New Brunswick, Nova Sco- tia and Quebec. The program for the balance of the year in regard to the work carried on by this section of the Motors corporation 1s being set and reviewed, and much enthusi- asm is expresssed for the coming business season. C. E. McTavish, Geaeral Parts and Service Manag- er, is presiding. Talks on the work in the dis- trict during the past few months are being given. Besides that of Mr. McTavish, addresses weve giv- en by Ross Mackinnon, Ceneral sales manager of the Chevrclat division, Lorne Ardiel, usenecal sales manager of the service pro: motion division F. R. Daniels, as- sistant to the general parts ~nd service manager, and G. H. Pur- vig, supervisor of Field service men, TORONTO STOCKS (Supplied hy Stobie, Forlong & (¢.) NOON CLOSING Bid 5 (5 1% Stock Bell Telephone Brazilian Br. Amer. B.C. Fish Brompton F.N. Burt Carlings Canada Malting Christie Brown City Dairy Imper. Tobacco Imperial Oil Utilities "B" Inter. Pete. Loblaw Massey 8. Ask 175 58 38% 9 oil' 1 h q 3 a3 7 100 BT 11 67 18 41 04 40 10 ih 69 Harris Station Shredded Wheat Abitibi Hiram Walker Amulet Abana Argonaut TAmity Barry Hollinger Bathurst Bedford Beaver Big Horn Bidgood Cen. Manitoba Chaput Hughes Dome Howey Hollinger Hud=on Bay, Jackson Manion Kirkland Lake Kootenay Flrnce, Laval-Quebec Lebel Ore Macassa Mandy McDougall Mcintyre Malartic Millerest Min. Corpn. Nipissing ..,.,. Newbee Noranda Pioneer ' Pend Oreillo ,..,1600 Potterdoal 10% Premier 222 Ribago srrrrs 9 San Antonio 42 Sudbury Basin 930 Sudbury Mines, 71% Sherritt Gordon 570 Teck Hughes 980 Tough Oakes 26% Towagamac Vipond Wright Hargreaves 450 Total mining sales 628,434 108 940 1490 1800 team in action when the girls ¢n- gage the Malleable Iron Works' team from Oshawa at the town park ,tomjight, in an exhibition contest. Both teams are entered in the Oshawa Ladies' Softball League and the game tonight will probably show how the Whithy girls compare with Motor City players. LINDY OFF FOR CALIFORNIA Wichita, Kansas, May 20.--Col- puel Charles Lindbergh, with two companions, hopped off this morn- ing on a flight to California. It is reported they may _Swp at Den- bay, Bion ae, Gains 5 Ib, "It's easy for me =i do a full | day' s work and stay up late nights since taking Vinol. My weight has increased 5 pounds.--Earl Dunlap. 8 9 Vinol is a delicious compound of cod liver peptome, irom, etc. Nerv- ous, easily tired, anemic peopie are surprised how Vinol gives new pep, sound sleep and a BIG appe- tite. The very FIRST bottle often adds several pounds weight to TRIPS OVER WIRE .. DEATH Is RESULT Winnipeg, May 29. -- Frank Bernstein, aged 8, was fatally in- jured while playing here when he tripped over a wire, inflicting a deeep wound in his right knee. Bleeding profusely, the young lad was rushed to a hospital, but died a short time later from loss of blood. vin which this measure will he en- Limit Parkin Section Will Be Effective from 8 am. to 68 pm. on King St. from Mary to Church and on Simcoe Street from William to Bruce -- The Ten Minute Limit Will Be Saturday Nights -- Rule Not to Be Effective on Sunday No Angle Parking in City Abolishing of the left hand turn at King and Simcoe streets and the limiting or parking cars to ten minutes on King and Simcoe streets, in the business scction, be- tween certain hours, were among the decisions made by the police commission after a thorough dis- cussion of Oshawa's traffic prob. lems. Heretofore motorists have enjoyed the privilege of making a | left turn at King and Simcoe streets but the congestion of motor vehi- cles, particularly at rush hours, ani the constant danger of accidents re- | sulted in the. matter being intro- duced hefore the Commisison. May- or R. D. Preston strongly opposed the measure, citing certain busy | corners in Toronto where the left | hand turn was permitted. He also | contended that if motorists were obliged to go a hiock farther he- fore turning to the left the traffic would he still further delayed, 8.30 to Six O'clock The new parking Jaws on King and Simeoe streets become effective forthwith, The ten-minute limit will be forced on these streeis be- tween Mary and Church streets on | King and between William and Bruce streets on Simcoe. The hours ---- forced are from 8.70 in the morn- ing to six o'clock in the evening through the week with the excep- tion of Sfturday when the time fis | extended to ten o'clock. This regu- lation will not be effective on Sun- days. In view of the streets in this city, decided to prohibit anywhere in Oshawa. narrowness of the Commission angle parking This has been sometimes on King and Simcoe streets, This rule will be strictly enforced. Chief Friend was Instructed to arrange a parking place on Bond street for busses with the addition- al provision that these husses be not allowed to remain in front of their station longer than fifteen min- utes. The City engineer will mark off the parking area. The bus companies were given an extension of time in which to secure another suitahle jocation. Chief of Police Friend was Th- structed to communicate wity the Chairman of the Liguor Controt Board with regard to a new loca, tion for the brewers' warehouse on King street west in view or sne congested traffic and the resultant danger, The motion held over from ? ihe Wst meeting, calling for Athol and Mary streets to become through streets, was abolished. Much Discussion The abolishing of the left hand turn at King and Simcoe streets precipitated the most discussion. This motion was brought up at the last meeting and held over until yesterday. Chief of Police Friend held that the left hand turn was pot suits able for Oshawa, this city having a much greater number of cars in proportion to its population than any other city in the Dominion. Mayor Preston countered with the remark that Torotno had left hand turns at every corner except- ing where King, Queen and Bloor streets cross Yonge. There were certainly more cars at the corner of King and York streets in Toronto than there were at the corner of King and Simcoe streets all day, he said. Chief Friend declared that the only accident at the corner here was caused by a left hand turn. The Mayor argued that if motor- ists were forced to proceed a block farther to make the turn that they would hold up trafic just when it had reached its stride, and that a motorist could also be making the turn where there were no signals to guide him. Had Watched Trafic Major Hind reiterated that he bad stood at the corner of King and mcoe Extended to 10 o'Clock 5 | during the illness done frequently on Bond street and Streets | g to Ten Minutes in Business During Day Simcoe on numerous occasions to watch the effect of the left hand turn, incidentally not once having seen the Mayor there, and that he had arrived at the conclusion that trafic was congested by motorists making the left hand turn. ¥dq declared that pedestrians had less chance to cross the street in safety and "altogether the rule was dan. gerous in every way you looked at "If motorists would stop in thd intersection so they would not block the cars following, the turn would be feasible, but it seems ta be impossible to educate the drivers to this fact," Chief Friend asserts ed. The measure was finally adopts ed. The matter of compelling pedess trians to obey the automatic sig nals was brought up, but the Chief pointed out that it was impossible, Philadelpiha had tried it once, but had to give it up in disgust and further than that Toronto was nof yet getting the desired results. GRADUATION AT ONTARIO HOSPITAL . AT WHITBY TONIGHT I (By Staff Reporter), Whitby, May 80.--The anny! graduation exercises of the Onyaflc Hospital will be held in the hess pital assembly hall this evening when eleven nurses will receive their diplomas. The occasion id an important one and will prob« ably be honored by the presencq of many distinguished visitors, Ins chuding friends and relatives of the graduates, A dance is to he held at the conclusion of the exers cises, . - -- Card of Thanks The Foster amily wish to than their friends for their kindness of the late Mrs, (12 ur - 0 Foster, In Memoriam STEPHEN--In loving memory -of our dear mother, Mary, heloved wife of Alex Stephen, who pass« ed away May 28, 1925, at hen home in Utica, ni Often we think of you, dear Mothes And our hearts are sad with pain Oh! this earth would he a heaven Could we hear your voice again, f But peaceful be thy rest dear Mother "Tis sweet to hreathe thy name, In life we loved you evermore In death we do the same. Ever remembered hy Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wright and family, (1263) TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY GARAGE TO RENT--VICINITY, Drew and Bruce Sts. Phone 554. (126h)) $4,000--SIX ROOMS. CENTRAL. All conveniences. Easy terms, See this. Phone 2642. (1260) §2,860--FIVE LARGE ROOMS. water heavy wiring, furnace, large lot. In city, $100 cash. Phone 2642, (1268p) SPLENDID SIX ROOM HOUSE with all conveniences for rent at $50 per month. Lycett, 25 King St. E. (126a), HOUSEMAID WANTED FOR UP- stair work and to take charge of children's laundry. Girls under 20 need not apply. Mrs, W. A. Coad, 448 Simcoe St, N, (1276) REPORTER, CIRCULATION MAN wanted to represent The Oshawa Daily Times in Bowmanville. Please apply by letter stating experience, if any, and references to A, R. Alloway, Oshawa Daily Times. (1270), tl] Coming Luents RATES sl Coma por mond. ach fa EE eaim Sarge Port Hope, May 29.--Prompt ac- tion upon the part of a 15-year-old boy scout, Clare Morton, was re- {sponsible for the saving of the lives of two young farmhands, pre- cipitated into the waters of Rice Lake, when their canoe tipped over last night. Alexander Laing and Jack Gruw- shaw, employes of William Dickers, a farmer residing two miles east of Bewdley, were en route to Bewd- ley by canoe. They were paddling at high speed when one of the boys missed a stroke. causing the craft thin children or adults. Tastes delicious. Jury & Lovell, Druggists. to overturn. The accident was scen irom the village and the Boy Scout Saves Two Men From Drowning at Rice Lake plight of the young men, s:rug- gling in the water was recognized to be serious. (Clare Morton took a row boat owned by the Kennedy Hote! and went to the rescue. With cousiderable difficulty and endan- gering his own safety, Morton suc- ceeded in dragging the men, who had been clinging to their upturn- ed canoe, into the row boat. Laing and Growshaw were taken to the Kennedy Hotel and were found to be mone the worse for their wet- ting. The, rescue was witnessed by a darge number of villagers. and the boy was warnuy congratulated up- DANCE -- SQUARE DANCING every 'Tuesday and Friday nights. Barnhart's Pavilion, Oshawa Beach, (May 28-June 9) DON'T MISS THE PLAY "WHAR Doth It Profit", Simcoe Street South School, June 1, 8 p.m. in aid of the mew church at Albert St.' Mission. (125b); RUMMAGE MARKET, Thursday, 2 pm. St Andrew's. RUMMAGE SALE IN MARKET Friday, 2 o'clock, St. Andrew's Ladies" Aid. (125¢) UNITED: BROTHERHOOD AND others interested meet at Union Hall (over Arcade) Simcoe St. North 8 o'clock Thursday, May 31. (1268)] RUMMAGE SALE. BASEMENT4 King St. Church, Friday, 1.30 pg SALE, May 31, on his plucky work. m., June 1. A126b) (1250), ~

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