THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1928 "Easy-to-Find" RADIO PROGRAM Tonight's Best Features 7.00pm, NEC Red Chain: --Bonunie Laddies with saxophone, 9.00 NBC Blue Chain: Keystone Duo with <Balladeers, 10.00 WLW (428)--Cingi, Webb's Hawaiian Entertainers, 11.45 WSH af Hy Red Hea 12.00 a.m. KFI (469)--Los Angeles, Midnight frolic. Silent tonight after 7.00 p, CKGW, CNRT, KFUO, KPNT, WBBR, WGHP, WshT, WCSH, Atlanta, Ernest Rogers CFCF, KOIL, WRVA, KOA. Woo, Regular Daytime Programs Network :--" Tower + WCAE, WEEI, Newark, Morning Setting Health," Red WGR, 8.45 am, from WGY, WOR 6.00 CKCI i WAAM (28)~Newark, Sunnse « f musie, 6.30 WAAG (48) Chicago, YMCA, exe 7.00 KFN id (461)~Shenandoah, Ia, Sunrise concert A KSO (227)=Clarinda, Ia, "The WEAF (492)=N.Y, Morning devotions: WRC, ( Network: 790 NEA, WEEI, WGY, WRC, WoC (373)--Davenport, Happy hour. WLW (428)=Cinei, Healt exer: WMAQ (448)--Chicago, U. of Chicago ym, Pp ex- (422) (357)=Toronto, hour ~*'Cheerio," from 7.45 8.00 ¢ MARCONI SHOP | a The Best in Radios Kingston Rd, West odkdebund Phone 382 r 4 lectus 430 WEMC (480)---DBerrien Springs. Early morning music, 9.00 Blue Network: --Royal S$. Copeland: WIZ, KDKA, KYW, WBZ, \WHAM. WIR, WRC. CKGW (312)=Toronto, Morning musi- cale. KOIL (39)~Council Bluffs. Recorded music, Wha (500)=Ft, Worth, Morning mu- icale. WDAF (370)~Kansas City. Bible lesson, WHO (535)=Des Moines, 95% ww} (353)=Detroit, 9.45 Wi is (345)=Chicago, 10.00 WerL (484)--Chicago, WGN (416)=Chicago, H ment period. WHT (306)=Chicago. Women's hour. WLW (428)=Cinci, 'Women's hour, WOO (349)--Phila. Grand organ. WRNY (326)=N.Y, "Keeping Fit." 10.15 Red Network:=Radio Household Insti- tute: WEAF, WEEI, VG ec. ak Naad: WekH, nt C, WGR vs WY, WSAI, WEN, xh. Weco, woe, WDAF! 10.30 WAIL (283)--Columbus, 0. Devotional ervice, 10 W ADC (238)--Akron, O, Organ. WAMD (222)-8t, Paul. Aunt Sammy, WEBH (366)=Chicago, Women's hour. WOO (349)=Phila, Lincheon music, wel (448)~Chicago, Home economics. \ (361)=Cinci, Musicale, wai! (476)=Atlanta, Homemaker's hr. Blue: Network --l.uncheon music: WIZ, WBZ, WRC, WAIU (283)=Columbus, O. Dispatch music WCAl (234)~Columbus, O, Food for Thou w NCA" (261)--Phila, Orchestra. WHO (535)=Des Moines. Organ. CFCF (411)=Montreal, Mt, Royal or. chestra, . 11.45 CKLC (357)--Red Deer, Alta, Musicale. CKCL (357)~"Toronto, Luncheon music 12 noon WHT (306)=Chicago, Organ, Al Carmi mey wip Y319)=Phila. Luncehon music, WLS (345)=Chicago. "Dinner bell." WMAQ (448)--Chicago, Melodies, p> Moming Victor prog. "Tonight's Din- Home question ome manage- The Coal that Satisties~ We handle Lehigh Valley Cross Creek Coal t Lasts Longer, Gives Less Ash an: Greater Heat pes £5 Ask for the Certified \, Stamp upon A Every Ticket Try it and you will become a satisfied Customer, Hamilton By-Product Coke Wood, etc on hand, ply of lime and san us your order, Don Valley 'A quantity of large size now also a complete sup- Phone Brick 's 23 «= and H. M. Fowlds ana Son 81 King Street West il a -m g Phone 91 Municipal prog.. 12.15 pm. WITMJ (24)=Milwaukee, Organ. 12.30 WGES (39)=N.Y, Scripture; musicale. 12.45 WSM (337)=Nashville. Farm and home 1258 EER 2 057)=Torento, Chimes from 100 Ke, (500)~Hot Springs. Noon cone. WCCO (405)=Mpls-St, Paul, Farm hr. WDAF (3/0)-Kansas City. Country- side chats. WRVA (254)--Richmiond. WSE (476)--Atlanta, Music, WWJ (33)=Detroit, Organ, WWNC (297)~Asheville, N.C. Lunch- eon music. 1.15 WGHP (278)=Detroit. Detroit trio, WHO 5 )=Des Moines, Talk; lunch. eon music, 1.30 CNRA (476)~Moncton, N.B. Musicale. KENF (461)--Shenandoah, Ia. Farmers concert, (319)=Council Bluffs, Noon prog. KOIL Piaaist, Sunday's Programs RELIGIOUS PROGRAMS 7.30 am. WIID (366)--Mooseheart, and Protestant, 8.00 WJZ (459)--N.Y. Chi 9.00 KMA (395)--Shenandc ices. KVOO WHER 9.30 KFNF ice Catholic en's hour, Church serv- (39)~Tulsa, Religious service. (265)--~N.Y, Studio orchestra. (i01)--Bhenandoah, Gospel serv- KLDS (238)--Independence,' Mo. Bible study hour, WGY (380) WHAM Schenectady, (280)-- Roches ter. (428)--C inet, A (26) (303) WI1BO (416) H WOO (34)--Phila, Services, Services, Sunday School, Norfolk, Services, orning services. Swedish services hany Presbyter- ian, 10.00 CECA (357)--Taronto. arvice: KDKA (316)--Pitts. Services, WCFL (484)--Chicago, Grace M, E, Church, bd EMC (484)--DBerrien Springs, choir, WHK WMCA WOW 10.15 WRHM 10.30 WA DC Christ. WEBH Organ; (265)--Cleveland. 1.B.S N.Y, ntist, el service, » . Church of (366)--Chicago, Christ Scient- ist WGES (242)--Chicago, M. E Church, WGHP WSs WITMJ 10.45 WAIL X WBZ (333) WCCO (405) MAf) ( Austin 278)--Detroit, Christ Scientist. 6)--Atlanta, Sunday School, Milwaukee. Services, Columbus, Temple Israel, Springhe Mass, Services -Mpls-St, Paul, Services. {18)--Chicago. Peoples U, of Chicago Chicago, Chicago. (526) Central Church. (306)~ Pat Barnes, 5 mette, WIAX (341) WLW (428) WRC 1S) WIN 11.15 WH AS 11,20 KOIL, Choir WCAIL (234) WGHP (278)- WOI (265)--Ames 11.55 WBT (258)--Char 12 noon KFAD (319) Chueh. KSO' (229) --Clarinda, KTHS (500) byterian KVoO (3 Who (244) attanooga, Services. WI (533) Pes ines, Services, WOC (375)--Dave Congregational, WRR (461) havens Services 190 pm. CALL 337) Jacksonville Cinei, 7th Pr Wash, Services, (297) Sery (322)--1 (319)~( Services. byterian, Baptist ch. Cathedral 1.B.S.A, 3.5.4, uncil Blu 11.45 Columbus Det imes. ervices, Westminster Ia. M, E, -Hot Springs, Lig f 'Chureh First Pres- sa. Services, Calgary, Baptist (261)~Phila, Interdenomina (492)--N.Y, Interdenomination- KTHT (265) ~Mu 1.30 WBBR (256) WOO (348)--Ph Red Network: --Y g People's Confer WBT, KSD, WDAF, WIIAS, WMC, WRC, WOC, WCSH, KVO0o, WFAA, VIAR NCAE (394) 2.30 WF AP N 22) on hour, own Rescue St, George's Ves- Network :--Men's Conference: Ai VEAF, VEEL, : SAI, WGY, WOW, » WTAG, WSB, WEAR, KVOO0, WFAA, WITIC, WIAR, 4.00 WENR (288)- WRC (469) dral, 4.30 Blue Network National WiZ, KWK, KYW, WBAL, WBZA, WHAM, WSOE (270)--Milwaukee. 5.10 WCCO (405)--Mpls-St, Pa 5.30 WHK (265)--Cleveland, Vespers, 6.00 CFCA (365)--Toronto, Services, WHAM (280)--Rochester, Studio WHO, ~Chicago, Wash, Wa Chapel hour. ington Cathe- Church: WBZ, Bible class, Vespers. mu- Vespers, 3 (476)--Atlanta, 0. Little , (345)--Chic Brown 6.30 W BUR (256)--N.Y, 7.00 KFNF (461 )--~Shenandoah, services, WCCO (40 Scientist A (545)--Dallas, Sacred music, Golden Rule Paul, -Mpls-St, Christ Radio Bible Class, 8.00 W HK WJIAX WSAI (265)--Cleveland. I.B.S.A. (341)--Jacksonville, Services. (361)--Cinci. Radio sermonette. 8.30 KFAU (285)--Boise, Idaho, Baptist church, WCOA (250)~Pensacola, Presbyterian services, WSOE ' (270)--Milwaukee. Services. 8.45 WCAH (234)--Columbus, I.B.S.A, 92.00 KPRC (294)--~Houston, 1st (Christian 10.15 Kio: "(545)--St. Louis. Bible address. 10.30 WEMC (484)--DBerrien Spriigs, "The astor and the Professor." MUSICAL PROGRAMS-FEATURES 12 noon NBC Red Chain: --Chamber music: WEAF. WCAE. Concert orchestra. ron, Organ, 100 NBC Blue Chain: The Roxy Stroll: TZ, KDKA, wy WBZ, WBZA. Ns. WIR, WOC, WFAA, KVOO, Yow, ph. , WRC, WBT. CKC 35 Toronto. Organ recital. hn" ARE Artist recital. ' Pea Meal has advanced in price, but we still believe that it Is the best value in feed. $48.00 '0 per ton "HOGG & LYTLE 54 Church St. Phone 203 3 Special Programs to his Broadcast Sunday 3.00 p.m, KDKA (316) -- Pitts. Recital from Car- negie Hall. 6.30 WEAF (492)--N.Y. Mother's Day program. 8.00 WCBD (345)--Zion, lll. Zion Choir; chimes. 10.00 CNRW (384) -- Winnipeg, Sunday Evening Musicale, 11.00 KFAB (319) -- Lincoln. Union College Sym- phony. Silent all day: CFCF, CKGW, WEAO, WHAZ, WIOD, WNOX, WOI, WOS, WRVA, WSBT, WFLA. oo WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Cousin Lar- Ty. our, 1.15 KATA (395)--Shenandoah. Sacred songs. | 12 mid WFAA (545)--Dallas. 2.00 Columbia Chain: Judson Symphony or- WBBM (389)--Chicago. chestra: WC KMOX, KOIL, way, --re . WCAU Al N WFBL, WAIU, WG ik, WKRC, WM , W MAQ, WAN WOWO, WADE, WIAS, Monday Programs NVC Citlue Shain: Woodwind Ensem- AFTERNOON PROGRAMS ble: WIZ, VK. 1.00 p.m. CKNC (517)=Toronto, Brunswick CKCL fT WR to. hour, WCFL (481)--Chica; WENR (288)--Chicago, WHN (394)--N.Y, State Theatre. 105 Wis (0)----N.Y. "Your Daily Menu." 1.30 ' A) (448)--~Chicago. Musical pot- pourri, i ve on (422)~Newark. Afternoon prog. Lea-1 200 CKCL (378)~Toronto, Studio music. New WEEIL (508)--Boston, Edison hour, WE NR (288)--Chicago, Popular ques Wits "(405)~Phila. Vocal. WHT (306)--Chicago. Afternoon ture, WIP (349)--Phila, Artist recital, dhe" (366)--~Chicago. Mooseheart chil. dren, KOA (326)--Denver, Organ. (416) Chicago. Artist (230)--Clay Center, " (319)--Council 11.15 eReL (357)--Red. Deer, Alta. Radio Orchestra. Dance orches. Organ. 4; Hour of Detter 0. Rest hour, (261)--Mpls. Classical music. (508)--Boston, usic, WIBO (306)--Chicago. Afternoon prog WRR (461)--Dallas, 1.1.S.A, program, 2.45 WMAQ (448)--Chieago. National gue baseball, Chicago Cubs vs York: WGN Te. 3.00 Columbia W( . Chain :--C athedral Hour: N fea- WM AQ, WOWO, WRG KMBC, KOIL RDKA (316)-- Hal Ww W J (353)=Detroit. Navin Field, U5 WRG (273) 3.30 KTNT (25 sic. WBZ (333) Concert semble, 4.00 CKNC Casa trio. KFAU (285)~Boise, Idaho, Musicale, WWNC (297)--Asheville, Sacred mu- sic, 4,15 WTMJ (294)--Milwaukee, phony i 4.30 WAAT City. musicale 5.00 NBC Red Chaini--Stetson Parade, Am: WERBH (366)--Chicago, ican. Legion Tand: WEAF, di WIAR, WTAG, WCS WOR (03)--Buffalo, WGY, WGR, WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, (Ruffalo WSAI, WEELH, KSD. et WJ (53) Derr. Kua (395)--Shenandoah, Little Sym- RAR NY phon Wd (349)--Phila, Sacred organ al W RNY to Great Industries. 5.30 WEBH (366)--Chicago, cale, WMAOD (448) NBC Blue Chain: WIZ, WBZ, WBAI KDKA, KWK, KY 6.00 NBC Hed ( F pianist: WCAU (261)- WDHOD (244) gram, --Pitts. Camnegie Music Baseball from seaita). City. Recital. Alternoon Variety mu- Atlantic program --Muscatine, KOIL Bluffs. Sammy, WCALU (261)--Phila. Knowledge Exten. sion Society, WLS (345)--Chica, Homemakers hr. 3.00 CKLC (375)--Red eer, Alta, Matinee program, CNRO (435)--Ottawa, Musicale, (283)--Columbus, O, Good Will w Alu 21 (500)--Ft, Worth, Vocal, * (#92)-N.Y, "The Home": Aunt -Springfield. en (517)--Toronto, Loma Little Sym- (246)--J ersey Twilight also Songs; Trio, Tea music. City. Ladies' hr, Studio program. Manhattan Trio: re --Toronto, Program from (326)--} "Little Journeys ; n w BAL (285) Baltimore, WBZ (333)--Springfield, noon mus f (454)--N.Y, 345 WOO (349)--Phila, HE pet 4.00 KS 27)~Clarinda, Ta, Women's hr. Ww DAF (W0)--Kansas City, String trio \F' (492)--N.Y, Twilight hour: Recital, Twilight musi- Mass. After "Ov he '] "", Chicago. Symphony hour Over the Teacup": hn, WRG Grand organ and ' f Hans Barth, concert " and other stations. Phila, The Melodians. Chattanooga. Sacred pro. --Davenport, Home manage- Special prog. 9)--Saskatoon, 2 Concert, 6,20 NBC Red Chain: )--Louisville, Capitol Theatre Family: WEAF. KPR(. WBT, Kb, WOAE, WIA, WHO, AR, WMC," WFAA, WSB, WSM, WRC, WT AG, Wie, WOW, Wwi, Kvoo, KOA WIR (256)--N.Y, WHAS ( 4.45 WCCO (405)--Mpls-St, Paul, Clubs, 5.00 CAC (517)--Toronto, Music, (500)--Ft, Worth, Music, (380)--Schenectady, Hotel ( urler, 5.45 WCCO Clu Women's Bible lecture; mu. Van 6.30 Ki IA KOITI, Wh AL chestr Wi AF gram, 6.45 WOR tow. 7.00 CKLC WMAO ing C, woc sicale 7.15 NBC (326)--Denver, Organ, (319)--Council Bluffs. (285)--Baltimore, (405)--Mpls-St, Paul, Readers Tenor, Concert or- KMA (394)--Shenandoah, 1a, concert, 6.00 CKGW WAIU music, WGHP (278)--Detroit, Dinner 6.30 WBZ (333)--Springheld, Mass, music, 6.45 WOC Js Avena, Chimes concert, R THE KIDDIES 4.00 p.m, Ww fy AP (394)=N.Y, Uncle Robert, 5.00 4 BIH (366)--Chicago. Dream Daddy avis, WGES (349)--N.Y, J 5.15 WMAQ Bees {) Sunshine (492)=N.Y, Mothers Day pro- (312)~Toronto, N I Kirlg Edward. (283)=Columbus, 0. Twilight -Newark, Bernhard Levi- (357)--Red Deer, (448)--Chicago. music. Alta, Organ. Dinner Sunday Even- )=Davenport. Old Folks mu- Chain KDK. A, Blue : WIZ, N, KWK, KYW, WCCO, WIV 8.00 Columbia Chain: Don i WOR, WCAN, WGHP, , WMAK, Collier's Radio WIR, KOA, WBZ, WBZA, Uncle Gee (448)--Chicago, Tops Voorhees Concert Jmichiesgs, Tovey KMOX, "KOIL WCAL, WEAN, WIAS, KMBC WMAQ, WADC, i "(345 )--Chicago. 5.45 WEEL (508)--Boston. Big Brother, 6.00 KYW (526) ago. Uncle Bob, WBAL (. --Baltimore, Sandman Circle, WIP (349)--Phila, 6.10 WGN (416)--Chicago, Uncle Quin, 6.15 po JCO (405)--Mpls-St, Paul, Children's our, 6.30 y TMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Cousin Las- 7.00 W HK (265)~Cleveland, Lullaby Lady. 7 15 CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Cozy Corner, 7.30 WF AA (545)--Dallas. Story hour, CONCERTS TONIGHT 6.00 p.m. WCAE (461)--Pitts, Studio cital, 6.15 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Organ, Nauonal Pied Piper, Government" Uncle Wip. ence: WG R, MT, WTIC, WSI, JAR, WCSH, WRC, W FAA, KSD, KVOO, s, WOC, WHO, WOW. wcC BI) (345) Zion, 1, Zion choir, WEEI (508)--Boston, "Newspaper Sidelights." WWJ (353)--Detroit, 8.15 NBC Red ( : Atwater dour: WE/ El WGY, W WSAI, Piano recital. Kent Radio re- WEAF (492)---N.Y, Quartet, 6.30 Ss Blue Chain: Sigh, and Mie Gong: BORA, Wy Wa < Wito WRC, WOW! "Wh WOO (349)--, --Phila, Getic Beratisa, baritone, 7.00 CKGW. (312)--Toronto, Request Prog. CNRO id )--Ottawa. Concert orches. KFAU (280)-- Hoise, Idaho, Organ, WELR (265)=N.Y, Concert, AU (261)--Phila, Horning hour. S50 at sheld, 0. Concert. oston, Concert. WNYC (52)---N.Y, Concert. WOO (349)--Phila," Pennsylvania Male Quartet. Wow (508)-Omaha, Organ, id PG (273)--Adantic City, Studio pro- om, WRK (461)--Dallas. Or; an, W he (335)--Hartiord. New Departure and. WMAQ (448)--Chicago. Blue Streak program, 7.30 CFCF (411)--Montreal. Vocal and in- strumental. KSO (227)--Clarinda, Ia. Olid music. WHN (35)---N.Y, Loew's Theatre. 7.45 CNRO (435)--Ottawa. Cornet 8.00 NBC Blue Chain: String /BT. " Li Minutes We, " WGBS (349) 8.30 C olumbia C hain : wC .Y. Feature program. Lapalina 2 . WE Woo, KMOX, KMBC, KOIL, WTM]) (294)-- Milwaukee. Popular mu- 1c 845 NBC Red (Chain "Ruth and Naomi KVO0, ¥ WRC, 'W 9.00 Columbia United Military WNAC, WEAN, WCAO, WIAS, WEKRC, WGHP, KMOX, KMBC, KTNT (256)--Muscatine. Variety music WEMC "(484)--Berrien Springs. Mixed quartet . WHN (399)-N.Y. American period. WIAX (341)--Jacksonville, Organ. WIZ (454)--N. XY. High Spots of Mel- ody. . WPG (273)--Adlantic Evening musicale, 5 NBC Blue Don Amaizo, The : WIZ, KDKA, KYW, WTM]J, Chain: Z, WCCO. WBZ (833)--Springfield. Evening mu- sical wip (349)--Phila. WIP Little Sym- phony. KMOX, WADC, Ww (428)--Cinci. Bandbox lour. WEAN, WFBL, NE acific Chain: Symphony J i KRC, WMAK, GO, KGW, 'MAQ NAC," WAIU, KMBC, 'OW, KOIL. kro A, OMO, . LCFCA' (357)--Toronto. Concert orches. Kua (395)--Shenandoah. Old time mu- Kerp (290)--St. Paul. Musicale, WAIU (283)--Columbus. Artists. WCFL (484)--Chicago. Reminescence time. WOOA (250)--Pensacola. Vocal. WHAZ (306)--Troy. Feature program. WHK (265)--Cleveland. Ensemble. W ac (375)--1davenport. smile. Woo (349)--Phila. Igish Melody Boys. WPG (2 273)--Atlantic City. Minstrel memories WRVA (259) --Richiond. Fireside quat- tet ¥ ZA A Nosiolk. Harmony Four. WTAG (517))--Worcester, Studio prog. WTAM (400)--Cleveland, Musicale. Drama, F, WFAA, WHO, WoC, AM. w Chain :-- American Band: WOR, WEBI, WANDC, WMAQ, KOIL, Nagar Ww OW' 0, time City. solos, Riverside Hour Ww, ( olumbia wr \ oorhees: Spur a Don ot Springs. * Vocal. 10.00 « NRW (38)--Winnipeg. Sunday musi- Kis (500)--Hot Springs. Music Lov- ers Hour. Ww = @6)--dowa (City. ha Ww BO (306)--Chicago. Popular dance. 10.15 KMMJ (230)~Clay (Center. Evening ARusicale. ? AP. (500)--Ft. orchestra WDAF (370)--Kansas City. chestra. Familiar Worth. Texas Hotel Concert or- WTAM (400)--Cieveland. The Cavaliers 10.30 WRR (461)--Dallas., Orchestra. WSUIL (476)--dowa City. Alumni hour. 11490 KTHS (300)--Hot Springs. Frolic. HN (3M v Frivolity Club. -- (389)--Chicago. Gus Edwards. or- 810 ¢XRo (435)--Ottawa, Fireside period. 430 NBC Red Network: G ators ¥ aly Fanny: : WEA WE. w WIAR, WTA VGH WLI, WRC, WG Y, a WCAE, MN, WWT, WSAT, WGN, WTM]J, /CCO, oc, Wow, KVOC WF FAA, Kp PRC, Wohl, wae AS, "ws WMC, WSB, Columbia Chain: Orchestra: WFBL, WADC, WAAC, Pioneers Sym hony a WKRC, KMOX, _ Blue Chain: Wo Composers: KDKA, WIZ, WBAL, Srey (411)--Montreal. Traymore quar« Ww. All (283)--Columbus., The Wi iy BAL (389)~Chicago. orites, WOowo, KMEC rks KYw, Crystal Old time fav- WCAL (231)--Northfield, Vocal. WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul, Trio. WHAS (322)--Lo isvilie, Studio prog. WIJAX '(3i1)--Jacksonville, Old time music, Burnt Corkers. WLW (428)--Cinci. (375)--Davenport. Concert. WoC Wow V6 08)--Omaha, "One Minute Pro. 8.35 $i ry (345) Chicago. German program, WFI AG )17)--Clearwater, Georgia Mu. sic Club 9.00 NBC Blue Chain: M on Magic: WIZ, WHAM, KYW, KWK. CKGW (312) . Light opera, KMM]J (230)--Clay Center. Vocal, Ns (227)~Clarinda, The = News. WY . Concert. fass. Feature Concert, Hippodrome Wiz 3) WCOA (2 WLS (345) WOI (2 Ames, ncert, WOO (310) -Phila. ¥ox Theatre. WPG (273)--Atlantic City, Studio pro- Sj 0) LC) Shay + Popular program. "Magnolia band, of 9.15 WHA (333)--Madison niversity Wisconsin, 9.30 NBC Red Chain: Fisk Boys: WTIC, WIAR, WTAG, WGY, WGR, WEAF, WEEL WCSH, WCAE, WTMI. wh WENH, KSD. y (WW HO, A 4 IW, Ww J AA, WOAI WHAS, WSM, W Mer W <, WRT, NBC Blue Smalle ard Robert. son: WJZ, KWK. Columbia Chain: yelty program: WEAN 'F WMAQ, KMOX, , KOIL. (319) mental bi xtet KSTP ) WOWO, A. C ~Lincoln, Paul, Chicago. Chicago, Dixie Trail, Baltimore, Recital, })--Springfield, Aleppo Dram Instru- St, Prog. WDOD ( WLS (34 vue. WHAM gram WLW (428)--Cinci. 10,00 CKLC (357 Chattanooga. Musicale. ago, International ge- (280)--Rochester, Popfilar pro- Instrumental trio, . Studio program. KMA (394) ndoah, Vocal, KOIL Midi 9)--Council ~ Blufis. ramble KPRC (294) Houston. 1.B.S.A KTNT (257)--Mu Calg S Piano . Prog, catine, Home folks Lr of Great] WADC (238)--Akron, O. Studio music. Yul (285)--Baltimore. U.S, Academy and. WFAA (345)--Dallas. Belcanto Male uartet, WFLA (51N)--Clearwater. Organ. » ida GP Searwat Mo Sist. Woe (375)--Davenport. "Evolution oi Mus 3 (sO-N.¥, Slumber music: also oD Jeflerson City. Christian wei (6--Adanta, Scars Roebuck " (400)--South Bend. Studio. WSM (337)--Nashville. Loew's Theatre. WITMJ (294)--Milwaukee. Music eview. 10.15 KOA (326)--Denver. Concert. 10.30 Koil, (319)--~Council , Bluffs. "School Wéto (405)--Mpls-St, Paul. Post of- fice musical society. * WhoD (24)--Chattanooga. Frolic. A (517)--St. Petersburg. Studio. » F (270)--Atlanta. Georgia Tech Glee Club, WMC (51 WOR | (422 Hour, WSM Hawaiian ser: enaders. 11.00 KFAB (319)--Lincoln, Memory Club, KMA (3%4)--Shenandoah, Popular pro- gram, KNX (337)--Hollywood, Calmon Lubo- viski, violin, WEMC (484)--Berrien Springs. house ensemble, WRR _(461)--Dallas. Music. 11.10 WIAX (341)--Jacksonville. Organ, 11.15 KTHS (500)--Hot Springs. Baritone. 11.20 WEMC (484)--DBerrien Springs. Sacred concert, VRC (435)--Calgary. Vocal, (416)--Chicago. Popular artists. (400)--€leveland. Memories Concert The Witching --Memphis, )--Newark, (337)--Nashville, Light. Garden. WTIC (535)--Hartiord. 12 mid NBC Pacific Chain: KFI, KPO, KGO, KGW, KF 0) A, KOMO, WHO ' (335)--Des' Moines. Organ. 12.30 a.m. CNRE (517)--Edmonton, Concert orchestra. KSTP (220)--St. Paul. Organ, KVOO (349)--Tulsa. Organ, WSVI (476)--lowa City. Organ, WRR (461)--Dallas. 1-Xers Jamboree. 1.00 KOI. (319)--Council Bluffs. Program for McMillan, Arctic 'explorer. 1.15 CNRE (517)--Edmonton. Instrumental trio, RADIO TALKS-FEATURES 245 pm. WMAQ (448)--Chicago, Cubs vs New York: WG! 4.00 WCCO (405)--Mp 1s-St. wlis ve Ce lumbus, a 5 VEAF (492)--N.Y. Baseball scores. £00 0 WEAK (192)-N.Y, "The World To- day. 6,30 W LBC (227)--Brookly WEAF (#92)-N.Y, y Dich Aeroplane,' JKBW (217)--Bufialo, Spiritual quar. ter-hour, 6.45 WSAL (361)--Cinci, Dog Club. 6. 50 WWJ (35 Detroit. Baseball scores. 7.00 NBC Red Chain: "Great Moments in History": WEAF, WTAG, WCSH, WLIT, WRC, WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, WEBH, KSD, WOC, WHO, WOW, L0. KFNF (461)--Shenandoah. Better bask- et, WCCO (405)--Mpls-St. Paul, Northwest Capitol Thea. Joys: sk KH, KHQ, Paul, Minnea- 7.3% KFNE (461)--Shenandoah, Letter baske Cro (435)--Ottawa, "Springtime ockies. 8.00 wv ir (25%)--Charlotte. Farm ris." WTIC (535)--Hartiord, ** 8.15 RSTn (220)--St, Paul. Officer Mulcas 840 W 'CFL (484)~Chicago, Theatre Club Players. 845 WHA (333)--Madison, Economic in Tes ¥ WOI_ (263 S5)--Ames, Ia, Short course. 9.30 CKLC (357)--Red Deer, Alta, Newspae 10.00 K¥uo™ (545)--St. Louls, Young folky Our. 10.11 Yiag (448)--Chicago., "Amos 10.30 Fo (337) Elolrwond, Playlet, DANCE TO THESE 7.3 p.m. NBC 39 Chain HES & P : WEAF, KSD, W cal WDAF, WGN, E] WGY, W WRC, WAT, WTA \ 5 WBAP (500)--Ft. Worth, Dance chestra, WCFL (484)--Chicago. Savoy erchestra, 10.00 CKGW 12)-Toronte, Supper dance. NBC Red Chain: Amold Johnson dance orchestra: EAF, KSD, WMC, WOW, WTIC, W Wr KTHS (500)--Hot Springs, Arlington Club Lido® orchestra WCAU (337)-- Phila, Supper music, Roseland orches, WGR (303)--DBuffalo, WOR (422)--Newark, WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Follies Ber« ee NAC (461)--Boston. Orchestra, WCOA, (250)--Pensacola, Old dance. WRC (469)~Wash. WWJ WPG Ore time Le Paradis band, (353)--Detroit. Dance, (273)--Atlantic City. Bergere. WSAIL (361)--Cinci, Orchestra, NBC Pacific Chain: Shell orchestra, KPO, KFI, KGO, KGW, KHJ, KHQ, KFOA, KOMO. , WHK (265)--Cleveland. Stanwood, WLW (428)--Cinci. Orchestra, wiux (394)--N.Y. Cotton Club, Savoy orchess . )--Chicago. woe (375)=Davenport. Herb Neuer. wos (42 2)--Jefferson City. The Ramb« ler: Ww 5% (337)--Nashville. Will , 1928.) Follies Radio Electric 15 Prince St. Phene 2477 S. COWELL, Prop. Heath Ranges on Hurley Washe Estimate given on wiring Jobs. Radio parts and sets in stock. Boy Scouts. 7.10 WBBR "CH--N.y. Bible ; --_-- _---- -- ---- a Six 4-Wheel Brokes Lovejoy Shock Absorbers and Scores of Advanced Features | Moffatt M 88 Simcoe St. North ral Motors' est Priced| N ALL the great General ial dn pid biles there is no other six so low-priced as Pontiac. Yet no car more i ra ~ ess.' or dhe To Ser p Six is as So hiv Safe, Somprssion, e7lindes-hed Oil Filter and Air Cleaner: sure Four-Wheel Brakes: Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock-Absorbers: And , . . big, roomy, luxu- bodies: by Fisher (famous for fine craftsman- ship) P.12.5.280 Ak vow desler dbout she GM 4 C. LC. Deferred Poymem Flan OSHAWA, ONT, The New otor Sales, Limite: Phone 915 NADA, LIMITED, --