Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 May 1928, p. 12

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Military and all those who were a with the enemy during the boi i plaine mechanized force at battle strength, The great war ought by rights C. [to have beem am war, autumn of 1914 until From troversy that of 1917, on thé western front, series of siege officer, recognized cleverest brains in the Army. ized in the study of ne mechanjzed force, its effect om tac. tics, sgh the morale of mili- tary and civilian population. "Oop Future Warfare," with its cold, . hard reasoning, its uneme- tional references to the casualties of war, its descriptions of mobile heavy-gun platforms moving to the offensive, tanks in action, airplanes in operation, and gas attacks, wil prove discouraging to one section of the public as it must inspire to further effort the mechanically minded among the professional sol. diers, 1 Army of 60,000 The small army is foreshadaw- ed for 1946 by Colonel Fuller, Sixty thousand officers and men, with 2,000 fighting machines, is hig estimate, 'A mwcroscopic foree when compared to the horde armies of 1914-1018," he concludes, 'Yet, though. during the last year of the war we used up as many tanks as the number I have just ganized force outlined had existed we could not have decimated these hordes as surely as Alexander de- ecimated the Persians at Issus and at Arbela?" ELLE Colonel Fuller describes and ex» ST -- EATS SAUERKRAUT NOW FEELS YEARS YOUNGER "Now I eat even sauerkraut and sausage and feel fine. Adlerika ended stomach gas and I feel 10 years younger,"--Mrs, M, Davis, Just ONE spoonful Adlerika re- lieves gas and that bloated feeling so that you can eat and sleep 'well, Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old waste mat- ter you never thought was there, No matter what you have tried for your stomach and howels, Ad- lerikp will surprise you, Juy & aoves, | can it be doubted that if the ur- |; onal was a war rum by amateur piom- eers, and the result was a chaos of earthworks. Elsqwhwere the writer refers to mistakes in the control of the great war, } The army of the future will be "based on petrol,..., it will be able to advance one hundred miles a day. It must be comparatively small, ,.. its organization mmet be simple. It must, however, be able to find the enemy, to hold him when met with, and when held to hit him and to pursue him, whe finding of an. enemy will largely depend on air reconnaissance, and air power depends on landing fa- cilities....., Without air superior- i aurhride will »n gravely restrict. , And surprise in hanical war. fare is obviously portant." Anti! Moats So the mechanized army wm move forward by road and eross ga) hut dhate will be obsta. bred [} Al elation of tanks, Jy apure. Fortifications ave likely to be nu- merous and small... shellproof and gasproof, Yones of modernized Martello towers suggest theme selves, Towers sunk in anti-tank moats, and possibly encircle and connected by mine-fields, The top of the tower... will only just ap- pear above the level of the ground crowned by a smal] revolving steel cupola containing one anti-tank gun, its garrison numbering about ten men. They should be... provided with some Hidden means of exit Which will allow their garrisons retiring should their gun be put out of action, "The tactical outlook has chang. ed," stresses Colonel! Fuller earlier in the book, "We have light tanks fighting light tanks, which pre- supposes that each will be equipped with anti-tank machine-guns, and on hoth sides these machines will he supported by heavy tanks, Some- where in the offing will cavalry he, sticking panic-stricken enemy riflemen routed by the cavalry Lovell, Druggist, oy RN light tanks, +o ---------- pry = ERSE--E---- SE MI give you my word, befors 1 Py to dissect @ veal cuties again with # silver blade -- I'l sore--|" Give a thought to the Groom matrimonial Many s remarks about dull kaives, has almost foundered of And this holds true of entertaining too. anccsswll wich men is simon sways expe: A hostess EE her ksife-blades--part of an about men--as logical as her lipstick. You ble. suay lock as breschlessy lovely 304 supe J] En ts eR pression of your The pew Corpanary De Luxe Swinless knives-- Pastecns--have steel blades shazp as 8 Turks scimitar . . . and as silwer. of ios. They #8 $10.00 for six at PLATE AND TUDOR RLATE ONBIDA COMMUNI 1 : 35 TY LIMITED THE OSHAWA DAILY 11MED, 1HUIODAY, MAY 1/4, 1240 Riverhead, L. I., May 16.--Mrs. Iva Austin, of Blue Point, and the boarder in her house, Arthur Ba- dore, who had arranged to smooth the course of true love by killing Mrs. Austin's husband, Frederick, who carried life insurance, ceased Monday in Suffolk County jail to laugh at locksmiths and with haste which might be considered inde- ecorous tried to lay the blame for the murder plot on each other. Mrs. Austin alone succeeded In getting the loan of an official car. She told her story to Sheriff Bur- ton G. Howe and Everett C. Petty, an investigator for the district at- torney. Badore had to content him- self with baring his romance to newspaper reporters. Mrs, Austin, a thin, sallow. faced woman who looks more than her 82 years, is amazed and shock- ed at the predicament into which she has not herself. She wept co- piously during her recital, as did Mr. Badore, who has a glass eye. Each declared amid tears that it was the other who insisted upen Ring a8 gunman to kill Mr, Aus- tin. Mrs Austin 1s ready for a re- conciliation with her husband ndbw and was obviously disappointed when she was not released at the end of her recital, She had told pos- itively everything there was to it, she sald, and they ought to let her go. She wanted to get back to her husband and her home, she said. She wrote this morning to her hus. band, asking him tp send hep two canary birds to the jail and to retain counsel for her. LEFT $100,000 IN JEWELS IN TAXI ---------- New York, May 16.--The loss of jewels valued at $100,000 which she sald she left in an over-night hag in a taxicah, was reported to the police hy Mrs. Alfred H. Chap- in, of Crescent Hills, Springfield, Mass. a ix: [ New York, May 16.--Leara to fly! Everybody's doing it! Get rich and famous quick for a small sum down and so much a week! If you are ome of the holders of a mail order detective diploma or have an emgraved certificate en- titling' you to be a movie star you will just love this new method of stepping right out from under the boss thumb and thunderstriking him with amazement. . But the "gwp" flying schools which are supposedly getting rich throughout the country only do their prospecting by mail. You have to "learn by doing." And their customers are not al- ways such 24 karat saps as maps, alas, - who learned sleuthing via the postman or tried to put Mary Pickford out of business with a postage stamp. A large majority of the clientele schools are pretty fine young fel- of the / alleged "gyp" aviation lows. They have nerve and they have ambition, Sometimes they have as "GYP" FLYING IN US. GET- TING RICH; FEDERAL ACTION ASKED much as $200, $300 or $500 that they have saved by no easy meth- ods. They usually have jobs. A well-organized "gyp" school can talk them into giving up the job and the $509 savings in less time than it takes Col. Lindbergh to fly from St. Louis to Detroit. For this reason, the American Society for the Promotion of Avi ation, Inc.,, has made representa- tions to Postmaster General New which, Lieut. Thomas L. Hill, war- time flier and president of the so- ciety, hopes will lead to Federal ac- tion against the "'gyps." Lieut, Hill told the United Press yesterday that the society was re- ceiving an increasing number of let- ters from young "graduates" of these schools from all over the United States. Some of the "fliers," who ex- pected to step into jobs of $75 a week on up to $10,000 a year as soon as they finished their training were greatly surprised at the abtupt manner in which it petered out, WEALTHY N.Y, SHIRT MAKER FOUND DEAD Body Lying Beside That of Housekeeper--Killed by Gas New York, May 16.--A motive for the mysterious death of Benja- min Koty, 40, wealthy shirt manu- facturer, of Jamaica, L.I., and his 30-year-old housekeeper, Marie Quinlaven, wad sought Monday night by police, The bodies of Koty, who Is separated from his wife, and his housekeeper, were found in a gas. filled bedroom by Koty's 16-year- old daughter, Sylvia. Sylvia told police she had slept until shortly after noon yesterday. On coming from her room, she found a gas-hose, just long enough to reach from a jet in the hall to the door of her father's room, in- the girl told the police, She hid the hose, police said she told them, and then notified au- thorities, ) Policemen found Koty and his housekeeper lying side by side on a bed. Police Investigation last night re. vealed that until a year ago ,Ma- rie Quinlaven resided in Boston where she acted as housekeeper for a man named Green. She ob- talned a position as machine oper. ator in the Koty factory on Long Island. When Koty established his wife In a separate home, police said, he employed Marie as house- keeper. A few months ago Green appeared and tried to induce Ma- rie to return to Boston. Opposing this, Koty informed police, Green was wanted for arson, Green was arrested and extradited to Massa- chusetts. He Is now awaiting trial on the arson charge, police said. Authorities admitted last night they would question Sylvia further on certain statements which ap peared conflicting. ENGLISH INVENTOR REACHES NEW YORK New York, May 16.--E. Peter Jones, English inventor and steek man arrived on the Cunard liner Samaria with an autonrobile of his own design which he said hag fin- ally solved the problem of "back- seat driving." Although made for his own use and not a commercial venture, he expects it to be popular in this country. PIICHER KEEN OF ROCHES- TER KNOCKED UNCON- SCIOUS BY BAT Rochester, N.Y., May 16.--Vic Keen, star pitcher of the oRchas- ter Clun, was knocked unconscious by a lunge from the bat of Don the Bears were holding batting prae;e? hefore the starr of the Red Wings Pears gam? Tuesday. Club phreicisns were unable to revive Keen on the fleid and he was rushed to a local hospital, 1 your sleep is disturbed by Bladder Weakness Irritation, Burning Sensation, Backache, Nervousness and Bad Dreams-- due'to clogged Kidneys, Prostatic Troubles, or Inflammation of the Bladder Urinary Tract, you should try the amazing walue of Syrol Tablets at once! Syrol Tablets, which any good drugggist can now fusnish in sealed packages containing two weeks' supply, are especially de- signed by & world famous chem- ist to bring quick relief and com- fort to those folks near or past middle life who are almost con- stantly troubled by .Backaches, Bladder Weakness, Irritation and restless, troublesome nights. On a strict guarantee of money back on first box purchased, if satisfactory results are mot ob- tained---you are invited to try and enjoy the wonderful value of Syr- ol Tablets today. Any good druggist can supply you. | NO CHANGE IN RATES * ON FOREST PRODUCTS Washington, May 16.--~The Inter- state Commerce Commission has tem- porarily killed an attempt to raise rates on lumber and forest products from the southwest tegritory of Canada, by suspending unfil October 15, the operation of new rate sche- dules field by the Baltimore and Ohio and Chesapeake and Ohio rail- roads. The new schedules propose to cancel the existing combination rule. Quick Pile Relief * Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid Is guaranteed to banish any form of Pile misery, or money back, It gives quick action, even In old, stubborn cases. Hem-Roid is a harmless tablet that removes blood congestion in the lower bow- ol--the cause of piles, It brings joyful relief quickly and safely or costs nothing. Jury and Lovell, Limited, and druggists . every- where sell it with this guarantee, Washington, May 16.--Individu. al income tax payers were given a prospective $25,000,000 slice of the pending $20,000,000 tax reduc- tion melon Monday, when the Sen- ate voted a downward revision of the surtax rate applying on incomes between $20,000 and $80,000. An attempt by the Republicans to have the reductions apply retro- actively on incomes of last year on which taxes are paid this year was rejected, 54 to 28, as the Western Republican Independents broke from the ranks-to join the solid Democratic line up in opposition. Both propositions 'are subject to final vote on passage and the changes must be accepted by the house, ------------ NEW SHORT-OUT AUTOMOBILE ROUTE ACROSS LAKE ONTARIO With the opening of scheduled service acgoss Lake Ontario, be- tween Cobourg, Ont, and Gene see Dock (City of Rochester) ...Y., via steamers of the Ontar- fo Car Ferry, automobile tourists will again Be able to take advan- tage of this excellent *short-cut" route between Ontario and Cen- tral New York State, The steam- ers will operate Sundays, Mon- days, Thursdays and Saturdays, from May 26th to June 28th, in- clusive and daily commencing June 30th, The service will he leaving Genesee, Dock 8.35 a.m, arriving Cobourg 1.35 ibn. Te- turning, leaving Cobourg 3.15 pm arriving Genesee Dock 8.00 .m, As the automobile accommoda- tion available on thees rteamers is limited, reservations should be made in advance through Cana- dian National Agent at Rochester. Apply to your nearest Canadian National Agent for further de- The "Foursome" COMMUNITY PLATE KEEN competition--down to the final putt! Then from en, the an luncheon of dinner table, and the hospitable convenience of the new Foursome in COMMUNITY silverware service for four. Jweive Spoons, fous Fork, fou De Luxe Stainless Kusves, Butter Knife and Sugar Spoon all complete, in a gorgeous peacock-blue Serving Tray. Five ih rot patterns to choose from, all considerately priced. TE--the ecomomy In Men's Clothing and Furnishings This is only natural. Our bulk-buying, our J[UNIT|[ 1 ) 0 of that UNIT Saves You Money Following are Examples of UNIT Super-Values in Furnishings: immense volume of business, is bound to reduce overhead and enable us to give- you better merchandise--better in quality of fabric, style and tailoring--than you could obtain elsewhere, Comparison will convince BOYS' SUITS A Ball or Bat with every Boy's Suit and Reefer with our compliments, in grey, brown and fancy tweed effects, in all sizes, at $5.95 $6.95 $9.95 $10.95 $12.95 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S A0 Simope St. 8. We Deliver | * ' Men's Top Coals jn fancy tweed effects, in grey and brown up to $35.00. You may choose any coat at

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