Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 May 1928, p. 22

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++ PAGE TWENTY-TWO Columbia Leads "in Base Metal Output +. Which Includes Silver inly | Firm is Making Special Study Decline in Value of Out. put. British Columbia leads all other Provinces in the Dominion in base metal production. In quantities, the output of copper, lead and zinc has mounted steadily in British Colum- bia, This also applies to silver, which is a by-product of the lead-zinc op- erations. ? J Development of the Sullivan Mine and the successful solution of the problem of treating its complex orc by Consolidated Mining and Smelt- Copper 1926 1927 138 129 139 126 13.8 130 13.7 128 13.5 13.6 13.9 14.1 14.0 13.8 13.5 1926 JANE sv ser rver 0.2 Feb, +. o.. Mar. Apr, May une uly due ae EPL. «0 00 eee OCt viv 00 os NOW os 23 1112 ~ -- se se wee ee ee sce 20 20 NINO ace w sree ee se Lead ing Co. of Canada has been mai responsible, directly, for the steady increase in output. Indirectly, it has helped also, prior to the develop- ment of the large electrolytic 'lead zinc plants at Trail, B.C, the hund- reds of small mine operations scat- tered throughout the Kootenay and boundary country of British Colum- bia, which were dependent on the silver values in their ore. There were tiwes when the price was to low that it was unprofitable to operate 'and at other times the smelter pen- alty on ores containi too much zine, took quite a toll. Now lead and zinc are just as marketable as sil- 'ver, with the result that in the past couple of years numerous thirty and forty year old discoveries which have lain dormant, have been re-opened. Another factor has been the es- tablishment of a customs mill hy Consolidated Smelters, so that the small operator can now ship mill ore, whereas previously it was only pos: sible to bag the high grade and ship it. Mill ore was waste in those days. Low prices of base metals during the latter part of this year has hurt British. Columbia production, * which will likely show a decline in the val- ue of its output of around $5,000,000, However, expectatibns are that in quantity production of the different metals there will be an increase. The trend of metal and prices for the year is indicated by the follow- ing table of New York and St. Louis prices. (Base metal prices are cents per Ib; silver cents per fine ounce.) Silver 1926 67.7 66.7 065.8 544 Zinc : 1027 0.6 6.6 0.0 0.3 6.0 6.2 6.2 6.3 Dh. -- hd 1 win Uren DN Oe ARTE nnn an La SR a wm ~~ Nag aNN Gad NNN Inverness Mines Limited (No Personal Liability) This is a time in Canadiun-Mine when speculation has been profitable to many in- vestors and this comes from a careful selec- tion of mining issues. ited is a real offering portunity of merit allowing you to partici» pate in five well located properties and where most encouraging results were obtained on work done up to the present time. In investing in Inverness Mines Limited, you share in a 240 acre property in Teck Town- ship KIRKLAND LAKE, SOUTH KAMISKOTIA, 200 acres in WEST SHINING TREE, joining one of the most important groups, 720 acres in WOMAN LAKE and 240 acres a mile south west of the Kozak Mines Lim- ited, which has become, so well known for its big discoveries and where International Nickel are located between the Kozak and Inverness Mines properties. Every share you purchase in Inverness Mines is a share in each of the above five mentioned properties. For further information and 'ree district map, please write, wire or telephone to:-- 'R. H. Watson & Company 115 Sun Life Bldg., Toronto 2 ELgin 4555 If you wish to realize large. profits, it is necessary to speculate. terested. in speculation, then the only invest- ment for you is a 5 to 7, carefully selected preferred stock or bond, F. G. OKE & CO. Mining Stock Brokers LONDON, ST. THOMAS, KITCHENER, BARRIE ORILLIA, WINDSOR, LINDSAY, PETERBORO HEAD OFFICE: Oke Bldg., 304 Bay Street, Toronto If you are not in- Inverness Mines Lim- * for you, being an op- 160 acres in in GOUDREAU, half i that city. The present ¢hain of ofii- tp LCUS, { national chain, : aier, and 'Howard Fisher, assistan SOLLOWAYS NAKE PHENOMINAL RE IN SHORT PERIOD of Oil Situation in Alberta The phenomenal growth of the house of Solloway, Mills & Co. in recent ycars to a nation-wide mining and oil investment organization has commanded the respect and confi- dence of investors in the five Can- adian provinces and one American state wherein its twelve offices are located. I. W. C. Solloway and Harvey Mills are the heads 'of this firm which in recent months extended its direct private wire system to Van- couver with the opening of modern offices and board rooms in Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver. Studying Oil Situation Solloway, Mills & Company are members of the Standard Stock and Mining Exchange, the largest mining exchange in" the world, the Calgary Stock ExcRange, the Vancouver Stock Exchange and the Mining section of the Winnipeg Stock Ex- change. In Alberta this house is making a special study of the oil sit- uation and already has interested many oi its Eastern clients in the better Turner Valley oil securities, With a direct wire from Calgary to Toronto, they are able to {furnish Eastern traders with the Calgary Exchange oil quotations, and many of the Eastern metropolitan dailies now publish the results of each day's trading on the Calgary Exchange as furnished by Solloway, Mills & Com- pany. This, together with the added publicity given Alberta's oil and coal development by the regular publica- tion of articles on these industries in "News From The Mines," the semi- monthly house publication of this firm, is creating a quickening inter- est in Alberta's greater development. This is materially assisting in de- veloping a more co-operative spirit between Canada East andy Canada West. "News From The Mines" first ap- cared October 1, 1927, with a circu- ation of 3,000 copies. Since that time 25 copies are being regularly published and distributed with hund- reds of names being added to the mailing list cach day. This house journal of Solloway, Mills & Com- pany is an cight-page newspaper which is forwarded on request with- out obligation to all interested in Canadian® mining and oil develop- ment, The policy of "News From The Mines" is one of conservative optimisni, About two years ago Mr, Solloway became a member of the Standard Stock and Mining Exchange, and assisted by one boy and one gir), started in business. Due 10 Mr. Sol- Jloway's cnergetic personality and Ins familiarity with mining, his firm soon began to expand by leaps and bounds. In time it hecame necessary' for his associate, Mr. Harvey Mills, to assist in the active direction of this house's activities, The policy oi keeping skilled field men throughout the mining districts of the North en- abled Solloway, Mills & Compahy to furnish its growing clientele with valuable mining news before gencral press publications, resulting in inter- esting prohts. The company now has more than a floor of the Metropolitan Building, ne of Toronto's tallest skyscrapers, for its executive offices, and they nave three modern board rooms in he heart of the financial scction of all connected by private wire, includes *ontreal, Ottawa, DBrock- ville, Hamilton, Buffalo, - London, Winnipeg, Calgary and Vancouver, An office is now being opened in the I'prner Valley, while this house later tends to extend its private wire svstem to Edmonton, where another important link will be added to its Among the capable personnel who sist Mr. Solloway and Mr. Mills in directing such a large orgamza- tion are G. WV. Staats, general man- general manager, Lloyd B. Almond, 13. Sc., a well-known mining engineer, is the firm's statistical manager, while Earl C. Allingham, who went overscas with the University of Al- berta Company of the Wéstern Uni- versities Battalion of this city, acts as editor of "News From The Mines." THE SPICE OF LIVE A Common Experience She--~Georzge, what do you have io do when you want to draw some money out of a hank? He--You have to put some mon- ey in the bank beforeband. That's always been my experience. «the compressor, and that the camps { THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1%. SS ---- = DEEP MINING IN NORTH COUNTRY Melntyre Break All Records With New Shaft Down 4,150 Feet Deep mining is being rapidly de- veloped in Northern Ontario. Mec- Intyre has the deepest working of al, a new shaft down 4,150 feet. Hollinger is driving a ~haft whieh will soon reach this same horizon and Mond Nickel Co., Sudbury, has a similar operation under way on the famous Frood ore body. In Kirkland Lake, Kirkland Lake Gold has the deepest working in the camp at 2,650 feet and is go- ing deeper. Teck-Hughes has reached 2,250 and Lake Shore and Wright Hargreaves are not yei down to 2,000 ft. Hollinger stands out however, because of having four shafts driven to below 2,500 feet. ' Work is progressing at a rapid rate on the Schumach.r shaft, the further easés shaft working of the mine. Announcement has been giv- en that this working will be ¢ :- tinued as ra-Idly as possible to a depth of 4,150 feet. The Schumacher shaft, as it ia known, is now down a depth of 2,850 feet and is the second deep- est working on the property. The other three important workings are the central shaft, down to 3,050 feet; number 11 at 2,700 and the main shaft at 2,600 feet. RED LAKE GOLD SHORE Red Lake Gold Shore Mines, Limited, was recently incorporated at a capitalization of 5,000,000 shares without par value, 2,500. 000 shares having been issued for the property and work to the date of incorporation, and the balance reserved for the treasury. It is understood that private interests have taken care of the financing up to the present time, but it is expected that a public offering of a limited amount of the treasury ghares of this company will be mdde in the near future. The company has 22 claims, com» GROVS RAPIDLY prising approximately 1,200 acres north of and adjoining Melntyre, and west of and adjoining Howey, The company {is represented in Toronto by R. W. Breuls, M.D, Vice-President; Harry A. Newman, solicitor, Secretary-Treasurer, and Ira E. Hough, of Hough & Kohler, wholesale musical instruments, King Street West, Toronto. Other officers are: Charles V. Gallagher, South Porcupine, President, and Frederick lLaforest, South Pougu- pine, Director. A despatch has just heen receiv- ed hy the officials of Red Lake Gold Shore Mines, Limited, to the effect that the boilers have been placed on the property, and also are now in .course of erection, and will be ready for shaft-sinking shortly. The shaft is being sunk near the McIntyre line, whose pro- perty adjoins the Gold Shore to the south, and just west of the Howey Gold«Mines. Considerable interest hag been taken in this development by out- standing mining and business men, due to excellent surface showings, which are understood to have good widths in preliminary work done to date. | ENGLISH NEWSPAPER RIVALS PURCHASE PAPERS IN DERBY London, May 10--Inaugurating his scheme of establishing a chain of cvening papers in the various pro- | vincial centres, Lord Rothermere has purchased the Derby Daily Telegraph a Liberal newspaper, Annpuncement of the acquisition was made today at the same time that Sir William and Sir James Gomer Berry made public their purchase. of the Derby Daily Express, a Conservative daily. SPECIAL TRAIN CARRIES ONE HUNDRED PRISONERS Moncton, May 10--A special train carrying 100 prisoners from Montreal passed through the city today enroute to Dorchester, where the prisoners will be confined to the peiitentizry. The prisoners were specially constructed steel cars of the | Copper Zinc M (Neo Persona! Liability) « ' Formerly Sudbury Copper Zinc Syndicate Capitalization 3,500,000 Shaves $1.00 Par i. lssued for Properties 1,500,000 Shares Treasury 2,000,000 Shares A limited amount of this stock is now offered at the ice of 50 cents a share. listing pr a to pro-rate su sowsine 10 re - We reserve the t which will be filled as received. = er ee" LARS BASIN --_--. SUDBURY o (7 mines 7 NYS, cuve, 3 & $ "aggre - The Company owns outright 160 acres in Township of Dowling--ly ing N.E. of International Nickel and S.E. ot Contact Mines- Sudbury also owns and controls under option 440 acres tied on to the Northern boundary of the "Treadwell-Yuken,' at its western end. No. 1 shaft in the Treadwell is less than 300 yards from the Company's property, and a statement attributed to the President of the Treadwell is that a million tons of commercial ore has been proven in the vicinity of No. 1 shaft, average grade of this ore $20.00 per ton. Mr. Harry McMaster, Consulting Mining Engineer, who made a th orough examination of the Company's property, says in part of his report: "Taking everything into consideration, including the facts that your Company has the same surface formation as the Treadwell- Yukon, and adjoins them to the north, also that the®surface indications are just as good here, if mot better, than they were on the Treadwsil-Yukon, | cannot see any Teason WhY YOU have not every bit 22 guod a PIUSQEt of Waking £Uod 22 they Bad at the same Period Contracts for diamond drilling have been let. Work will commence immediately. We recommend this issue as a speculation of real merit, as this property is the most important and most strategically situated unde. veloped mining property in the Sudbury Camp. For prospectus and full particulars apply to Fiscal Agents BritishEmpirelnvestments Ltd. 305 Royal Bank Bldg. Telephone ELgin 8862 Gentlemen ; -- Without obligating me, please send full information relative to Copper Zinc Mines of Sudbury, Limited, Toronto 2 NAME ADDRESS ,..000v00vrnnenrnss ' IEEE ERE RRR EE RII I ro... confined in | Canadian Pacific Railway." The win- dows and doors of the cars were | heavily barged and a party of guards | kept watch over the prisoners to sec | that none escaped, i The reason for sending these pri- | soners to Dorchester was the over- | treal. Some of the prisoners arc | serving life sentences and the others | include some with long terms of im- | authentic, first-hand infor ested in the investment mining and oil areas. the Mines." Calgary Stock Exchange. Branches: 19 Montreal, Brockville, Ottawa; A Nation Wide Service on Canadian "Mines and Oils" Offiices in all the important cities of Canada--4500 miles of direct private wires--*field men" to secure vestigation departments--these are behind the un- excelled service which is offered to all those inter- CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Have your mame put on the list to receive our house journal "News from SOLLOWAY, MILLS & CO. Members" Standatd Stock & Mining Exchange, Head Office--Metropolitan Building, Toronto 2 , Calgary, Vancouver, mation--research and in- possibilities of Canadian Vancouver Stock Exchange. St. East , Buffalo, London, crowding of the penitentiary in Mon- |F prisonment ahead of them. | Reliable Information When you Need It--- Arthur EM Moysey Building, 242 Bay Street, Toronto Direct Private Wires to All Offices, NORTH ROCHES SUDBUR MONTREAL OTTAWA WINDSOR LONDON NEW YORK ROUYN KINGSTON Sound information is essential to profitable trading in Canadian Mining Shares. Our Statistical Department can render valuable assistance when you desire a comprehen- sive analysis of present or contemplated holdings, Direct private wires to the principal mining camps supply us with a constant flow of news from our own experts at the mines. This, combined with our twenty-three years of experience as leading specialists in mining shares, places us in a sound position to assist you in making your commitments. You are freely invited to correspond with us and we ex- tend to you all the facilities of our thoroughly equipped Statistical Department. CALL--WRITE--PHONE. oysey & Company, Ltd. (FOUNDED 1904) HEAD OFFICE BRANCH OFFICES: BAY NEW LISKEARD TER IROQUOIS FALLS Y ANSONVILLE SCHUMACHER NORANDA KIRKLAND LAKSB COBALT TIMMINS S80. PORCUPINE ENGLEHART

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