Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 May 1928, p. 7

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Suburban and District News Gaibored By Toes Sl Reporters aad Comespondents KEDRON ¥ 23. -- The Kedron een will be held Sunday June 17, and Tuesday, Jue une 1 Rev. B. W. Rowland, of a former , will con- duct the services, CGreen- og BS furnish the pro- 36, ma a ar, a. a: chil- orence and Leland, motored to Toronto on Sunday to visit Tile relatives there. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Brock vis- * fted at N. Gimlett's recently. Mr. Harold Werry and Misses Wilma Werry and Beatrice Mount- joy attended Enniskillen anniver- and visited with Mr, and Mra. ur Werry on Sunday, and Mrs, Willlam Hepbura, Miss Luella and Mr, Arthur Heo- burn and Mrs, Clarence Vice mo- to Toronto on Friday to at- tend the funeral of Mr, John Gray. Mr, and Mrs, C. W. Hoskin visit- od at Mr, J. Colwill's, Sr, Hamp- ton, on Hunan. Mp, and Mrs. Frank Crossman attended the Enniskillen Anniver- sary on Sunday, * yr, and Mrs, Hyeritt Mountjoy and family called on Mrs, Arthur Langmaid in Oshawa on Sunday. ghe has just returned from To- vonto, having undergone an opera- tion there, and is now feeling much improved. Mr, and Mrs. MacKindless and family, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. A. Allin and family, Bowmanville and Mr. Upton Stevens, Solina, with Mr. and Mrs. N. Gimblett on Sun- 8Y. 4 We are pleased to hear that Miss Ethel Wood, who underwent an op- eration in the Oshawa Hospital on Friday, has returned to her home and is on 8 falr way to recovery. Miss N. Ormiston, Bowmanville, 1] Visiting ber sister, Myps, William o] A we and Mrs, W. N. Hoskin and hy Dorothy, visited at Orono on un ' Mr. C. H. Rose and Miss Ruth La visited at the home of Mr. E. Love on Sunday. Mrs. C. Kilrington and family, Loch Port, N.Y.,, Messrs. Russel and Earl and Miss Ellen Gimblett were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gimblett. Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Luke, Mr. Albert and Miss Olive Luke visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Werry, Ennis- killen, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wood, Orono, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, W, N Hoskin and family, Mrs. G. L. Gibson, Oshawa, spent a few days with Mr and Mra. R. J. Luke and Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy. NORTH OSHAWA North Oshawa, May 22.-- The funeral of Betty, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A, Beckett, took place from the family residence on Saturday afternoon. Rev. C. W. DeMille preached a touching ser- vice. Interment took place at the Union Cemetery. Besides the sor- rowing parents who mourn her loss there are two sisters, Velma and Verna, The large number of floral tributes showed the high esteem in which the family is held, They were from the family, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Barrett and family, Mr. J. Mitchell, Mr, and Mrs, W, J. Lewis and family, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Beckett, Mrs, Ayerst, Mr, and Mrs. F. J. Clemens, 'Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Hamilton and family. The Customs dept., G.M.C. Payroll department, G.M.C.; the Cook family, Mrs. Ger- rard, Mrs. Hobbs, Verna and Ina, Mr. and Mrs. and Ted Shilling, Mrs, Melville and family, Mr, and Mrs. Rowe and family, North Osh- awa H. and 8. Club. The hearers were four small boys: Stanley Cook, Russell Rowe, George Ham- ilton and Gordon Hobbs. Relatives TTT awa Railroads. 10 King St. W. REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspectdh for Canadian National and Osh- Phone 189 AC GA --. ec -- AP EX Electrophonic 10 Inch Double Sided Phonograph Records 65¢ Why Pay More? same composer. Fox Trot Record No. 8733 Waltz, Record No. 8741 Fox Trot Record No. 8761 Fox Trot Record No. 8718 Piano The Waltz Hit Supreme RAMONA Even better than "In A Little Spanish Town" and by the Apex Record No. 8745. The song Record is No. 26104 If I Can't Have You Little Log Cabin of Dreams Pox Trot 'Record No. 8754 Waitin' for Katy Fox Trot Record No. 8760 Together Hawaiian Guitar Record No. 8755 I Can't Do Without You Waltz Record No. 87563 After My Laughter Came Tears My Ohio Home Record, by WILLIE ECKSTEIN, No. 26101 Octo-Chorda Solo. Record No. 8749 WILSON & LEE, 51 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH The Sun Record Co., Toronto, Ont. Song Record No. 26104 Song Record No. 8744 Song Record No. 8723 Song Record No. 26095 Dealers Eserywhere. mpal friends is extended the bereaved family, The road between Five Points and the Cemetery has beem closed to traffic while that piece of road is being paved. Born: To Mr, and Mrs. J. Mc- Nally, Jr, on Monday, May 21, a daughter. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott, of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scott, Miss Olive Dunn, who has been i at the home of Mrs, A. Beckett, is' again able to be up. NEWCASTLE Newcastle, May 23.--Mrs, Tait, of Oshawa,awho officiated on Sun- day morning in the United Church in affiliating the C.G.J.T with the W.M.S., was a guest of Mrs. Geo. Wright. Rev. Dr. Cleaver was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W, Philip over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. David Bell, of Orono, announce the engagement of their daughter, Flora Estella, to Mr, Fred James Lomas, young- est son of the late Mr, and Mrs. John Lomas, of Toronto, The mar- riage will take place in June. Mr. D. J. Galbraith unloaded an- other car of stockers last week and drove them to his Belmont ranch to pasture for the summer. He has now on grass about 135 head of -cattle which he has pur- chased this spring. Rev, E. B., Cooke, delegate of the Board of Education to 0.E.A. Convention, Toronto, enthused members of the board on Monday evening with his interesting and spicy report of a number of the sessions and speeches of the con- vention and made every member present feel that he, too, would like to attend next year, He read several extracts from the very helpful and constructive address of Mr, Samuel Farmer, of Port Perry, president of the rate-pay- ers' and trustees' section of the 0.E.A, At the' conclusion of his report he presented each member with a printed copy of President Farmer's able address, An interesting service was con- ducted Sunday morning when the "Willing Workerd"" group of the C.G.L.T., under the leadership of Migs Lillian Clemence, were affil- iated with the Women's Missionary Society, Mrs. Tait, of Oshawa, was present and gave a very helpful and inspiring talk on the value of missionary work among teen-age girls. The sale of furniture of the late Lillian Chapple on Saturday after- noon drew a large crowd of peo- ple from 'village and countryside = land neighboring towns and ham- lets. Auctioneer Jas. Coulson weilded the hammer with Mr, Geo, Jamieson giving good assistance as business promoter in inducing und catching bids. Antique furni- ture.and other articles, brought to this country by the Chapple's from overseas, brought especially good prices. A pair of old brass candle sticks for instance, selling for over $4. The meeting held in the interest of the Newcastle branch of the Bible Society which was held in the United Church School Room on Wednesday, was most interest- ing. The speaker of the evening was: Rev, S. G. Pinnock, now one of the traveling secretaries of the Bible Society, but formerly a mis- sionary in Africa. He gaye a most interesting word picture of the fourteen countries to which new translations of the scriptures were Constipation! Pilea! | Are completely wpletely relieved by "Fruit-a-tives" for. doy oy me complete relief, 1 had reme- i. , Montreal, New York Kansas City and Michigan, but, all without results. "Fruitatives® Svea results as nothing else ther sufferer,' secomiiend og Jas. ah Sey bano, The hovel, stomach, liver an | and a stiengthened athe fntensified uices of fresh ripe fruit and the health -building tonics of which "Fruitatives" is made, There is Beater tike § it, Tryit. 25c and 50c a box at all druggists. sent in 1927, of these one went to an Indian tribe in South Africa, one to the Mandarin people in Northgyn China, three to Oceania ta the cannibal tribes of these Is- lands, The remaining nine went to Africa. to the Pigmy tribes, to the people of the Congo and to the Gold Coast. In addition to this & nationalities had their vernacular Bible made complete and one their New Testament completed. Besides this, over ten million copies of the scriptures were distributed by Col- porteurs and Bible women, Those who had the extremé privilege of listening to Mr. Pinnock's master- ly address were more than ever impressed with the importance the work being done by the Bible Society. Previous to the meeting the Executive Committee met to appoint a director in the place of the lale Mr. George P. Riccard. The Executive Committee for the present year is as follows: Presi dent, Mr. Thomas Moffatt; Vice President, Mrs. ~°. KE, Beamen; Secretary, Mm. J. C. Hancock; Treasurer, Miss B. Mcintosh; rep- resenting the Anglican Church, Rev. BE. R. James, Mr. Ardagh; representing the United Church, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Mrs. J. W, Mec- Laughlin, Mr. J, U, Glenny. "Ebenezer, May 23.--The regular weekly meeting and the final meet- ing for the year of the Young Peo- ple's League was held on Tuesday evening in the Sunday School room, The program was in charge of the fourth department and the Young People's Group. Miss Hattie Osborne, the president, was in the chair for the pening and the first part of the program was turn- ed over to Mr. B. O. Young. The Bible lesson was read by Mr. Young and the topic was on "Can- adian Authors." This was very ably taken by Mrs. (Rev.) Stain- ton, assisted by Mrs. H. H. Nich ols, Mrs, R. C. Pearce, Miss Marie Rundle, Mr. Ian Robertson and Mr. H. F. Osborne, who read in- teresting extracts from various hooks written by Canadian auth- ors. This part of the program was vary interesting indeed, The sec- ond part of the program was in charge of the Young People's Group, with Mrs. A. Pascoe presid- ing. Mr, Frank Woodhouse sang a solo, Mr. Gordon Osborne ren- dered muth-organ music with Miss Sadie Muir accompanying him cn the piano. Miss Aura Osborne also favored the gathering with two very humorous readings. Follow- ing this a game was enjoyed LY all and cake and ice cream was then served. This year at League has been very successful and al- though this meeting brought the regular program to an end, we un- derstand that a program will be carried out in the form of ath- letics. The field east of the church, belonging to Mr. A. E. Rundle, will be used as an athletic fleld and we hope lots of sprt will be gained thereby. Mr. Keith Worden is employed at Flintoff's hardware, in Oshawa. We wish him success, We are glad to report that little Welma Marshall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam Marshall, who has been very ill for several days past, 1s improving a little at time of writing. We hope her improve- ment will continue. The crops are looking splendid now pfter the rain of last week and the trees will soon be in bloom. Spripg is really here at last. HAMPTON Hapton,May 23.--Miss Marjorie Tamblyn, Orono, is visiting at Mr. Bruce Ferguson's and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Peters and daughter, Mary, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Burgmaster, Enniskillen, on Sunday, and attended anniver- sary services there. Mr. Harry Holwell's brother ar- rived from England his week to the |help him in his farm work this summer. Mrs. Jebson and daughter, Lil Man, and Miss Lulu Reynolds, sail this week for the "Old Land" where they will visit Mrs, Jeb- son's relatives. Their many friends here wish them a pleasant voyage and hope for their safe return. Much sympathy is extended Mr. and Mrs, Wilbert Craig im the death of the former's father, Mr. W. Graig, who died of blood poison in Bowmanville hospital, on Tuesday. Mr. Craig had the misfortune of falling from the wagon and cutting his arm a cou ple of weeks ago, receiving medi- cal attention at the time. He was taken to the hospital on Thursday last but medical attention seemed to be of no avail. Mr. Craig came to Hampton about two years ago and lived with his son on the farm formerly occupied by Mr, R: H. Warder, A funeral service will be held at the son's home on Thurs- day afternoon at two o'clock, the body being taken on Friday morn. ing to Acton for burial, where his wife predeceased him some time ago. ORNTON . ADVISORY POST AT GENEVA Montreal, May 22. -- Sir Henry W, Thornton, Chairman and President, of the Canadian Nation. al Railways, has accepted an invi- tation to become a member of the railway sub-commiftee of the ad- visory technical committee on communications and transit of the League of Nations, it was an- nounced here today. The sanction of the Federal ad- ministration to the acceptance of the invitation was given to Sir Henry by the Prime Minister and by the Minister of Rallways and Canals. As Sir Henry may not be able to attend some of the meetings, permission has been given to P. A. Clews, European traffic man- ager, of the Canadian National Railways, located at London, to represent shim when occasion re- quires, SIR HENRY « ACC SUSPECTS FOUL PLAY Budapest, Hungary, May 22,-- Madame Stircea, wife of Trajan Stircea, Roumanian Minister to Hungary, who died suddenly yes- terday, has requested the Hun. garian authorities to order an autopsy on her husband's body LEW V. DISNEY STANLEY COTT Announce. the formation of the firm of "Disney -Cott" Funeral Home and the opening of offices and chapel at 87 CELINA STREET Corner Bruce St, --Oshawa Xx _ UNSURPASSED AMBULANCE SERVICE Telephone 1082 Service of Sincerity suspecting foul play. GOLDEN GLOW, 54 Church St. WISCONSIN NO, 7, SOUTHERN SWEET, LONGFELLOW No. 1 Government 1ested HOGG & LYTLE LIMITED LI Canvassers & Salesmen Oakland Park has positions for twelve ens ergetic workers for canvassing and selling lots to investors and builders. We can show you how to make a good income by following our system of obtaining business, Come and see us at Oakland Park Office at 492 King Street East or 'Phone 2770 or 626 for appointment, SEED CORN IMPROVED LEAMING, PRIDE OF NISHNA, EARLY BAILEY, WHITE CAP YELLOW DENT BLOODY BUTCHER COMPTON'S EARLY tho, When of id, La eo oan th Be careful at cross streets. 5. Don't hang on the backs of waggons, trucks or motor cars. Always walk on the left side of i LAr n on the highways, facing oncoming traffic, %, Gross busy streets only at crossings. Never crossa street or highway without first looking 3. ways. Never dart from behind a parked car. Jug keep close to the the handle bars of the street both feet on It is your fault r--- not that of the child - You cannot expect Children to be fe on Street or BOIL street bighwey. A the vehicle. Tie mdr ust ube th Berman By the merest chance a fatality It is of vital fa the duty of a neon (Qf 5 AIRE LY NEE that every child be with the parent and teacher to see children under- children safe from street fod. el ng Tr Via Sgt SoG own. ways pe WILSON, Commas

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