Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1928, p. 6

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A "Library News ool RE 3 a Thursday, May 24th, is En velit: .the Pablic Li- brary will he open all day Wed- nesday, both the reading room and the circulating department. Among the new books publish- ed is a charming one with its scene laid in London; Lucia in London by B. F. Benson is the story of Lucia and Pepino who fall heir to a house ia Brompton Square and three thousand pounds a year. Lucia decides to spend a season in London, Her efforts to conquer smart London society and to impress her old friends in the little village Rise- holme with her social conquests are told with diverting satire. Crusade by Donn Byrne is a tale of the sixth crusade. The love of O'Neill, Irish knight and paid sol- dier as Damascus and Jerusalem, for the little sister of All is drawn delicately against a dark setting of warring nation and political in- triguet. In the course of the story although he incurs the en- wity of the Templars, he es:apes with his life and Kothra, The Way Things Are by E, M, Dela- tield is a story of English life. Tt Is "the way things are' that de- termines what one will do with his life, And this is the conclu- sion Laura Temple reached when she discovered that in spite of the apparent advantages of the young- er generation to do as they please complete freedom is never really attainable, An Artist ia the Family by Sarah Gertrude Millin is a tale of South Africa. Against vivid South African scenes is en- acted this tragedy of a family sac- vificed to the pursuit of art with out ability. The Death of a Nip: . lomat by Peter Oldfeld is an un- . usual detective story, The scene is laid at Geneve in the shadow of the League of Nations palace, Among the delegates assembled for the opening of the conference we + on 2D CR» We Lorus Earve Touaists. © THRILLINGLY | =ore. wl _InTERESTING. fy Cuinae ¢ ; G Hawaii Wouno: ITSELF _Aeour Our Hearts 2% Our FiroATING Home e passed in luxurious comfort, free from any care or irritating responsibility and absolutely without one disturbing incident from continent to continent," stated Lady Williams-Taylor on her return Shania docks amazed us, and lovely Ceylon en. us, But Hawaii wound itself about our hearts and, to its haunting 'Aloha Oe, we saw it fade away through regretful tears. the islands more than fascinating, but the Royal Not only are 34 Brock St. W. Phone 1333 Sunday, May 20 11 am.--"The Ark of the Lord In Battle." 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 pm. -- "Knowing Doing." S All Presbyterians coming to Oshawa for the first time are cordially invited to the services of Knox Church, the only Presbygerian Church in the city. by Christ Church (ANGLICAN) North Simcoe School (Temporarily) REV, R. B, PATTERION, Incumbent, 503 Masson st. Sunday, May 20 9.45 a.m. ~Sunday Scheel. 11 a,m,~Morning Prayer, UE EE EE The Christ of Common Folk By Mary Brainerd Smith HRIST came to earth; God's only Son was He, Yet deigned the Friend of commen folk to be. He shared their toils and cares, their grief and cheer; He ate their bread and salt as Comrade here. And must it cease because He went away. This close, sweet comradeship of every day? We are just common folk, may we not know The great Companion as we plodding go? In His all-love and knowledge of aur need, Provision He hath made for this indeed, For on earth's common things His touch divine . Hath lain, and made through them His face to shine, Qur daily bread speaks of Him, Bread of Heaven; Pure water, of the Living Water given; i Our cleansing, of His power to cleanse and bless; | Our raiment, of His robe of righteousness. Do we work hard? He was a toiler, too; Or suffer? Pain and agony He knew; Injustice do we meet? He met it oft; Desertion? Of that bitter cup Hg quaffed. He made the birds to sing God's loving care; The flowers a message of His thought to bear. 'Tis all His own, this world where He hath trod, And we of earth may company with God. Go to Church Sunday. Simcoe St. United KING STREET United Church REV. C. W. DeMILLE Minister Bh 139 King St. E--Phone 21s & -- eo) Sunday, May 20 J - 3 : 11 a.m.--Reception Ser- vice, a ------ 3.30 p.m.--Sunday School, 7.00 p.m.--Song Service. Evening Worship. "What Kind of & Church Do You Want?" Monday, 7.45 -- Young People's League. Pageant and Exhibit. Wednesday, 7.30-- Service. Frayer Albert Street UNITED " Church Rev. Dr. H. 8. Dougall, Minister, 52 Simcoe St, 8. Phone 148, from a world cruise ons board the Canadian Pacific liner, the "Empress of Australia," during which tour five continents, twenty-one countries and twenty-six ports were visited and seven seas traversed, "With eheltered ease," continued Lady Taylor, "we had unfolded to us the soul-penetrating magnifi- cence and the somewhat repellant fanatical conditions of India and distraught, yet ever thrillingly interest- Ing China, We steamed up and down the dangesous are the French and German am- hassadors who have signed a se' pret treaty that will benefit their respective countries. The safe In which the treaty was placed was robbed and its guardian murdered, A young English secretary with the aid of an American girl fin: ally recovers the document afler Hawaiian Hotel would tempt any traveller to return. "After such a wonder tour of 133 days," concluded Lady Taylor, "we 'Lotus Eating Tourists' have once again to face the realities of ordinary existence with- out the untiring supervision and perfect organization of the mighty and far-reaching Canadian Pacific J Railway and Steamship's protection and care of us, It was, indeed, with hearts full of gratitude and appreciation for our splendid captain, his staff, and REV. R. A. WHATTAM, Minister 30 Elena St. Phone LL }} Sunday, May 20 11 am.--*"Is the Bibl Class Worth While?" . ~ 7 p.m, -- Evening Prayer. many perilous adventures. Black Valley by Hugo Wast, a novel by a writer new to North American readers comes from the Argen- tine, Tt is a sombre tragic tale nf a feud between two familles, hut it is never sordid, and the ad- mirable character of the heroine gives it a quality of nobility, Let's Go by I. F. Ranlett is a war book. The book was pars tially written within two years af- ler the war, and was completed furing the last two years, Tt deals almost entirely with the lighter side of the struggle and fs the detailed, almost day-hy-day story of an average soldier's ox- Pearl River, and saw first-hand the devastation of Canton, Mysterious Java, and Sumatra, held=ds spellbound. Singapore and its ever- almost untouched for the constant and devoted attention of the cruise directors, that we finally bid farewell to our floating home--the 'Empress of Australia,'" periences at the front when not actually engaged in fighting, The Case for and Against Psychical Belief edited by (. A. Murchison is a collection of articles read at a popular symposium for the dis- cussion of psychical research held at Clark University in 1926. They constitute a fair presentation of its pros and cons. Part ono con- tains papers by men and women who helieve in such plhienomena-- Sir Oliver Lodge, Sir Arthur Con- HE UrInCe- Co A Special distributed the regular ' : sera Dividend of $700,000.00 will be ' the company this year in addition to end approximating $3,800,000,00,, FRANK V, EVANS, Representative Standard Bank Building v Simcoe St. N, » Oshawa, Ont, A To relieve 1 The worst attack of "nerves" or the most vi lent headache can be conquered. A lot of aches and pains succumb to a single tablet of Aspirin. And the many men and women who depend on it can testify that it is utterly harmless, Nothing is swifter, more soothing, or more certain than the. action of Aspirin. But always be sure it is the ~~ genuine; with Bayer on each tablet, . and on the box. It does not affect the heart. 'At all drugstores, with proven directions inside. \SPIRIN mfactuce. While it ARSE y LAG Assure the wl be slamped Wilh tocle "Bayer Coss" scademark, | ooo Mitac . i an Doyle, and others; part two and three are composed of articles by people convinced of the rarity or improbability of spirit manifes- tations; and part four contains two articles antagonistic to the claims of spiritualists, one by Jos- eph Jastrow and the other by Har- ry Houdini. Orcharding hy V. R. Gardner is inteaded for the he- ginner but gives a comprehensive view of the whole field. "A sketch of the functioning of fruit trees and an outline of the meth- ods and problems of the fruit in- dustry' is presented. A useful hook hoth to profesional and ame- teur actors is Clothes on and Off the Stage; a history of dress fron the earliest times to the present day hy H. Chalmers, It is a good hrief history of costume with descriptions and many drawings that are clear and exact, Jane Welsh and Jane Carlye hy E, A Drew is an interesting biography. On several important points Miss Drew disagrees with Froude, Mrs. Ireland, and Crichton-Browne. She seeks to show that Jane Welsh Carlyle was neither the martyr nor the neurotic that these writ- ers pictured her. Letters are the chief source of this new portrait, which shows a gay, witty, some- what sarcastic, but a charming woman, loving and beloved, Boys' and Girls' Library New books are still arriving at the boys' und girls' room, and out- door stories are proving very pop-: ular these fine days, A new edition of ther Handhoos for Canada of the Boy Scouts As- sociation came recently and this complete encyclopedia of 'Scout work, based on the System of Training contained in 'Scouting for Boys" by Lieut.-General Sir Robert Baden-Powell, chief Scout and founder of the Boy Scouts As- sociation, should be valuable to hoys interested in Scout work. Three Young Crows and. Other Bird Stories by E. H. Baynes are short readable accounts of birds based on observations made at first hand. Excellent illustra- tions from photographs add to their interest. Several other well-illustrated hooks about birds are on display with the nature books. Outdoor Stories of Indian Ad- venture are ever popular with young people and "The Boys' Book of Indian Warriors" by EIlL Sabin, well-written and attraec- tive, should be in great demand. The stories are of famous Indians from the days of the early English settlers of the nineteenth century, including among others, King Philip, Pontiac, Tecumseh, the Birdwoman and Joseph Brant. Girls who enjoyed €amp Ken- Jockety and Judy of York Hill will like Ethel Hume Bennett's new story "Camp Conqueror." Jill who has not been to camp be- fore, bas an adventure with a bear and another with a forest fire; she learns something about the meaning of courage and Soma thing, too, of the fine ideals of Big Chief. She is one of the fortunate few chosen to go on an exploring expedition into the wil- derness of lake and river and for- est that lies beyond the camp, and meets dangers and adven- tures with resource and courage. A splendid summer story for 'teen age girls. CLARIFIED FAT To clarify fat for doughnuts, slice a large raw potato and fry in it until brown. Then strain the iat, let cool skim an re-heat Here and There Edmonton.--Northern Alberta's biggest farm land deal this year was completed the other day when the well-known Trent Farm waa sold to a colony of Mennonites for more than $126,000, The new owners, eight families, will take possession on New Year's Day. he farm, which is in the Tofield district, has 2,641 acres, Passengers on the "Empress of Australia" now touring the world had a memorable experience when they witnessed brilliant military manoeuvres near the Grand Pyra- mid initiated by King Fuad of Egypt in honor of the visit of ing Amanullah of Afghanistan, Some of the passengers were subsequently received at King Fuad's court, Toronto.--An optimistic note with regard to the market for Canadian bacon was struck by A. J. Mills, representative of the British Min- istry of Food in conference with packers here. He expressed the con- viction that Canadian farmers would he very poorly advised to slacken in hog productign at the present time, stating that an improvement in the British market was in sight, with many of the countries which had been flooding Britain with bacon) during the past year being. prac- tically out of the business, With around a thousand guests seated in the Ball Room, the Main Dining Room and the Jacques Car- tier .Room of the Chateau Fron- tenac, Quebec City, that famous hotel presented a remarkable scene on the occasion of the New Year's Evevfestivities. Among the guests were the Governor of New Jersey and officials of the state, while im- onan parties came up from New ork, Boston, Philadelphia, Balti- more, Chicago and other cities of the United States. A handsome. New Year's gift to the people of Canada is Fad ted in the an t of reduction of rates charged by Express Com- panies of the Dominion for ship- ment of packages up to 15 lbs. In weight and not over 8; feet in length, width or depth, which has been issued and filed with the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada by C. N. Ham, Chair- man, Express Traffic Aasociation. The reduction went into effect Jan- uary 1 and it includes a continua- tion of the -arrangement under which the Express Companies give protection against loss and damage up to $50 without extra charge on packages carried. AEEE------ CHRISTIAN Church REV, W. P. FLETCHER, B. .D. .» Sunday, May 20 -- 11 am.~--"Union-- That They All May Be One." 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m--"God's In His Heavens." Emmanuel BAPTIST CHURCH King Street E, gladly contributes to the community the services of THE McMASTER TRIO oF ¢: EVANGELISTS Each man a highly gifted Specialist HECTOR TODD, Leader LELAND GREGORY, Soloist HARRY PIKE, Violinist One week only 11 a.m, Sunday 20th and nightly till p.m. Supday 27th, All are invited. JUBILEE SERVICES Sunday, May 20 11 a.m.--REV, 8. D, CHOWN, D.D,, "How are we Ambassadors." REV. DR. S. D. CHOWN LL.D, Anthem-- , "How Lovely are the Messens gers.'--Gaul, Male Quartette-- 'Nearer My God to Thee." Messrs. J, W, Borsberry, Oliver Luke, J. H. R. Luke, Wm, Paul, 7 p.m. -- REV, Ww. SEDGEWICK, D.D. Anthem "Trisagion and Sanctus", Semi agion and Sanctus." Semis Chorus--*" List the Cherubie Hast." Baritone solo, Mr, Geo. Fleming. Soprano ob- ligato, Mrs. A. E, Fisher, Organ and piano accompani- H, -- 2.30 p.m.--Sun and Eirra Bible AZ Sebot 7 pm.--Mr. C. R. Con quergood, of Toronto, will give an address .on the Bible, Eirra Bible Class An- niversary. Everybody wels come, St. George's ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON ¢C. R. dePENCIER, . M A, 89 Athol Street West ment. (piano Mrs. McGirr), Sunday, May 20 Holy Communion--8 a.m. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young People's League withdrawn. Wednesday 8 p.m.--Mid- 11 am.--Moraing Prayer week Prayer Service, follow- ed by meeting of Official Board at 9 p.m, Calvar ATH Baptist IL, ST. s (Formerly Athol St, Mission) Sunday School Centre St.--2.30 p.m, . DR. H. W. ICK REV. DR. H. W. SEDGEW ¥ PB ~=Evensong. Baptisms 2nd Sunday esch month Sunday, May 20 REV. F. DICKIE will preach morning and evening, 11 a.m. -- "Watch Ye, Stand Fast in the Faith." 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m.--"*What God Hath Wrought." A testimony, In- cidents in mission work in China. Prayer meetings Wed- esday and Saturday at 8° P, meeting, Monday, at 8, ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = of the -- UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. F. J. MAXWELL, Minister CHRISTADELPHIAN "For I know that my Redeémer liveth that He shall st Aoi that He of stand at the latter day upon And though after my skin worm, this body, yet in my flesh shall I My d Job 19:25.22 Read also Acts 24:21, 26:8, Phil, 3:11, you believe your Bible? --_-- a, CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist, 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, May 20 SUBJECT: "Soul and Body." 11 a.m.--Church Service. Sunday School at close of morn: ing service. . Xs Wednesday Meeting 8 p.m, Including testimonies of Healing through Christian Science. You are cordially invited to at- 404 the services and to make use of Free Public Reading Room where the Bible and sll Christian Science literature may read, borrowed or purchased and poriedieals subscribed for, C on , Thursdays and day: from 2 to 5 p.m. SUNDAY SERVICES, MAY 20 11 a.m.--Rev; W. W. Peck, of Toronto, will preach at this service. 3 p.m.--Sabbath School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.--The Minister will preach. Subject: That is Worth While." z Monday Evening, 8 o'clock -- Young People's Meeting. HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Sunday, May 20 i ---- "Life Friday, 8 o'clock--Preparatory Service and recep- tion of new members. Holy Communion at 8am. Matins and Sermon at 1] am, Sunday School at 3pm. Evensong and Ser- mon at 7 p.m. Evangelist, Edna Hammond Who are conducting an EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN ip in the : x NTECOSTAL ASSEMBLY 200 King St. West, Oshawa Sunday, May 20th--Services, 11 am., 3 p.m., 7 p.m. 11 a.m.--Evangelist Ross Hammond Subject: "The Conquer- ing Host." 2 p.m.--Evapgelist Ross Hammond. - Out." TOMATO BISQUE 7 p-m.--Evangelist Edna Hammond, Subject: "The Trail That Leads Home." If you have trouble with tomato Evangelist, Ross Hammond Unity Truth Centre 5.0. B. HALL, KING ST. E. Sunday, May 20 11 a.m.~~Pubdllc Service. i ~ MISSION ; (OVER THE ARCADE) Sunday School 10.00 a.m. Worship, 11 am. Evangelistic Meeting 7 p. Subject: "Launch- bi Aon Every night next week at 8 p.m. (except Sat.) On Monday isque soup curdling, try adding the and Tuesday at 8 p.m. Evangelist Ross Hammond will boiling, strained .and-thickensd. om. ato liguid to cold mille. : tell his life story. )

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