Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY'15, 1928 OMENS DAILY INTEREST SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times iavites the co- operation of its readers in contributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 36. Mrs. I, B. Argue 'has yeturned from Brandon, Manitoba, where she has been visiting tives for the past Six months, Mrs, Argue will take up residence at her form- er Home, 402 Masson street. * L Ld Mr. and Mrs, John T. Dalby, 31 Burke street, the engag ment of their youngest daughter, Eva, to Mr, Jack Hamby, oungest sof of the lage K. Hambly and Mrs, Hambly, 32 Charles street. The mar- riage will' take place early in June; . LJ L . Mr. and Mrs, William A, Allin 108 Church street, announce the engagement of their youngest daughdter, Louise, to Mr. Edward Bovay, only son of Mr, and Mrs. William Bovay, Picton, Ontario. The marriage will take place quietly in June, . Mrs, C. DeGuerre, 84 Alice street, was hostess last evening at a birthday party, givem In honor of 'her daughter, Hazel, The guess spent an enjoyable social evening. The supper table wis done in Spring flowers and tall candles, The large birthday cake held the place of honer on the table, 8 a * . The trustees and officers of the Toronto General Hospital have sent out invitations to the com- mgncement exercises of the forty- sixth graduating class of the School for Nurses in Convocation Hall, Friday evening, May 25, at 8.30. A reception will be held in the nurses' residence, Toronto General Hospital, BOWMANVILLE AND NEWCASTLE YOUNG PEOPLE VISIT HERE The A.Y.P.A. of St. George's church emtertained the Bowman- ville and Newcastle branches of the Association last evening in the Parish Hall. Thee were about forty representatives from each society, Vice-president E. Jeffery acted as chairman and the program opemed with com- munity singing, Mr. a. Hartley ibuted a solo and H. Smith a tation. Messrs. Collins and Forham presented their inter- pretation | of the mow famous "Two Black Crows. The rec- tors of the visiting parishes, Rev. James of Newcastle and Rev, Shires of Bowmanville, were pres- ent and each spoke on behalf of their association. Canon De Pencier expressed his pleasure in having them as guests for the ev- ening. After refreshments weve served the rest of the evening was spent in games and dancing, KNOX YOUNG PEOPLE ORGANIZE SOCIETY The Young People's Soclety has recently been organized in connec- tion with Knox Prashyterlan Church 1Le officers electea were: -dresident, Jahn Mair, Vice- Presideat, John Aosrison; Secie- tary, Miss Agnes Goold; Treasurer, William Adams; Membership com- mittes, Mrs Ruth Hamilton, Mar- garet Anderson and Margaret Roy. Miss Winnie Hamilton wis elected pianist. Meetings will he held every Monday night. The meat- ing last night was of a seclal char- acter and was. in the hands of a committee, of which Miss Goold was convener. The toplc for the next meeting is "The Life of John Calvin." ' TODAY Concern yourself but with today; Woo it, and teach it to obey Your will and wish, Since time began Today has been the friend of man, But in his business and his sorrow He looks to yesterday and tomorrow. thrills the heart of every Bride- to-be ! And truly every Bride- to-be loves May Belle Lingerie! Every slim, silky little garment is so entrancingly dainty and bride- smart, tically designed, and very moder- otely priced, The May Belle Step-in-Combination and Step-ins illustrated are but two of the many, May Belle undies available, There are myri- pastel yet prac- Germen ads of adorable lingerie garments suitable for the most fastidious bridal chest--and Arways iv Line Wire Tie MobE all in a host of exquisite, really washable painted. And May Belle gasments are all made from our own lovely, soft lockstitch rayon--long-wearing and easily laundered. . "This lovely trousseau lingerie is identified in the shops by the little May Belle label inside all May Belle Lingerie. Ontario Silknit Limited, Toronto lergest makers of Rayon Febrics and Rayon Fashion Notes _. POLKA DOTS Red and maize polka dotted crepe fashions a pouch purse, a hat, shoes and a searf suit that would give a dazzling bit of color to a summer costume. LIZARD-SKIN HOSE New lisle sports hosiery have a hand-blocked lizard skin design in tones of tan and soff greys and browns. One wears them to match grey and tan lizard shoes. EVENING WRAPS Plain tailored taffeta coats, with snappy self-trimming and light colored velvet wraps, much be-furred, are summer's smartest evening wraps. FANCY HEELS While plain silk net hosiery or plain chiffon are most popular, fancy heels are* reappearing this summer. A black-white checker- board design on white is startling. evening BEACH BERETS Smart bathing beauties will wear berets fully as often as kerchiefs for headgear this year. They come in soft jersey, in flannel, and in broadcloth. DRESSY SUITS Some snappy, dressy suits have tremendous contrast in them. One has a black skirt, white bodice and grey jacket. Accessories are grey. Our Daily Recipe LEMON FOAM Two cups boiling water, 2 table- spoons corn starch. Let boil for 10 minutes then take 142 cup sugar, and juice of lemon and boil for five minutes longer, Then take off stove and pour into dish. Beat whites 'of 2 eggs stiff and fold in- to mixture. ustard for Lemon Foam Use the yolks of eggs, 1 cup of milk, 114 dessert spoons sugar, vanilla flavoring. Put on stove and stir until thick hut do not let it boil. n or charmingly hand- ts in Canad. wy You'll Get Them at WARD'S SIMCOE ST. SOUTH "The Store That Supplies Value" Jegg will he Georgette in effective stripes and coloring contributes a decorative aote to a charming model with yoke and waistline in pointed out- line at front. The cascading jabot |s made of plain georgette in har monizing shade. For the 36-inch size 3% yards of 36-inch material with 3% yard of 27-inch contrasting is sufficient to make it. Style No. 825 comes in sizes 16, 18 and 20 years, 36, 88, 40 and 42 inches bust measure. Chiffon, silk crepe, printed: georgette crepe, washable crepe de chine, crepe satin and canton faille crepe are smart suggestions. Price 20 cents the mn. pager Fashion Book, illustrating the newest and most practical styles, will be of interest to every home dressmaker. Price of the book 10 cents the copy. PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa, Ont, Enclosed find ..... cents. Please send Datterns listed be- low: vee [117 J size size . BEER EEE EE EE EE EE EE EEE) Name " Address Fown Province rrr YS Price, 20 cents each, Send stamps or coin. Wrap coin :arefully, SRC Household Hints vere REE EERE EEE EEE EE $00 sparse mrss ses seers srserRRR RILEY sree If you place a frozen egg in a cup of hoiling water and let it re- main until the water is cold the ) as good as though fresh laid. CAT'S SALAD Cats need spring tonics as well as adults, Mince a leaf of lettuce and mix it thoroughly with sal- mon. Cats like it and iL agrees with them. ; HALF-MATTRESSES It is possible to get mattresses for double beds made in two sec- tions, each the full length of the bed. They are egsier to handle .land more comfortable to sleep on. MOTH PREVETION Never put a single winter gar- ment away without cleaning if you would prevent moths. They dis- like cleanliness. Air eveything in the sunshine before packing away. NEW CASSEROLE Before bakin in a_new casser- ole, put it in a large kettle of cold water, bring slowly to boiling point and boil several hours. It pre- vents cracking, CREAM PUFFS Place %; cup butter in a sauce- pan and add gradually, stirring constantly, 1 cup boiling water, Set on the stove, bring to the boil- ing point and boil until the butter is melted. Then add 1 cup flour all at once and stir vigorously. Cook until the mass is smooth and thick and doks not stick to sides of pan. Stir all the time to pre- vent scorching. Remove fhe paste from fire and cool slightly. Now add 4 unbeaten eggs, one at a time, beating in every egg thoroughly until. the mixture is smooth and pliable before adding another. When all the eggs have been add- ed beat We mixture well. Grease a baking shect, drop the paste by H. 1; Simcoe Street South SOLD AT ATKINS teasp on baking sheet, 2 inches apart. Shape them with handle of a spoon 80-'they will be as nearly circular as possible. Pile the paste slightly in the centre. Place in a hot oven (400 degrees), bake 25 minutes when puffs should be evenly browned, dry, light and well puffed. Coo] thoroughly be- fore filling is inserted either by the end of a pastry tube or with a spoon. 'These are delicious filled with sweetened and flavored whip- ped cream. Sprinkle with powder- ed sugar or can be served with a hot or cold chocolate sauce. A gdod custard filling is also good. ») CAR IN FLAMES CRASHES IN DITCH Mystery Surrounds Aci dent Near Birch Chiff -- No Trace of Occupants Birch Cliff, May 14--After hours of work tonight, members of the Scarboro' Police and Fire Depart- ments have been unable to solve the mystery surrounding an automobile accident which took place mear here about 8 o'clock this evening. An automobile which local police say has been identified as belonging to Albert H. Wagstaff, 318 Greenwood Avenue, ex-Alderman and brick manufacturer of Toronto, has figured prominently in the mystery. According to.some workmen, the car, driven by a man, accompanied by two women, was seen proceeding down the highway about a mile south of the home, when two explosions avere heard irom the direction of the automobile, which broke into flames, crashed into a small concrete culvert and somersaulted into the ditch, Car Found in Flames Responding to an unidentified call, the Scaraboro' firemen found the car in flames, blotches of what was taken to be blood around the wreck, ces of clothing, but no sign of the Chief Harry Smith was scene five minutes after the had happened, and a few moments after the fire truck arrived, but was unable to find and sign of the driver or passengers. No Hospital Registration Although every effort was made by the police, the people who are be- lieved to have been in the car had not been located up to 12 o'clock to- night. Repeated telephone calls to the home of Mr. Wagstaff have fail- ed to elicit any response. The: blood in the vicinity of the wreckage leads the police to believe that somebody ni was seriously hurt, but as yet there! has been no registration in the near- by hospitals, and doctors of the neighborhood report that no accident cases have been treated, DOG SAVES LIVES OF THREE FAMILIES Guelph, May 14,--The barking o fa pet collie dog at an early hour today probably saved the lives of threet families when fire broke out in a three-flat house on St, Elizabeth street. Mrs. J, B. Sim- ard, a widow with two children, living in the lower flat, was awak- ened by the dog, whose frantic actions led her to send her son to investigate. While the boy was attempting to quiet the animal he noticed flames licking their way up the back wall of the premises, The other families in the flats ahove were warned and an alarm was turned in. All were forcéd to the street in night attire. BREMEN PLIERS ARRIVE ST, LOUIS FORM MILWAUKEE St. Louis, Mo., May 14. -- The Bremen fliers landed at Lambert- St. Louis field at '4.33 p.m. today from Milwaukee. Approximately 3,000 were at the field, They were immediately transferred to smaller plants and taken to Forest Park Field. Approximatey 5,000 persons were at Forest Park, APRICOT COBBLER Three tablespoons butter, 3% cup sugar, yolks of 2 eggs, 1 cup pine- apple juice, 3 teaspoon lemon juice, 4 cup pineapple cut in pieces. Mix in the order given except the fruit and cook in double boiler until smooth. Add fruit and cool. ---- FREE Demonstration ~-- at the -- Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shop WEDNESDAY MAY 16th from 2 to 5 p.m. A permanent wave put in from start to finish. Come, and convince' yourself that perma- nent waving is not in- jurious to the hair, --te 86 Simcoe St. " North Phone 2968 With Such Strong Business Getters as these-A busy Morning on Wednesday is Assured Misses' Silkk Fugi a White, Powder and Peach Sizes 14 to 18. Short and long sleeves, § styles, On Sale Wednesday Sach, saree ence $1.98 x 54 inches. On Sale Morning at ... .e Brightly colored borders and all-over checks give a cheery atmosphere to DAMASK BREAKFAST CLOTHS For Summer cottage of for the home. ported to sell at a much higher price. exceptionally good quality cotton damask, in white with patterns in blue and gold. Size 50 Yep S100 Girls' Rubberized Rains coats for Very Little Money Sizes 6 to 10 years. A spe- cial line that was bought for a previous sale. Just 15 of them to clear on Wednes- day morning. Colors are, blue, green and rose. On sale for Each $1.49 Lin- Of an Printed Muslin Valances, Each, ...... Bedroom Curtains In Check Marquisettte With Ruffles in Blue or Rose ; 50 pair of a quality that cannot be repeated again for the price. 214 yards long, complete with tie-backs. Wednesday morning, Pair; the above cu-tains are priced at, TLL LLL LL LL LL LLL L RELL LER LEE arene There is about a couple of dozen only, BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS In neat striped patterns that were left from a previous sale. The sizes are from 8 to 14 years, They must go Wednesday morning, The price is, Each, - 50c $1 suitable for using with cn Nets, Marquisette, Scotch Madras, The prices In a Special Offering of Curtain Nets for Wednesday There are lace edged Filet Nets. and plain Yard, soeevvevscosroseonsocronnnss Nottingham and 'check 29¢ is only, 'med brown, Sizes 20 to 26, A Small Lot of Boys' Cotton Jerseys Not more than three dozen were also left from a former offering, Colors are navy trimmed red and fawn trim- Wednesday Morning, Bach, yess CLAREMONT Claremont, May'14.--Mr. Lach- lan McPhail, of Sonya, is relieving Donald Beer in the bank. Mr. Beer is taking his holidays, Phe regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the "home of Miss Elizabeth Evans on Wednesday at 2.30 p.m,, May 16, instead of on May 23, as previously arranged. The program will include papers on "The Pleas- ures and Value of a Hobby," and "Keeping out of Ruts," also a dis- cussion of current events, As the annual election of officers will be held at this meeting, all members are urged to make a special effort to be present, Mrs. Dorian Woodburn, of Tor- onto, is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Mantle, ' Mr. and Mrs. L. Feasby, of Sandford, spent Sunday last with Mr.-and Mrs, D. M, Morgan, We are pleased to know that Mr, Mor- gan who has been confined to bed for some time owing to severe ill- ness is able to be up again, Mrs, D. A. Pugh, ,who has been spend- ing the past two weeks with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. D. M. Mor- gan, returned to her home in Lakefield. Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Beal on Sunday last in- cluded their daughter, ' Mrs. H Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. Hill and Mr. and Mrs, Fuller, all of Tor- onto. ! Mrs. H. H. Thompson, who spent] the past winter with her daughter in Buffalo, has returned home. Mrs. Walter Bennett, of Mark- bam, has beem visiting her sister, Mrs. Sid Bennett, who has pot been in very good health, At a meeting of the Horticultural Society last week plans were made for beautifying the village this summer with plants and shrubs. It was decided to ask the local business men for discarded boxes and pails which would provide suitable receptacles for these plants, Mr. and Mrs. John Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morgan and family and Mr. Andrew Fleming, of Burke- ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Fleming in Markham on Sunday last. Walter Ward has purchased a new Durant car, through the local dealer, Charlie Cooper. The first league baseball game of the season was played on Arbor Day when the baseball team of the senior room of the public school went to Altona where they carried off the homors with a score of 16 to 4. Special Mother's Day services were held in the local churches on Sunday, ay 13. A children's choir led the morning services in the Baptist Church; the pastor, Rev Stevens, delivered an inspiring sermon on "Our Beit Companion." Special services were also held in the United Church; a fitting part of the service was the baptism of two infant children. On Wednesday evening of .Jast week the Choral Class presented their annual program at Ashhurn, Mr. Donald Rauson, M.A, of Toronto, visited last Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Reuben Rauson, Mr. Rauson intends spending the next two months in research work on "The Fauna of Lake Sinrcoe," He will spend the remainder of the summer analyzing the lake waters in the recently opened National Park in Saskatchewan. This work is jn connection with the Dominion Fisheries. Miss Margaret Graham is visit- ing friends in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs, Garnet Duncan and Miss Mabel Maclellan, of Rich- mond Hill, visited with Rev. A, and Mrs, Maslellan on Wednesday. The Social Club held a very en- joyable dance in the Community Hall on Friday evening. The musie was suppied by Al King's orches- tra. Invited guests were present from Uxbridge, Port Perry, Stouf- feyille, Whitby and Pickering and Toronto, The patronesses were: Mrs. R. E. Forsythe, Mrs. C, A, Overland, Mrs. N. F. Tomlinson, Mrs. H. G. McIntyre, Mrs. D, 'A, Scott and Mrs. M. J. Wilker. Rev. A. Maclellan, D.D.G.M., and Mr. M. J. Wilker, B.A., paid an official visit to one of the Toronto lodges on Monday evening. Mr. Theophilus Madill, of Stouf- feville, is visiting his brother, Mr. James Madill. Mrs. Richard Ward who has been seriously ill is improving slowly, MAPLE GROVE Maple Grove, May 15.--Mother's Day was observed here on Sunday, Our pastor, Rev. H. J. Stainton gave a very fitting and helpful ad- dress. Misses Edna Swallow and Mabel Stevens sang a beautiful duet, and Mrs. Stainton, a solo, The choir also furnished a selee- tion. Sunday School next Sunday will be at 10 o'clock in the morn- ing. 'The church service in the afternoon will be withdrawn on ac- count of Baseline Anniversary. We hope to see a big turn out at League on Thursday evening, when Rey. Mr. Shires, of the Angli. can Church, Bowmanville, will speak on "The Mounted Police." Miss Susie Laird, of Grafton, spent the week-end at her home. Congratulations to Miss Viola Stevens and Mr. Raymond Suow- den on their recent marriage. ITALIA MAY GET AWAY TOMORROW OR THURSDAY Kings Bay, Spitzbeggen, May 14, --The next attempt of the dirigible Italia to reach hitherto unexplored parts of the-Arctic has been tenta- tively set for Wednesday or Thurs day. The weather was improving tos day, after turee days of snow, which had held General Umberto Nobile"s expedition at its base here. The mother ship, Cita Di Mil- ano, which during the past week has been slowly edging into the, harbor as the ice melted or was broken, has now got within one kilometer of the quay, Since un- loading of supplies would be enors mously facilitated by bringing her alongside the dock, the Italians have asked the' Norwegians to blast the intervening ice with dynamite, COULDN'T CONVERT STRATON ATHEIST FACING SENTENCE New York, May 14, -- An effort to convert Rev, Dr, John Roach Straton to atheism resulted today in the conviction of Charles Lee Smith, president of the Association for the Advancement of Atheism, for sending annoying letters and literature to the fundamentalist pastor of Calvary Baptist church, Smith will be sentenced on May 21, r 26 CANADIAN DOCTORS ARE OVERSEAS EXAMINERS Ottawa, May 14, -- Twenty-six Canadian doctors have been ap- pointe to examine intending im- migrants in Great Britain, Hon, J. H. King, Minister of Health and and Soldiers' Civil Re-establish- ment gave this information in the House today, in reply to a ques- tion by H. C. Hocken (Conserva- tive, Toronto West Centre), po WET TY WLRUSSES po S980 4 v4 THORS CHURCH ST Daily ptt use of this pure, fragrant, tiseptic Talcum Powder is soothing and refreshing to the a ad

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