Lar Indu THE OMtiAW4 OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 29, 1928 NGS 20, TEXTILES 14 - EAGLES 23, BEAVERS 13, INDUSTRIAL LOOP Crowd out at Senior | Leagu Fi -- Hit Ball HapdEE: BASEBALL RECORDS INTERNATIONAL LEA Vou tit he Aarne aenans 595 S59 500 : ang LLL LLLTT Eee a anaers 16 Kit " Fair Exhibition ition Provided as Curtain Rises on Softball Season -- Next Fixture Will Be Staged Wednes- day Evening at Alexan dra Park, Chevrolet Meet. ing St. George's Fittings 'and Textiles officially opened the Qlty Industrial Softhall League at Cowan Park last night before a large crowd that was treat. ed to a fair exhibition, The Fit- tings teamy eame out on the long ond of a 20-14 score by superior hitting and an inability on the part of Lazinby to field the bunts which the 1ittings players lald down in clever style, Both pitchers went the route and showed flashes of talent, but alto. gother the hurling falled to prove very deceptive, both teams making good use of the willow. Snowden, playing shortstop for the winners, featured the contest with a sensa- tional lone-hand stab of a line-drive that was headed for the wide-open spaces, Fittings bunched thelr hits and came through at opportune mo- ments when the bases were popu Intod, Wilson's hurling was only fair, but the team behind him worked together in brilliant fashion, Laz. fnby, on the other hand, rvecelved erratle support and was baffled by the hunting tacties of the winners. The league, which boasts five foamy, appears to be in for a ban. ner season, Chevrolet's, St, Geor- go's, and Moffats are the other en- trants, the next game heing sched- ulod for Wednesday night at Alex- andra Park, the highly-touted Ohevrolots meeting St, George's In what promises to We an interesting struggle, The score hy innings-- Fittings 43813150020 Toxtilog -- 718001200--14 The line ups were: Mittings--Rowden, 2b; Love, ¢} Snowden, ss; McNally, Gb; Hester, th; Arnold, vf; Jackson, If; Rich. ards, cof} Wilson, IH (a) Incobl, In; (h)Salmon, cf; (n)==roplaced Jnckson in the 7th; (b) replaced Richards in the Fth, Textiles--Brady, cf; Dolicn, 2h; Morris, 4b; Turnae, 1b; Creamer, . ®8; Haley, 1t; Daniels, e: Camp- bell, rf; Lazinby, p, en pn ------------ SKEETERS WIN TWICE Jersey City, May 28--Jersey Cicy took two wild ball games, from Bulti- more here today, and as a result cop- ped the series from the Birds, two victories to one, The Black Cats won the first game after fourteen innings, Jto2 and then tucked away' the seven-inning nightcap with + a pis splurge in the third frame, 4 to 1. Bolen and John- son had a great duel in the first game Chff Jackson team-mates in the the Jerseys the double victory timore"s lope run, scored in yourth, was unearned Jack Smith hroke the game won from his old nightcap to give Bal- the new first bhasemah, nto local line-up in this THIRTY-FOUR HITS IN GAME WON BY BEARS FROM READING Reading, Pa., May 28.---Newark defeated Reading, 16 to 13, in a slugfest lasting two and a half hours, here, this afternoon, Thirty. four hit were slammed, fourteeon for extra hases, Fournier hit two home runs and Malone one. CANADA BEATEN FOR DAVIS CUP Montreal, May May 28.--Undaunted by early reverses which forced him to concede the first tN an sets to his opponent, Captain Telzo Toba, of the Japanese 'Davis team, battling from honing, de- feated Dr, Jack Wright, of Can- ada 7--9, 3--6, 6--3, 6--0, 6-4 in the first match of the two fin- a singles of the Japan-Canada tie at the Mount Royal Tennis Club courts today. The triumph of the Japanese leader clinched the second-round tle for his team giving the Japan- wie their third victory it the cup tie, the singles last Friday having been divided and Japan winning the doubles match Saturday. and final match between Willard F. Crocker and Yoshiro Ohta had no bearing on the series except to widen or decrease Japan's margin. The two went to the courts, but their exhibition was called in the evening, after each had won two' sets, Crocker winning 6--2, 6-0, uy then losing to Ohta, 6-3, 11 -_ The Japanose players leave to- morrow for Chicage where they will meet the United States team in the American zone final starting Friday, the winner of the final Journoying across the Atlantie to play the victors in the European fond .for the right to challenge France for the Davis Cup. MAJOR LEAGUE LEADERS American League Batting--Barncs, Senators, Runs=Ruth, Yankees, 44. Runs bat- YH in--Ruth, Yankees, 41, Hits-- Tanush, Browns, 54 Doubles--Meu- Eh Yankees, 18. Triples--Lazzeri, Vunkees, 6, Homers--Ruth, Yankees, 10, Stolen bases--McNeely, Browns, Barrett, White Sox; Rice, Tigers, 6 Pitching--Pennock, Pipgrass, Yan- Ces won & lost 1 Rind! 'League Batting--Grantham, Pirates, 394, Runs--Douthit, Cards, 34, Runs bat- ted in=Frisch, Cards, 33. Hits-- Donthit, Cards, 66, Doubles--Frisch, Cards, 13, Triples--=Walker, Reds, 7 Jlomers-Wilson, Cubs, 9, Stolen vases--Frisch, Cards, 10, Pitchin Blalse, Cubs, won 5, lost 0, = Home runs yesterday Yankees, 1; Dugan, Yankees, mons, Athletics, 1, The leader + as follows: American Rub, New York, 16; Gehrig, New York, 8; Hauser, Phila- delphia, 8; Todt Boston, 7 NationalsmWi son, Chicago, 9; Bis- sonpette, Brooklyn, 8; Bottomley, Louis, 7; Ott, New York 0. League Totals = National, American, 130. Total, 27 491, Lauer, ; Sim= 138; RUTH CLIMBS FAST Babe Ruth and Ty Cobb were the only active members of the "Big Six" in yesterday's curtailed schedule. The Babe took his opportunity to climb to second place, He enjoyed a perfect day at bat against Grove, Orwoll and * Powers as the Yankees whaled the Athletics, 11 to 4, getting two singles and three passes to boost his percentage to 309. Cobb got only one hit in five trips to the plate, and slumped down bes low Frisch into fifth place with 309. AB.R. H. PC. 119 24 46 387 130 44 48 .3Q9 149 30 54 362 157 32 49 32 152 19 47 309 159 24 46 .289 Hornsby, Braves Ruth, Yankees P. Waner, Pirates Frisch, Cardinals Cobb, Athletics Heilman, Tigers TIRE BARGAINS GALORE! TTAER about tire.values. Must look at what we have to offer the man who drives. a light car. Every tire made by Goodyear. Every tire) made of SUPER - TWISTiCords. See these. Ontario Motor Sales, Limited 99 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 900 For service sake; buy at home San | 2s, ] As |[N a result of their vetory, the fifth' Mewar @ waanaean ersey \ 18 Keane WBNS J . Jerse reer Cy. 38 Batimore wana a 203 arkieer 18 eading ues 13 © Ei, at x at Reading. On i EN, 1 Now York. eeesnanne 18 evennenn eland Mesa anneg t, Louis coeeneatene ton IEEE RARER RNY) 15 [0 aeecenenennns RPOIt seven nenennn ashington Qe eanan Washington... 2 Bone ew York... 11 Philadelphia sree 4 t, Louis...vs.2 Chicago ... 1 Only three games s played. CERRE oday Chicago at St. 'Louis; Detroit at Cleveland; Philadel hia at Boston; TH at New TIONAL LEAGUE ' .C: 636 595 583 564 550 A447 443 206 Brooklyn «eeeeees St. Louis eeeerereeee 22 Pittsburg vovvveennn, 17 HoMON vu nveavenes 12 Philadelphia ¢..v000s y's Scores Mon Cincinnati ....2 Chicago ......1 Only one Se +2 scheduled, Today St, Louis at Phsbury: Cincinnati at Chicago; Boston at Philadelphia; New York at Brookly: AMERICAN au $ociATION Von Lost P.C. 17 005 S81 Aol 558 535 512 360 Kansas City . Milwaukee .., Indianapolis ,, St. ayo Ciera sreny 4 Minneapolis NTI 1 4 Tolede Louisville ,. Columbus... 0000 12 Monday's Scores Indianapolis, ..7 Toledo Minneapolis. ..7 St, Paul . Kansas ci. 4 Milwaukee » arse» Columbus, ... 12 Louisyille ,.v.¢ GLASGOW RANGERS REACH NEW YORK New York, NY ¥., Glasgow Rangers, soccer team, Scottish League champions and wingers of 'the Scottish Cup and Glasgow Cup, arrived here today on hoard the Anchoy Liner Cali- fornian, to play a series of eight games in the United States and Capada, Two directors of the fam- ous clubs, Bailié Duncan Graham and James Bowle, William Struth, manager, and Trainer James Kerr, accompanied the sixteen players, who are as follows: Tom Hamil- ton, goal; Douglas Gray, Robert Hamilton, Wm, Candless, backs; Tommy Nuirhead, John Buchanan, Davie Meiklejohn and Thos, Craig, halfbacks; Alec Archibald, Robert McPhail, Willlam Hair, Andy Cun- ningham, Alan Morton, James Marshall, James Simpson and James Fleming, forwards, Representatives of several Scot- tish clans in New York and dis- trict met the tourists at the pier and an informal reception was held in the ship's stateroom. The 'Rang- ers will have a workout at Haw- thorne Ii% 1, Brooklyn, tomorrow, to prepare ®iem for the first games of their four on Wednesday at the Sesquicentennail Stadium, Phila. delphia, against a picked team from the Pennsylvania State. Their dates are as follows: June 2, v. Brooklyn Wanderers, at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn. June 3, v. Fall River, at Tiver- ton, R.I. Jupe 9, v. Pittsburg, at the Pitt Stadium, Pittsburg, June 10, v. Detroit, at the Uni- versity of Detroit Stadium. June 16, v. Montreal, at Mont- real. June 18, v. Toronto at Toronto. June 23, v. Brooklyn Wanderers, at Ebbets Field, Brooklyn, Strong influence is being brought to bear on the Rangers' officials to play two or three ad- ditional games at the Polo Grounds, New York, before depart. ing for Scotland, and it is confi- dently expected that the megotia- tions will be satisfactorily con- cluded by tomorrow. a . 43 18 19 May 28,--The June SPOR1 SNAPSHOTS Softball held 'full sway in the city parks i a in games, he scason in brilliant style to defeat the good the Cit adusteiat Loon opening before fair crowds. Down at Cowan's : DOM There was hardly a dull moment in the if the sigh the To packs shou Tears runners-up, finishi the Beavers, winning 218 whole con- ers continue to show the energy exhibited last overflow with rapid fans on their every appear- iles held the limelight at Alexandra Park, Eagles, last ten runs to the good at the There is certainly no ith hy se of uns in these exhibitions, but once the fielders tighten up and the pitchers commence setting up new $teike- out records, the scores should revert to normal, The Senior Lacrosse feant held a workout at Alexandra Park last night under the watchful eye of coach "Bob" § yers are just t which all is for a The attended Saturday's argument against Torontos must have of Lacrosse displayed. the citizens have "every. opportunity to witness t played anywhere. The United States which is en when it sees it, is cuddli Hockey, working executives. team work wit pressed with the brand nowing a "good thin, breast with apparent te aon and the hard- develop the, in- ans who im- ht here i Oshawa e fastest Lacrosse encrally credited with ng the game to its Canada's winter pastime Mas made remarkable progress in the States in the last two or three years and now Lacrosse has so impressed the critics that several of the Univer- sities across the line have made it their major sport . To read the reports one would think it was as new as Jai Allai instead of being one of the chief divertissements of the original inhabitants, the Indians. What Canada needs is a good press-agent just to let the folks know what interesting things are going on in the "land of mounted policemen and free refrigeration." South Ontario Softball : Séhedule Under Way The South Ontarid softball lea- gue opened last night when two games were played. Whitby de- feated Buicks 156-2 and Pickering handed North Oshawa a 16-11 trimming. The league officials have arranged a very interesting schedule which appears below. The Ashburn at Port Perry contest scheduled for last night was post. poned and will be played at a later date, The teams have been divided in- to two groups, A and B A Group May 28--Bulcks at Whitby, May 81--Bowmanville at Wijliams. June 6--Whitby at Bowmanville. June 7--Willlams at Bulcks, June 12--Willfams at Whithy, 14--Bowmanville at Bulcks. June 19--DBuicks at Bowmanville. June 21--Whithy at Willlams, 6 June 26----Bowmanville at Whitby. June 28--Buicks at Williams, July 8--Willlams at Bowmanville, July 5--Whithy at Buleks, July 10--Buicks at Whitby. July 12--Bowmanville at Williams, July 17-=Whithy at Bowmanville, July 19=Willlams at Bulecks, July 28--=Williams at Whithy. July 26--Bulcks at Bowmanville, R. Branton, Secct'y.-Treas. South Ontario Softball League, 1928. B Group May 28--Ashburn at Port Perry. May 28---N. Oshawa at Pickering, May 81--Oshawa B M at Brooklin. June 5--Port Perry at N., Oshawa. June fi--Pickering at Oshawa B M. June 65--Brooklin at Ashburn, June 12--N. Oshawa at Brooklin. June 12--Ashburn at Pickering. June 12--Oshawa BM. at Pt Perry June 19--Oshawa B.M, at Ashhurn, June 10--Brooklin at Port Perry. June 19--Pickering at N., Oshawa, June 27--N, Oshawa at Oshawa BM, June 26--Port Perry at Pickering. June 26---Ashburn at Brooklin, July 3--Pickering at Brooklin. July 4----Port Perry at Oshawa BM, July 3--N., Oshawa at Ashburn, July 10--Brooklin at N, Oshawa. July 10--Oshawa B.M, at Pickering July 10--Port Perry at Ashburn, July 17--N. Oshawa at Port Perry, July 18--Ashburn at Oshawa B.M, July 17--Brooklin at Pickering, July 23---Port Perry at Brooklin, July 28--Pickering at' Ashburn, July 23--0sh, B.M, at N, Oshawa, July 27--Ashbugn at N. Oshawa, July .27--Brooklin at Oshawa B.M, July 27--Pickering at Port Perry, THREE MINERS ESCAPE SLIDE AT HOLLINGER Timmins, Ont,, May 28,--One ghute blaster and two muckers working at the Hollinger Mine this morning, miraculously escaped being trapped when No. 99 stope al 11 crosscut south caved in from the 800 to the 950-foot level, while Stope No. 101 from the 675 to the 800-foot level is on the move The cave-in is officially confirmed by Hollinger officals, although the general superatendent has not yet been below to ascertain the extent of the slide. Anticipations of disastrous cave ins in the underground network and huge stopes prompted the Hol- linger management early last year to embark upon an energetic cam- paign of back-filling and to this effect a three and a half-mile aerial tramway was built to rvon- duct sand and gravel to fill in the cavities created by taking out the HORSESHOE PLAYERS TO COMPETE SOON AT EDMONTON (By Canadian Press) Edmonton, Alta, May 28.--- Horseshoe tossers from all parts of the province will compete here during exhibition wedk, July 16 to 21 for valuable prizes. Rules and regulations of the National Horseshoe Pitchers' Association will prevail. NEW YORK CANADIANS ELECT NEW OFFFICERS Néw York, May 28.--The elec- tion of Edwin A. Scott, publisher} formerly of Cardinal, Ont, as President of the Canadian Club of New York was announced to- day. Henry B. Orde formerly of Toronto, was elected third vice- preeident; R. H. Belkins, former- ly of Sherbrooke, Que., hob, secre- tary; Raymond C. Brown, former? ly of Park Hill, Ont., treasurer, and John E. Webber, formerly of ore, Toronto, executive secretary, v "As . Illustrated" White Shirts Summer Underwear with Striped Shorts Increasingly popular among ath- letic young men. Knit shirt and striped shorts of durable wagh- able fabric. Designed for com- fort. and certainly, smart-look- Stripes in Many Colors and All Sizes. Siberr ' Ss EAST Royals Defeat Leafs 8 to 5 Montreal, May 28-The Royals made merry here this afternoon in the final game of their second home stay. They trounced the Toronto Maple Leais, 8 to 5 to cven the ab- breviated scries at ome victory cach, they climbed into undisputed posses- sion of third place and they broke a losing streak that. had extended over five games. Twelve sound blows that were de- livered when they were needed gave the Royals the triumph. Stallings men bunched nine of the ten hits they made off Jess Doyle for all their runs in the sccond and fifth chuk- kers, and the latter frame saw the Leafs' hurling ace driven from the mound, to be relieved by Walter Leverenz, The former Buffalo southpaw held the Royals to two hits and no runs during the balance of the game, but the Leafs could do little with the ten hits they clicked off Dunagan's serves and the Royals pulled through with their first viciory in eleven days. ood Support for Dunagan Dunagan, with an 8-2 lead that his team-mates gave him in the fifth, was rarely in trouble, but when the visit- ors did show signs of becoming dan- gerous, the Royals came through with a double play to retire the side. The Royals played confidently in the field behind Dunagan, staging three spark- ling twin killings and missing two others by a whisker. Radwan started the fireworks for the Royals in the second. He rapped Doyle for a single over second and Daly put another in the same place. Doyle then struck out Dunagan, but walked Haines, and, although he for- ced Fewster to fly out to Sheedy, Bucky Gaudette smote a double that brought all three base warmers gal- loping over the pan. YOUNG BOY KIDNAPS GIANT LOCOMOTIVE Levis, QUE May 28.--A giant locomotive running on the main line, with the hands of a 13-year- old adventurer on the throttle, yesterday afternoon gave C.N.R. officials a bad quarter of an hour. The engine was standing on a siding not far from this station, She was still under steam al- though the fires were low. The watchman, called to another part of the yard for a moment, returne¥ to find the locomotive in omtion and heading for the main track, In short order, the engine whistl- ed the regulation signal for right of way on the main line and pass- ed out of the siding, By this time the panie-stricken watchman was advising officials to take mea- sures against collision, The en- gine maintained its way, pass' through the station here slo: ® and was heading east for Lauzon, when the "engineer" got scared of his exploit, jumped out of the cab and left his charge standing on the track. Things were soon rightgd, and a probe led to the information that a boy with too much love for loco- motives had gne the "kidnap- Now You Can See "Ben Hur' At Popular Prices Samm Regent TONIGHT and a Comedy that will rat- tle every mail in the rafters "ONE ROUND HOGAN" Starving Monty Blue Eagles Open Juvenile City oP Sottball Lead © With a 23 to 13 Vioory Winners Trot ( Out Smart fon ss; Hubbel, 1b; and Fini G lary, oh; Higgius rl; Double Play A game i be Fi Nh Fast Dex Well for sone er ohyenile ew or Losers But is Unsteady in the Pinches Cowan Park whe LAC. wee a n U.A weet the Score by Eagles Beavers Eagles made an auspicious start in the juvenile series ot the City Industrial Leagone ' last night at Alexandra Park when they defeat- ed the Beavers 23-13. There was only a small crowd in attendance and the fans are makiag a big mis- take by passing up these contests which produce an exczllent bgand of ball. The Eagles, last year's runners- up, had mauy new faces on their line-up including Bredd, tae pep pery new third sacker, Corrin at second base, Hicks in right field, and Kitchen behind the # plate. Guiltinan on the mound for the winners pitched very good ball and was given fine suppert hy his 1n- field. The outfield apparently had an off night, makiig several mis- plays but were handicapped hy the condition of the outer gardens. Mewett hurled fair bali for the losers, but was unstealy in the pinches. The Beavers are a fast aggregation and with a little more practice behind them, expect to give every team in the loop an interesting argument. The Eagles brought the game to a close with a sensational .double piay, Bradd to Corrin to Norris. The line ups: Lagles--Kitchen, ¢; Corrin, 2b; Bradd, : Little, cf; Hicks, rf; Guiltinan, p; Topping, Beavers--Cooper, cf; Walker, 2b; Mewett, Boyce, M3 Norsworthy, innings YANKEES INCREASE LEAD Philadelphia, A ay 28--The New York Yankees is ased their grip on {the American -- ague lead to a prac- tical strangle hold of eight full games today by o wverpowering the Athletics 11 to 4 in the last game of the long series here The success gave the champions five victories in the sevens game series with the sccond-place club. The game marked the ure of Robert Moses the Yankees in this series. The Ath- letics gave the southpaw a lead of 4 to 2 in the third inning, when Sime mons capped a rally' with a home run with two on base. The Yankces came rig! the fifth with a five-run a ped by Lazzeri's third he series Dugan got his third of the series base, sceond fail= ¢ to hold Groy t back in wilt, top= cr of the circuit blow mm the ninth with one on DOUBLE STEAL AND ERROR GIVE WASHINGTON 2-0 WIN Boston, Mav 28--A double steal and error-by Walter Gerber, Red Sox shortstop, gave Washington a 2 to 0 victory lay. dig Ed. Morris, R pitcher, and Zacha good games but the breaks the Senator Goslin and Judge, after hoth had singled, engineered the double steal. The second game of the scheduled do uble header was postponed because of rain : d Sox recruit turned in Barker, favored i Norris, Kowden, i. Gudgion, pi Mec- 88, ™i If; ( -_-- -- 2% blocks from shopping center. Close to financial and insurance centers, r i NCYOUIL es il jy iy hg my rely A) iin fie i i fo ile Mn yan ENTRAL downtown location is only one of many ere, at Just a few steps from principal theaters. Conven. fent to depots. ) ) fF Hot A] i | re lidy ly rooms, faultless TR ec. Grill I an Jue are famous from coast to coast, Garage nex | near by ends special courtesies. Cars called for Room Rates: One person, $2.50 to $5 a day; two persons, $3,50 to $8. RE. KELLIHER, Manager EB. N. MATHEWS, President s------ StoBIE-FORLONG &(0 STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Offic SR nn S. F. EVERSON, Lqcal Manager Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R. Office Phones 143 and 144 SOCCER GLASGOW RANGERS Scottish Cup and League Champions Ath Cop oud League Chuinapiots VS. ULSTER UNITED ONTARIO CHAMPIONS MAPLE LEAF STADIUM-TORONTO Wed., June 13th, 1928 Kick-off 7.00 pan. Daylight Saving Time. ALL SEATS UNDER COVERED STAND The greatest socver attraction ever staged im Canada. The "RANGERS" are world-wide known as the most outstanding football team playing this game, #nd will line-up the team that won the Scottish Cup and League this season. Last year the Touring Scouts gave Ulster United credit for siving them the best game of their tour so all patrons can vest assuved of witnessing an excellent game. Tickets will be forwarded by wail on receipt of Money Or- der or Postal Nete made payable to Ulster Stadigm Limited, Toronto, and addressed 10 J. A. Sungeoner, Sec lreas.. 152 Kingsmount Park Read, Tonente, §. n GENERAL ADMISSION--95¢c and Tex Sc. BOX SEATS, RESERVED, $1.40 and Tax 10c.