Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 May 1928, p. 14

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FAGLE Fuss QUEBEC EDUCATION COMMITTEE MEETS New Curriculum for Catho- lic Schools in Province Discussed Quebec, May 11.--A new curri- culum for the Catholic schools in Montreal was discussed Wednesday by delegates attending the quarter- ly meeting of the Catholic Commii- tee of the Council of Public Instrue- tion at the Legislative Building Wednesday. The matter was debat- ed at. length but no definite decision was reached. ' The committee also discussed a proposed new plan to regulate the study of household science in the normal schools of the province, and approved a number of text books and nominations and considered numerons letters, one of which dealt with the establishment of a bi-lingual school of domestic scl- 'ence in Montreal. * Members of the jury approved by the committee to make the awards in the Merite Scolaire order, ereated during the last session of the Legislature, are as follows: Mgr. Gauthier, Administrator of the Diacese Montreal; Mgr. Courchesne, Rishop-elect of Rim- ouski; Mgr. Limognes, Bishop of Mont Laurier; Hon. Judge Robi- doux, of Montreal; Hon, Judge Kiverin, of Montreal; Hon. Cyrille Delage, Superintendent of TRublic Ingtruction, and Lionel Bergeron, secretary of the Catholic' Commit- tee of the Council of Public Instrue- tion. Three nominations were also ap- proved by the committee, and were "For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8. We Deliver of Yr omelr EYESIGHT SPECIALIST No physical defect contributes more directly to fatigue and in. efficiency than fanlty vision. Have your eyes examined NOW, 261 1516 w=PHON".-- 1516 Disney Block, Opposite Post Office'cr." S-- recommended to the Govermment as follows: Abbe J. J. Dube .to be prineipal of the Quebec Normal Sehool,.in succession to the late Mgr. T. G. Rouleau. . Abbe J. Alcide Pellerin to be principal of the Nicolet Normal School, in succession to His Grace Mgr. Courchesne. Abbe Joseph Ferland to be a member of the Board of Catholic Examiners, in succession to the late Mgr. Rouleau. BRITISH SCIENTIST SAYS DEATH FINAL Sir Arthur Keith Sees No Evidence of Soul's Survival Manchester, May 11.--There 18 no evidence of life after death, ae" cording to Sir Arthur Keith, presi- dent of the British Association wr the Advancement of Science, who gave the annual Ludwig Mond lec- ture at Manehester University Wed- nesday, with "Implications of Dar- winism," as his title. This announcement came'as a surprise in the face of his address. es to the association's convention last vear, when he claimed an af- ter life for man's soul. In part, he said: "Scientific and medical wen agree that 'there is no evidence to support the assumption that the spirit survives after the brain has ceased to function. Medical men find no grounds for believing the brain is a dual organ---a compound of substance and spirit.' Every fact known to them compels the infer- ence that mind, spirit and soul are manifestations of a living hrain just as flame is the manifest spirit of the hurning cantlle, At the mo- ment of extinction, both flame and spirt cease to have a separate' ex- istence. "However, much of this mode of explaining man's mentality way run counter to long and deeply cherishod beliefs, medical men can- not think otherwise if they are to helieve the evidence of their sens- es, It is only when they accept the psychological interpretation of man's mentality that they ean diag- nose and understand the nature of man's ailments and take effective steps for the prevention and ve- lief 'of the disasters whien so of- ten overtake modern humanity," one of the recent Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer "finds," has the leading feminine role opposite Sylvia Beecher, wre or Tim McCoy in "The Masked Strang- SOW THE BEST YOUR GARDEN NEEDS seeds that are suited to your locality, and tested for purity and high gio ol d rer Andra Send for new illustrated Catelogne STEELE ness and are now in a better position than ever to look after your SISICICER aL REATE TO HAMILT N <E( REPAIRING WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY If your Watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair apd - make it tell the correct time D., J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch inspector for Canadian awa Railroads. 10 King St. W. National and Osh- Phone 189 HE OSHAWA DAILY 1mucd, SAtunupaY, MAY 14, rev NINE SHIPS LEAVE FORT WILLIAM, ONT. goes Features Grain Shipments Fort William, Ont., May 11.-- The feature of Wednesday's grain shipments from the port of Fort William and Port Arthur was the varied character of the cargoes, Two full cargoes of flax cleared for Chicago and Cleveland, a full cargo of oats for Montreal, while the Berwind took out 560,000 bush- els of barley, and the Finland, 400. 000 of rye bath destined for Buf. falo. Nine boats cleared' with a to- tal of 2,189,000 bushels of all grains, Seventeen boats are loaded and waiting, the three barges which were here for winter stosage being still in port waiting tows. Twa S Young Men's All Wool Pall Over Sport Sweats $1 95 * ers. Sale price Dominion Clothing Co. 08 King St. W. Phone 2141 Varied Character of Care groin bo boats are en route Mght Collingwood is still disc! ing her cargo of coke. Following "are Wednesday's movements in the two harbours, Cl Harvey H. Brown, Buf- Edward J. Berwind, Finland, Buffalo, rye; Mathewston, Port Colborne, wheat; Saskatchewan, Goderich, wheat; Brookton, Montreal oats; Cedar Bay. Montreal, wheat; Alex- ander Leslie, Chivage, flax; Brit. on. Cleveland, flax. In port--Collingwood, discharg~ dno cove: Wellanwove, Portsmouti, Morrell Clarkson, Northton, C. A. Tomlinson James B. Eads. Brico!- doe, Louis R. Davidson, Royalton, Renfrew, Valcartier, Shenango, W. D. Reiss, Sarnian, Barge 137, Barge Glenbogie: Barge Swederop, loading grain and waiting; Ren- voyle, loading flour; Saskatoon, Canadian, Maple Bay, Oak Day, Lethbridge, dishearging freight. falo. wheat; Buffalo, barley; TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN LONDON AREA London, May 11.--During the last quarter of 1927, 812 persons met their deaths in trafiic accidents in the metropolitan avea of Lon- don. Of 215 pedestrians killed, 103 lost their lives in crossing thor- oughfares without due care and 82 by hesitating or faltering when in danger. The total number of persons kill- 'ced during the year was 1,056, come HARDWOOD FLOORS Laid by Expert Mechanics All floors finished like new B. W. HAYNES 161 King St. W. ' Office Phon: 481, Res. 180r2 pared with 1,003 in 1926. Rohert Graves, who usually is cast in heavy villainous roles in Ed- ucational Comedy subjects, assumes the part of a playful, pestiferous relative to Monty Collins, the prin- cipal comedian, in "Three Tough Onions," a forthcoming Education- al-Cameo Comedy, § FIRST N.B. FOREST - FIRES REPORTED Fredericton, N, B., May 11, -- The forest service of New Bruvs- wick had reports of three fires. Two in Gloucester County, at Pae- quetville and Poukemouche, started from slash burning. At Linco, Sunbury + County, a fought a fire which covered eighty acres of old logging operations. The weather is favorable for fires and the situation is not reassuring. Trea Ris ay: Treatment RuBBED on throat and chest, Vicks does two things at onge: (1) It is vaporized by the body heat and inhaled direct to the inflamed air passages, an . (2) It stimulates the skin like an old-fashioned poultice and "draws out" the soreness. » VIE 1C HK ULION JARS USED Yara | large eorew |. U.5.-SPAIN RACES JUNE 30 T0 JULY 7 Trans-Atlantic Yachting ol Be Inaugurated After 20 Years' Lapse Washington, May 11.--Trans-At- lantie yacht racing will be started again after a lapse of 20 years June 20 and July 7. when between 13 and 20 sailing-vessels break sail trom New York for Satander, Spain, in two races for cups offered by the King and Queen of Spain. The ex-Meteor, once Kaiser Wil- helm's yacht, and now owned by a Spaniard, H. Echevarrieta, is ex- pected to compete In the large yacht race starting July 7. In this race for eraft of 55 feet or more length, | eight American-owned boats have | been entered. The King Alfonse Cup will he awarded the first to | reach the Spanish port, 3,053 miles | away. The trip is expected to take | 20 days or more i Three American and one Span- ish ship have been entered in the smaller craft race for the Queen Victoria Cup. They are the Mo- hawk, Dudley, Wolfe, New York; Nina, Paul Hammoud, New York: Pinta; Jack Curtis, New York; and the Santa Maria, C. Avila, Spain. MIDLAND CANADIAN PACIFIC Announces a New Passenger Train Service : between TORONTO and MIDLAND EFFECTIVE APRIL 30TH rh 10.36 am. 10.46 a.m. 1.36 p.m. 1.4 pa. 2.00 p.m. , 202p.m. No. 709 Fug No.710 No.2 M0am 386pm 10.50am 3.45pm, 10.422. Lv. Coldwater Ar 71. by P.4 ay Lv. Fesserto® Ar. T34am 1244 p.m, w Port McNicoll Jet. Ar. 7.32a.m. 12424 ¥. Dutton Ar. 7.42 i 208 po. Ar. Martyr's Shrine Lv. 7.07 3 Ba 24S p.m. : Ar. MIDLAND Lv. 7.00 a.m, 12000.m, Eastern Standard Times Through coaches and Cafe-parlor cars on trains 709 . 710 AEL TRAINS DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY For full information poly City Tick King and Yonge Streets, By TOBE Cond h Lv. Lv. Lv. TORONTO Ar Parkdale Ar W. Toronta Ar. n Pacific Buil ights, Elon Fd Saou PACIFIC ap ------------ | OFFICERS TO GIVE DINNER TO CURRIE Montreal, May 11.--Lieut.-Gen, Sip Richard Turner will preside at | | | attend the function, every local |Rice will entertain with songs and the complimentary dinner being tendered Sir overseas unit and several others |storics. from Toronto, Ottawa and London being represented. Major Kilpatrick will deliver the address of the evening, and James A sophomore is a person wae waits for a freshman to come along to push the revolving door.--Dart- mouth Jack o'Lantern, Arthur Currie by the United -Serviees Club in the Mount Royal Hotel tomorrow evening, 300 overseas officers will | Over ELLA CINDERS--Talling Themselves Out By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb PUSHED JUST SO FAR ano Tcan Be THEN TTT TTT " meONEY TAL TALKS, £307 (SUR THEVA -- He ¥ ERK BY Shin ad TO NEED) I To LIKE TO SVE HER A Hy "i Wi i Ie | ET Reg 1 5 Pa ON, Copyright 1:4 by Memmopoluan Newspaper Serve BRINGING UP FATHER o WHATS THE NEWS: Joe ? 8 rr EEN READIN' ABOUT THESE AVIATORS" ¢ "VE JueT ht THEY CERTAINLY HAVE GOT IT DOWN TO A FINE POINT» By Geo. McManus WELL-WHEN YOU SEE AN AVIATOR FAST ASLEEP HANGIN ' ONTO A BRANCH OF ATREE WITH ONE FOOT- LET ME KNOW - a ~~ YEP-THEY CAN DO ANYTHING A BIRD CAN DO: IN FACT, THERE I19N'T A BIRD | ALIVE THAT HAS ANY THING ON 1 | i i ll he 15 THERE A PLACE CALLED LAPLAND, AND F STOCKS StoBIE-FORLONG &(0 BONDS Office: Reford AND WELLINGTON STS S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System ' 11 King Street East, Oshawe Phones 143 and 144 GRAIN Above C.P.R. Office INLAND 15 CALLED LAPLAND. ENCE BUT BELONGS TO THREE COUNTRIES, NORWAY, SWEDEN, AND FINLAND, THE LAPPS ARE OF ASIATIC ORIGIN AND SPEAK A LANGUAGE SOMETHING LIKE THAT OF THE FINNS, MOST OF THEM SPEND THEIR LIVES IN FISHING, HUNTING, AND TENDING THEIR REIN: DEER. A RICH LAPP MAY OWN PERHAPS, 2,000 REINDEER, 3c eps THe SHORTEST PEOPLI | In| EUROPE, IVE 1 A DREARY ARCTIC REGION WTH A LONG SUN: LESS YHTER, THERE ARE ABOUT 30000 OF THEM. LAPLAND HAS WHAT D0 YOU i TS OM THE OTHER KNOW ABGI! "; BIDE OF WHERE LAPLAND, {f | YOU YYHEN YOU GET FOR SALE-- CRUSHED STONE CHIPS for PRIVI VEWAYS WATEROUS- MEEK LIMITED _ Phone | 1288 oy Mg NIGHT] BUBBLES ~ "Dick | TOOK ME DINNER oso A VHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE SHOW, WILLE? EE THE NAME OF IT, BUY REAL YOU OUGHT N 0 SEE w STERY PLAY, OF A MUSICAL 8 EAT. Listen, WHAT WAS SAW OV LASS NIGHT | WHAT'S THAT? VY

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