Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 May 1928, p. 14

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PAGE FOURTEEN HOUSE COMMITTEE REPORT ENDORSES STATE INSURANCE Recommended Parliament Have Matter Further Investigated PROVINCIAL TASK Declared Responsibility For Legislation Rests with Provinces Ottawa, May 18. -- Unemloynfent and state sickess insurance is ad- vanced a year. The committee which has been investigating this question Wednesday made its report 3 the House of Commons and the report favors from alpha to omega the principle of unemployment in- surance. The basis of application is in doubt and experience in the British Isles is to be probed as a guide to Canadian procedure. The report of the committee to the House of Commons reaas: "The select standing committee on industrial and international re- lations begs leave to present the following as their third and final report, "Your committee has had under consideration a resolution, which was adopted by the House of Com- mons on March 21, in the follow- ing terms: "Phat in the opinion of this House the Committee on Indus- . trial and International Relations be EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Erratic shots on the golf course Balls missed or fumbled, [It may 257 1516 Disney Block, Opposite Post Office Children's Cotton Stock- ings, all sizes, Special, pr. 10¢ 1.Collis & Sons 50-54 King St. W. Phone 733W Opp. Centre St, 1 ! Hudeon and 1 Essex Coach, late + models, in perfect order, new duco finish. Chadburn Motor Co. HUDSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS 9 Prince St., Oshawa Phone 116v nN jautiorized to investigate and re- port on insurdnce against unem- ployment, sickness and invalidity.' "Your committee proceeded, directed, to investigate.the.subject of insurance against -unemploys ment, sickness and invalidity. The Assistant Deputy Minister of Las| bor, who was the first witness, pre- sented memoranda of information dealing with the systems of insur- ance against unemployment, sick ness and invalidity which exist in various countries. also a memoran- dum of information relative to sys- tems of voluntary sickness insur- ance and benefits which have been developed in this country. The di- rector of the Employment Service of Canada furnished the commit- tee with an® outline of the opera- tions of the .free employment of- fices which have been established by the provincial governments in G4 centres throughout the Domin- ion, and which are assisted by a federal grant. Witnesses appeared before the committee on behalf of organized labor, public welfare as- sociations, and the Canadian Manu- facturers' Association, and express. ed the views eof their respective organizations on the subject mut~ ter of reference. Jurisdiction "The Deputy Minister of -Justice gave evidence on the question of the respective jurisdiction of the Dominion and Provincial Govern- ments regarding unemployment, sickness and invalidity. "While the time at the disposal of your committee has been too short to make as comprehensive a report as the. importance of this matter demands, your committee submits the following recommenda- tions: "1. --That "the necessity of pro- viding some method of unemploy- ment insurance is one that will in- evitably have to be dealt with be- fore long, as a solution, in part, of the industrial problems of the pres. ent day. "2, --That we accept and endorse the "principle of unemployment in- surance, based on the compulsory conritbutions derived from the state, the employer and the em- ployee. In this/conpection, we would point out that a' somewhat similar decision was arrived at hy a Royal Commission on industrial relations, which dealt with this subject in 1919, #3,--That the evidence of the Justice Department makes it clear that the responsibility for such legislation rests on the provincial authorities, it being within their jurisdiction nuder the provisions of the British North America Act, hut that it would be within the power of the Parliament to contribute. by grant, to such provinces as adopted such legislation, following the precedent set in the matter of technical education, highway econ- struction and, more recently, the Old Age Pension Act, "4 --That, whereas the condi- tions of unemployment vary so much more from province tn prov- ince, than those relating to old age, it would he very desirable, for the success of any plan of unemploy- ment insurance that several of the provinces should be willing to aet simultaneously. In view of these circumstances, we are of the opin- fon that this matter should be re- ferred to the various provinces, to ascertain which of them would be prepared to congider adopting leg. islation of this character, and to what extent. "5, --On the very important suh- ject of the cost of unemployment fngurance your committee has pericnced great difficulty, in arriv- inz at any definite conclusion, ow- ing to the lack of data as to the amount of employment either con- stant or occasional in character. There apnears to be no definite method of ascertaining the upem- ployment at any given .point for any lenzth of time. We, therefore. recomemnd that the Government immediately devise some means whereby the amount of the unem- ployment, over a period of a year could reasonably be calculated, "f,--That as unemployment in- surance has been 'in operation tm a number of years in Great Britain, exe from REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian Natiopal and Osh- If your Watch is not giving awa Railroads. 10 King St. W. Phone 189 STOCKS ~~ Sroie-For LoNG &(© BONDS d Office: Reford AND WELLINGTON STS. S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager' ' Private Wire System 11 King Street East, Oshawa Phones 143 and 144 'GRAIN (4 -- Above C.P.R. Office FOR SALE-- CRUSHED STONE CHIPS tor DRIVEWAYS WATEROUS-MEEK LIMITED Phone 1288 THE OSHAWA DAILY ps. SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1928 Pe SE 1 read your Almanac. 4 Kidney a Kidney Sills for Bos "My trouble Banas pine ke She is Thankful She Read the Almanac Sayé Dodds Kidony cH hh Wel in Gold a a saan Lyte a a eri OTTAWA SEEKING 'IMPROVED CATTLE SHIPPING METHOD Representative Meeting Agrees Situation Open to Resentment LE -- : DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS of Dodd's Pills, these. have faund relief from Ailments--Why not you? SOc iE CT KIDNE COMMITTEE NAMED and has recently been thoroughly investigated by a strong committee, and the system re-organized on the basis of their report, your commit- tee would suggest to the Govern- ment the advisability of obtaining from Great Britain expert advice on the subject which would be of service in the formulation of a plan or plans suitable to conditions In Canada in arriving at ihe approxi- mate cost. "7.--In order that this matter might be further dealt with your committee recommends to Parlia- ment that at the next session this question be again referred to the Committee on Industrial and Inter- national Relations, VOTE ON HALL PURCHASE Flesherton May 18.--The mat- ter of purchasing the former Chal- mers Church with a view to hav- ing it for use of the Town Hall here at a cost of agproximately $2,000 will be submitted to a vote of the ratepayers of Flesherton on Thursday, May 31, PREMIER BALDWIN'S PERSONAL FORTUNE RAPIDLY DWINDLES London, May 17.--That his pér- soval fortune has dwindled by elev- en-twelfths sinee 1923 was reveal- ed Wednesday by Prime Minister Baldwin in the course of an ad- dress to the British Cotton Grow- Ing Association at Manchester, By way of illustration of the fact that the steel industry, in which most of his money is invest- ed, has sufiercd as severely as any other, Mr. Baldwin told the cotton growers, 'for every shilling | had when I took office 1 have less than a penny today." Safe Loading of Livestock Ottawa, May 18.--The House of Commons, through the Department of Agriculture, is endeavoring to find a more humane method for the marketing of animals, Representa- tives sat throughout yesterday and in their discussion agreement was general that the situation is open to resentment by the public in gen- eral. The Montreal Star was quot- ed frequently throughout the dis- cussion for the exposures which have been made during the past six months, e-- r-- ed in connection with shipments to the Montreal livestock market and it was reported that starved ani- mals had actually eaten other ani- mals, that many hogs had been trampled to death while inhumane conditions existed with regard to cvercrowding in freight cars. A reassuring statement was made by J. 8. Innes, of the Montreal hranch of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Aninrals, who said conditions recently had improved. HE OBEYED ORDERS An Irish recruit in one of military riding schools had the fortune to part company with horse. According to custom, the sergeant rode up to him and demanded: "Dil you receive orders to dismount" "I did, sorr "From headquarters?" "From hindquarters, said Paddy with a grin, the mis his ver honor," Will Prepare Schedule For Shocking conditions were reveal-' All our corn is high grade, government tested for quality and germination. EED CORN IMPROVED LEAMING, GOLDEN GLOW, EARLY BAILEY, SOUTHERN SWEET, WISCONSIN No. 7, WHITE CAP, YELLOW DENT, PRIDE OF NISHNA, LONGFEL- LOW, BLOODY BUTCHER, COMPTON'S EARLY The is as low as is consistant with quality. We invite your inspection of our stock, Hogg 54 CHURCH STREET & Lytle Ltd. PHONE 203 -- price The death | rate Toruialiy had been appalling, as many as 50 dead hogs béing taken out of one ear, while 159 calves had been shipped In another car, terribly overcrowdeq, Conditions now were much better and out of 50 cars arriving only one would be overcrowded, while ill-treatment of cattle hy boys em- ployed at the stockyard had ceas- ed. J. Wilson, of the Torontu branch 8.P.C.A., thought the Rail- way Board should be asked to take some responsibility in giving in- structions as to the loading of live- stock, Some years ago from 500 A! AL to 1.000 chickens used to arrive daily dead in the crates, but such was not the case since proper erates had been constructed and placed in use. He thought proper accommo- dation should be provided for ship- ments of livestock, Melita when a few days hence. zie has expressed a desi herself of the offer, as like to learn more of band's death at sca. ll] it reaches Montreal Mrs, MacKen- re to avail she would her hus- . ¥ Hamilton, May the C.P.RR. have W. Hemming, local steamship agent, that they will be glad to provide transportation to Mrs, William MacKenzie and a coms~ panion so that she may consult the Captain and other officers of the 18.--Officials of advised Charles Correct Glasses Correctly Optometrist 3 King St. W, W. A. Hare 'Phone 838 Fitted ELLA CINDERS--The War Is Over By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Ru-- meee] T WAS NEVER SO INSULTED IN ALL. MY LIFE! DIDN'T MIND HER )| GRAPE IC CALLING ME A N's! RAND SHE SAID I WAS SO THIN T COULD DRINK I GET A JOB AS TR ; LETS <5 IN AN TELL HER A Faw D7 THINGS T' Reg 1S Pir OF Copyngiv 11) by Mewropoliuan Newspaper Serva LOOK, HERE, YOU NASTY LITTLE SNIP-- NOW ON WE DEMAND A RAISE, THREE DAYS OFF EACH WEEK, AND' A 1 SER CLAUSES | ! MEM RIGHT NOW BE YOUR MY STEROALS WER An YOU CAN LIKE IT OR LUM AND THE LUMPS WiLL BE Eon | HEADS, NOT YOUR oven MINE ! BRINGING UP FATHER GON' | BY GOLLY THATS SOME RAIN: I'M NOT | WONDER IF ANY- BODY EVER DID THIS GAME WITHOUT CHEATIN'A LITTLE I OUT TO-NIGHT- THE GANG WON'T " BE AT BINT S | By Geo. McManus MOTHER-I'VE FINISHED THESE LETTERS AND THEY MUST BE POSTED TONIGHT: DEAR CHILD-YOU CANT | | | GO OLUT- IT'D RAINING PITCH FORKS" { ws © 1928, by Int'] Feature Sil ITS NOT FIT FOR A DOG TO GO OUT ON A NICHT LIKE THIS - LET YOUR FATHER POST THEM- == Britain rights reserved Service, Ine. [1] ~\ TELLING TOMMY NO, TOMMY, WE CANNOT START A ZOO OF OUR OWN; THE ANIMALS WOULD COST A GREAT DEAL OF MONEY. (S3enc 15 no FLAT RTE On AnIMALS FOR 700 PURPOSES AS 50 MANY THINGS ENTER INTO THE DEAL, THE AGE OF THE ANIMAL ITS PHYSICAL CONDITION AND ITS TYPE, ALL HAVE A BEARING ON THE PRICE CHARGED, BUY US A AY INDIAN RHINOCERUS COSTS FROM $8,000 TO $10,000. AN AFRICAN ELEPHANT ABOUT $6,000, INDIAN ELEPHANT $1800 T0 # 3000, GIRAFFES $ 8000 70 $10,000 A PAIR, ZEBRAS $ 2000 A PAIR. SACRED BABOONS $100 EACH. LIONS $1200 T0 #1500 EACH, ® 1928. by King Features Syndicate J nc WELL WHY WON'T DADDY TILLIE THE TOILER--The Only Way Mac Could See It . QREAT SCOTT. TI.AIE'S BEEN WASTING HER TIME TALKING TO. THAT 1 FELLOW FOR THE hei! MR, STMPRINS - My FRIEND, DICK HARR ING TON MIELL. WELL, I KNEW Your FATHER IN COLLEGE - STEP INTO My OFFICE wate, Lne 'on ' ant Bria tits roger wed on BE HEAVENLY IN THIS OFFICE IF THE BOSS GAVE DICK A POSITION HERE % ia

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