Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 25 May 1928, p. 14

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LY EXPIRES SUDDENLY , oo 1 who for Hving with his in Corn- |the of in Kingston W nesday. They arrived in the city in their private traim, travelling over Canadian National Rallways y. | from Toronto, at 10 a.m., being greet- t | General , AD daugh to his Yeo and found that he had expired. Ao 4 : G CADET INSPECT! 5 Re of Kingston tH) praise for the Cobourg Collegi- te Institute cadets whom he in- ted in Cobourg. The cadets were accompanied by the C.C.I. Bugle Band, and made a fine appearance as ey marched out. A pleasant ine Sout in connection with the inspec- tion was the presentation of a medal Cadet Higginson, who was ad- dged the best cadet. The medal s presented by the Twenty-second ttalion, : OCCUPANTS INJURED Dr Ss from Toronto to Ottawa Wednesday afternoon, an auto in harge of W. Shenkman of Ottawa k to the ditch ten miles west of rockville, with the following casu- Ities: Mrs. Lukin, Mrs, ¥, 8, Sine air, Mrs, W, Shenlrmad of Ottawa, | slightly cut and briised; Mrs, , Sinclair, Montreal, badly cut bout the head and face; Mr, Shenk- n, slightly cut, The injured wo- were conveyed by a resident of the neighborhood to St. Vincent de aul Hospital, where two doctors JR MC CADETS INSPECTED ------------------------ Saturday ® Bargains Hose, Pair . . Pretty Sum- 33¢c Silk RoyonSite 1% coe $3.99 White Frilled Cur. Pair .. 12: S i 29¢c Dresses ..... Turkish Bath 39¢ Riders O00 room Rugs . SAVE OUR CASH Coupon No, 7423 Ist Prize Coupon No, 3986 2nd Prize Look at the numbers on your Coupons. took charge of the cases, eral and Lady Willingdon had an en- News Ladies' Silk 85 c mer Prints, yd. Ladies' Fugi Dresses tains, 9 Cc Ladies' House 98 Cc Towels, each. Summer Bed: T9¢ COUPONS $5 FREE GOODS $3 FREE GOODS You may win a ed on the (VN os Thacker, D.S.0, Ch the General Si Ottawa; RE 8 Hill, CB, ld District N i orm CN, Miu » tine, D.8.0., Royal Military College, General Hill and Colonel Constan- tine being accompanied by their staff officials, IES IN KI TO Mrs. Rein. * hit N homas Nicholson, and mother of Monsignor J. F. Nicholson, M.C., vicar-general of the diocese of Kingston, died Wednesday, A member of one of the most influential Catholic families in Kingston, and loved and esteemed by citizens generally, Mrs. Nicholson was the daughter of the late Michael Corrigan. In addition to her hus band, she leaves three sons, Monsig- nor J. F, Nicholson, Victor and Cleary, at home, together with one daughter, Miss Irene, two brothers, Bernard J, Corrigan, of Saginaw, Mich, and Sherman Corrigan, Seat: tle, Wash,, three sisters, Miss Anna and Emma Corrigan,of this city, and Mrs. W, Griffiths, of Saskatoon, BELLEVILLE CANADIAN CLUB The annual meeting of the Wo- men's Canadian Club of Belleville held Wednesday, The club is in a sound financial condition, there be- ing 139 members enrolled, The ne- cessity was stressed of bringing more social activities into the club, and an outline was given as to how this could be accomplished, The officers are: Immediate Past President, Miss Ann Hurley; President, Mrs. F, 8, Anderson; First Vice-President, Mrs, W, N, Ponton; Second Vice-Presi- dent, Miss Jessie McGle; Secretary, Mrs, J, A, Kerr; Assistant Secre- 1 tary, Mrs, Archie Cameron; Treasur- er, Mrs, Walter Nation, Councillors ~--Mrs, O, A, Marshall, Mrs, J, ¥\, Wills, Miss Ann Hulley, Mrs, Baker, Mrs, McColl, Mrs, Bonnycastle, Miss Stewart Masson and Mrs, Reeves, PETERBORO CELEBRATION With the arrival of His Kxcellency the Most Rev. Andrea Cassullo, Pa- 1 pal delegate to Canada and New- foundland, the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Peterboro Knights of Columbus was started Wednesday, His Ex- cellency was met at the station by clergy of the diocese, the Peterboro Knights and visitors who have al- ready arrived and escorted in a pro- cession to St. Peter's Cathedral, where addresses from the clergy, laity and Knights were presented, Yesterday morning His Excellency celebrated High Mass at the Cathe- dral to which the Knights paraded in a body. Rev, John Burke, of To- ronto, preached, Many members of the order from Toronto, Ottawa and other points are present for the cele- bration, Most of the delegates to the state convention, which closed in Belleville Wednesday afternoon, ar- rived on a special train, while Knights of Western and Eastern On- tario also have special trains, DIES IN CORNWALL Joseph Edward Plamondon, a life- long and highly respected resident of Cornwall, dropped dead here Wednes- day afternoon. Mr. Plamondon, who Will Not Ask One Cent If All All Stomach . Pains Do Not Go! Joyable visit to the Royal Military | College of Canada od ifthe death IM.P.P,, will be held within the next G.P.R, Buliding, Toronto " WORLD'S GREATEST TRAVEL SYSTEM Al Pt aero i A AA EE ---- \ was 71 years of age, was doing some work on a propery he owns a short distance from his home, and while shovelling some ashes into a barrow fell over, dead, Medical aid was summoned, but life was extinct, The late Mr, Plamondon was horn at Cornwall, a son of Joseph Edward Plamondon, and when young came here and engaged in the hotel busi. ness, operating at various times the Maple Leal and Central hotels, and St, Lawrence Hall, For six years he lived in Massena, N.Y,, and on re- turning here again took over the St. Lawrence Hall, He was one of the few white men in this locality who could converse in the Indian langu- age. In his younger days he took an active interest in municipal poli- ties, being a member of the Town Council, DURHAM DEBATERS WIN Recently the semi-finals in the series of inter-county debates under the auspices of the Junior Farmers' Association took place at Port Hope between Victoria and Durham Coun- ties, the former heing represented by Mr, Gerald and Miss Florence Burton of Cambray, while Mr, Ar- chie and Miss Edyth Deyell of South Monaghan represented the home county, The subject was: Resolved "That instalment buying is damaging to the individual and to the prosper- ity of the country at large," the Dur- ham debaters upholding the afrma- Karn's Gives Positive Money-Back Guarantee With Wonderful New Indigestion Remedy You can't lose by this special of- fer for PINK CAPSULES FOR IN- DIGESTION. This remarkable new remedy is absolutely guaranteed to banish all indigestion, gas, bloating, heartburn and all stom- COUPON FOR LOW PRICE! ach troubles or your money is re- funded at once, Try this guaran. teed, sure remedy mow without risk. The coupon below saves 27 cents and is well worth reading. For 98 cents and this coupon you cap get a full-size $1.25 box of PINK CAPSULES FOR INDIGESTION, They must free you of all stomach troubles or your money is refunded promptly and without question. Try a box mow without risk. This offer is limited, Let Our Experts Tell You Whether Your Furnace Should Burn Coal or Coke ----This Service is maintained by this company > simply to assist our hundreds of customers in their various difficulties. DIXON COAL COMPANY Telephone 262~4 Lines to Central 0 ARR -- tive, Doth sides ar ok hy Pu 1 0 for Vie WW, Reynolds, AP, A cision in favor of the tive. The final debate of the series will be be- tween Prince Edward and Durham H. H, Winter, Agricultur- al tative for Victoria Coun- ty, gave & brief address, while J. Y. Kellou| Agricultural Representa- tive for m County, was Chair- man, ------ NOR ENFREW ELECTI Toth Lier and ne conventions, occasioned by the bye election in North Renfrew, following of Alexander Stuart, ten days. The Conservative conven- tion is called for June 3 and the Liberals will meet two days later. Whether or. not the Liberals will place a candidate in the field is not definitely settled, but it is probable that they will do so, The two names most prominently mentioned are those of Reeve Arthur Collins of Cobden and George McNab of Doug: las, a former President of the Lib- eral Association in this riding. Nel- ther of these men has publicly an- nounced whether he would accept nomination. There is no dearth of aspirants for the Conservative nom- ination, and present indications are that the choice of the convention will lie among George D, Biggs of Pem- broke, W, J, Connelly of Cobden, and Joseph Lisk, Reeve of Wilberforce. Efforts are being made to induce E. that much | hola) ts is were in attend- ance at the reception. LINDBERGH SILENT AS TO NEW POSITION New York, May 23.--Colonel Char- les A. Lindbergh, in his day-old role of business man in connection with the mew Transcontinental Air Trans. port, Incorporated, today received the of newspapermen as to his plans with a smile, but otherwise was almost as reticent as he was af- ter his good-will flights. Other than that, he was prepared to give his tion as chairman of the technical commitiee of the cor- poration all the time necessary to establish its plan of a fwo-day plane- and-train passenger service from coast to coast, he made no definite announcement, He declined to say whether he had an interest in the mew, corporation, which was formed by railroads and aeronautical corporations. He also declined to say what, if any, salary he was to receive, Col. Lindbergh said that none of the practical details of the service had been determined as yet. The four aviators who are to serve with him on the committee have not been named, i a] A. Dunlap. who represented North Renfrew in the Legislature for 15 years, to return to public life, but it is unlikely that he will allow his name to go before the convention. | County Engineer W. J. Moore has | also been mentioned, but his candi dature is improbable, Others whose names are heard in connection with the convention are: L. 8, Berrand of Pembroke, Alexander Mills of Kgan- ville, and Dr, G. W, Alexander of Beachburg, FORMER MODERATOR DIES Rev. Malcolm MacGillivray, D.D,, pastor emeritus of Chalmers Church, Kingston, and a former Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, died Wednesday afternoon at his home, 181 University Avenue, in his eighty-third year, Barly last win- ter Dr, MacGillivray underwent an operation in Kingston General Hos- pital and made a remarkable recov- ery, A month ago he was in his pew in Chalmers Church, of which he was minister for thirty years, but during the past few weeks his health began to fail rapidly, Dr, MacGilli- vray was a Highland Scot by birth, a native of the Isle of Jura, The MacGillivray family came to Upper Canada in the late forties of last century by way of North Carolina, and afterward carved out a home from a hush lot in North Simcoe County, Ont, Malcolm MacGillivray came to Queen's University, King- ston, in 1868, and graduated as Mas- ter of Arts in 1874, His third ses sion in theology he took in Edin- burgh, University, Scotland. He was called to St, Andrew's Church con- gregation, Scarboro', in 1875; to St. Andrew's, Perth, in 1881, and to Chalmers, Kingston, in 1887, labor. ing there for thirty years, and retir- ing at the age of 72. He was a warm supporter of both Church Un- fons of 18756 and 1925, For forty-two years he was a member of the Gov- erning Board of Queen's University, In 1003, Queen's bestowed upon him the honorary degree of Doctor of Di- vinity and, later, Toronto did like- wise, In 1915 he was elected Moder- ator by the General Assembly of his Church, . K. OF C. CONVENTION The 26th state of Ontario Conven- tion of the Knights of Columbus was brought to a close in Belleville Wednesday afternoon, State Deputy R. A. Jeffrey in his annual report said that the order was never in better condition and that the in- crease in the membership, both in- surance and associate, had been the Badminton Players find a drink of hot tea of great benefit after a strenuous game, In leading Badmin- ton clubs of Canada, Red Rose Tea is a great favorite. No other tea offers such brisk, zestful flavor and rich quality, Put up only m-- po" 'address TO HAVE EARTHQUAKE * EVERY SIXTY YEARS -- ---- bh Winnipeg, May 23.--There is an earthquake centre in Eastern Canada subject 10 upheavals every 60 years, according to Ernest A. Hodgson, Seis mologist of the Dominion Observa- tory, Ottawa, in an address read by M. Y. Williams at today's session of the Royal Society of Canada. Mr. Hodgson examined evidence bearing om the earthquake of 1663 and subsequent disturbances, and drew the conclusions that there is one epicentre for these shocks. While Canada was one of those fortunate countries not subject te serious earthquakes, it had neverthe- less been found that severe quakes had been reported at intervals of about 60 years in the territory known as the St. Lawrence Valley. Examining old Jesuit documents bearing on the reported destruction of Three Rivers in 1663, Mr. Hodg- son found much that pointed to ex- aggeration of the quake, due to the excitement of the settlers, He con- cluded that the temblor was not much greater in intensity than those of 1732, 1791, 1860 and even the shock of 1925, SLATTERY REPLACED AS BOSTON LEADER Boston, Mass, May 23.--President Emil B. Fuchs of the Boston Braves announced toniglit that the resigna- tion of Manager Jack Slattery of the club had been accepted and that Rogers Hornsby would succeed to the position, The statement Braves' President with baseball lows: ' "Under the existing circumstances, based on our experience, best judg- ment and information as to condi- tions, we are constrained to accept the proffered resignation of Jack Slattery as manager, issued at a writers by the conference tonight fol. bright, clean , aluminum ors. 11s A UEW se-- "It 18 our hope that he will re- A TARA H. W. Sheridan, Ast, 39 main with the Braves in a different department, one that may be more congenial and will give him further opportunity in the line of his voca- tion, at the same salary and terms as specified in his present contract. CELEBRATED TOO SOON Galt, May 23.--One of the most un- usual fires Galt has ever had occur- red today when the warm rays of the sun ignited a firecracker in the window of 8, I, Mathie's store on Witer Street North, causing the en- tire stock on display to explode. The window was blown out, and the ser- ies of explosions were followed by fire which did several hundred dol- lars' damage to the interior of the store, --- Simcoe St. S., Phone 515 ----------_n When You Feel It Coming ~When that old Headache warning that you are going to take ZUTOQO, When Jou feel a Sawing on take ZUTO: . At the sign of a pain--at the firstfecling of! Fr ------ ol tin 20 a headache, or the sold. ain all gone, it morning FL : Don't wait--don't take chan aha Gr reaay e at rat ache or cold and TAKE T a se te nr or by mal te Another Shipment of This Big Bargain greatest in the past eight years. He also stated that the immigration policy instituted by the order was bearing fruit, His Lordship M. J. O'Brien also spoke to the Knights in the afternoon session. The election of state officers were as follows: State deputy, J. J. Duffus, Peterboro; state secretary, T. E. Brown, Ottawa; state treasurer, A. B. Collins, Belle ville; state advocate, C. A. Seguin, Ottawa; state warden, J. A. Sheedy, North Bay. Delegates to the Su- preme Convention of the Knights of Columbus at Cleveland in the first week in August are as follows: Fred C. Lee, Belleville; Dr. D. J. Dolan, of Alexandria, Ont.; A. J. Devine, Renfrew; W, P. J. O'Mara, Ottawa; J. A. Clermont, Cochrane, and P. C. Murphy, of Lindsay. The next an- nual convention is to be held in Lon- don, Ont. His Excellency Monsignor Andre Casulo, apostolic delegate to Canada and Newfoundland, arrived in Belleville Wednesday on his visit to the parish. Ilis presence was an- nounced to the congregation by the PAY Suite Chesterfield Suite already, securing this Suite far exceeded Out first carload being disposed of, we were fortunate in another car which arrived today, e and is now on display, on our floor. cannot impress upon you too strongly the wonderful opportunity of securing a Suite that will give the utmost service at a frac- tion of the regular cost. Only our unlim- ited buying power enables us to offer the public such a bargain, Luke 63 King St. E. FURNITURE COMPANY Phone 79 ARRIVED TODAY.--- Make Use of our Club Plan -- If for your convenience. Pay 1-5 -- the balance divided into 5 Parts. The Best Value Ever ~don't Offered from This Store miss it!

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