Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 May 1928, p. 5

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Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in w postcard or phone 38, Mr, Fred McKegg was renewing old acquaintances in Rockfield on Saturday. so. Migs Flossie Boyd, of this city, is visiting friends h Marmora. Mrs, 8. BE." Pedlar hag returned to this city after spending the win- ter in California. \ * * w ,. Miss Madeline Crowley + Sunday with her parents in say. ly 4 # Mr. R, Kenny and Brice Cook visited friends in Lindsay over the week-end, : spent nd- * ¥ Mr. and Mrs, Henry Topping spent. Sunday with friends in Sea- prave. \ L] LJ LJ . The Misses Dorothy and Leona Teatro of this city, were the week- end guests of Mrs, 8. Teatro, Lind- say, . $s * & . Mr. J. W. Borsbery, Bond street cast, and his niece, Miss Nash, are sailing on June 7 for England, where they will visit relatives. Mrs. L. N. Klingner, Toronto, wa, visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Renwick, Connaught street, over the week-end. LJ v Miss Wilda Knight, Fairbanks sneet, has returned from Victoria College, University of Toronto, to spend the summer with her parents. The Canada Club in London, E.g., is giving a dinner to the newly appointed High Commissioner for Great Britain in Canada, Sir William Clark, on May 23 at the Savoy Ho- tel, when Hon. Peter C. Larkin will preside. J LJ] LJ Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Owens and Miss Mary Owens, Russell Hill road, Toronto, are leaving today ~ Sweet Dreams \| given last for Quebec en Toute to England | where they will stay for three raonths. L LJ LJ --All the Havergal Girls d aelchildrcn are avid by Miss 10 the gran 's on, Friday, June 8, gy ok shoo) service at St. Paul's, Toronto, on Sunday evening, June 10, and unday AS 10 ad prize- giving in June 1 au 11 ) - The many friend of Mrs. W. Ev-[ ans and her daughter, May, wish them a speedy recovery irom their Present illness. Mrs, and Miss Evans ave been confined to their home for some time fropy a severe attack of influenza. LI The Daughters of Englafid gath- eted at the home of Mrs. S. Wotten, 113 Nassau street, Monday evening, to wish Mrs. Wottep a pleasant visit and safe trip on her voyage to Eng- land. After a social evening the guests pr ted their hostess with a Boston bag. 3 Py Mrs. W. Watson, Gibb street, was hostess at a party given last night on the occasion of her 22nd wedding anniversary, There were a- bout 25 guests present, and they pre- sented Mrs. Watson with a mm stand and fern. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph and Miss Mary Severs also gave the hostess ferns. After lunch the even- ing was spent in dancing. L * * Mrs. H. W, Hogarth, 301 Celina street, was hostess at a shower evening in honor of Miss Spears, R.N,, a bride-elect for the , month of June. The graduating classes of three former years and the 1828 class were the invited guests, Miss Spears was the recipient of many useful gifts, among which was a casser- ole, the gift of the 1928 graduates. LADY PATRICIA RAMSAY'S EXHIBITION Lady Patricia Ramsay (Princess Patricia) is holding the first public exhibition of her paintings at the Goupil Galleries, Regent street, Lon- don. The exhibition opened on May 11 and will continue for three weeks. Most of the pictures were painted at Clarence House, where the room which was used as a private chapel hy Lady Patricia's mother during her lifetime has been turned itito a studio. It is a curious octagonal room, and in it Lady Patricia Ramsay spends much of her spare time in London. ¥ L.T.B, LODGE NO, 55 HOLD SALE OF WORK bo' 108 all. Monday afternoon, after wi they convened with the offi- cers and members of No. 474, Bow- manville. Worshipiul Mistress Sis- ter Hurst, with the co-operation of her officers, mitiated 14 members in- to the second degree. - Captain Short Fo Worshipful Mistress Sister urst received congratulations from Worshipful Mistress Sister Mitchell and members from Bowmanville for their splendid work. ' On May 24. the L.T.B. degree team will go tto Mount Forest to exem- plify the work oi the 2nd degree. DISCUSS PLANS FOR NURSES' GRADUATION -- The regular meeting of the La- dies' Auxiliary of the Oshawa Hos- pital was held yesterday afternoon, with Mrs. Conant presiding. Plans for the nurses' graduation early in June were discussed. The ladies decided to put on a paper and mag- azine campaign, as they believe a substantial sum of money can be raised in that way. They will ap- preciate it if the citizens of Osh- awa will save all their old papers and magaines. If they will notify the following ladies they will call for their bundles at any time: Mrs, G. D. Conant, 921; Mrs. W. A, Eastwood, 856; Mrs. R. A. Weir, 840W. Affernoon tea was served at the clpse of the meeting. ' HO WLUCKY WE ARK '(Kansas City Star) Some one offers the explanation that much of the bad weather this gpring is due to the"radio waves. What an advantage we have over our forefathers, who used to wou der what it was that made the bad weather, but had no one to tell them. L.T.B. No. 55 held a sale of afternoon tea in the Ox- Lustrous golden brown cre satin' combines with wrong side of fabric in a charming dress, with the outside front plaited at waist- line and tied in a sash. Wool crepe, printed and plain crepe, two tones of silk crepe, georgette crepe THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 22, 1928 Household Hints] HEAT SPOTS To relieve the itching of heat spots mix one ounce of cream of tartar with half an ounce of flowers of brimstone. Take a teaspoonful of the powder with a teaspoonful of strained lemon juice in half a tumbler of cold water three times a day for a fortnight. SILHOUETTE SHADES Nothing pleases children more than pictures of themselves. Trace their silhouettes on a plain lamp shade to Take a cute shade that they will ve. . SHOULDER STRAPS It is a good plan to buy two pairs of shoulder straps to every slip or chemise made. The new pair should be put on before the first ones fall to pieces. RED HANDS Tight gloves are often responsible for red hands and arms. COLOURED FABRICS When washing coloured fabrics re- member that the water should not be warmer than new milk. All the lathering should be done before the article 1s put into the tub. The article should be washed as quickly as possible. A teaspoonful of vinegar put into each lot of water enables you to make the rinsing more deli- berate. Vinegar helps to fix colours and brightens them. The materials should not be allowed to remain damp longer than is absolutely necessary. NATURE Nature is a lovely thing, Of birds and trees and flowers. The birls they sing, the trees they shade, And each one has its powers. But we think of nature, And of the lovely moon? And do we think of flowers, That o'er the world are strewn? And do we think of water? Of little rippling streams? And do we think of the butterflies, And all their gauzy dreams? And if we ®lon's we're missing, The best things in our world-- The beauty and the nature Are for our joys unfurled. ---------- CAR STOLEN AND BURNED St. Catharines, May 21.--A se- dan belonging to George Stanco, 253 MacNab street, Hamliton, re- ported to the city police as stolen from St. Paul streeet at midnight last night, was Trepored to the county police as hurning at the foot of Vine street at 1.30 + Today's Recipe ese Fritters Cut twelve strips of bread half an inch thick, one and a half inches wide, and 'four inches long. Beat two_eggs slightly, add half teaspoon vanilla, one cup milk, and salt. the bread-strips in this custard, and when they have absorbed all that is possible drain, roll in fine dry bread- crumbs, and fry in deep fat, hot enough to brown a bit of bread in forty seconds. One tablespooniul of sugar may be added to the milk if the fritters are to be served without sauce or syrup. 3 + Beef Steak and Mushrooms ... A pound and a half of rump steak, butter, half a pound of mushrooms, stock. Grill the steak, turning it fre- quently. When cooked rub a little butter over it, and. season with pep- per and salt. Serve it garnished with mushrooms. To cook the mushrooms use an enamelled pan, in which place the mushrooms, salt and pepper, one ounce of butter and a fittle stock. They should be covered, and cooked for a quarter of an heur. The liquor that comes from them should be ser- ved in a sauce-boat. . Canary Pudding The weight of three eggs in flour and butter, the weight of two eggs in sugar, the rind of one small lemon, three eggs. Melt the butter, but do not allow it to oil; stir to this the sugar and finely-minced lemon peel, and slowly dredge in the flour, keep- ing the mixture well stirred; whisk the eggs, add these to the pudding, beat all the ingredients well together, and put them in a buttered basin, Boil for two hours and serve with sweet sauce. Soup Cut up and {ry one leek, one onion, and one carrot. Put these with half a pound of split peas (well soaked), into three pints of water, and let them boil fairly fast for two and a half hours. Place a colander in a large bowl, and let the soup run through it; remove the pieces of vegetable, and put the peas on one side for peas pudding. Pour the soup back into the saucepan, bring it to the boil, and thicken with one packet of Lentil Soup Powder, mixed to a smooth paste with a little cream. Continue stirring until it comes to the boil once more, then turn gas very low and add pepper, salt, and one good teaspoonful of Bovril. Leave to simmer gently for twenty minutes, and it will be ready to serve.e DRIVEAGAINST RABIES Chatham.--The Dover Township Board of Health, in special mission; decided to take precautions against a spread of rabies in that township, It decided on a policy which calls for the destruction of any animal that has heen exposed to the infec- o'clock this morning, The car was totally destroyed. tion, or for placing it in proper quar- antine. The Starting Service of 26, 34 or 44 pieces is the first step. the next step. 3 TASY, INEXPENSIVE STEPS TO COMPLETE YOUR SIIVERWARE SERVICE The Emential Service Is The Adequate Service is the third step. #4 Te.Complete Servier 4 OLMES & EDWARDS Silver- plate offers four successive sets Y.P. CONFERENCE 10 EET HERE Lay | Over 200 Coming For Rally at Calvary Baptist Church, Athol St. W. A young people's rally and con- ference is to be held in Oshawa on Thursday, May 24th, under the auspices of Calvary Baptist Church, Athol Street West. Its is expected there will be at least 200 young people here from various Toromto Baptist Churches for. this confer- ence. 'The sessions will be held in the church (formerly the Athol street Mission) afternoon-at 3 and evening at 7.30. Supper will be served in the Y.M.C.A, x Addresses will be given by Rev. J. H. Peer, of Willowdale Baptist Church, Toronto, Rev. Glen War- dell, of Scarboro Baptist Church, and Rev. D. Hackett, of Pape Av- enue Baptist Church, Toronto. Two young men will tell of their call to the ministry. The young peo- le of Forward Baptist Church, oronto, will furnish the musical part of the program. The people of Calvary Baptist Church are looking forward to a great day on the 24th and cordially invite others, particularly young pegple, to attend the meetings af- ternoon and evening. CALVARY BAPTIST YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY MEET A ---- . Thre was a good attendance at the regular meeting of the Young Peaple's Society at Calvary Bap- tist Church last night. The ad- dress was given by Mr, Walsh on the subject of Jcius Christ as a Good Soldier, ' FIRST JOBS OF BIG MEN* There are, after all, very few truly fundamental businesses in the world, . One of the leading restaurant men of the country did not have this all figured out when he first went to work in a general store in Fithian, 111, but he worked it out later, It was about four years after he got his first job in Fithian, after a normal school course, that he went to Chicago. There he got into the restaurant business, ultimately open- ing a place of his own, His business grew, and as he reached the point at which he could reduce the profitable operation of a restaurant to routine it along the proved standards he had worked out. His name is John R. Thompson, Here and There (14) ( Quebec City was en fete the better part of a week on the return to his native city of His Eminence Ray- mond Marte Rouleau, newly created Cardinal. Ecclesiastical, govern- mental, civic, military and lay lead- ers of the community joined in wel- coming this prince of the church. Four handred thousand motorears from the United States will be tour- ing the highmoads of the province of Quebec this wear, according to the vice-president of the Roya! Automo- bile Club of Canada, interviewed at the Frontenac, Quebec, this month. It is they will spend over sixty million slollars in the province this coming season. \ Edmonton.--Sale of the Lacombe and Northwestern Railway to the Canadian Pacific Railway is announ- ood by-the Provincial Premier. The C.P.R. agrees to indemnify the prov- ince against future liability on out- standing 6 per cent. bonds for $278,- 700 and, in addition, pay $1,500,000 in cash, at the same time undertak- ing to construct a 20-mile extension within the mext three years. _ Calgary. -- The Province of Al- berta exported goods to the value PAGE FIVE REDROSE TEA: pod wd A Red Rose Orange Pekoe is Si the best tea you can buy In clean, bright Aluminum un TT "HE oven on the McClary Electric Range enjoys real fame for three reasons It bakes and roasts delicate cake to the fattest to perfection, It stores the heat like a thermos bottle. You can switch off current and oven retains heat for long periods, Uses less current to do its work ; saves you many dollars and cents. The porcelain-enameled oven interioris as smooth as a piece of fine china and is just as easy to keep clean. All racks and elements are instantly removable, leav- ing find parking places for spattered grease or dirt ~ from a goose simply 2 3 ; McClary Electric Ranges, at Rices ranging from $60.00 to $575.00, f.0.b. oronto, taxes included, Send 25¢ for a of beautifully illustrated 100-page Cook Book and Household Manual, the most complete book on electric cooking ever written, Write General Steel Wares Limited, To- ronto, Dept, 36, >. : + You can buy A GENERAL STEEL WARES PRODUCT 25 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA i Halifax, St. John, Quebec City, Montreal (2), Ottawa, Toronto (4) Hamilton (2), Brantford, London (2), Windsor, North Bay, Winnie peg (3), Regina, Saskatoon, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, and lightweight woolen with silk which finally result in 2 complete ser- £repe Are Meo fashionable for de- vice of silverware. Let. your gift to the June Bride--or to yourself--be the Starting Service. Choose one pat- tern and remain faithful to it--for harmony in your table service. Later, step. At your convenience, further select the Seevice-=the third step. Reach goal--en sppropriste piece for every siverplete need--by finally purchasing the Complete Ser- vice. The cost is so divided you'll neyer potice it. Holme & Edwards Jalid_Shmeplos ps nid wih blocks of oR a the points of bardest wear. Costs 00 more than -grade place. of $9,120,306 to the United States dur- ing the year 1927, according to the annual report of 8. C. Reat, United States Copsul for Calgary district. The total exports show an increase of $764,680 or 17 per cent. over 1926. Caithe and hogs held a conspicuous place in these exports, the former amouating to $1,215,686 and the latter to $982,045. : Saskatchewan 2819 (2780), Alberta 2,796 (2,166) and British Columbia 113 (124). De- cember filings totalled 488, an in- crease of 69 with Manitoba 46 (54), N Saskatchewan 221 (219), Alberta 215 (139) amd British Columbia 6 (7). Thirteen new ocean Mners, at least, total 138.000 gross tons, are being in brack 719 (942), You'liGet T hem at WARD'S SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "The Store That Supplies Value' Bet of Six Tea Spoons $4.25 HOLMES §EDWARDS Mevsfaciured iw Conads by [5 Esko 0 0208) fown sop so0E P0000 000 0 PIOVIDES . wsssssssusssren Price, 20 cents each. or coin. Wrap coln- ar » Maybelle Lingerie SOLD AT "H. ATKINS Ladie's Tailor and Hosiery 115 Simcoe Street South STANDARD SILVER COMPANY OF TORONTO, Looms Succeeded by Factory S.C. ------------ EE -------------------------- i ---- 8| INTERNATIONAL SILVER COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Ss BASSETT'S, Jewellers, | Simcoe Street South -- Oshawa E. BURNS, 23% Simcoe Street South -- Oshawa A. O. FELT, 14 King Street East -- Oshawa a FELT BROS., 12 Simcoe Street South -- Oshawa [Each Free by Mall. Address Canadi : MEan. BDOMINAL SERB Mop Ades Cannio Depot: ee AUTHORS & COX. Lo JF Cuticuen Shaving Stick 2c. HURCH ST TORORTO water supply to serve the

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