Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 14 May 1928, p. 2

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PAGE TWO "BOWMANVILLE ¢ Melbourne E. Turner, Representative Phones: Office, 687; Res, 300 COURT WITHDRAWS NON-SUPPORT CHARGE (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 14--The charge of non-support preferred against Lawrence Kane, of Bowmanville, was withdrawn at police court here last Saturday. Magistrate W. F. Ward tried the case, and D. A. J. Swanson of Oshawa apepared for the defense. Robert Anderson of Toronto, ap- red before Magistrate W. ard Saturday and pleaded guilty of a speeding charge. He paid the ne. A suitable settlement was arranged in the case of Fred Mulholland, Bow- manville, who appeared before Mag- istrate W. F. Ward on a charge of non-support of his wife and family last Saturday in police court. Judge Floyd of Cobourg took the case when the matter regarding the children was brought up. D, A, J, Swanson of Qihava also appeared for Mulhol- land. SOFTBALL LEAGU E WILL OPEN TONIGHT (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 14.--Thq opening scheduled softball games of the season are to be held this evening at the Public School grounds on Wellington street, The Goodyear versus the High School are to open the games. A short time ago the schedule for the town teams was drawn and published, and it may readily be seen that games to be played dur- ing the coming season are to be of interest to a large per centage of the citizens at large, on account of the number of teams drawn up, and taking in the wide and varied group of institutions and indus- | tries. The schedule, commencing with tonight will run every Monday, Wednesday and Friday until the season is over, play-offs being held at the end of every sehedule. WATER SUPPLY 1S OF THE BEST (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 14.--One of the main sources of interest, even attractions, are the two water fountains in the town, One thing Bowmanville boasts about, and may do it on merit too, is the fact that its drinking water is. practic- ally the best, clearest, and purest to be found in the country, On one large sign erected by the Chamber of Commerce, is printed a considerable amount of advertis- ing matter, but the novpelty rests IT-- RE ---- i = BRICK Builder 's Supplies Lime, Cement Hardwall Plaster --Field Tile-- & Sewer Pipe Mortor Colors Mr, Builder;i=--~We are in a position to supply any order regardless of color, quality, etc, and our prices are not to be compared with anywhere, Rug Brick, Stock Brick, Bark Brick, Pressed Brick, Wire Cut Brick, Factory Face Brick, and Sand and Lime Brick, We guarantee that our Prices will meet all outside competition--Our Location enables us to handle your requirements with the utmost efficiency, McLaughlin Coal & Supplies OSHAWA BRICK DEALERS 110 King St. W. Phone 1346 The Biggest Silk Value Wine, 38" to 40" wide. 404 {ards Crepe Silks and Ningnon Silks Worth up to $4.50y4. Go On Sale Wednesday Morning 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 Noon $1 49 yd. Purest Quality Silks in a splendid range of colors as follows: Crane, Goblin, French Beige, Oli Beeba, English Oak, Orange, Half Day Special ................ offered in many a day. Sand, Peach, Nude, ohedey $1.49 nesday . House Dresses LR RR Ir APE SREY TIPE EP Basement Special for Wed. | Morning - 19¢ a W. A. DEWLAND Limited | a --]4 || cal in the fact that below this is situat- ed a drinking fountain where tours ists or anyone may see for fthem~ selves the truth of the statement made on the billboard. It bas at- tracted cousiderable attemtion. Yet another is situated near the Town Hall which is made so as to ve useful to animals as well as hu- mans, HOUSES SCARCE IN BOWMANVILLE Despite Fact Little Building is in Progress--No Apart. ments Available (By Staff Reporter) Bowaanoile May 14--Although only a small degree of building is going on in the town, there is not a house, and only one apartment to rent, it was given out today by real estate agents. Every tdustry in the town is working under {full time, and as a result all accommodations are accounted for. At a recent meeting of the Cham- ber of Commerce, it was stated by the speaker, that the best thing for Bowmanville, would be the erection of a number of new homes under the sponsorship of one or all of the industries and business in the town, It was oif* account of the failing to do this by the council at that time, that Bowmanville lost the Head offices. and {factories of the Good- year Tire and Rubber Company. Bowmanville needs more homes if it is to progress, If the town is to maintain a progressive standard like its surrounding towns and cities, it has to come out of the pre-modern ideas, and settle down under modern improvements. There are enough wholesale and even retail organiza- tions to put across a building cam- paign, and until this is done, busi- nesses won't grow at the rate they should. TO REPEAT PLAY IN BOWMANVILLE (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanyille, May 14--The Broad- way Flashes of 1928, a splendid musi- and high-class comedy show, which played on the Opera House, Bowmanville, the last two days of last week, have decided to remain for another performance here today. through popular demand of the pat- rons who witnessed the other two shows, The entertainment this evens ing will be changed somewhat, and a record crowd .is expected to see this special attraction. An added feature of the show to- night will be the expert toe-dancing as given by Miss Margory Butler, a former teacher in the profession, who is classed as an exceptign in the art of interpretive an » danc- ing, She will appear several times throughout the performance. The two comedians, one of the character of an Irishman er Jew and the other more or less of a speedy patter man, will again delight and amuse with their snappy dialogue, It is most encouraging to an act such as this, to be requested to repeat their performance, and the managers appear quite delighted that their stay in the town was prolonged. TRINITY SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY (By Staff Reporter) Bowmanville, May 14.--Sunday School Anniversary services were held at Trinity United Church yes- terday, large congregations attend- ing the three services, The chureh was decorated with flowers for the oceasion. y An augmented choir under the direction of Francis Sutton, organ. ist, assisted by the Junior Choir of 30 voices which occupied' the choir wings upstairs, provided the musie, Special numbers were given at all services, Rev. Frank Langford, General Secretary Religious Education of Toronto, preached, NORTH OSHAWA CONCRETE WORKS NORTH OSHAWA CEMENT BLOCKS for SALE 8 inch blocks 16 cents 9 inch blocks 17 cerits Delivered any place in Osh- awa, All our blocks are made from the best gravel mixed with pulverized stones. Phone 2993-W make Eble 1s » dns tole hat freak rule and. the venies tonics Fruit-a-tives act upon the kid. neys, liver, stomach and the blood siren. Lot Bouin ves well. 25¢ Ey k a box svarywhere, SECURITY FRAUDS CONVENTION ACT Government Are Anxious in Bringing It Inte «+. Force The Government are anxious in bringing into force The Security Frauds Prevention Act, 1928, to do everything possible to protect the av- erage citizen when he proceeds to buy securities, whether stock or bonds or other evidence of partici: pation. Protection of Public In many of the American states been an attempt made to pass on all securities that are sold, This form of legislation has been commonly called "blue sky." Regulating Salesmen, but not "Blue Sky The legislation which is now Being "blue sky" legislation. It does not attempt to regulate the security, but it does attempt to regulate the bro- type of security he is selling. Misrepresentations of fact ean be made by the salesman, even if he is selling a good stock. Tt is probable that most of the misrepresentations however, are made when the sales man is trying to dispose of a poor stock or bond. Registration of Brokers In order, therefore, to be in a posi- tion to regulate the hroker or the salesman who does business in On- tario, the new legislation provides for registration with the Registrar, Lieut, Col. W. W. Denison, at the Parliament Buildings. This will provide the Department with all the necessary data and enable them to keep in touch with the business in- terests of the province, should com- p! from time to time he made concerning flotations and sales of stock, Protection of Business In connection with the registration of brokers and salesmen, it must be remembered that the sound business interests of the country are entitled to protection. . The administration of this Act will be carried out, keeping in mind not only t's» protection of the man who buys, but the protection of the man who is in business and who sells. The Government is anxious to enahle business men epgaged in the fiotetion of stocks and in the orga- nization of companies to carry on in a way that will make their enter- prises successful. There will, there- fore, be two things uppermost in our minds, viz.: (a) the protection of the buyer and (b) the protection of the sellers Fraudulent Salesmen If these two things are kept In mind, then ninety-nine per cent. of our population should be interested in meking this province an unsafe place «foi; those who are advancing poor husiness projects or who are trying to misrepresent their project and defraud the "public. In other words, this legislation is aimed at the fraudulent promoter and the 'fly- by-night salesnfan, Good Promotions All good development promotions, whether general business or mining, can stand publicity, In other words, the public are entitled to accurate in- formation. It is not in the interests of the development of Oniario to have information withheld when the public are invited to put up their money. The average man in this province wants a run for his money, He does not always expect to be suc- cessful, If his money is well spent, and if it actually goes into the.pro- ject, then, even if there is a loss, he will have no complaint, but he does not like to find out that it has mostly gone for promofion, This Act is in- tended to encourage legitimate de- velopment, and we believe it will have a ~ndously beneficial effect in the pment of Northern On- tario. Filing Nece: Information With the firm belief that any good project can stand publicity and that any promoter should be pleased to file accurate information with the Department, the law now provides that all companies, no matter where incorporated, must file fnformation. These forms really take the place of the old prospectus clauses in the Companies Act. Co-operation of istrar It is the intention of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies to co-oper- ate in every way with those who are anxious to put forward their pro- I m-- Were YOU terday? hundreds who visited 'Hills and Dales" yes- one of the and the western provinces, there has| | brought into force in Ontario is net]! ker or the salesman, no matter what || - THE OSHAWA DAILY 'TIMES, MONDAY, MAY 14, 1928 i hilo -¥ will give pub- TR See ro | % BUCCeSS. 5 'In dealing Fg NY those administering the Act will have the active co-operation of the Hom. Chas. - Minister of Mines. They will be able to rely on information that the Mines Depart- ment has about the varios mining areas and property' in Northern On- tario, This will make it advisable for promoters to give acgurate data about their mining prospects, as we ean very readily have this data checked up if false representations are made. Fi 'oreign Money The fact that Ontario is trying to protect its own 'people will make fore eigners who have money to invest in Canadian development feel that they have some protection when they come here. They will be encouraged to invest their money in Ontario se- curities and will be more disposed to put their money into development. We are anxious to reassure them that, if they want to develop mines or timber or any of our latent re- sources, they will have the co-opera- tion of the Government and we will try and protect them by seeing as far as possible that the money actu- ally goes for development. Support of the Busintss [nterests of When the Government made up its mind to bring in this legislation, consultations were held with repre- sentatives of the Toronto Stock Ex- change, the Standard Mining Ex- change, the Investment Bankers and be BAB-O | Brightens Everything For Large Package A WIPE AND ITS BRIGHT" ------ generally, etc., etc, with the idea of getting thei reaction on whether it would affect general business if legislation of this kind was enacted. They were un- animous in their assurance to the Government that it would help busi- ness generally, that it would stabilize promotions and add to the develop- ment of the north country. They pointed out that Ontario is now a wealthy community and that people will invest their money if they feel that it is going into good hands and that companies are properly fin- anced and regulated, Adminis istrative tions Ther e, in Ure Regulay the new slation providing for registration 'of brokers and salesmen and the fil- ing the necessary information under The Companies Information Act, this Department has had the co-op- eration of all these business interests. Stock Exchanges We were pleased to have the co- operation of the exchanges in On- tario. When a brokerage firm has a seat on one of the exchanges worth around $100,000, they are not anxi- ous to do anything to jeopardize that asset. They are likely to try and do business on a basis that will ap- peal to the public. If the public feel that there is a check on brokers and salesmen and that all brokers, good and bad, must be prepared to TRISCUIT - a cri a crisp, crunchy wafer Made by The Canadian advertisements in the daily press of the Province, giving out such de- tailed information as may be neces- sary to facilitate the working out of the administrative policy. Request for Co-operati 'We ask the business interests of the country and the public generally to exercise patience, as the Act ig being brought into force. Wheat Company, Ltd It takes some little time to develo] a proper personnel and to get every thing to full capacity, This can b better done if there is general ec operation. A good many take a glass of ho water every morning but some ¢al it coffee.--Brandon Sun. give accurate information to the public when they sell a stock, then the public will be better assured that they are being treated fairly. This in the end must redound to the credit of our stock exchanges. It will succeed in eliminating those who are not prepared to deal fairly with the public and who prey on the cupidity of people who want to get rich quick or whe take away money from wid- ows and orphans. The Press The government legislation has had the very widest support of the press in Optario. In fact, they have been almost unanimous .in approvs ing what has been done. That is a most important factor in bringing this legislation into effect. If the business interests of the country and the press are unanimous, then along with a fair administra- tion of the Act we should be able to deal with the people who set out de- liberately to defraud the public, pro- bably less than one per cent, : Advertisements In order to make sure that the public understand what this legisla- tion means and what brokers have to do, it is proposed to ingert two a = Don't rip off the old roof! Cover it with BIRD'S ASPHALT TWIN SHINGLES Then you'll have a weatherproof, fire resistant roof that will stand for years with- out a cent of repair cost. Choice of three non-fading colors -- Red, Green or Blue. Black, There is a Bird dealer near you, BIRD & SON DIVISION BUILDING PRODUCTS LIMITED Hamilwoa Toronto The Years -- Monueal BIRD'S Roof CLEVE FOX HARDWARE 20 Simcoe St. South 15 Simcoe St, Nort! -_-- larly their i HHH TT. Nowapavs great em instruct the people in principles of ties and which is in houses is in the Many can'Z/ bit tow - Imest money wisely 4 Truth That Should Be) Emphasized by Accredited can - + Financial Guides - - / ings of high-grade securities, danger of a day=-more than one for every literate family in the Domini quickest, easiest and The Savings Banks contain over $2,000,000,000--2lmost the total amount of our national debt--which is available for investment in high-grade securi- being dissipated if it is not. The Great War taught all classes of people the meaning and value of Government Bonds. Their interest in sound investments is easily aroused. So -- Cc phasis is being placed on Economy, The people arc urged to Seve--msave for the "rainy day," save for old age, ' This is good advice. Dg Tha counts, in personal or general prosperity, is the WISE INVEST- of the money saved, Too often the precious savings of years are lost in a few minutes, The beguiling story of unscrupulous salesmen, the signing of a cheque=--and your hard-earned savings are only 2 memory, and a bitter memory at that, Ix is to the advantage of reputable financial houses and institutions to sound investment and to advertise regu- The public wants to know, as it never did before, how to invest money where it will be safe, and what bonds and stocks are available for the purpose. And this information can be given most effectively through the advertising columns of THE DAILY NEWSPAPERS OF CANADA B The daily Newspapers reach 4/ the people and in an intimate way. Ninety-seven of them, with 2 combined circulation of over 1,900,000 copies oi le! cheapest means for reaching every man and woman in Tue ua ising' of service available through banks and the best financial public interest. Those who recognize this fact, and use the power and influence which he Dally Memepapers offer, will find that sub- a wide stantial profits follow close upon the heels aad dignified publicity. '

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