Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 May 1928, p. 12

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'PAGE TWELVE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, MAY 15, 1928 mh W EERE 3 12.30 a0 A HE TN Potpourri, i Veto a ries. aul, Ameren § 2 by a New a. in - 5) -- Mi Institute of Ban "Fasy- to-Find" Be 2 - ThE ENE MT EE 'WPG (273) Atlantic Studio con. 4.90 p.m, WCCO Mpls-St. Paul | 5.30 WFLA (517)--Clearwater. Book review. § g bay vy a WEA i dhe: RF E eball, M Mpls. "olyuib: 5 wre 23) Atlantic City. Learning P s v NA - a --N.Y. 3 a k RADIO ROGRAM " tc og WC AO, WIAS, A kK ou KC 53 Wa WN So AL x Baldi Mores . WG Ar, (416)--Chicago. The Hoss Raee: «x W LEY %. po, Xie: Cas 0, KFOA, KOMO. 600 WEAF Weds Ex. Y. Synagogue serv. ! NBC. Pacitic Chain; "Roads 1 - ° Chain :-- ational Grand Op-{ 625 W 454)--N.Y. John B. Keuned al KFI, KFOA, KGO, KCRW. JB ai wo oS pias WEAR HE | GO rn | I A NON ey ain: Sylvania Foresters: C, WUR, 45 NB 3h h. "Political Sit n DA s Best Features 24s Ws 9) =Nashville. Farm aad howe WIZ, 5 Wiz, KDR KYW. WEE: WE AM, 0 SAL KSU W 1d Baal a Bini Chain: oneal Situation 70 p.m. WSB (176) Adana. isk Myers. | WE SELL 11 } Tonigh (J33)--Kansas tate ollege. S KV( 7.30 WRNY (326)--N.Y i 390 pm. NRA 1476)~Mancton, Mt, Alli- | 12.58 SFA \ A357) =Torogio. Chimes rosa "oncert. 5 KDRA (316)-- Pitts. Power Yoo, ho 3 a bv KOKA RG oc Lo nC Red Chai De dom 2:8 : © London. (116)--~Chicago. Waltz Reverie. KPRC (29)--Houston. Studio. WOW, KWK. WEAF, KS, KVOO, WBAP, WCAL, s College progra be ee Chain: Stromberg: Carlson 1.00 K{MS. (300)=Hot Spri Noom COC. WRNY (326)--N.Y. Conceit. WDAF (J7U)--Kansas City, Ike an WDAF, WGR, WGY, WHAS, Win, | woe wd g . WTAG (317)-- Worcester. Musicale. Mike. "1 635 WWI (353)--Detoit. Baseball scores. WLIB, WOW, WOC, WRC, WS! : LIMBERS STIFF JOINTS mer Cree "Folk Songs of DAE | ausas City. Comotry-| 7.6 WSO cser-Springheld. 0, Organ, ¥ Don (Git) ~Chattanooga. Organ, 7.00 CFCA (357)=Toronto. Canadian and M, i JAK, side ats. mbia Cham perefta in Minia- ( iicago. Popular prog. 1 ational atorical tests LOA, i 'CSH (REIN, WRVA (254) = Richmond. Noon prog. $00 NBC Blue Chain: Philaco Hour: WIZ, WHAM (280)--~Rochester. Midngal KDKA ON --Pitts, U. of Pittsburgh Rk TAY EEL W Tc, SAL REDUCES SWOLLEN JOINTS WWI (ET Dean Ora NN OR OX KOI, WER! RA Ch adrsey, 30 NBC Red Chain: -Cioodrich --~ Detroit, au, ture' ) WEL, ( icago. Studio pr wi 5 3)--Springfield, Mass. Radio O WEAF, WEEL, W711 WWNC (297)=Asheville, N.C. Lunch- WGHP, WRKRC, WMAK, WMAQ, | 10.0 KERU (2 Chia, Mo. Can: i ue fy: ir Sting Be us ad MARA TG WCSH, WLIT, W wo | TAKES PAIN OUT OF JOINTS eon music. WNAC, WOWO, WO AU, WEAN, KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. Concert. Neds 0%) Springfield, O. Educa- WRC, WGY, WGR, WCAE, A L135 yur (278)=Detioit. Detroit trio. WCAO, WIAS, W ADC, WAIL, PWX (d0)--Havana. Feature. tional talk, WWI, WSAIL, WGN, KSb, h Vho (535)=Des Moines. Talk; lunch. RuBC. 0) Colin Wo. OM ry waum (389)--Chicago. Dearborn quar WHK (265)--Cleveland. Health alk, WHAS, WMC, WSM, WSB, WE z [Y ON music. FRU (230)~Columbia, Alo. {DH et. WLW 28) --C inci. Natio: arm " . WSBT, WWNC, WFCA 1% CRA (476)=Moncton, N.B, Musicale. music. 3 5 WCOA (250)--Pensacola. Organ. 1 Y i k Sines Stina » KPRE, WOALL WUAY, h ." i - , ry 8 Council talk. WHT (306)--Chicago. The Rambjer (161)~Sheuandoah, la. Farmess KOIL (319)-Council Blufis. Vocal; pi WFLA (517)--Clearwater, Hawaiian 00 N BC Blue Chain: Ben Pollac Littic i a ano. RE Sait i Instrumentalist. id ------------ --_-- . Club Orchestra: WJZ, W BAL W EPH, Regular Daytime KOIL | (319)=Council Bluffs. Pianist. WCFL (484)--Chicago, Semiclassical WLS (345)~Chicago. "Forgotten Op Nh ph Program. eras. KFAE (319) --Lincoln, Orchestra. Programs . WCOA (230)-- Pensacola. Concert, LW (428)--Cinci. Harmony Four, KTHS (300)--Hot Spr Orchessr ] » WEAO (28) --Columbus. Musicale. N (3)--N.Y., Organ, Correct Glasses 5 7) o Drnng: i vg Re K D §.45 a.m. Red Network: ~*Fower Health," Wednesday Programs WENR (288)Chicigo, Classical WHAM (280)-- Rochester. Organ, Correctly Fitted 215 WEEC @ Brooklyn, "Roosevels - or, arn Ss rug ore BY WEA AF, WCAE, WEEL WR, AFTERNOON PROGRAMS 8.3 ROB (319)--New Mexico College.' Stu. "we e-- ~Shicago, age show, ! WCFL (484)--Chicago. Dance. | Way, Cr 100 p.m, CKNC (517)--Toront oY icy i 5 Slumber music: .00 CKCL (357)--Toronto, Casa Loma. WOR Newark, Morning 1.05 Wiz ASN, dg Daily 9% 1 ugicale. Kor (319)--Council Bluffs. Old time WEBH, Ay : : A. . Hare WADC (238)--Akron. Gypsy Band Next. to Post Office Phone 378 6.00 CKCL, (357)=Toronto, Seiting ex] 10 Wit Chicago. Vocal, Sea) S Coetit RIM (261) Mpls. Semi-classical WBAL (285)--Baltimore. * The Mar; ercise, L300 WES (M9)=N.Y, Women's tall KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. Concert or WSAM (337) -Nashville. Loew's Thea. Optometrist landers. : WARM (268)=Newark,; Sunnse hour songs. ibe FL C30) Chicagti Quartet Nw (291) --Milwaukee, Community 3 King St. W. Phone 838 WAMAK (545)--Buffalo, Dance. § of m co (PO=NY, Studio music. + NHR (263) Cleveland, Concert, 1015 ROR 33% Ul WMAQ (#48)--Chicago. Dance 6.30 wv MAG (#48) =Chicago. Y.M.CA. ex-| 2.00 Wi £1 (508)--boston, Edison Hour, WOS Priy Foye adn: er ewhilrs (326)--Denver. Works of Gounod. WNOX (265)-- Knoxville, Dance music WH gn Phila. Musicale. ert, a Jd 7110.30 KGO (384)--Oakland. Pi _- WOR (i22)--Newark, Orchestra, 700 KEINE (461)=Shenandoah, la. Suniise WGBS --N.Y, Talk, vocal, SRF (260) Mpls. Variety. RFLO GRE Tous islan pluntet, 1a? ; _ WRVA (230)--Richmond. Orchestra. bir Yuli { 8) etroit, Home Hour. Chain: Columbia Hour: music. 1 Hudson and 1 Essex Coach, late CRGW (12)-Toronto, King Edward. [13 mid WIM] (2M) Niiwaukee, Dan Russo te ; 80 (227)=Clarinda, 1a. "The Boss." | 2.30 CKCL (357)--1 , Ensembl 9.00 Columbia Chain: _¢ 3 tai PHOREA : 2.45 "DAF ))~ y y WEAF (492)=N.Y. Morning devotions: wip $9) Pha Vocal: Se AY RRY RRS Wi Wii Ti: "Chie hg po models, in perfect order, new duce | 10.15 WPG (273) Atlantic City. Supper ii aking 0-Kamses Cave Toe 4A ° WRC, WLS (315)--Chicago. Homemakers hr, CA, : ' Ad) \ K. WOAE (161)--Pitts. Orga tour, finish Club, ; : ! Network: ="Cheerio," from WAMAQ (48)--Chicago, Musica 9 WGHE, WIAs, WKRC,: WMAK ARE al he ) 10.30 NBC Red Chain:--Hotel Manger 00 NIC Ps ha program? " War, WEEI, WGY, WRC. POUTie HE-Chisagos Musical po WAL AO. WNAC, WOWO, KMBC, hii Sy=MplsoS1, Tau. Home WEAF, WHO, KSD 1 NO. Re hi iy ean. KH. RHO. WSH (476)-- Atlanta. Musicale. > ; tdi WME (517)~ Memphis. Studio concer Ch db M t C WBZ (333) Springfield, Mass. Dick KFOA, KOMO, : 5 5 WOC (375)=Davenport, our, 3.00 CNRO (435)--Ottawa, Musicale. CRGW (312) ronto. Studia, : woc fica Swmdlo Tr ert a urn 0 or 0. Neweunb, Goldiett CNRV (291)---Vancouver. The Night a0 cite . y. bi 35)-- Baltimo he Music rip 10 , Fe WLw (428)=Cinci. tench exer- WALU (283)--Columbus, Good Will WBAL (285)-- Baltimore. 14 f : AF (370)--Kansas City. Goldk Cans. Club. Hox. Su tashet Mass Mus HEE" th Newari Witching Hour. - | HURSON-ESSEX DISTRIBUTORS orchestra, 200 KNX (337)--Los Angeles. Hotel Am. Wiig (448)~Chicago, U. of Chicago WEAF , Wi-¥. Ye "Stage & WHOD (ie Chattancoga.. String WSAT (361)--Cinci, Bicycle Sextet, 0 Prince St, Oshawa Phone 1106 WFLA AST Clearwater, Paves, bassador bo 1 : R tbs pele 3 11.00 KVAB (M9)--Lincol " a . . A A a hv rinh TRY ' 3.30 WEMC (tein Springs. Early WEBH' (366)~Chicago, Health talk, band, Vision, white RFAU (280) Tiogse, ol ad A _(Copysighiend, 194 18 Simcoe Street South WHK (263) Cleveland. ; is Wits Gee: WLS (345)~Chicag Choral music, « KVOO (39)-- Tulsa. 00 Blue Network: =Royal S. Copeland: WHB (3D--Kansas City, Ladies hour, Com ------ EEE. 4 a : oe) : a A aR NCRU Tih " wiz, KOKA," RYWe whiz, WHAM, WiZ (i5)-N.Y, Tea Time Music: ., Ve WAND (2 Sa © Concert orches. WHT tifoith Beak Dace mee BLOOD PLOY SAVES YOUTH | --_-- WIR, RAY » ic: ) : Special -- Men's 2 11.60 CNRW (384)-- Winnipeg, The Arcad rest CREW" on ti) =Toronto, Morning mishefmn., ssa (361)=Cinci, Piano music: scrap p-- SM ( , lic nm, 15! P » KSTP (2 20)- » py Paes hing (Tapper"s W eekly ) i Re 0 KTHS (380) Hot zs. Specialities Pant Suits A Ge Danes Rie (319)=Council Bluffs, Recorded WWI (353)=Detroit, Studio program. WHT (258)-Charlotte. Concert ant dui AES Hedge, Savoy. A new way of making the old | 3.30 WBAL (285)--Baltimore., = Recital, We Repair Anything Bought WTAM (100) Cleveland. Co A WOGHP (2 wikis t. Argcadiar young. or at least younger, is oa | mus! h Memories \ 15) Tesh -- ; WHK (265)--Cleveland. Two guitars, Ste en. WHN (395)---N.Y. Orchestha. Y Wile (300)--Ft, Worth, Morning mu- WLS (345)--C hicago, Musee course. in a Jewelry Store 3 Paley, Fit Crain adetdle ne I Collis 8 So 8 WHK (265)--Cleveland. Pirate covered by a doctor in Vienna. He | F Y SBA oranses Gis, Morning | 345 NGO GERM Sept rens BASSETTS banc CRE, RE iy, | Re ME nim ooo bce as found a way to make the biood | For Your Drug Needs Who" po Des Moines, Victor piog. hour, JEWELLERS RAN Eat twood: Feaius 60-534 King St. W. Chone 733W WSEA (263)--Norfolk, Dance. { flow freely Into vital organs when Sat lg KSO (227)-Clarinda, 1a. Women's hr, On Oshawa's Main Corner WERH (X6)-Chicagn, : Intra 0 Centre St No nr Nimes, Yn, Rusm, | a¥eties have becoms old. How he TH 2.30 ww} (353)=Detroit, "Tonight's Din- WADC (238)--Akron, O. Musicale. I ( hicag r 1a pp. Centre . 11.30 WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul. Dance. i ids breaking brittl hoiastE, WBAL (285)--Baltimore. Salon orches, KOIL (319) Council Biuffs. Male quar. WSAT (361)--Cinci. Orchestra avoids hreaking brittle arteries, we tet WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, Dan Russo, | dOR't know. 10 Simcoe St. S. We 'Deliven | 945 Wis (349)~Chicago, Home question WCAU (%1)--Phila, This and That Fe) ue, 10,00 WOFL (484)--Chicago, Municipal prog 'DAF (370)--Kansas City, String trio WGN (416) =Chicago, Home manage: "EAF (192)--N.Y, Twilight hour. cringe, Women's hour | lay CU=Des Motu: The Abas ELLA CINDERS--Ready to Pop ; : By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb Nah sadors, os omens dear. WOC (375)-- Davenport, Home manage- A a ; v i - x ; i a iihniphid dining { V, "Keeping Fit. Woo (31)--Phila, Temple University, ; . ONE ¥ i ! 3 by Te OF Ta F ELLA I SOT 0.43 Red Network i= ltadio Houselold Insti: WTMJ (29)--Milwaukee, 'The Melo: Lo OF THE E44 | un Newpapst Serv 0 3 HR WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WIAR, dians. : : ' / lal LOVE : I / SHE LOOKS THIET TEINS MIGHTY WTAG, Wes, Whi, WR GR, wn WEAO (283)=Columbus, Story hour, a 7 ™ { AS SILLY 3 | + S TO ASK Nel SD, Neco" Wie. hd Bled TR Pll ei Bi °s : to T COM : AS HE 1 HAT'S 10.30 WAIL (283)=Columbus, 0. Devotional Cre A id Toronto, Program from WH PS 5. FEELS! I'D 0, London A aa WG i service, , . ! ; AIRY 238)=Akron, O. Organ, 2 > - a \ AL % | 1 3 1,0 WAYS Lado AOR amy.) #00 WADE (2%) ~Aliren, Studio program. DEL 4 ( HAVE A WEBH (366) =Chicago. Women's hour. ACICRER: PHigY! erge s F HEARTY WOO (319)=Phila. Lunclieon music, 2 ND-NY. W JiRgHY"s 'orchestra, i A 3 MEAL | wal, se De Soolemee WOC (375)=Davenport, Poets hens ; GUE » 3B ' bi (476)=Atlanta, Homemaker's hr, LW ide, 3ldor; WEAF, "u, $0 Blue Network: i musici| 515 KDKA (316)-- Pitts, Westinghouse WBZ, : Band, WAT YR Combs, 0, Dispatch 330 Wy (380)--Schenectady, Hotel Van Curler, WEAH @4)=Columbus, O. Food for} 5.5 WECU (10s)-Mpla.-St, Paul Readers' Club Jhanghs " (261)-- ~--Phila, Orchestra, 6.00 ¢ nGW (312) Toronto, Dinner music, WHO (533)=Des Moines. Organ. | WAIU (283)--Columbus, Twilight mu- CFCP (411)=Montreal, Mt, Royal or sicale, A Al M 1 WGP (278)=Detroit, Capitol Thea, 357)=Red Deer, ta, Musicale, WAVT (375) =Detroit, Dinner concert, 8 Eee i Ay Luncheon music, 6.30 KFAB (319)=Lincoln, Dinner concert, 13 noon WHT (306)=Chicago. Organ, Al KOI (319)=Council Bluffs, Organ re- ital, Gomer (349)=Thila, Luncehon music, \f VAT, (283)#Baltimore, Dinner or . "Dinner bell." 4 : RS / -- 4 { ( \ \ Wis Cage. Mclodies, W. (535) - Hartford, Bond trio, ' ' i 4 % rj i ; 2 nh 5 AP Eras new hod MAT (294)=Milwaukee, Organ, | 6.15 "AM (278)--Rochester, Dinner mu- Was (O)wii,Y, Seripiurei mis ele w* (373)--1)avenport, Chimes : : i ' ! 1 as ---- » FOR THE Kibd A ce : areswer be £927? 3 5.00 pone, (366)--Chicago, dream Toa Thos. BRINGING UP FATHER 38 ---N.¥. i Oshawa Luggage | xin (ines ie, YOUB INITIAL VREE i IT'S NO USE-) CAN'T | 4 WHATS THE MATTER [~OUVE RUINED) {On Bor T BE 31 8.40 WI.S (345)--Chicago. Pied Piper, ~ " 'Ob Suit Case or Club Hag S40 WIS (4 Chicago: Pied Diner KEEP A THING IN WITH YOL? You LOOK ow Wh Al. X es EM i THIS HOUSE: - LIKE A SICK OnwL- Paafoalind ANGRY ABOUT "YOUR YES-BUT LOOK Say well 8 Son ooo pe va ; / | THIS PENCIL : AY THE PENCIL- WIP (349) Phila. Unde Wi. : [ { A | TRIED TO WRITE BOND ST, WES) WMI (299) = Milwaukee, Children's hs (4, Bh - TOLCHT TO. nS 610 WGN" (416)--Chicago. Uncle Duin, 6.15 WCCO (403)--Mpls-St. Paul, Children's . ¥ ] \ : EVERY THING ere | hour, 8.00 WGHP (278) - Detroit, Lady Moon, CONCERTS TONIGHT 6.00 p.m. CKCL (337)=Toronto, Feature music, [] LJ R WIZ (434)=N.Y. Stefan Kazakevich a 10 eC TIC baritone. 6.30 WAAM (268)--Newark, Musicale, Hour: WIAR, 7 WEAF, El, WTIC, WP St. P . 247 'CAE, Ww KSD, WoC, - OW, KOA WSAIL, WAY. ' } 'KC 57 'oronto, agazine hour. S. COWELL, Prop. ROW --Toronto. Instrumental , | KMA (394) Shenandoah. Vocal. Beach Ranges KVOO (349 --Tulsa, Organ. WCAU (271)--Phila, Frolickers, Harley Washers WHO (535)~Des Moines, Feature, Estimate given on wiring jobs. WIN (319)--Phila, Mamilton _ Institute rogram, Radio parts and sets in stock, VIZ (49--N.Y, May Singhi Breen and Peter de Rose with Saxophone quartet, mp -- REP AIRING Ww ATCHES THE ENGLISH KNEW THE GAME : { \M {> - 3 Chrwiers ARE OF THE OPINION THAT THE | tl 2 1, Yel WHAT hes : ; OF BILLIARDS AT A VERY EARLY GAME WAS INTRODUCED FIRST 1H NEW oJ i A OU THINK OUR SPECIALTY DATE, TOMMY, Ve as / YORK CITY IN THE EIGHTEENTH CEN- ) It your Watch is not giving satisfaction, we can repair and 1° d A 2) ) ( TURY BY THE ENGLISH OFFICERS IN Pot | ibid i R LY make it tell the correct time f x eh [Da | We g =") THE GARRISON. one) _D J. BROWN A - G3 EXPERT PLAYER CAN DO FENTS SO FAR | : THE JEWELER J ; | Ne) ow OUT OF THE ORDINARY MANS REACH THAT Official Wateh imspector for Canadian National and Osh- y UAL b » fl "SPENCER, THE ENGLISH PHILOSOPHER ONCE awa Railroads. ih 10 King St. W. Phone 189 ' OME AUTHORITIES SAY THAT THE L GAME OF BILLIARDS WAS FIRST = - : : \ A Got gn Srosie-ForLonG «© - Z| seovort toampRica By Tie (NIT HIRE 0 Aor open GRAIN a SPANIARDS WHO SETTLED IN ST. y ; YOUTH. SPENCER HOWEVER ENJOYED ijend Office: Bet Retord Bu ; = ~ AUGUSTINE, FLORIDA, IN 1565. == == LEN © 1728. by King Features Syndicate. Inc. Crest Britain rights reserved S. F. EVERSON, Local SE i i i Private Wire System TILLIE THE TOILER--Mac Is Wise 5 ra 1 King Street East, Oshawa -- Above C.P.R. Office: Coa SEER ERAS Sire TTL IVEY [IF EE As = | GUESS SOoUD ig ILL AES ! I moc cE TL f DON'T , ANC BURBLES, T 3 Phones 143 and 144 we [5% RUSHING NER OFF| | Mian ara ony J AE ASNT To PLE St. Hib BETTER GO BACK HER BINS © MIHY SHE] 5 > "7A GONNA TAKE Me | IBACK TO HS ofFICE{ 10 7 OUR. OFFICE, TRIES TC AR@ANGE| | F For A rl |THE eoss susT wert Li BEVERY THING | --= i J : FoR THE REST OF ¢ &P y THE AF TER NOON SO VM LEAVING RIGHT yr > § ' ' ; NCW FOR A M FOR SALE-- | Sor ee ator CRUSHED STONE CHIPS for DRIVEWAYS WATEROUS-MEEK LIMITED Phone 1288 °

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